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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Appy

  1. „Welcome, welcome! Gather ‘round…. Gather ‘round, please!” The elaborately dressed woman gestures to the pillows that lie spread all over the floor in front of her. The sight of her puts you in mind of a crossing between a shaman and old-fashioned fortune teller. Her clothes seem to be random pieces of cloth sown together to a wide dress, and her necklace has little bird skulls and soft animal tails hanging from it. Her face is wrinkled like an old apple, and her hair most resembles spider webbing, it’s so thin and white. But her smile is genuine, and her watery eyes seem deep as wells, and just as alive. The room you’re in is dressed in much the same way as she is. There are colorful carpets on the walls and floor, many depicting animals, but animal or human, all of the eyes seem to follow you as you look around. The ceiling has drapes hanging from it, making you feel as if you’re in a tent, instead of in a small backroom somewhere in the Pen Keep. In the right corner behind the woman, big skulls have been stacked on top of each other, making it resemble a totem, but not one you’ve ever seen so far. It has been covered in bright paint almost randomly, but your mind keeps insisting that there is a pattern through it. As everybody sits down, the old woman surveys the crowd with her eyes, as if she’s trying to determine who would want to hear what, and why. For stories is what she sells, or so you were told. But there is no bowl for donations, nor does she seem to be the kind of person who cares about such things. Once everyone who fits into the small room has been seated the woman claps her hands together once, to get the attention. “Now… what would you like to hear?” I will need ideas for 3 fables, 3 fairy tales, and 3 myths (or, when all you can come up with is for me to rewrite something; 9 stories). I will keep count of them in here. The stories will be posted in a separate thread in the Assembly Room as soon as I have the first one finished. Thank you, and have fun! PS: You don't need to reply in here in rpg-style, but if you feel the need to, be my guest! PPS: The original starting thread and explanation is found under Fairy and the Appy Tales - The Elephant and his promise; Any Form (Sweetcherrie/Sven) - The Moon Goddess; Myth (Venefyxatu) - 'Thief' Story; Any Form (Gwai/Myth) - Impossibility; Fable (Wyvern) ;-) - Shaping Change; "Legend"/Myth/Fairy Tale (Tanuchan) - Cheese, from hence art thou; Myth (Patrick/Louis) - Gyrfalcon and the Seven Keys; Fairy Tale (Katzaniel) - Mr Bean On Mount Olympus; Myth (DL-Snake)
  2. Of Dogs and Parrots Appy and Sweet were sitting around in Sweetcherrie’s room listlessly, wondering what to do. Then Sweet remembered something that had been going on last month and exclaimed: “Let’s play pirates!” Appy cheered at this idea and bounced around, looking for something to use as a sword, while Sweet took a dive into her cupboard. She emerged with her arms full of pirate things, most of it falling down while she walked to the middle of the room, leaving a trail of plastic swords, stuffed parrots and red and white striped clothes. “Hmm, do they have pirates on roller skates?” Sweet asked, holding up her pair. “Of course! You can be Skeeter tha Pirate with that!” Appy shouted from under a pile of pirate clothes. The two girls started dressing up and Appy emerged with an eyepatch on asking, “Can I be the One-Eyed Bandit then?”. Sweet nodded absentmindedly as she had difficulty with tying a bandana around her head. “Of course..” she mumbled, and shortly after cheered her triumph as the bandana was firmly fitted on her head. After sticking two daggers in her sash she picked up a great sword and almost fell over under the weight, plastic or not, this thing was heavy! Appy giggled at the struggling Sweet, grabbed another plastic scabbard, and drew out the scimitar, flourishing it at Sweet. “Avast! Haarrrr” “I will fight you, you scurvy rat!” Sweet replied as she held out her sword with two hands around the hilt. The girl swayed under the weight of the great sword and almost lost her balance before managing to step forward and wave her sword a bit. “I will stab you!” Appy giggled again and goes “HarHarHaarrr!”, in true Pirate-speak, before lunging at Sweet. “Have at thee!” “Eeep!” Sweet tried to defend herself against Appy’s ineffective poking. “I’ll make you walk the plank, Skeeter tha Pirate!” Appy screamed as she doubled her efforts. Sweet stopped mid-swing, almost fell over again, and asked: “Plank? We don’t even have a ship!” Appy lowered her scimitar, raised her eyepatch and looked around. “Yer right.. what’s a pirate without a ship!” The two girls looked around, looking for something that could serve as a ship. Not finding anything suitable, Sweet said: “I should practise my daggers, we can do that..” and looked at Appy. “Dagger practise? Alright, I’ll stand over here and you try to hit me” she said, walking over to the wall. “Nooooo, I’ll try NOT to hit you! That’s how it’s done y’know, I saw that once in a circus..” Sweet said, as she took out the daggers she had in her sash. A sunbeam gleamed on the very real looking blade. “Oh, and don’t tell Sweetcherrie ok? She doesn’t like me practising with these.” “Course I won’t tell!” Appy said, before trying to stand as still as possible. Sweet weighed the dagger in her hand, and held it up. “Stand very still!” she warned Appy, even though the other girl already looked like a slightly pale statue. Sweet pulled back her hand some more and aimed… “What’s all this shouting in here?” Apaltra asked from the doorway. She took in the scene and screamed: “Sweet! No!” The girl startled and tried to hide the daggers behind her back as she turned to Apaltra. “What?” she asked, while trying to look as innocent as possible. Apaltra looked from Sweet to Appy and back. Sweet felt compelled to add: “We were.. we were.. playing!” “By throwing real daggers at each other?” The ranger sighed and shook her head, “You could’ve seriously hurt someone!” “But I need to practise!” Sweet complained, “Otherwise I keep hurting people…” Appy shuffled her feet and mumbled something that sounded like “’sright..”. Apaltra sighed again, pinched the bridge of her nose and seemed to talk to herself when she said: “Oh my, how am I going to explain this one..” she looked at the girls and made a decision. “I have an idea, why don’t you sit down with me, and I will tell you a story. Maybe then you’ll understand what I mean.” Sweet immediately dropped the daggers behind her and Appy’s eyes grew big as she took a tentative step forwards. “Story?”, the girls said in unison. Apaltra nodded at the two, while getting comfortable on a pillow, motioning for them to sit next to her. “Story.” She said again, smiling. Sweet and Appy bounced over and settled in on the pillows, giving Apaltra all the attention the little girls could muster. Sweet shoved her bandana up and said: “I’m ready! What sort of story is it? One with pirates?” the girl bounced on the spot with anticipation, then sat as still as possible and listened, as Apaltra spoke. “This is a fable, one that was told in my country of old… “ She looked down at Sweet. “Pirates you asked?.. Hmm there’s a parrot in it, will that do?” Sweet nodded earnestly, “I like parrots.” She seemed to think up another question, Apaltra waited patiently, and sure enough the little girl continued: “Whatsa fable anyways? Is it a kind of bird?” Apaltra laughed and replied: “No, not a bird. It is a story, designed to bring a specific message to the people, and there’s usually animals in it. Talking animals even. I figured you both would like that.” “Oooh, yay! I do!” Sweet exclaimed before she sat still again. Appy just nodded and stared at Apaltra, determined not to miss a word. “This is a tale with a double morale, the first of which is, that you should never steal. Like the pirates do that you were pretending to be.” She looked at the girls and they nodded that they understood, “Now then, listen well, so you can tell me what you learned afterwards, ok?” the ranger explained. The girls chorus an “Ok!” and Apaltra started the telling, throwing her voice when needed, making hand gestures elsewhere, keeping the girls rapt in their attention “Once upon a time, in a land far far away, where it is hot during the day, but cold at night all year ‘round, there once lived the most unusual pair of friends. They were a dog and a parrot, who had met on the streets on which they both lived. The parrot, being the smarter of the two, thought they would get much more food if they would search together, and he had been right. He could fly up and search from the sky, and the dog could dig, and search with his nose. This is how they became companions at first, and friends soon after, and they had been living together like this for a year already. Since animals usually don’t have names like we do, we shall call them Dog and Parrot. One cold night, while they were lying close together to keep warm, Parrot woke up from a dream so wonderful and genius, that he woke his friend and said: “You know how there’s a lot of houses around here, right, with food in them, right? But we never get inside, because all humans chase us out, right?” Dog nodded mutely, grumpy from having been woken, but still curious as to where this would lead to. Parrot had had ideas often before, but they didn’t always turn out good. “Now.. what if we, right. Well, you, more specifically, take me in your mouth as if you just caught me, right?”, Parrot continued, “And then walk up to a house, and show off, right? Like dogs tend to do, right?” Dog nodded again, even though he didn’t like the idea of holding his friend like that. But he kept listening politely as the bird continued. “Then those humans would take pity on me, right? With my wooden leg and all that, right? So they’ll chase you off and take me in, because I’ll be all like ‘Ow it hurts, I’m in pain, wailey wailey!’, right?” “But how would that get ME food?” Dog asked, and added sullenly, “I don’t like being chased off….” “I’m getting to that part!” Parrot interrupted, “You see, once I’m in, right, I will be fed and such, right? And pretending I can’t fly, right, so they’ll let me run around, right? So I’ll steal stuff for you as well!” He looked triumphantly at his friend: “Well? What do you think, right?” Dog thought long and hard, but eventually he could not find any flaws in the plan. And frankly he had been sick of having to dig in garbage heaps to stay alive for long already. Thus he agreed to try this plan, and the next morning they picked a likely house, and did as Parrot had explained. Sure enough, as soon as the woman saw the dog with the parrot in his mouth, she chased him off. Before rounding a corner, Dog let go of Parrot as they had planned, and made his way out. Immediately Parrot started wailing and flapping as if he was hurt, and the woman took pity on him. She brought him in the house to nurse him back to health. For the next few days, Parrot lived good on what he was fed, and Dog lived just as good on the food that Parrot dropped outside for him every night. After a week, Parrot flew a couple of rounds in the house, shouting that he was cured, and swooped out the door before anyone could stop him. The two friends met up again in their old spot, and laughed their hearts out. The plan worked! And in addition they were both having a lot of fun, as it much resembled some of the games they had played when little. For months they lived like this, always moving from house to house, from city to city, and thought themselves kings. Now that they were well-fed it HAD turned into a game, and they were enjoying themselves immensely. Until, one day, they came upon the biggest house yet. It had a huge, well tended garden, and a big veranda in front. The overall picture radiated wealth, which appealed to Parrot a lot. Dog however, was sceptical. Of those people who had chased him, the rich had been the worst, and he said so to Parrot. They argued for a while but in the end it was Parrot who convinced Dog to go through with it. Still cautious, Dog walked up to the house, Parrot save in his mouth, tail between his legs. “You have to act better!” Parrot said with a muffled voice from his mouth. Dog nodded and ran up the lawn to the house to parade in front, tail up high. After what seemed a very long time, a man ran out the front door, holding a stick and shouting. Dog bolted, expecting to be chased, but the opposite happened, as the man just stood there, pointing his stick. At the same time that there was a loud noise, a stinging pain hit the dog’s tail, making him yelp and run even faster. He ran and ran and ran, and when he couldn’t run anymore, he halted behind a shed, panting. That’s when he realised he was still holding his friend in his mouth! Quickly dropping Parrot he backed away, ears flat and eyes closed, waiting to be scolded that he didn’t keep to the plan. When nothing happened he opened an eye. Parrot was still lying just as he had dropped him. Dog walked up to nudge his friend, and caught the scent of blood! Dog whined and nudged his friend, but Parrot didn’t move.. couldn’t move anymore. From shock, and pain, he had bitten his friend so hard, he had killed him… Even to this day, people in the big house complain about some ghost parrot bothering them about food, and in the city a dog is heard howling, once every night… The End” Apaltra looked at Sweet and Appy, and waited patiently for the children to digest the story in their own time. Sweet sat and blinked, looking very sad. She turned to Apaltra and asked: “He.. he…he.. died?” Apaltra nodded slowly, a knowing smile on her face. “But.. but…”, Sweet’s eyes started to fill up, “he can’t just die!” Apaltra explained with a soft voice: “It was an accident of course, Dog never meant for anything to happen.. but…. that didn’t change the outcome.” “Poor parrot..” Appy muttered, the look on her face strangely devoid of emotion. Apaltra grabbed a piece of cloth and handed it to Sweet, who was crying for real now. “Here, use this”, the ranger said with empathy in her voice. After Sweet had calmed down a bit, Apaltra asked: “So, what did this tale tell you little one?” Sweet answered with conviction: “You shouldn’t play games!.. I will never play games anymore!” She looked at Apaltra, her eyes big and scared at the idea of never playing games again. The ranger laughed at so much conviction, but stopped herself as she saw the girls expression. She hugged the confused girl and explained: “No no no, playing games is fine! But, you should always be well aware of the dangers that exist in every day live. For instance, what would’ve happened, had you miscalculated your aim when you threw that dagger at Appy?” “I.. I dunno..”, Sweet answered, as she shrunk smaller and smaller as the realisation dawned on her. “I think you do,” Apaltra said, “and I also think that you’d rather not think about it, correct?” Sweet nodded mutely. “But if you don’t think about it, things will happen that you don’t want to happen… so…” Apaltra got up and hugged both girls, “No more playing with life-blades, do you understand?” Appy sulked a bit, but nodded when Apaltra looked her way. Sweet picked up her daggers, holding them carefully in front of her and walked back to Apaltra. “Can you.. keep these for me. Until I’m big enough I mean?”, she asked. Apaltra smiled and took both daggers reverentially. “That I will, and thank you for trusting me to keep them save. If you want, I can even give you lessons.. when you’re older.” She stored the daggers somewhere under her cloak and left the girls alone again, after one last warning to be careful with each other. Sweet turned towards Appy. “I’m soooooooo sorry, I didn’t never ever want to kill you!” “I know!”, Appy replied and the two girls hugged. “Shall we play a different game now?” Sweet asked as they walked out of the room. Appy nodded and mentioned something about a pocket knife stored under her blanky before they rounded a corner of the Keep hallway, joined little-girl-giggles fading into the walls… Disclaimer: A big huge 'Thank you!' goes out to Sweetcherrie for Role Playing most of the above with me so I could get it right, and to those who were present in #thepen on irc at that time, for putting up with us And thus I mark the beginning of my Quill Quest. The theme, as you might’ve guessed, will be Fairy Tales, and all related story-telling. There will be three parts, and for each of them I ask for your participation and input. The three parts are, in this order: - Writing a fairy tale, fable, or myth about whatever content you give me. - Converting known fairy tales and fables into poetry. - A slumber party RPG, with the girls of the Pen.. (still in the stage of fleshing out the precise how, who and what.) For the first stage, what I’ll need from you is input on what kind of fairy tale, fable, or myth you would like. This can be anything. A few examples are: - I want to hear a fable that tells people not to steal. - Tell me a story about a dragon and a pearl. - I want to be in a myth together with my good friend (insert name here) Feel free to mix these examples, I just ask for you not to make it too specific, or elaborate. There is also the possibility, especially with the last one, to ask me to recreate a known fairy tale so that you or someone else can be in it. Pennify it, so to speak... With this last option I might ask you about the fairy tale in question if I don’t know it. I doubt that will happen often, if you can provide me with correct titles though. In addition to these three stages, I will try to give some information here about what a fairy tale is, and where the differences lie between the six known forms of 'story telling of old'. These forms are: - Fable - Legend - Saga - Myth - Folk tales - Fairy tales Sign-up thread for the first Chapter has been opened. I hope you’ll have fun, I’m sure I will
  3. Maar waarom doen we het De wereld om ons heen bekijken door de glazen van onze verbeelding Maar waarom doen we het De vragen van het hart bekijken door de ogen van onze verbeelding Maar waarom doen we het De mensen in de buurt bekijken door het gordijn van onze verbeelding For purposes of getting more input which'll possibly help me along, I'll post an English translation. The poem will stay in Dutch however But why do we do it Looking at the world around us through the glasses of our imagination But why do we do it Looking at the questions of the heart through the eyes of our imagination But why do we do it Looking at the people in our vicinity through the curtain of our imagination Tell me what you think of it, more specifically, what you didn't like.. or would add.. or change. In other words, rip it apart, level 5 feedback style. Please?
  4. A small blond-headed girl peaked around the door, saw Sweetcherrie, and bounced in on her skippyball. "Sweet! Sweet! Is this your paper-thingy? Only I thought I should help out, I even 'borrowed' my sisters notepad and a real pencil! See?" Appy fluttered the two utensils in front of Sweetcherrie frantically, a hopeful look in her eyes..
  5. Meep, sorry that I didn't reply to this earlier. Interwoven is on a very slow pace (as you would've noticed by now) and thus I didn't reply here either. Thank you for taking the time to write this and I do agree on almost all your points. There's a reason that Finx hasn't 'shown' himself yet as he will have his big entrance soon enough. I will see what I can do about the other points, since they are well-worth looking at Thanks again and I'm hoping that my muse will allow me to continue soon
  6. Like I mentioned before, I like this... it's way cute, and convey's exactly what it should
  7. (OOC: Also timed before the BA) "Noooooooooooooo!" Apaltra grabbed her sister's arm as the little girl tried to get on stage. From the moment the results were known she had been wailing, "Nooooooo it's not right!" Apaltra spun the child around and looked into her eyes. "Look, I never wanted to participate in the first place, and Mallory is a very pretty and capable woman. You could show a little empathy and be happy for her!" All Appy did was stare at her sister in disbelieve.. Apaltra sighed "I will go out there now, and congratulate both Mallory and Tanny for doing such a good job. You," and here she prodded Appy in her chest, "will stay here, and stop sobbing. We.. well, you had your fun, it's over, done with, keep the memories... alright?" Appy nodded sullenly, and set down on an empty chair, pouting. The ranger send a thought to Finx to keep an eye on Appy and walked out on stage to join the congratulating and to thank the judges and organisers, as it was the thing you did... even though she preferred to be alone nowadays, she took pride in the fact that she hadn't lost all manner and etiquette from her younger years. (more OOC: Thanks for organising this, and for playing. So sorry that I didn't post a finish earlier... I had an enormous amount of fun. Thanks! )
  8. As long as you don't mind it NOT going at such a mind-baffling speed that Lost took of with.. I won't have a problem with starting phase two already In fact, I'm looking forward to it.. I WILL use Appy, and we'll just have to see when it all takes place, won't we
  9. Appy looked up in awe, then suddenly jumped up, threw her arms in the air, and exclaimed: "You've prettyfied him! Cooooooool!" As Valdar grins, Bubble's eyes flickered again, but Appy took no notice as she picked up her skippyball and scrambled up the demon's arm. She grabbed a horn as she reached the shoulder, stood up, and talked to the small planewalker over the demon's head. "Hi! You heard them too huh? We have to go save 'em! I'm almost sure that they were in that Role Play Guild Dungeon Thingy.. but something must've gone wrong!" Forgetting where she is she jumps up and down and almost looses her footing.. "Woah!" the little girl stands very still for a moment and concludes, "I guess I better sit down, right?" And with that she settles in on the pillow and looks expectantly from Valdar to Bubbles to somewhere along the corridor...
  10. For all onlookers in the Cabaret Room, something strange had come over Appy as she stopped dead in her bouncing, sat perfectly still for a moment, and rushed out (without a single bounce) in the direction of where her blanky was all set up to endure the harsh winter. As she ran through the corridors she let the message go through her head again; “Urgent message to all pennites!!! *sshsshsh* stranded on an unknown plane *sshshss* Help us!! *sshsshsss* beware *sssshshsh* We- *ZAP* I can’t hold them off much longer, Sweetcherrie!! *shshssssss* The Alliance of Vagabonds and Vanguards needs your help! *sshssshssh* Almost done here, Gryphon! Aaaaarggg…..Trolls!!! I hate trolls, get us out of here!! *Shsshsshshsshshsh……*” 'Sweetcherrie, Gryphon….Trolls? What were trolls doing.. no wait, unknown plane she had said. But they had been renovating the AVV!' Appy burst into the small room and belly-dived under the greenish-grey, or greyish-green, blanket that lay in the middle of the floor. For a long time there was only the sound of miscelaneous things being thrown in bags and the wooden thuds of folding tables and chairs. Then Appy emerged again, and as she stood up she dragged the points of the blanky together and folded it thus and thus, knotting here and pulling there. When she was finished she had a small greenish-grey backpack on her back, hardly visible through the tangle of hair. She went to the door and looked down the corridor, trying to remember how to get to the AVV… and saw two shining red eyes walk her way.
  11. *tisks and stops Sweet from hitting herself* no need for that silly *huggle* Oh, and sorry, appearantly there wasn't a real alternative yet for that line... erm.. yeah.. my opinion still stands though
  12. *adds her voice to the comments already made and echo's them* But you already knew I like it The one thing still bothering me is the third line in the third stanza. After asking, I now know what you mean by it, but it sounds as if you're going towards instead of the leaving that you meant. The change that you proposed in chat would make that a lot clearer and definitely 'finish' the poem.. Good job, and yes, we all know such people at some point in our lives... thanks for sharing and also for asking me to work on it with you, even though we didn't actually finish You did a great job after that on your own! *hugs*
  13. This was marvelous! Like Sweet I was giggling through most of it, you really manage to picture the scene at the table very well.. And the characters are just great I think Sweet found most of those little mishaps, but if you like, I'll go over it again to help make it perfect Great job, and thanks for sharing Oh, and welcom back of course! *hugs*
  14. *has several hugs for Vincent as well* Very good to see you!
  15. *hugs* So glad to hear from you Xiaous! Stay safe and Good luck..
  16. *puts up her fists and strikes a boxer-pose* Well? Who dares! Want to thank all those who organised this, that'd be Katzaniel and Sweetcherrie if I'm right, good job!
  17. "Attention all K-mart shoppers! Attention all K-mart shoppers!" The knight took a step back at this dreadful war-cry and promptly fell down the mountain again, in a series of bounces accompanied by humourus cries of pain. The cameraman followed him all the way down and zoomed in on the knight as it hit rock-bottom just as...
  18. it's horrible.. I hope that whoever is out there will suvive.. don't know what else to say. God bless
  19. ~ written in May, revised together with Sweetcherrie in June, finalized last night. Thanks Sweet! ~ They all scream inside my head The girls scream, both the happy and the sad anguished frustration; longing to stop the things they ought to do The Queen screams, after having found her voice angered frustration; wishing to change the things she has to do I don't scream, just sit there and hug my knees ambushed frustration; seeking to find the things I want to do They all scream inside my head
  20. Congrats you three
  21. (NOTE: This whole description is incomplete as yet.) ~Brief Description~ Space to be filled.
  22. heya Tas! Like everyone else said, hang in there, and lots of good luck! Good to hear from you
  23. "Morning Glory"
  24. "Time slowed down for maintenance"
  25. Apaltra sighed deeply and continued to empty her mind when she noticed movement. As Finx rounded the corner and looked upon her, she was sure that the sound he made was the equivalent of a human chuckle. "You have to be kidding me Apaltra, my friend. Since when do you wear anything when swimming?" Apaltra sighed again and without opening her eyes said: "You know well what this round means, and I don't see anyway to back out of it. Appy has enough trouble already without me giving her more." She opened her eyes and met Finx's twinkling eyes. "So you can stop your smirking and accompany me to the stage. Let's get it over with." She unfolded her legs and got up, stretching as she did so. Finx whistled in her head: "If I didn't know better, I'd say you're trying to impress!" Apaltra shook out her hair and smiled: "You always were a flatterer, even though I am human." They walked to the stage, past a harrassed looking Appy and worn-out Anna, and stopped short just behind the curtains. "Wish me luck!" "I'll wish you something alright..." Finx answered, and finished with muttering: "That you get your senses back, that is.." Apaltra gave a for her very unusual giggle and darted on stage. -------------- Appy looked in awe at the girl in front of her. "That was brilliant! You're sooooooo pretty!" Her eyes glowed with jealousy as she helped the Slayer get to her feet. "One day I'm going to be just as pretty, you'll see! Well ok maybe without the wings and the glowing but maybe I can get someone to make those for me and then I'll just wear them on my back with straps, I mean I won't be able to fly with them but they'll look cool. Can you fly with yours? I would love to see that.. and you look so pretty even without make-up, how do you do that? Do you take special baths? Or maybe just sleep enough or something? I guess I have to work on that, I never seem to be able to sleep though-" Anna was buried under a ton of questions and general babbling from the little girl with the "war paint"-make-up on, and wondered what to do.... --------------- With a true models stride, hips swinging, Apaltra walked to the end of the stage and turned this way and that, showing off. The slender, trained looking woman was wearing a dark green two-piece, trimmed with black lacing. It consisted of a low cut tank top which left just enough bare to make one wonder what was underneath, and a tastefully cut panties, bringing out the form of her legs. Her dark brown hair was loose, curling slightly and reaching all the way to her hips. She swung it over her shoulder and took another pose, daring anyone to comment. She stretched, as if to dive, and some people gasped. Her belly was covered in old scars, that now appeared as white lines as the woman stretched. Apaltra took on a final pose, winked at the audience, and walked off stage where she collapsed against Finx. "Promise me I will never ever do that again" She whispered. Finx chuckled again in her head "You D'Wilde's have a very strange idea about what all you should do for family. But I'm still wondering about WHAT you did exactly.." He looked at her thoughtfully, "That wasn't you at all, was it... so who did you tap, hm?" Apaltra got up again, looking haughty. "Non of your business, nosy feline. It's over, we're done, time to put on something more comfortable." Somewhere, in another universe, a well-known model cancelled all shows for the next weeks as she was hospitalized. Reports say she became too weak to work in a matter of minutes, ruining a famous designer's show...
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