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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Appy

  1. Very much a poem I would say, and a good one at that. You managed to capture the "Unconditional Love" of dogs in a few sentences and also conveyed the strong feeling of those being loved like this. I wouldn't know what to improve on this, so I'm not even going to try and look into it. Oh, and if this really is just a thought of yours, than I should pay closer attention to your actual poems too Thank you for posting.. *hugs*
  2. Oooh nice revision, well done!
  3. Well now that you made me read this, I should post something too no? I like it, first of all, and the meter is just right for this kind of poem. The one odd sentence was about leaving your tent... since it seems to only be there to rhyme, but since it hardly distracts, just leave it in I'd say oh, and you might want to change Dont into Don't in the last sentence. Great inspiration, great poem, thanks for a funny read Oh, and I hope it tasted as good as your poem implies.. free food's the best! *grins*
  4. The line between the post and the lower button bar is still blue, and everyone's signatures are too, but I'm not sure if you can do anything about that one... Oh, and there are some shadowlines blue still, like the border around the loginscreen box.. I hope you know what I mean heh.. you guys are doing a brilliant job, thanks!
  5. Well you already know my first reaction to this since I told you in IRC.. which was: cute I do really like the format, and the simplicity of the whole thing. It's something that wants to hug you and hold you close, and you create that sense with little words. The repeating of the sentence When it rains only adds to this feeling. So, very well written, and thank you for sharing.
  6. Well here's another response from a woman And I too join in the praise. Very well written, and especially the first sentence and last stanza were very provoking when it came to how I felt reading this. Hmm, not true, almost all of the sentences poked something in me. Oh, and normally I can't even start on reading something this long, but the rhythm is that of spoken word almost, and it just took me by the hand and led me through the poem. So special praise to that! Thank you for sharing
  7. *hugs Ayshela* wouldn't even *think* of throwing you away! But you're right about the swallowing, but this doesn't mean that the message can stilll be sent by those who ARE around.. The feeling I have is that they never learned the lesson in the first place though.
  8. Congratulations all! And brilliant post Ozy.. I often wonder where the love and family feeling went, and you portrayed it just as it should be, thank you so much! *hugs*
  9. Morgane was nice enough to go through the grammar and correct it where it was off, thanks hun! *huggles* Oh tötet mich! und kuck' nicht weg Ja merk dir deine Arbeit Und blicke auf den Horizont Wo ich erscheinen werd Oh tötet mich! und pass gut auf Damit das Blut erst fließt Betrachte dann das Abendlicht Wo ich für immer bin Oh tötet mich! und gieb acht Wie atemlos ich werd Und schau in richtung Dämmerung Wo ich deinen Blick erwieder'
  10. Appy


    Actually I rather liked the full italics. It gives a sense of the writer being nothing more than a narrator to his own play, while behind him the things he says are acted out, or upon. By Them perhaps? Of course this feeling is enhanced by the actual line mentioning acts and plays. The one line which caught me off guard and seems to have no real purpose is : To form my image in brittle clay.. but maybe I just haven't thought about it enough yet. Striking images and interesting format. Especially the second stanza feels very strong to me. Thanks for posting
  11. Congratulations Patrick
  12. Thank you, Quincux and Wyvern
  13. I think this is a great poem, and you improved it well. I love the simplicity of it, while it has so much meaning still. Well done and thanks for posting!
  14. Like I said already, tender.. I like it a lot, and thanks for asking me to work on this with you, always enjoy that *hugs back* Most credit goes to you of course, for creating this in the first place
  15. Interesting thought and well worded, thanks for sharing
  16. As far as I know, and that's about as far as the amount of books that I read, each writer makes up his own dialogue, but basically keeping to the rules that Akallabeth stated above. As he also stated, most writers do tend to use their own way of describing dialogue, so for me, I use whatever I think is most powerful or useful at that moment.. hope that helped as well
  17. I saw "The Island" this weekend and thought I should comment and even recommend. Not because of it's deep meaning, or crazy action, or pretty actors. No, because of a combination of the three. What it is about will interest pretty much anyone who's slightly familiar with sci-fi how it used to be, even though it's not the whole human race on the line this time, at least not in the way that we're used to. It's a new, refreshing angle, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's based on a book somewhere. I'm not going to reveal anything though, since that'll pretty much ruin it all. In fact, if you really want to enjoy the movie, you don't read on..so: *ALMOST SPOILER WARNING* The action is crazy, like I said. A bit too many high-way scenes though, I had the feeling that they rented the high-way stretch used in the Matrix and wanted to get all their money out of this piece of asphalt. The scene's are slightly original, in that at some point it's not the regular getaway motor-cycle, but some flying hybrid which looked pretty cool and I want one. The actors play their part well, and they all, somehow, make sense. As in, they were casted well. The story isn't really told as much as shown through the actions of the leading actor. And the makers are very much letting the environment speak for itself as well. They used subtle cgi even though it's obvious when you think about it afterwards.. for a change, this is cgi that made absoluut sense without being obvious, I thought. Nothing much is explained about what's going on, except halfway through the movie, otherwise the main characters would've been running around pretty much clueless. I'm being nicely descriptive aren't I? All in all, a good action movie, big scenes with an even more interesting story. Go rent it or something, I'm sure I'm pretty late with this.
  18. *nod* much clearer now, interesting reads, reminds me of several persons at once too
  19. I'm very glad that you're ok-ish. And for what it's worth, this experience made for a very intruiging read, through it's format and the content. As an afterthought, in the fourth code, shouldn't it be "comming at you like mad" ? Just thought that that would make more sense, then again, it doesn't have to make sense.. since that would very much fit the content. *hugs* Thank you for posting, and continuing to post *smile*
  20. \o/
  21. Good idea to post this Mira, I enjoyed reading it.
  22. Congratulations!
  23. *falls from her chair laughing and huggles the lil' blue man* That was short of brilliant! *grins and wanders off again to hide pink fluffy teddybears all over the Keep*
  24. Does this mean that we now CAN delete our own topics? Because I seem to remember that this was not possible unless you were an Elder, aka board administrator... just wondering, wrong place for it probably. *waves at Evangeline* Welcom to the Pen. I hope you'll enjoy your stay here. Sorry for asking questions where I shouldn't, but still do. ;
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