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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Appy

  1. ~Relationships~ "Family" - Appy Her younger sister who she didn't know she had for most of her life, but was reunited with a few years ago. Apaltra is very protective of her, but with the realisation that Appy could probably beat her in a fight, if not wisdom. - Finx A giant lion, the last of his race, who is always near her. They communicate via telephatie. There is a deep friendship between them, which even Appy wouldn't be able to break directly. For interaction with other characters, see ~Personality~.
  2. ~Personality~ She's friendly, but weary of strangers, and somewhat of a loner. Apaltra is very confident in her abilities, but every now and then she looses control and gets reckless. At the moment her humor is rather dark, but she's quick to pick up in conversations and has a certain cheekyness and glinting of the eyes when she decides to be funny. If that happens, she likes to shock people outside her country by being down-right vulgar and direct. The barbarian way if you will. She will quickly resort to battle should a situation turn critical, but hardly ever looses overview on what's going on around her unless she deliberatly taps into her magical abilities. When fighting with people she trusts, she will avoid doing this because she knows she could harm them. Truth, Honor and Loyalty is what she was taught to serve. The only thing which would precede these is swearing an Oath of Revenge. At the time she arrived at the Keep, she had done exactly this. However, she also believes never to be able to carry it out, and lives her life according to the three words above.
  3. ~Physical Description~ Height: 1:78m Dark brown eyes. Brown hair going down to her waist, usually in a braid or warrior's tail. Slender and agile but well-muscled. Soft controlled voice, which is nonetheless very suited for giving commands. Her eyes can scare the easily scared when she's doing battle. They light up with a white piercing glow which is an attribute of her magical combat training. A fierce battle inflicted scar runs from her right outer eye corner down her cheek to her chin. Rarely exposed are the many white scars running horizontally over her belly. Mostly wears a brown tunic and pants with a figure hiding cloak and hood in Dark green.
  4. ~Items~ Her belt has several small bags hanging from it and, when traveling, she caries another bigger bag around her shoulder. She wields a long sword specifically designed for her in a rather boring looking scabbard. There are several kinds of daggers and knifes hidden about her person, the most important and most used however is her hunting knife, which hangs from her belt in a small scabbard. In her hands she holds her staff. Her most prized possession hangs from a string of leather around her neck, and is the seal of her Clan House. Since her country was eradicated, this is the last piece left.
  5. ~Magical Abilities~ She was trained in the combat form of her inherited magic, which can be released only in the heat of combat when cornered, enraged or desperate. To use this form of magic at any other time is a serious offense to the code she lives by. With the use of this magic she is able to: * Transform parts of her body to stone. * Give of a Battle Cry that induces fear into anyone around her (enemies AND allies). * Mentally transform into several animals, physically taking over their most prized abilities This last form is the most difficult to achieve, and so far Apaltra has only been able to transform into a tiger, with the physical attribute being tiger-like claws on her hands and feet. This transformation cost her dearly at that time, and she decided that she doesn't like to use this ability anymore if she can help it. Furthermore, Apaltra has the use of several abilities gained through her staff, and with the use of her staff only. With it's use, she can control and dominate any plant-like life-form and summon small creatures to her aid (nothing bigger than rodents). The one drawback is: Anyone can use the staff to some extent, usually with various results, and almost always with devastating results. For reasons (which will be) explained elsewhere, Apaltra is the only one the staff really obeys.
  6. ~Abilities~ She can read and write, ride a horse, and has excellent combat skills. She prefers to use her longsword, but can and will use any of the many weapons concealed about her body. She can track most creatures in the forest, and with some concentration, also on other terrain. Agile and strong she can climb most trees, and scale almost all walls and mountains.
  7. ~History~ Space to be filled.
  8. ~Brief Description~ Space to be filled.
  9. This put a smile on my face. The format perfectly fits the stunned feeling, and the Appy part of me really really likes the first two lines. It just screams bouncyness and confusion in one Very nicely done!
  10. Yay welcome back on the boards as well! *jumphuggles!*
  11. It does make sense Pity for me is that I can't be bothered to work with forms other than my own.. but I dare say that it could help a lot. The practising I mean. The one trap I would look out for is not getting stuck with forms, or with the line of thinking needed for forms, once you return to free-form. I noticed that once I started counting syllables I had a hard time to stop again. And sometimes, that's really not needed... My 2 cents, -Appy ~Informed~
  12. *huggles with tears in her eyes*
  13. OOC: Aww alright, I couldn't resist, here you go (btw, was planning on doing them in one post already, but I also knew that Patrick wanted to close this about an hour ago.. so didn't think I still could. Thanks for making me write this anyways Evangeline! ) Appy looked around the corner of the curtain at the crowd. It was quite big, and consisted mostly of men. She shook her head and looked at Apaltra. “Are you sure about this? I mean… I’m just a kid!” Apaltra smiled down on her little sister. “You know better than that, sis, but if it makes you feel any better about it, we’ll go together alright?” Appy seemed to relax a bit at this and nodded once. “Alright, but you do most of the talking!” Apaltra smiled and shook her head at her sister’s worries. “Don’t worry, I’ll tell them exactly what they need to hear...” Together they walked to the microphone. Appy, a small child, appearing not much older than ten, and Apaltra, a young woman of at least twenty. Apaltra squeezed Appy’s hand before releasing it, and grabbed the microphone. She was dressed in her usual forest garb, a brown tunic and pants and her long green cloak which she opened with a flourish, the edges skirting her feet. “Good day to you all.” She said in a soft voice. “We are here to present ourselves. Me and my sister Appy.” She gestured at her smaller sister. Who, very unlike herself because she was normally fearless and energetic, almost hid behind Apaltra. The young ranger gently forced Appy into the open and whispered something in her ear. “Just like I did at the Beauty Pageant, you’ll remember who you are” Appy took a few steps forwards, recoiled, heard the words, and beamed. Before everyone’s eyes her stature changed. Without any apparent change in between, there was now standing a young woman, the equivalent of Apaltra, except that she was wearing a short green children’s dress, which seemed rather strained, and had blond and unruly hair. Apaltra started to speak as Appy took on several poses, giggling all the time. “This is my sister, Appy, as she has rarely appeared before you. You know her as the child who runs amok around the Keep, but as you see her now, is who she was born as. She is only two years younger than me, and is looking forward to meeting new people. I’m sure she has something very special in store for whoever gets to go on a date with her...be it as she appears now, or as her usual child-self.” Apaltra winked at the crowd and was surprised as Appy took the microphone out of her hand. Her voice was deeper, and more under her control as Appy launched into her view of her older sister. “Seriously people, she’s really, really nice, even though she hides an armory’s worth of metal about her person.” Here she tried to open up Apaltra’s cloak a bit more. The crowd saw a few flashes of iron before Apaltra managed to regain control over her garment. Apaltra walked forward a bit to be out of Appy’s way as much as to present herself. “With my sister, you’ll most likely end up walking around a forest or crossing some unknown lake towards a dreadfully boring island. But you’ll also get to know Finx most likely,” Appy continued as Apaltra took a swipe at her sister at the mention of boring islands, “which is definitely a bonus!” Appy jumped backwards just in time and grinned at her sister. “I believe that’s all folks!” Appy shouted into the microphone before dropping it and being chased off the stage by Apaltra.
  14. OOC: Sorry, no introduction for Apaltra or Appy.. But hey, y'all know who they are by now right? If not, check out the Beauty Pageant Contest.. very good read
  15. WildJoker noticed that her connection with the Pen walls hadn't completely disappeared after taking on a new body. By touching the bare stone she sensed many things going on... something about a carnival... the landscape seemed to change often, but through it all was one... 'option' which stood out to her. An auction, they called it. But if she understood it right, people would pay money to go on a date with her. A slow grin spread over her face and she righted herself. "Food" The word sounded good, and it had been such a long time too. Her voice was husky with anticipation, and she liked the sound of it. She wouldn't have been surprised if the former occupant had been a good singer. Needing the practise and old habits kept her talking out loud, "I assume a certain level of decency is needed." She sighed and opened the wardrobe. It contained exactly what she wanted, and she wasn't much surprised by this. There was a lot of magic on these grounds. She regarded her new body in the mirror on the door. It was slightly taller than her former body, with long sleek legs, a flat belly with a small dent as bellybutton, firm, round breasts and ass, high cheekbones, and large green eyes with long eyelashes and full lips. Her fingers were long, and were already growing her own needle-thin nails. Her hair was black and reached to her waist in long waves. It was a very good body, and WildJoker smiled her Joker grin. Flexible skin and muscles allowed for her features to blend in over the old ones. Her grin reached its Joker quality already. She put on the tight black leather pants as if she put on a second skin. Her, also black leather, laced boots went up over her knees and she tapped the floor a few times with the stiletto heels, just to hear the sound. A blood-red corset was quickly laced shut, front and back, holding her breasts together and leaving her arms free. A wide belt went over her hips. There were various hooks on it to hold her 'tools', but for now, she left them empty. A black velvet choker with a single blood red stone in the middle went around her neck, and two longer strips of black leather where wound around her arms with generous spacing between each loop. She tilted her head as she looked in the mirror again. "Shall we go all out, my dear? Tell them who you are?" she grinned and winked at her mirror image. "Let's!" Her hair went up in several twisted strings, held tightly to her head with various pins. Reverentially she took down the hair band from it's shelf in the wardrobe. It was made from a strange black metal. She would hardly notice the weight on her head. It was styled like a three-pointed Joker cap, but flat and the points waved backwards. With care, she placed it on her hair. Moving her head she noticed the red and green specks which shimmered in the light. If she stood still, it was as black as her hair. "Now how to get there... do we go in style, or in secret?" She looked around the room again and touched the bare wall. It should be possible... After concentrating hard, she found the spot, and stepped through. Backstage at the Auction, there was the tiniest change in atmosphere as WildJoker stepped into the dressing room. A cleaning lady startled at her appearance, and quickly grabbed her things and scuttled out. They would know soon she was here. No point in delaying. WildJoker opened the door and strode towards the stage. As it was empty, she walked on. Her hips swayed, her heels rang their sound and the crowd went silent. She took up a pose at the front, leaning on her right leg, hip out, her hand at her waist. She touched her bottom lip with a finger and smiled sensuously at the front row. "I am WildJoker. That is all you need to know..." she said in a clear, husky voice. She winked once, and strode off again. Backstage she muttered something under her breath as she found her way back to the wall she came through. It sounded like: "Let the games begin...”
  16. *bounces in, singing* "Congratulations! And Celebrations! Nuhnununananananananana...naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" *looks around sheepishly, coughs a few times as if nothing happened, and bounces out again* OOC: Congratulations people!
  17. (OOC: Uhm, how long do we/I still have to write an introduction? As in.. when's the auction? )
  18. First off, welcome to the Pen! About your poems.. good things first. I like the subjects, ones that I've tackled before and will again no doubt. Specially in the first one you use the questions well, and the end could very well be the beginning, if you know what I mean. The second is a somewhat more difficult subject and it seems a bit chaotic to me, you might want to listen to the meter more.. find the rhythm that you would want in this poem, and construct the words to them.. not the other way around. Another good idea would be to keep the lines to a minimum, because at one point you seem to be talking, and the next you're summing things up.. find a good reason for this change and maybe elaborate on the talking bit to counter the 'summing things up' bit.. err.. yeah, didn't know how else to say that heh. Sorry if I can't give any obvious improvements at this moment, since I've seen little of your work so far. But finding the rhythm might help already.. and don't shy away if you find that you have to change that rhythm half-way through.. just make it obvious enough, and it'll fit. I hope my ramble was of some help. Welcom once more
  19. Yo thanks, I would indeed have missed it otherwise
  20. Congratulations! 'Bout time too
  21. Can Appy WildJoker and Apaltra still sign up? Whoever gets Appy will get Ptraci for free (possibly) Oh and sorry for not role-playing this, would take too much time and I want in too!
  22. Appy bounces in on her skippy ball and notices the darts with their colourful tips. "Oooooh!" Looking around if anyone else is there, she quickly reaches up and grabs both darts and conceals them in her backpack. Beaming she bounces onwards again, out the door. Without their support, both notices feather-fall to the floor face-down...
  23. One stands dark and one stands light. They are the focus of each plight. One sees peril, one sees hope. How are you supposed to cope? One stands left and one stands right In the middle you find might. Leverkusen, 28th of May 2006, 3:46am ~ Not meant to sound so angsty, I had this small spurt of inspiration while watching the new red glassed lanterns I bought today. One was already burned down, the other still alight. It seemed a nice metaphore for all the choices we have to make in life.. of course this was highly influenced by us (my hubby and me) playing Knights of the Old Republic. Star Wars fans will know what I talk about here. I'm having trouble finding a title though... Found one.. the subtitle was suggested by my husband (Plus being the supermarket where I got those laterns) ~
  24. Appy

    Con Letter

    Certainly worth a giggle! *giggles accordingly*
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