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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Appy

  1. *sticks out two grubby and most of all bare feet while balancing on her skippyball* No socks! You did it! *grins at Joat* (Good seeing you )
  2. Not really what I had in mind when I posted, but it sounds like a very good idea to combine rank-progress and Board-setup. Nice extrapolating Quincux!
  3. Just had a quick read, but this looks really good and easy to use I would definitely be a 1 or a 2
  4. I would say come with your own nick, but give a short description of yourself, ooooor come with a diff nick, and freak us all out
  5. *raises a tentative hand* Actually.. that would be me. I don't post here to have my work dissected, nor to have other people improve my writing skill. I know from myself already that practise makes me better, not what other people tell me. Although I'm always willing to listen and learn, it's not my main reason to post here. I post to share, if I post at all. And the reactions I'm looking for lie within the emotional realm, not that of editors. If I need any constructive feedback, I ask people personally to look over it before I even post. And now that I realise that (thanks Tanuchan!) I really should change the feedback part in my profile... *dissapears behind the Profile Panel*
  6. "Par-tay!" Appy dives under her blanky. A lot of noise is heard just a few seconds later, like chests being upturned and things thrown through the room. "I know I have it here somewhere! I need it!"
  7. Yup, but as I said, only accessible by initiates or higher...
  8. Appy made a humoungous bounce right over Tom as he fled from the Banquet Room. She screeched to a halt in front of the door, wondering what the hell tom had been fleeing from, and looked up at the big doors. Inching closer, she put her ear against a door and heard muttering on the other side. It sounded frantic and unsure. Curious she opened the door, and saw the spot of light and some moving shadows. The really intruiging thing was the screened off part, where she could barely make out a comfy chair and someone sitting in it. Appy jabbed her finger into the air and shouted to herself: "Let's investigate!" She bounced into the room. Her skippyball hit the bottle of glue which sprayed the still liquid stuff out in front of her, sending her sliding into the screen and comfy chair beyond. "Kiyaaaaaaaaaa! *OOMPH* After untangling her legs and arms from other legs and arms, and part of a chair, Appy bounced up grinning and offered George a hand up. "Hiya! Sorry about the mess, I'm Appy, who're you?"
  9. A compelling read and very very funny. Glad to see you back and that you posted this Psimon! I would say here that I hope it was a day to remember, but from the look of it, you will.
  10. Hmm not much in the sense of feedback yet other than that I liked reading it and think you have a good idea/start here. The twists are particularily good. I'll try to think of ways on how to expand this, but don't expect anything enlightening please.
  11. A revising of the board and it's uses would be very very appreciated. For instance: - A seperate WW forum - A Greenroom accesible by anyone, not just initiates. And positioned closer to the Conservatory for obvious reasons... which would be that you don't have to search the whole board to find the OOC Room. - Same for a Critic's Corner, or something similar, maybe named less negative. Same as in, accesible by people not member of the Pen. - A more logical placement of the Walls of the Pen, possibly connected to, or positioned on; - the return of the Start page - Relocation of the Piazza of Portrets, bringing it physically closer to where the actual RPG's are going on. - (people might hate me for this one) Removing of the Guilds, or combining them into One forum.. the only big thing I saw lately was carnivals, and I'm sure the (active) guild leaders don't need three seperate forums with sub-forums to organise that And last but not least, a revising of who can see what. I find it highly uncomfertable for instance that those who are put up for nomination can see their name posted in the Minstrell Hall (pages), but can't do a thing about it. I find it very confusing that things only the people above Quill-Bearer can vote on, are posted in the Minstrell Hall, stating that only members should vote.. which I know means only those above Quill-Bearer. (in my mind, being accepted in the Recuiters Office is becomming a member.) This is mostly promotions, but has been done on other subjects as well in the past. All in all, I would like to see us create a more open Penkeep, focussed on writing in general, and not on making people write in the right forums or posts.
  12. Another Blue Gem. Thank you, this made my day and it only just began! (the day, not this)
  13. agreed! *grins*
  14. Booyah! Appy the Twisted, I like the sound of that
  15. Appy


    ~Other~ I am still in the middle of writing out the History of Appy/Ptraci, Apaltra and WildJoker, since it is intertwined and explains a lot about each individual. Also I think it'll be worth writing.
  16. Appy


    ~Relationships~ Appy-child: "Family" - Apaltra Her older sister who she didn't know she had for most of her life. All through her younger life she picked up snippets of Apaltra's life in her dreams. Appy feels very bonded to her sister because of this, and tries her best to look out for her. Unfortunately, her child-personality often gets in the way of this. - Finx Apaltra's best friend. Relationship with Appy is that of an older brother and his sister most of the time. Meaning that Appy can often be seen chased by the giant lion, because Apaltra wants Appy to do something she doesn't want to do. Or because Appy played a prank on him. The last one is the most likely. - Moose A life-sized Moose, first used as a club-like weapon. Appy treats him more like a pet now, but will still wield him, with the obvious consequences. Recently, Moose was send off to get over-sized eagle wings by Little Valdar. Yes, he can fly with those and seems rather happy with them. He's very fond of Appy, but has a hard time showing it with the "being used to hit people on the head"-thing. Appy-adult - Apaltra Appy tends to ignore her sister a lot more when she's her actual age. Apaltra is one of the few who can request for Appy to grow to her natural age. For interaction with other characters, see ~Personality~.
  17. Appy


    ~Personality~ (note: Ptraci is Appy-child's twin-personality who will be described seperately.) Appy-child: When she feels good and happy, Appy fears nothing and no one, and will act accordingly. Her over-confidence is usually the trigger to "things going wrong" around her. Which she of course had nothing to do with afterwards. If for some reason fear or doubt enter her mind, she will either grow even younger, thus creating the need in others to take care of her, OR get angry and upset... which usually means that Ptraci can take over. For some reason she will rarely resort to growing her natural age in these situations. The only time she would do this, is if Apaltra or Finx would ask this of her specifically. Appy has a very open personality, and will react emphatically to almost anyone. If it were up to her, everyone would be friends, and she'd be friends with everyone (or anything, including monsters and inanimate objects). She likes to make fun of herself or others in jest, usually bringing it so sympathetic that nobody feels annoyed by her remarks. She's quick witted and easy to talk to when she's not energised by bouncing on her skippyball. At such energetic times, she will babble endlessly and most likely flood people with questions, impressions, experiences, etc. In short, she's curious, over-confident, caring and energetic. Appy-adult: Her usual confidence creates the feeling that she's untouchable, almost cold. She has quite a big ego, which will show in her actions. She is still very open-minded and open-hearted however, but keeps a distance to most. She will wait a long time before she declares anyone a friend, although she will of course keep the friendships she made while being a child. Since most of those people are children however, she'll either change back to child as well, or smile benevolently while keeping quiet. This is because her mind-set as an adult is absolutely unsuitable for children, and she of course knows this. Appy's mind-set at her natural age is focussed on erotic and sexual conversations and experiences. No explanation has been found for this, but possibly she and Ptraci merge at this age. It would definitely explain all the leather...
  18. Appy


    ~Physical Description~ Appy-child: Height: Depends on age Light green-blue-greyish eyes. Long, blond and unruly hair. Small and extremely agile. Laughing open voice. Loud. Appy is always dressed in a green child's dress, which might have a tear in it, and most likely will have some sort of smudge on it. She never wears shoes unless forced into them by her bigger sister. Appy-adult: Height: 1.57m Light green-blue-greyish eyes. Long, blond, waving hair. Voluptuous stature, moving with grace. Husky, controlled voice. Appy-adult usually wears black leather pants and some kind of top (varies). She'll wear either some sensible black leather boots (she likes black leather), something with really high heels or is bare-footed as well.
  19. Appy


    ~Items~ Appy-child: * A slightly pink Skippyball, a gift from Sweetcherrie * Two marbles, also a gift from Sweetcherrie. They are white with a pearl sheen. One of these marbles dispels magic, but the when and how is still to be determined. So far it worked as long as Appy was playing with them and believed something shouldn't be there. Appy knows nothing of this ability. * The Bucket of Luck in which she keeps her spare luck to pour over people when they need it * An ornate brass box containing a black stick about two inches in length and a small basin filled with a viscous red substance. The stick can keep on growing longer when pulled, and shrinks when pushed back together again. And with The brass box has a small basin filled with a sort of paint, which you can fill back up with plain water, if it's ever empty. By turning the dial on the right side of the box the paint turns from red to pink, to white, to pink, to red, to crimson, to black and back to red. It turns from red to orange, to green, to yellow, to blue, to purple and back to red again as you turn the other dial. A gift from Mardrax. (Linkie!) * A big greenish-grey blanket called Blanky, size varying on what Appy's doing with it. Usually she wears this as a sort of backpack. (See ~Magical Abilities~ for more information.) * When expecting combat, she might carry a small hunting knife, a gift from Apaltra. Appy-adult She will still carry her blanket and the marbles most likely, until she's changed clothes. After, she'll just have the clothes she's wearing.
  20. Appy


    ~Magical Abilities~ Appy-child: All of Appy's magical abilities are intuitive. Whenever she thinks she can do something, she most likely can. Like having the strength to use her pet Moose, or any other big object, as a club (only happens in irc). However, as an example, when she faces a troll she doesn't believe she can just clobber it on the head because it's so much bigger than she is, she won't be able to. The same is true for her ability to change her age (and appearance accordingly). Her state of mind will make her change her age, not because she wants to, but because she believes she's that age. She has never been seen getting older than her actual birth-age, so the chances are big that she can't. This is not proven however. There is some use of this innate magic needed to handle her Blanky as well. To other people, it most likely is a normal, big and rather grubby blanket. To her, it is whatever she needs at the moment (and what is feasibly possible to create with a piece of cloth). She also seems to link with objects that she really likes, using them to their full potential, and possibly beyond. Appy-adult: Appy seems to loose some of her magical abilities when she's her born-age. This is not sure however because Appy doesn't care much for doing things that seem impossible to her adult-eyes, therefor she wouldn't need these abilities. More appearances of Appy-adult will result in this being re-written probably. For now, assume she doesn't have any magical abilities.
  21. Appy


    ~Abilities~ Space to be filled.
  22. No reason to wait when the evidence is this obvious I guess...
  23. Yes, post more please! I also was grabbed by the throat and not let go until I read through. You have a very good concept here and I can't wait to read more. There were some typo's like Sweet said, and a few missing comma's or sentences which could do with another look. If you wish, I could go over it again with my editor's eye and give some tips? I figured I should ask first because it usually means I give someone their works filled with red ink. All tips and changes to grammar would be subjective and merely suggestions for you to do with as you please of course. And finally; Welcom to the boards! I'm glad to have you aboard
  24. Appy


    ~History~ Space to be filled.
  25. ~Other~ I am still in the middle of writing out the History of Appy/Ptraci, Apaltra and WildJoker, since it is intertwined and explains a lot about each individual. Also I think it'll be worth writing.
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