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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Appy

  1. Well said Memento.. well said.
  2. Washes... not washing. edit: remind me to read before posting please *rolls eyes at self* I see what you mean now... but to me it still makes more sense when looking at the whole of the poem... oh well, it's up to Mira I'd say, it works fine as it is as well.
  3. I was impressed when I read this in your Braindump already Mira, and still am. It might be because I just played a bit of Fallout (game about an apocalyptic world years after the Big Boom aka, Atom-wars) but you really bring out pictures of desolate wastes and the warm all consuming nuclear winds to my mind's eye.. Ofcourse, because of this, the last to sentences of the first stanza are definitely my favorite. A very strong image. For some reason I keep reading "washes" though... not sure why. My command of english tenses isn't good enough to ensure you if it could be changed, or kept like it is. Where did the fear go indeed? Buried under the prospects of more money and crowd control I'm afraid...
  4. Made me giggle more then once, and I forgot to give the advice you gave first yourself. Addage, if you look glum all day, you WILL feel that way too. No kidding there either, it works! *grins widely, or at least has the corners of her mouth turned upwards*
  5. Curiouser and curiouser... Would be very interested in what happens next. I really like how you deal with dialogues and all images are vivid in my mind.. gross *giggles* Do continue PS: Good to see you writing again
  6. This is a post of encouragment. Continue! I'm loving it so far, your style of writing grips me from the beginning and I can't wait to find out more about the powers behind it all, the worlds within and without. Thank you for sharing this with us.
  7. Brilliantly put, especially the last comment... thank you for sharing this piece of truth-finding
  8. I might need some help with working on a character here.. might if I poke you in chat Patrick, now that you're back? I work better when people tell me things, and not when I have to read up on it
  9. *don't think about doing it, do it
  10. Yes.. and for serveral hours too.. although it does start to hurt after a while Have you ever had a bunny, who normally just moves away when annoyed, race towards you, bite you on the arm HARD, and race away again?
  11. Me too
  12. *bump* I don't know if you're still around troubled sleep, but I'm adding my praise to the list here. Excellent story! I enjoyed it immensly, thank you
  13. *shows interest as well, but holds a "get out of jail for free"-card in her hands because there's no telling when her muse'll strike*
  14. Regarding the Critic's Corner: Ah ok, that actually makes a lot of sense, thanks for the explanation and forget my thought on the matter, since it's changed
  15. A small thought about the rearrangement as it was posted by Quincux. The Banquet Room, does it really need a Critic's Corner? For the Assembly it makes a lot of sense, you don't want to disrupt the story line, or even the writer themselves ask for that not to happen. But poetry is usually done in one post.. and I don't see any reason why people shouldn't post their comments right below. I know we have exactly one person who purposely uses the Critic's Corner to post his remarks on a poem. But to have a sub-forum for one person seems a bit over-done Just a thought I had long ago already when discussing the rearranging of the forum with Sweet, and just popped up again in my mind yesterday.
  16. DSEPRoD right now is poet/herald/troubadour ect. And right now votes for promoting people are posted in the Minstrell Hall.. if you just move that to the DSEPRoD, then there's no problem anymore with people getting confused if they can vote or not, and it can stay Quill-Bearer, giving them the organisational option without having to rely on the Courtyard or Cabaret Room. That was my 2 cents on that. And final: Looking good!
  17. Lovely! Definitely put a smile on my face and a chuckle in my throat, thanks.
  18. Because a birthday is accurate.. time of conceiving is not... not even when the couple (or at least the mother) keeps a list of all the time she.. y'know Either way you'd most likely end up with a 'birth'-week.. not a day. I'm betting big coorporations would love the idea of people having to buy a week's worth of gifts.. but it's not really convenient all in all I'd say.
  19. Thanks for posting this The rhythm is unusual and new to me, and you pull it off well. The message even turns positive at the end. Closing off something like you went through is a good thing, I just hope you took enough time for it. I really enjoyed reading this, so thank you again for posting. *hug*
  20. Forget about me proposing a seperate WW forum... don't know what possessed me to think of it in the first place (aka, the good people in IRC convinved me of my folly ) Thanks for the update! *wanders of in search of coffee*
  21. Congratulations
  22. Thank you Wyvern for putting into words what I thought! I've been wanting to reply to this but couldn't find the right way. Maybe now that I have a hand-hold, I can I loved the imagery a lot, and thought the whole concept was rather inventive. The one thing that threw me off was the throwing of the flower, where you seem to mean the bottle (since that's mending itself later)... I don't know how to improve this, but you might want to clarify there what is being throw Really enjoyed reading this, good to have you back
  23. d'oh! Thanks Patrick!
  24. On another note, something technical I've been missing is a 'back to top' link in posts... I was just reminded that I could just use the home key.. but I figured I should post that suggestion here anyways.. this being the Feedback thread and all So: What I desire is a 'back to top' link
  25. I would say keep it simple with the reminder that we're all human and mostly work with the subjective stuff... therefor anything not dealing with grammar and spelling cannot be right or wrong, it's a matter of opinion anyways. But this 'grading' of ourselves would show levels of comfertness in dealing with certain aspects of critisicm, and that's what this was meant for right?
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