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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Loki Wyrd

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Everything posted by Loki Wyrd

  1. In that case...I guess I only have to kill you...
  2. I only have one more day to describe really, and that shouldn't be too terribly long. Jimsonweed can cause minor amnesia, so my memory of the day isn't as great as it should be. Thus, I'll just describe what I can...when I can. Giving everyone a lot of time to read this first part might make it more likely someone other than yourself will read all of this drek.
  3. Someone may have asked already, but I thought I'd bring up the subject. I just took it up last night, though I don't know if I'm going to seriously play.
  4. Nice intro. The poem was maybe a little too positive-like for me...that stuff freaks me out. Still, it was an interesting read.
  5. Lol, yeah, I figured as much. Now to get that changed to 'The Loki is Mightier than The Sword'...catchy, isn't it?
  6. I've seen you posting around, I was wondering when you'd get around to appyling. I'm too lazy to read this right now, but I promise I will. Regardless, good luck.
  7. I just noticed at the top of my internet browser window it says "The Pen is Mightier Then The Sword." Isn't supposed to be "The Pen is Mightier Than The Sword?" Than with an a works for me...
  8. I like it, it flows nicely for my reading pleasure.
  9. Lol, I was wondering if anyone would comment on that. It was actually a phrase that I used to say as a little kid (so my parents claim) before I learned this so called "proper" speach. I'm afraid to say it's hidden knowledge has escaped me.
  10. First off, thanks for all your comments. I'm not used to all the attention. :woot: purple_shadows I understand where you're coming from, but I kind of like it as it is. Maybe I can explain so that you understand how it's meant. I use two tenses purposely, because one signifies that I have watched it grown (past), but the other indicates that even to this day (present) that I help it thrive. I wouldn't want it to be left in the past to wilt away, would I? Be sure to keep an eye on the line before it where I say "To spin a world of you own," and not "To have spun a world of your own." But I thank you for your critique nevertheless, I know I do often jump around with my tenses - sometimes intentional, sometimes not.
  11. I'm done for just now. What do you think of it thus far?
  12. Lovely story, very dramatic. How's the thumb nowadays?
  13. Nice, I liked the running commentary. It's always good to see things shook up with a style I'm not used to. Thanks for introducing yours.
  14. I want a door in my driveway...
  15. Oh the wonders that await The escape of your heavenly fate: To spin a world of your own, To help it thrive, and to have watched it grown. Safe from your ordinary life; Free of hatred, prejudice, or strife. To walk or fly as you would, As you please, and only as you could. The world takes on a purplish hue As if you only now see it, and it sees you. Full of life and possibility, And wondrous things only now you can see. Forgotten are your troubles past, You only need worry how long this will last. Time has no place when you're standing still; As with everything, it bends to your will. To feel so complete and in control You feel part of everything, you feel so whole. But as with everything it must fade away, Awaiting your return, wishing you could stay. Returning to reality, and all you hoped to leave behind Finds you waiting to come back, to the playground of your mind. bosh bluey
  16. I'll go have a look. And when I get a chunk of time I'll try and write up my story.
  17. I haven't haunted this part of the pen at all, so I don't really know what is appropriate and what isn't. If I wanted to relate a true story would it be ok to post it here? If so, I'll write up something that Appy had asked me to write back when I came on IRC still; I'll be sure to embarass (and make an ass of) myself good and proper...it's really quite a funny/crazy story.
  18. Hmm....I expected something longer. Heck, I may have even read that already in some past posting spree of mine. Anyhow...to get this thread back on it's original track...who wants punch and pie?!?
  19. I liked your #5, it was nice to read. I need to go on read that FAQ someday...ho hum...
  20. 'twas a nice little read. Sometimes those short lines can be fun to work with.
  21. Interesting, and makes me wonder...
  22. Too positive for my liking. ;p j/k...it was very nice. A person's experiences does indeed shape what they think of as happiness, and it was nice to see you write about it.
  23. Oh, and no worries ntraveler, I'm sure they aren't ignoring you. Maybe you just need to do a happy dance, and then they'll be sure to spot you. But I must say it is more fun being a lowly one...no one would think less of you if you were to wreak havoc. It's just a shame I can't get on IRC...no one would be safe - mwuahahaha!
  24. Congrats to one and all...may you never stumble, may you never fall. :wizzie:
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