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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Loki Wyrd

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Everything posted by Loki Wyrd

  1. I aim to please. I try writing cheery stuff, but usually it comes out sounding false. I'll have to wait until I'm in a damn good mood.
  2. I certainly will not, I'll be safely tucked away in bed. Kind of a strange way you have this set up. The second line seems rather long, but it would seem that it is as you intended, so I'm sure you knew what you were doing with it.
  3. Lol, no, I'm sure it's fine here. Very nicely done. If I cut myself can I bleed on you?
  4. That was mighty long... You have an interesting way of writing.
  5. I liked both of them, especially the second one. I, for one, thought it was a great topic. They both flowed very nicely as well.
  6. I also enjoyed it, thanks for sharing.
  7. *nods* I agree. It's nice to see you posting around the Banquet Room again.
  8. That's a pretty good title, I need to write a poem called Social Deviant. Anyhow, I've written some more stuff. I've been deviating from my normal style, but I'm glad to. It doesn't mean it's any good, just that I'm branching out some. Always a good idea. A worthless piece of nothing Seen by no one Heard by no one Hoping for something Anything To dry the tears Of sleepless nights Mocked by the darkness That brings the end ever nearer With nothing ------------------------------- Feeling trapped By expectations By time From apathy No end in sight No escape From watchful eyes From myself Closed in No time No truth Only death
  9. That's great, I'm glad I could be an inspiration to you. Your writing sounds much more thoughtful than mine, how dare you upstage me.
  10. Well, yes...but what I was looking for was a shitty host, and a shitty conversation to boot. Get it...shitty...defecate....you know you laughed.
  11. Yes, that may have kept the usurpers out. What do you get when you cross a usurper with one of the eyeless beings?
  12. Yes, I hear that as well. In fact, I've been told the have a tendency to defecate on their antagonist/s - things can get messy around them quite quickly.
  13. An interesting theme I enjoy seeing written about. I have one suggestion...for the 1st stanza, 5th line...do you think you could maybe drop the "to you?" I know it is a recurring phrase and all, but it just seems to disrupt the flow.
  14. You didn't point and snicker did you? I hear they don't like that. Supposedly they have ears growing from their chests, so they hear very well...beware...
  15. It would be good, but some people can't get on IRC because they have no fingers or eyeballs....it's a common problem these days.
  16. Aww, thanks. It's good someone shows a little compassion around here.
  17. Thanks. Most of my poems usually rhyme, but lately I seem to have been just writing out whatever comes to me. Whatever works, right? Now I've got to get it to work...
  18. I've got to say, I'm offended. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined such a nice girl as yourself to be capable or such irreparable damages to my pysche. I'm going to go cry myself to sleep now, I hope you're satisfied...
  19. You've got that right.
  20. Yeah, I hear you. Theatre prices can get pretty ludicrous, forget even getting food or beverage.
  21. I might even be able to scare up a blanket, but I'll be expecting a tip.
  22. I'm doing alright, and I have not seen Big Fish. I'd like to, as I'm a Tim Burton fan, but I'll probably wait until it's out of the theatres to see it.
  23. Try not to rely so much on the spelling/grammar check. It's my uneducated opinion that the apostrophe should go.
  24. An eerie chill overcomes me Supplanting the warmth Thinking of the past And what could have been But it's not It's only a chill
  25. Alrighty then, I'd be glad to do it. 1st stanza, 5th line - it's supposed to be marrow, not morrow, right? 2nd stanza, 1st line - maybe modify to "It's over now, don't you see?" 2nd stanza, 3rd line - Is the apostrophe necessary? 3rd stanza, 2nd line - too, not to
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