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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Merelas

  1. Thank you very much, Katzaniel. I'm hoping that this post will go through--I really want to apologize to everyone. My connection at home has been absolutely nuts. I've written up that post at least three times and it will never go through... I don't know what's going on, and I'm pretty sure the problem is on my end because I can't check email or anything else either. Sorry again to everyone... I'm not sure if it would be best if Katz took over (assuming she knows the special roles) or if I should try and jump back in? Thoughts from everyone?
  2. And my birthday present is being lynched! Happy Birthday! Wolf, Seer, please send me your PM's. Night phase will probably (note the probably) end tonight around 8:00 PM PST assuming I get the PM's by then. Good luck to all.
  3. Donovan James, the Governor of Massachusets, turned and fled at a moment's notice. He ran swiftly to the inn in town that he was staying at, and reached it quickly. He had seen this coming ahead of time--the coach was already prepared. He jumped inside, and the driver took off immediately. The people of Salem had no hope of keeping up with a four-horse team, and so they let him go. History would write that the Governor of Massachusets was the leader of a small coven of witches in Salem, Massachusets, and he was never seen nor heard from again. OOC: Night Phase Begins. Governor Donovan James was innocent, and in no way a witch--but neither was he your witness. Witness, Witch, send me your names. I remind you all that time is running extremely short for you to catch the witch before he or she destroys your village. Godspeed.
  4. OOC: Vote extended until 7:00 A.M. PST Tuesday September the 28th. Post will occur shortly thereafter. That's about 8 hours 30 minutes (a little less).
  5. Yeah I don't know... I always want to have at least a majority of the members who are alive to vote... As far as I can see we only have two. If anyone can point me to the others, I'll go ahead and continue? Or do we want to go on?
  6. OOC: Do you all want me to go on with only two votes?
  7. OOC: I just realized I forgot to say that Amelia Parcel was not a special role.
  8. The next day began in chaos. Dawn came with the hanging of another witch, and nearly the entire village was there to watch yet again. There was only one face missing from the otherwise complete crowd of church-goers... Amelia Parcel, Thomas' wife, wasn't there. "She's a witch!" someone cried. "She couldn't bear to see another of her sisters hang!" An angry mob burst into the Parcel house, with an anxious Thomas in tow. They came upon the body with a start. Lying face down in her porridge, Amelia Parcel sat otherwise flawlessly at the kitchen table. "That's... that's where I left her this morning," Thomas stuttered. As the sherriff reached out towards her, they saw the other side of the chair. The hanging-candle chandalier lay mangled on the floor, and her head was bashed in, covered in porridge. "A terrible accident, and nothing more," said one spectator, and the crowd murmured... less in agreement than bewilderment. OOC: Many apologies for the hold-up of the game. My internet at home is faulty at best, and I didn't get the chance to post at school. Day phase begins. Please post your votes/accusations as soon as possible
  9. The vedict was the same. Guilty. Always they returned with a verdict of guilty. Samantha Bones mounted the gallows. "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us of our tresspasses, as we forgive those who tresspass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil--for thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory Forever. Amen." She said it over and over as she stood there above the trap-door in the platform. The croud was silent. No witch was supposed to be able to recite the Lord's Prayer because of their satanic connection... yet here she was, reciting it none the less. Justice Hawthorne was unconvinced. "Widow Bones, will you confess to your crimes of witchcraft?" "Our Father, who art in heaven..." "Widow Bones! Will you not confess your crimes of witchcraft??" "... on earth as it is in heavan. Give us this day our daily bread, and..." "Widow Bones!" he shouted the question again. "... as we forgive those who tesspass against us..." "I will not ask you again! Will you confess and save your eternal soul?" "For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory forev--" The trap-door dropped her, and her legs shot through. The rope pulled taut, but her neck resisted, and wouldn't break. "Amen," she said, as her life passed away. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ OOC: Samantha Bones was a godfearing woman, and no witch. She was a peasant in this game, and a regular member of society. Night Phase begins--Witch, Witness, please send me your requests. I remind you that your numbes are dwindling, and that you have little time to lose to catch the witch. The scorecard is as follows: Katzaniel-- Amelia Parcel Eyremoon-- Samantha Bones: Victim of the Trial Tanuchan-- Anne Arthur Vahktang-- Thomas Parcel Dragonqueen-- Allison Whitney Lady Celes Crusader-- Silence Whitney DeantheAdequate-- Reverend Arthur Victim of the Witch; FaithKeeper Cryptomancer-- Donovan James MeThinksUFoolish-- Eric Dobbins
  10. You have 2 hrs 50 mins from this post to vote. At that time, it should be around 8:00 PST
  11. Heh, Cryptomancer you're doing fine. And on that note, everyone is performing well with the characters I gave them. I'm going to remind everybody to vote over here--you have until 8:00 P.M. PST... well, hopefully it'll end then anyways Good luck to all, and I hope you're having fun.
  12. OOC REMINDER: Please post your votes as soon as possible. Day phase has been extended to 8:00 P.M. PST On Tuesday the 21st. If a majority of the players hasn't voted by then, it will be extended again.
  13. All right everyone, there's been quite a bit of wait over the Night Phase, and I apologize for that, but things are shaping up nicely. I'll give a scorecard in my first post tomorrow, but now I think it's time for me to sleep. I'm nigh-on-exhausted from school, but I really am enjoying this! Any questions can still PM me, and warm apologies go out to DeanTheAdequate for being the first kill. Good luck to the witch/wizard and townspeople both!
  14. Merelas smiles and waves merrily
  15. Anne Arthur walked back into the kitchen, and continued stirring the kettle that was over the hearth. Her children sat watching her. All were silent--it was uneasy that her outgoing children be silent... a testimony to the times, she supposed. Dinner was ready presently, and she called to the good Reverend in his study. He gave a grunt of acknowledgement, which she took to mean that he would be along shortly. The family sat to supper without him--which, although it was improper to eat without the head of the house, he had insisted on. He often worked late, occasionally through dinner altogether. Such was his devotion to the calling God had given him. His wife admired that, but sometimes didn't understand. When all four of them had finished (Anne and the children), she escorted them upstairs to bed, tucking them in and kissing each on the forehead before bidding them to sleep well. She descended the stairs again, and made sure that some of the stew she had prepared would still be ready when Charles finally decided that he was prepared for the following day's sermon. Sadly, there was to be none. Walking past the burnt remains of the stew, still in the kettle over the fire, she knocked on the door to the Reverend's study, then entered, only to find him dead over his desk. His shirt had been removed, and he lay face down with his back exposed. A dark circle had been placed or drawn there, with a five-pointed star that pointed away from his head inside of it. Those who were familliar with Witchcraft knew it to be the Dark Pentacle--fortelling of death. OOC: DeantheAdequate was slaughtered by a witch--and it appears that there may just be one real one in Salem. The Reverend was a righteous man, and worthy of praise. Pious, compassionate, hard-working... and the FaithKeeper of Salem. The Court of Oyer and Terminer is now in session. Accuse who you will, and whomever recieves a majority of the votes will be hung at Dawn. Godspeed.
  16. Apologies for the lack of a post before now, but internet went out at home over the weekend! I'm at school now, and internet should be fixed sometime today, but I got a post up. Just reminding those with special roles to send a PM my way sometime soon.
  17. Justice Hawthorne stared at Elizabeth, who was already nearly in tears. "Give us the names of those within your coven! I demand that you surrender them to the judgement of our Lord God the Almighty!" he thundered, and she burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably. "Enough of this nonsense!" Peter exclaimed, standing from his position in the rows of observers, although his hands were still bound and the sherriff still stood watch over him. Immediately upon his rising, the girls flew into fits of screaming and torment. All stood up with him in unison, and mimicked his actions. Only Annabell Saulister, the adult in the group of afflicted, looked at him. She cried out in terror at the sight. "He raises a great raven against us... Mark it, all of you!" She bellowed, pointing near Peter in abject terror. "No, keep back, foul crow!" she screamed then, and dove under the pews. The girls quickly followed suit, with Abigail pointing and screaming and Mercy cowering under the bench. "Release these good christians of your incantations, Wizard!" Screamed Justice Hawthorne as he started towards Peter. The sherriff forced him back down into his seat then, and immediately the girls and Annabell's afflictions ceased. "Chief Justice, I submit the immediately preceding event as Spectral Evidence of Peter and Elisabeth Mercy's participation in the damning acts of Witchcraft! I ask that the jury be dismissed to obtain a verdict!" "If it pleases the court," said the jury foreman--a round man, with an extremely large forehead, "we have a verdict ready." "Mr. Foreman, please stand and deliver the verdict of your jury of peers." "We find Elisabeth Mercy guilty of Witchcraft and suggest a sentence of death by rope hanging at Gallows Hill tomorrow morning at Dawn. We find Peter Mercy guilty of witchcraft and suggest the same sentence." "Very well. Sentence and verdict adopted this ninth day of June, 1692, Anno Domini. They were hung at the sun's first light. OOC: Night Phase begins. All characters with special roles, please PM me your selections.
  18. Hmm... I hadn't paid attention to gender when I assigned the characters, mostly. If Eyremoon does mind, he can change his character to become a male, and a *widower*. Either way, it's up to him.
  19. The thread is up. In character posts are welcome at this time. My next post will be to open the night phase, and will result in the death of some of our beloved NPC's. Mingle, my little ones, mingle! Edit: After looking back on Tanny's post some more I realize I didn't address one of her questions. PM's between characters for purely story reasons that you don't want others to know (to be honest I can't think of one but maybe you can... perhaps you've had an affair and so you want to have a bad relationship with your spouse but you don't want to let people know yet) just right now, you may PM each other about the game, but I do want you to CC me everything.
  20. ... to bring her and he before the Court of Oyer and Terminer on this Second day of June, 1692 Anno Domini, in order to face the charges of Witchcraft against the people of Salem, specifically Abigail Williams and Mary Saulister, afflicted persons who have cried out against them. Godspeed. Signed by Authority of Marshall, Apostle Devonshire, Salem, Mass. It was the warrant that Peter and Elizabeth Mercy now read as Apostle Devonshire, the town Sherriff waited to take them away. They were both being charged with witchcraft, and there would be no escaping it. Their hands were bound behind them as they mounted the vehicle that would bear them to trial... "The Witch Wagon," some of the children of the village were affectionately calling it. Elizabeth wept, and Peter held her as she did so. Before long, they reached the Town Meeting house, and faced their accusers and most of the town. As they walked into the prison, people around them shouted, "Wizard! Witch! Recite the Lord's Prayer!", "Blasphemers! Contractors with the Devil!" Elizabeth sobbed as she stepped inside. The others were cowering in the corner. "So it begins," Peter said.
  21. All right. Characters and roles have been assigned. This thread will serve as the OOC discussion for the game, and I ask that all backstory planning be conducted here, as PM alliances are NOT allowed (as I told most of you in your Character info PM). Our roster is as follows: I would note that in the 17th century, "Goodwife" was something like "Mrs." It was often shortened to "Goody" when you were familliar with the person, and thus not being formal. DeantheAdequate--Reverend Arthur, newly established in Salem Tanuchan--Goodwife Arthur, wife of the Reverend Vahktang--Thomas Parcel, Treasurer of the Church Katzaniel--Goodwife Parcel, wife of Thomas Dragonqueen--Allison Whitney Lady Celes Crusader--Silence Whitney, daughter of Allison Eyremoon--Samantha Bones, widow MeThinksUFoolish--Eric Dobbins, Usher of the Church Cryptomancer--Donovan James, Governor of the province. Best of luck to all involved. The in-character thread will start soon with a little bit of an introduction. The first kill will be an NPC after the day phase (which will be only RP as we won't have a reason to lynch yet). Then will come the night phase (an announcement will be made, at which point the FaithKeeper, Witch, and Witness will all PM me with their selections).
  22. I'm in the progress of it now, Katz, I've already got two done.
  23. Mkay. Well, I delayed as long as I could in order to give people a longer time to sign up, but we'll begin today. As of now, signups are closed, and I'm beginning the formatting for the game.
  24. All right, signups are coming along nicely... I think we'll let them stand until... oh, say Friday, and then we'll close admissions and begin the in character thread. And I will make (what has the potential to be very large) the opening post with a little bit of background from a... shall we say, "unique" perspective. The roster is as follows, thus far: Katzaniel Eyremoon Tanuchan Vahktang Dragonqueen Lady Celes Crusader DeantheAdequate Cryptomancer Methinksyoufoolish
  25. An Irish proverb for your birthday: "May the wind be ever at your back, And the sun shine warmly down upon you. May the rain fall gently upon your fields, And the road ever rise up to meet you."
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