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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Merelas

  1. Merelas passes on the night vision goggles, not comfortable with the fancy technology. Instead, he waves a hand, and a globe of fire appears above his head, burning brightly and giving light to his efforts, He draws Brillemire with a flourish, and jogs down the tunnel. His sword gives of an odd orange glow constantly, and he moves quickly in the darkness with his items. "Mynx!" He yells, looking for the happy version of the penster. Looking behind him, he realizes suddenly that he's left the group behind him. He stops for a moment to allow them to catch up, and to catch his breath.
  2. "MOLLY!" The cracked rib he had suffered mocked him painfully as he screamed for his new second-in-command. The door opened immediately, and he kept his face blank of pain or discomfort. Ne'er allow 'em t' see ye hurt, lad, Was the first lesson in the business his father had given him. "Aye, mainshter?" she said, politely. His half-sister was good. "Get me the recording of that special broadcast, and hop to it! That was Max Gutterball or my name isn't Shamus O'Brien!" "Oh, and maishter--our agents from Moscow that were waiting for Klatz in Leningrad need direction." "Scatter t' the winds with them, lass. Bring Argus home t' repart t' me directly. The damned security deprived me of showing that bastard how the Irish deal with hit attempts, but at least he got what he earned." "Aye sir." "Oh, and see if ye can't try and get us out of the doghouse with Saria. It wasn't us who leaked Gutterball's flight--we would've done him in on our own time." "It shall be done, mainshter."
  3. *Nudges the recruitment poster back to the top of the forum, hoping for more pensters to take notice*
  4. Hmm-- The Eagles, Goo Goo Dolls, Garth Brooks, Point of Grace, Jeremy Camp... I think that's all recently
  5. Ah, congrats then. I hope your stay is enjoyable!
  6. And note to the mod: Was Dragonqueen a special?
  7. It was an unfortunate turn of events. It began in the middle of the night when Shamus was extremely hungry. He called down for something to be brought up, but was informed that the cook had gone home sick. Infuriated, he threw the underling against the wall and stalked downstairs himself. Famous for his Irish temper, he marched into the kitchen, and threw open the fridge. The first thought that entered his mind was a joking, "I don't know my own strength." It was after he hit the ground and broke three bones that he became angry. Screaming with rage, he attempted to stand up, but fell to the ground in agony again. "BIRON! ARGUS! MOLLY!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. Biron lay dead in the corner of the room, the refrigerator door handle stuck into his throat. Molly came running, and soon had him up into his bedroom again. Although beautiful, his half-sister was very strong, and more intelligent even than himself. And the entire trip up to his room, Shamus muttered a string of obscenities that would have both made a sailor blush and his father proud, "God rest his soul" as Shamus himself often said. "All right, Molly. Work your magic--find the bitch that did this, and call our friends. Get our contacts in Dublin, Moscow, Brussels, Hong Kong, Tokyo, L.A., everywhere. I want some goddamned retribution, and by the holy God and the Virgin Mary, I WILL HAVE IT!" She winced, but did as she was told. Most unfortunate.
  8. OOC: I wonder how much of Gnarl's vote was simply to keep it interesting
  9. Bleh-- net problems are no fun. I hope you're back for good now!
  10. Hi Black. First, I would suggest taking a look down at the recruiter's office at some of the examples of applications--there's many to choose from Then I would consider applying, if I were you. Also, you might want to read up on the instructions for the forums--this type of post would probably go in the Cabaret Room . Best of luck to you, and if you need someone to show you around, let me know!
  11. Welcome-- nice rhymes (sp?). Make yourself comfortable... Wyvern has been known to keep applicants waiting a while.
  12. /me is a green.
  13. OOC: A vote against Max "Gutterball" Klatz - Katzaniel
  14. "Aye. Is there a nose count around yet?" "Gutterball's against you, but we're pretty sure that Saria knows it wasn't you. Mickey was meeting with you at the time it happened, so he has to know that it wasn't you also. Otherwise we got nothing. Our connections are running dry fast with the suspicion--nobody wants to be involved with us if the rest of the mob organizes against us, maishter." "Well call Mickey. We'll see if we can't run the table against that conniving sonnuva*****." Shamus is handed the cell phone quickly, and he speaks into the receiver. "Aye, lad. You remember when ye asked me who we could trust at the cafe? Well it sure as hell isn't gutterball. I was with ye when the estate was raided. I say we hit Max before he takes out one of us. Aye. Right." "Well maishter?" "He said he'd think about it. Bloody hell. Well... call up you-know-who... we'll see what we can see." "Aye maishter."
  15. Erm. I don't suppose there's still room at all? If there is... I would love in.
  16. Shortly, Shamus arrives at the Cafe where Mickey is waiting for him. Following him in are Biron, Argus, and another man who looks strikingly like the Heartbreaker himself. "Go hide in a corner somewhere, boys. I've got a business to run." He seats himself in the chair that had previously been occupied by Mickey's feet. "So lad. You wanted to talk. Let's talk. What are ye offering and what do ye want?"
  17. Hmmm... interesting. When does day phase begin?
  18. Shamus listened to the reports of the morning with little interest. "Argus?" he said, when the intelligence officer had finished his speech. "Aye, mainshter (master/boss)?" "I'm going to want to see her again." "Aye, mainshter." "Oh, and get me Dublin o'er the phone again. It's quite obvious that someone's putting the cart 'ere the horse, as I predicted. We'll want to get some friends out. And tell Byron he'll need to stay on all night tonight."
  19. Shamus grins at Saria for a moment, before being handed the phone by his subbordinate, Argus O'Malley. After he hangs up, he kisses a large, gold ring with a four-leaf clover indent on it, and looks back at Saria with a mischevious grin. He eyes her a little crudely, winks, and says, "Aye lass. That it has." The Irishman raises a brow questioningly, with a flirtatious half-grin on his face, as if to say, "What next?" ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "Bloody hell," Shamus curses, before calling, "ARGUS!" The underling runs in quickly, looking slightly afraid. "Get me contacts in Dublin on the phone. I want to find out who the hell didn't do their job with the (expletive) frenchie, right before I put 'em on a plane and get 'em here to rip their goddam lungs out with an ice cream scoop!" he rails, face red.
  20. What was the decision about the baner? Is there one?
  21. Shamus laughs boistrously. He continues laughing for a moment, before speaking in a merry voice, "Now lads, nae be hasty here!" Shamus' red hair is spiked messily, and his green eyes twinkle. A strong jaw is in a permanent grin as he glances around the room, eyes lingering for a moment on each of the women.
  22. Name: Shamus "Heartbreaker" O'Brien Nationality: Irish Hair: Red Eyes: Geren History: Shamus got his nickname for two reasons. Women tend to find him extremely attractive--the buff "Irish" look serves him well. The other reason is because, when an opposing gang member shot his brother Argus in the foot, he ripped out his heart before his eyes. The police found the body like that--heart out-of-body and the man tied hand and foot. Not many peolpe have shot his family members since then.
  23. And we continue the Birthday lynching tradition! Yay! I knew something good would come of me modding a game--a whole tradition! Good game, everyone!
  24. "Silence Whitney, enough is enough," said Goodman Parcel sternly, glaring down at the young girl. "As the highest ranking official of the church present, I declare that you will be tried for witchcraft tomorrow. Sherriff, arrest her." "But... sir...?" "Arrest her!" It was done as he commanded. The teenage girl was taken into custody and thrown into a cell to last the night. She could hear the shaky prayers of those around her, also awaiting trial, or with their trials in progress. Fervantly, they prayed. She wondered if their prayers would be heard--if there was a God, even. Time will tell, she thought silently. The next morning at dawn the bailiff took her into custody, and she began the grueling investigation process. Justice Hawthorne questioned her for seven hours that day until she was exhausted. A recess was called--the examination would begin again the next day... and the next... and the next. For four days the trial drug on, question after question, objection after objection. It became too much to take. The investigator had been asking her the same question for hours now--the girls that had once been her friends had turned against her and howled if she even looked at them. At their parents' insistence, they were ushered out of the room as it was obviously "too painful" for them to be bewitched by their old friend. And still it went on. It went on until the day the jury filed out of the room. And they deliberated for four more days. Twenty-two days in total the trial had lasted for this four year old girl. And then, finally it was over. The jury never had a reason to return a verdict--Silence disappeared from the town. Eric Dobbins, the Usher of the Church, had been standing watch over her cell the night she escaped. As far as the surgeons could tell, he had died of old age. There was nothing further they could do about Silence, so she slipped out of their minds, never to return again. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "Are you sure you must leave town, Widow Arthur?" asked Thomas, in a voice that was somewhat sympathetic. "Yes, Thomas. The place is just too filled with memories for myself and my children. We must build a new life somewhere else. My work is done here." And I suppose it was. Her works of witchcraft, eliminating her enemies in the town, had been completed as far as she dare risk. Her children would eventually learn to follow the Goddess, but things were too dangerous here to continue now. Silence might join them, someday... it was her that had killed Eric and allowed the girl to escape. In the end, a child's life was just too precious to sacrifice--it had been one more potential worshiper of the Goddess. I am Anne Arynn. May the Goddess' blessing fall over my children and myself--her one true Priestess. And the town was bothered by witchcraft no more. OOC: Well played everyone, and congratulations to Tanuchan, our witch, who pulled out an amazing victory. I'd like to apologize to all for my problems with my connection, and congratulate all on an entertaining game. See you all next time!
  25. That sounds great. The Day phase will end Tuesday, but I do want to allow for special circumstances. As there has only been one (official) accusation/vote, we need to make sure that we have more than enough time for Vahk and MeThinks (who has been quite absent lately... I don't know what we'll do if it comes down to him as the deciding vote) to respond. If neither of them have responded by Tuesday evening, then we should postpone it. If there have been at least 3 votes (which, now that I think about it, that's the only way a majority of the living participants would have voted anyways ) on Tuesday, and I have not responded by... say 8:30 PM PST on Wednesday, Katz may go ahead and make the mod post. If I have, then it obviously won't be necessary. Thanks for everyone's understanding... hopefully this post goes through to and then that means that my connection is more stable.' Thanks again, everyone! Good luck with the game!
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