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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Merelas

  1. Hm. Well, I really have no idea, so I'll venture a guess. The speaker is diabetic, hence the shaking, and he takes the pills (faeries) to feel better, but they don't taste good because they started to dissolve in his mouth before he swallowed. Anyways, I liked it a lot, it really made me think. Well done, buddy (another play on buddha! hooray!)!
  2. I never read it the first time, and I'm glad you brought it back, because it really is funny. Where is Nyyark? I liked that kid.
  3. OOC: Sorry Jake. My mistake. I apologize to everyone for my bumbling this game. It was my first, as you all know.
  4. "... you'd best be sure you have a gun on your hip, like mine." Nathaniel pales slightly, knowing no one will be able to reach them in time. "Go ahead, shoot me. They'll just all know that I was right." OOC: Vote stands.
  5. OOC: How the crap are we supposed to find an IC reason to vote of someone because a little girl disappeared, and who was flighty anyways? If she'd been found with a knife in her back, that would be one thing... but like Amanda said for me, I don't know. Ah well. I suppose I'll make the best of it. BIC: "Or she could have been what, Amanda?" Amanda looked up at him, still sad from the loss of the child. She had truly cared for the girl, and Nathaniel could see that. Perhaps it was wrong of him to silence her. "She might have been hurt... or frightened off by someone." Nathaniel looked down, thinking for a moment. He examined his wife's face for a moment, then kissed her briefly on the cheek and turned, saying "I'll be back soon, dear," over his shoulder. Nathaniel walked up the line of wagons (he never was much good on a horse, but he had inherited his father's swift, businesslike stride that served him well), finally finding the one he wanted. He knocked on the side, and called in, "Abraham? If you could join me for a moment, I need a word." After a few moments of scuffling within the wagon (they were small, and it made it hard to get about sometimes, especially with children who were good at getting in the way), Mr. Cartwright emerged, and stood before him. "Mr. Cartwright, I hate to do this, but I feel it is in the best interests of the wagon train. That girl Cat has disappeared, and I believe that there needs to be some form of justice. I know that this is crude, but we don't exactly have enough time or the resources to set up an investigation and courtroom proper. "I'm afraid I have to accuse you of the murders that have taken place so far, as well as Cat's dissapearance. It was your wagon that Jake Burrow died from, and that would've made it very easy for you to tamper with the ropes that eventually caused his death. In addition, I believe that you scared off Cat because she was the one who started the doubt against you at the last meeting which almost blackened your name, and you wouldn't have any more of that. "And even if you aren't guilty... I don't exactly like the idea of sending out someone who is willing to place the blame on someone else if only to get it off their own head." OOC: I don't think we should be able to hide behind the "I accused him out of character, so it doesn't count" thing... but if that's the way it works, then I've provided other reasons there as well which I think are sufficient to justify a Vote against Vahktang/Abraham Cartwright.
  6. OOC: How do you mean about the styles, Dean?
  7. OOC: What happens if they just don't show up?
  8. OOC: Then again, I hadn't been rude or unfriendly, and Abraham said I was. Strange how that works, isn't it, Vahktang? IC: "Oh Nate... I was so worried," Amanda said. Nathaniel walked to her, and wrapped her in an embrace, and kissed the top of her head. "I know, Amanda... I know." He gently turned his torso slowly back and forth, rocking his wife in a comforting motion, attempting to appear calm and collected. He closed his eyes, and attempted to block out thougths of the possibility of more dying--and the even more terrifying possibility of the next death being Amanda or Rosalie. But he wouldn't let that happen.
  9. OOC: Ugh. How do I know who to believe? This is the first werewolf game I've *really* participated in. I never knew it was so fun and difficult at the same time. Vote Withdrawn
  10. (OOC: But if Lady Celes is a wolf and Deg's dead, it'll be tough for us too... I don't know. I have a feeling you're claiming to be the hunter or seer, and that worries me... but then, you don't know who to trust, do you? What if you're just saying that in your defense?)
  11. Nathaniel follows Markus to his wagon, wondering about the man whom he'd not spoken to since they joined the wagon train. Knocking on the side of the wagon, he calls to him, "Markus? You there?" The man whose name fit his attire stepped out groggily a moment later, and looged at Nathaniel. The man looked afraid or almost angry for a moment, but Nathaniel took it to be his having just woken up. "Markus... I wanted you to know that I admired your speech, and that I really believe your innocence... I just thought I should tell you that." OOC: Merelas doesn't know about Markus and Amanda's old fling yet
  12. OOC: You know what? I've just had an idea. What if the wolves are Vahktang and Lady Celes both? I have no idea how accurate this idea is, and (of course) I realize my logic is quite often fuzzy... but I'll change my vote to test the theory. Vote Changed back to original plan for Lady Celes Crusader/Charlotte Gainesbourg Totals: Lady Celes - 3 Solivagus - 1 Vahktang - 1 Degenero Angelus - 2 Null - 4 Edit to add Character name.
  13. OOC: I am considering changing my vote, but I want a scorecard first. I'll be online until one is posted (if it's tonight), so I promise it won't delay much.
  14. A gridlock. Nathaniel had been afraid of this. If there was anything he hated, it was a hung jury. It just meant more time to wait. With Blondie withdrawing his vote, there had been a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, but then that Trudy McAllister had withdrawn hers as well. So now they were tied again, and he didn't like it at all. There was one thing he might be able to do. He hated the thought of it, after going back on his word with her. Asking Amanda to change her vote was a terrible thing. They had quarreled over this before, and the last thing he wanted was a fight. Failing that, there was Rosalie. He walked up to her, a smile plastered on her face, and begged her.
  15. Finnius, you truly are a master of Haiku. It almost makes me want to try, you make it look so effortless... but I doubt I will
  16. Alric gathered energy about him, ready to expend it in any way necessary... except that it wasn't necessary. He dissipated it instantly with a wave of his hand, and entered the inn, not through the door, but through the hole that had been created by the lightning bolt. A moment later, Tanaquin was still standing in the same spot, eyes wide as saucers, from the closeness of the lightning strike. Seeing the blackness, Alric waves, and light spreads throughout the room, filling the corners and the walls, causing them to glow briefly. He examines the scene, and everyone stares at him blankly for a moment. Eventually, he looks around, and sees the cloak in the corner. Moving swiftly, he walks to the wall, and removes the knives which hold it there. Dropping them to the floor, the takes the cloak, and examines it more closely. Alric squints, and after a moment, his mage sight activates, and he opens his eyes normally again. Under his mage-sight, he cloak glows a dull, brownish red, indicating some minor enchantments, but nothing major. Slowly, he turns it, and he looks away for a moment. Quickly, he is blinded by the brilliant red of the clasp. He blinked. The mage-sight was gone now, and he looked at the clasp. It was a gold pin in the shape of an Eagle, clutching furiously at a lightning bolt. Alric got a terrible sense of fear within him, such that he had not felt in ages. FLASH! Alric was back at his home town, and he was just a boy again. The fire was raging, and he was trying desperately to put it out. He screamed with the agony of it all. His parents, his brother and sister, his friends... they were all in the meeting house that was currently in flames. He looked on, helpless agains the crackling chaos that was currently the orange-red mass of fire consuming the building. Suddenly, they began to scream with terror and pain. Alric dropped the bucket of water he was carrying, and fell to his knees in agony. He began to bellow with them. It was a long, mournful howl that would have terrified even the bravest of souls--it contained anger, sorrow, fear, hatred, mourning, and so many other emotions. His mind was racing in over-load, and his brown hair tumbled around his face, getting into his eyes and all around his face. In desperation, he flung his hands towards the meeting house. He kept screaming, even louder now. His eyes felt as though they would bulge out of his sockets, and veins were popping out on his nceck. An angry red crept up his neck and claimed his entire face as he continued to yell, bout hands outstretched, fingers reaching for the building. Then it happened. The flames shifted in the building, and lurched. Still, Alric screamed, and it moved even more. They lifted into the air, and removed themselves from the building entirely. They shifted and swirled faster and faster. In a tidal wave of molten fury, they swooped down over the boy and aligned themselves with his hands, streaking towards them. In an instant, the fires were upon him and swirling over his body. His screams changed now, and his hands dropped. Alric curled into the fetal position as they swept over his body, swirling and twirling in a furious maelstrom of fire. The pain was unimaginable. It consumed him, damning him to immobilization. He could only sense the pain and scream as a result. It coursed over his body, and then, in a sudden surge of energy, it entered his body. He yelled even harder now. He writhed on the ground, and his body surged and swelled. he opened his eyes and looked up to the heavens, praying for healing to every God and Goddess he had ever heard of. No help came. He lost consciousness at some point, but he couldn't recall when. All he remembered later was sifting through the ruins of the meeting house with tears streaming down his face--he had been too late. There were no scars on his body anywhere. The only knowledge he had that the incident occurred at all were his memories, and the fact that his hair was now red--flame red. FLASH! Nathaniel reached out for the pin, blindly. He held his hand out palm forward, and touched it. He screamed in pain, and drew his hand back quickly. On it was a burn in the shape of the emblem--an eagle clutching a bolt of lightning. He pressed his hands together, closing his eyes. When he pulled them aparta gain, the wound had healed, and only a scar remained, but it held the same shape. Slowly, he picked up the cloak, folded it so that the clasp was inside the fabric, and tucked it under his arm. As he did so, he noticed the paper that was folded into the pocket, but decided that it would be best to examine that later. "I am Alric. I believe introductions are in order."
  17. "Oh... I..." Nathaniel hesitates after Charlotte's speech. "Amanda... could she be telling the truth? And if she is... what if she can save us?" He stops, and looks around. "I... I'm sorry Amanda. I thought that I could listen to you and vote with your instincts... but I believe her." OOC: Change of vote to Abraham Cartwright/Vahktang
  18. Happy Birthdays!
  19. Nathaniel heard news of his accusation from Mr. Cartwright, and suddenly he was crushed. He was doubted, and his impartiality as a lawyer and the possibility of him becoming a Judge was in question. He returned to his wife and Rosalie, and hugged them both. "My name has been blackened in the train by Mr. Cartwright... but it's time that I've listened to you, Amanda. I know nothing of this woman, but I now trust your judgement more than ever. I follow you, and vote the same." OOC: A vote for Lady Celes/Charlotte Gainsbourg
  20. "Do you doubt I love you?" Nathaniel didn't hesitate. Almost before the question was completely off her lips, he replied, "Never. I would never think that of you, Amanda... you wouldn't have married me otherwise. You don't need to marry a man for any other reason except love, because you can survive on your own without me. "I need you... and I look at the family, and Rosalie is good with weapons, and so are you to an extent, but I'm a bumbler. You cook and you clean and you mend and... everything. You do everything for me and I can't do anything for you." He looked away off onto the prarie, amongst the tall grass, and he whispered more than spoke his next line, "I feel useless." Gently, she reached up and turned his head to face hers, her eyes on his. "I love you, Nate," she said. Slowly, he rested her head on her shoulder, and they looked out over the prarie. At night, it was just as beautiful as during the day, and possibly more so. The grasses tumbled over each other and back again as the wind rippled them. It reminded him of home, and the ocean. Perhaps it was time to try something new. He wondered briefly, and then he started forward without much hesitation. "Amanda... I want to ask your advice," he said slowly, before continuing, "Who do you think is responsible for these murders?"
  21. To quote a song: Well I might be a little bit loco But it keeps me from losing my mind. It's been said that I'm insane, But baby a little bit of crazy's all right. My motto.
  22. Para me... Quiero su amar yo. Quiero amar tu. Lloro. Lloro porque no me amas. Te ammo. Te ammo tu y todos que eres. ?Puedes amar yo tambien? Yo no se... pero espero puedes. Porque si no... me pierden. Translation: For me... I want you to love me. I want to love yo. I cry. I cry because you don't love me. I love you. I love you and all that you are. Can you love me too? I don't know... but I hope you can. Because if not... I am lost. I apologize to all those spanish speakers out there... again, my spelling is probably terrible and my words may not be quite right. Also, I don't know how to do the upside-down question mark on an IBM keyboard, so I didn't do it. Whoops! Hope you enjoyed.
  23. Very well done. I agree with DL in the fact that I like these kinds of poems, and I do like yours. My favorite part was the first two lines, because you took it just far enough without going too far. The only thing I didn't understand was if there were two people there? Maybe this is blatantly apparant to everyone else... but I didn't really get the second stanza, especially with "are you still there?" But maybe I'm just illiterate :S
  24. "He had no right to run. Things could have been settled civilly, in a court." However, at the same time, Nathaniel held a silent victory to himself that the man had truly been innocent. Amanda had not listened to him, and she had been wrong. And though he would never say it or voice it in any way, that had hurt him deeply. He treasured his books, his knowledge, because it was one of the only assets he had. Amanda could cook, clean, mend, and even defend to some extent. Rosalie could defend, and even Cat could hunt. What had he to offer to the family? The only thing he could was knowledge, and leadership... and she had rejected it. The days passed, and eventually they came to the Platte River Crossing. After exerting much energy, they got the wagon unstuck, and watched the tragedy of Jake Burrow's death. Nathaniel looked at the rope cuts solemnly. There could be no denying it this time, there had been a murder this time. Now the only question that remained was who could have been responsible... Nate didn't know. He got up, and walked away from the campfire, wandering away from the wagons, out to look at the plains. Once he was out of sight of the fire, he stared at the scene before him. The prarie at dusk, with a sunset before him. He watched slowly, thinking of the hard times that Amanda and he had been through. Their desperate search for parental approval, Coping with Sarah stealing Rosalie's fiance and helping his younger sister through it... Because that's what she is now. I have to fend for her as well. And he thought of Amanda. Beautiful, sweet, loving Amanda. All the things that they had gone through to reach this moment in time. The trials that they had alread survived came rushing back to him. Loving her wasn't always easy--they fought something fierce at times--but when they were happy together, it was all he needed to survive. But... what stood between them? She hadn't listened to him about that man, and so he had died... an innocent man killed for suspicions against him that were unfounded. She had brought Cat into their home without consulting him... and yet there was something more. She was hiding something, or holding onto it, and she couldn't (or wouldn't) tell him what it was. They were drifting apart. What could he offer her, anyways? She was beautiful, and so self-sufficient. She didn't need him... but he needed her more than anything. Not because of the skills she had--because he loved her with every part of him. And now, another member of their party was dead. He didn't know Jake Burrow very well, but he had still been an ally against the endless hostility that was the plains. Nathaniel didn't like needless death; rather, he abhored it. Would this drive him and his wife further apart? Or, in confiding in each other, would they come closer together? Nathaniel had no idea. Then he fell to his knees... "Amanda..." he said, starting to weep slowly, "I love you."
  25. I like it... how can I say that appropriately... I know--It's buddha-tastic! It's buddha-dacious! It's Grrrreeaat! (That last in Tony the Tiger fashion). Well done. I wish you'd make more of the same
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