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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Beautiful Nightmare

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Everything posted by Beautiful Nightmare

  1. Really cool poem but whats the song that inspired it?
  2. oi happy poems thats so cool im really proud of you! And there really good too keep up the happyness
  3. Omg such a great poem, such great imagery! Im really jealous of your ability to write wow your my god now! hehehe sorry just this poem kicks ass!!
  4. Wow cool poem ah this is what i do in RE class too the many poems that teacher has torn up on me i will never forget! Its such a boring class well with my teacher ugh! hehehehe anyway this is a really cool poem i love the struture of it and everything i just love it well done and Damon Inferel i really like your poem too
  5. O wow this is so cool and really weird cos i know people that do this to themselves! I actually wrote a story like this for a big english exam i had there back in june it was rather good but i think yours is alot better as i had to drag out the story for it to make a good essay! Also in my one the mother ended up committing suicide because she couldnt stand the father! Cool story though!
  6. This is really cool me likes alot!!!!!
  7. Damn Falcon i wish i had your confidance!
  8. Yeh i really know how you feel with the being told what to do what not to do etc it really sucks! and the people who do it to you well i know i feel like screaming and cursing at them to mind there own f**cking business! Ah sorry for the cursing just gets me very annoyed to think someone is going threw the same crap as me and i dont mind going through it well to a certain extent but to see other people go threw it kills me! I know being to scared sucks not that im saying to kill yourself but i dunno its just i know how you feel! I dunno if you do but i think you should really come on irc for a while sometime so we can talk proper! Id really love that! *hugs and kisses*
  9. (doesnt ask but nods! ) i love you wrenny! *big hug* great poem:~)!
  10. awwwwwwwww *hugs*
  11. Hehe this is so cool as pere said i wish i could hear u play it maybe ull record it on your computar and share it with us
  12. Hmmmmm i still feel like this all the time!
  13. Wow i really like this poem your really getting better with every post i love the way you capture the emotion it just blows me away its excellent!! *claps* But seriously hmmm stupid question to ask but are you ok?
  14. If i was dead would anyone care? If i was dead, would anyone be lost in dispear? I feel so useless I want to end this. is this how life should be? Pain and sadness deep in me. If i was dead would anyone cry? Would anyone be there to say their goodbye? Life is not for me But the people around me do not see That life is not ment for everybody Some would rather be dead-like me. I wonder why i want to die so badly I was brought up hating everything about me When i was eleven i first wanted to die I used to sit in my room and just cry. Cutting myself didnt help the pain I just went deeper into depression and shame. I was ashamed of who i am Upset cos no-one gave a damn I hated myself inside and out Driving me insane, at myself i used to shout: "Why cant i be pretty? Why do i feel this way?" I still hate myself a little more each day.
  15. god i completely forgot about this poem ill have to find the finished part! ill post it when i do thanks for reminding me and your kind coments!
  16. I would either put it in orlando bloom(legolas from lord of the rings) bedroom mmmmmmmmmmmm *drool* or my botfriends bedroom! hehehe! peeping arwen!
  17. well done! Welcome to the pen yey! :woot:
  18. No problem i really love all your poems i think your such a cool writter and i really hope i can write like you someday!
  19. I love all your poems your such a great writter!
  20. i like it alot hmm for the title i havent a clue for some reason a cage kept springing to mind when i read it if thats any help!
  21. i love it wren well done
  22. was that love ya to me????
  23. um god everyones so protective of me! im loved yey!
  24. Pathetic? Whatever made you call it that i think its very good actually!
  25. Aww i love it! I havent talked to you in ages apart from the brief encounter we had we have to end that i miss talking to you! Great poem hun!
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