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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Beautiful Nightmare

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Everything posted by Beautiful Nightmare

  1. You have such a smart boy you should be so proud of him! And i agree with Ayshela he takes after you! give him a big hug from me
  2. To Drummondo, The past two months (i think thats how long it is) have just been completely crazy! We have like gotten so close so fast, that sometimes it scares me! I think I'm drawn to you because you have been through some of my situations and can relate! Your the most talented person i know! Im always looking forward to your next poem, song, music. Whatever it is i always love it. Your voice is amzing and your guitar skills just astonish me I find myself talking to you till like 6am and find when i go to bed that I miss you! I miss smiling (untill you text me ) I hate the ocean that lies between us, and the fact i can't hold you when your down. But i love being able to text or ring you when im down, knowing you can always put a smile on my face. Be careful though i think I've fallen for you
  3. Its one month to Christmas....One *cough* Hehe its a really sweet song thank you And what better way to start the Christmas season than having a Christmas song dedicated to you I love the layered acoustic's i think it makes the song, also the backing vocals and the way you slowed this version down compared to your last year's one! It rocks and you have a fantastic voice! Which has improved since last year! I think everyone should listen to this, then again its dedicated to me I'm bound to want everyone to listen to it Its a great song thanks for sharing it babe!
  4. It's getting late It's getting dark I wonder where The hell you are I shut up Don't say a word Take my place In this mute world Listening to silence Staring into oblivion Stagger towards my despair Because of you I'm unspoken Because of you I am broken You build me up To watch me fall Tear down my fence And build a wall I can't take this I've lost my place Caught in your world I need my space Listening to silence Glaring into oblivion Running towards my hopelessness To you I was just a token Because of you I am broken It's getting late Later than planned And i wonder where The hell i stand I'm in a place Where I've become Myself, finally No longer numb Owning this silence Daring oblivion Facing my hopelessness Because of you I've awoken Because of you I'm more outspoken More outspoken More outspoken
  5. They say that love hurts- I used to think that too, But i have just figured out It hurts so much more without you. To have is to hold, But i can't hold you now, 'Cause your too far away For me to kiss your brow.
  6. *hugs* watching a loved one suffer a loss is sometimes harder than suffering it yourself-a loss for words, what emotions to feel. I think your poem is beautiful and glad to see you writting! I wish you the strength to get through this! *hugs*
  7. Pull my insides out so I can breath, Your presence is taking over me. And when I'm down, your always there, And you've shown me, that i can care. Thoughts of you walk through my mind. And when your with me it's then i find, That being happy is no longer a task As you have thrown away that mask.
  8. Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. *giggles, blushes and gives Patrick a kiss on the cheek* Thank you for a wonderfull eveing!
  10. *smiles and hugs* Thank you so much hehe it brought a tear to my eye!! I really love it thank you again! I dont think im worthy of such a beautiful piece!
  11. i think we all know people like that and sweet i just made up a really good tune to that so i can make it into a song and be famous and give you half the profits if you wish i love the poem *hugs*i dont make up tunes to everything so you know its special
  12. It's like your a drug, An addiction that i can't break, Withdrawl is a bitch, A desire that I just can't shake. I love you, I hate you, I'm breaking, I'm crying, I'm lost and i'm scarred Without you i'm dying. Your all i need, Would you listen please, Just take me back, I'm on my knees. I gave in, I freaked out, I'm cried out, I'm lost now. And I reach out. Come back to me Please. Dont leave me.
  13. Goodnight and good morning Seems all that we say, Not much in common At the end of the day. You sit there, your silent, You stare at the sky When instead could be loving, Now your life passes by. I'm not here to judge Please don't get me wrong, But do I love you enough? Will I love you too long? These fears seems unending I cannot commit, But neither can you So I guess this is it. But i want you so bad To taste your sweet kiss, But i'm wasting my time And what could i miss? You've already said no Are you leading me on? 'Cause I just couldn't take it It's just so dam wrong. I don't mean to be like this I mean, i think i'm in love, But it doesnt matter Because its just not enough.
  14. Was told i looked like liv tyler in lord of the rings which was a complete lie but i loved Arwen in the film (not the book as she plays such a little part) so i kind of just took her name as my own and now my own brother calls me Arwen!!
  15. I should of been able to give you a hand after all i am irish sorry about that i guess i should look in the forums more often glad you found what you wanted to
  16. *hugs* Maybe one day you'll find you match. You never know it might of been her but your Queen may still be out there waiting for you to sweep her off her feet. You have learned from this as i have learned from mine and although it hurts it may help you in the future. It hurts so much right now... though you may hide it sometimes i know it hurts you, it still hurts me. So im hoping we can look back on this in a year and discuss it and laugh, because although you know it was for the best its still going to leave a nasty scar on your pirates face.. another scar tells another tale! *hugs again*
  17. *thanks those for the wishes of a happy birthday!* Thanks i had the best birthday ever so far just spending it with my family listening to embarrassing stories of when i was a kid! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARAWN!!!!!
  18. Thank you all for your encouragement i really am thankful for it and the poems by drum and sweet! you guys are just so cool thank you! *hugs* It is true that i must look else where, and thanks for reminding me that being a friend to someone is worth more than a relationship which might end and destroy everything!
  19. You cut his cord?! Wow braver than most guys i know! Oh poor you Nyyark, I forgot you have to be over 21 to drink! I'll have one or two for you
  20. Schoolyard Bully You are 42% Rational, 85% Extroverted, 57% Brutal, and 28% Arrogant. You are the Schoolyard Bully! You focus more on feelings than rationality, and thus tend to be driven by your emotions. You are probably easy to anger or annoy, for instance. You are also an extrovert who wouldn't mind having a lot of attention, although you may not always get it. Another character trait you possess is your brutality, manifested by the fact that you tend to be aggressive and do not care about the well-being of others. Also, you exhibit signs of humility, leading one to conlude that you are actually insecure, because very few people are truly humble AND brutal. Thus, like any schoolyard bully, you seek constant attention for yourself and have no issues with administering beatings because you are quite emotional and easy to upset. Not only that, but your insecurity may be a prime motivation for your brutality. As psychologists have noted, most schoolyard bullies only pick on others because they have a negative self-image. This could possibly be true of you. In short, your personality defects are your brutality, extroversion, irrationality, and your possible insecurity. Go pick on someone your own size! To put it less negatively: 1. You are more INTUITIVE than rational. 2. You are more EXTROVERTED than introverted. 3. You are more BRUTAL than gentle. 4. You are more HUMBLE than arrogant. Compatibility: Your exact opposite is the Haughty Intellectual. (Bullies like to beat up nerds, after all.) Other personalities you would probably get along with are the Bitch-Slap, the Capitalist Pig, and the Class Clown.
  21. *sings Nyyark happy birthday and hugs* Happy Birthday hun! :wizzie:
  22. Do you know how it feels, To be used and thrown away? To just be a stand in, For someone with a different name. Do you know how it feels, To be broken and toyed with again? To forever be the broken doll, On the second looked at shelf. Do you know how it feels, To cry yourself to sleep? To never be that girl, That makes your heart leap. I know how it feels, To only be a friend, To put on a brave smile, And hide my love till the end
  23. Thanks hun! It will hopefully ward off the evil big shiny in the sky! I cant remember if this is your first poem or not but you told me you were not any good! I think your really good and should try write another one! you know ill make you
  24. The sun is going down, My heart is burning low, My mind skips a beat, All life is on the go. Scurring all around, My legs too weak to move, Followed by my weak heart's sound, And there is nothing i can do. But listen to the voices, Now so clearly saying, How stupid i am, And i listen to them praying. For the sun to shine, Upon my once happy face, For the world to be mine, And not be dead in their embrace.
  25. Turn the music up loud So they don't hear my screams, I bet they are so proud Of their teenage drama queen! Run, run, try run eternally, Try to run as the light Slowly passes me by, And turns to dreaded night. There i slit my wrists, I cut off my hair I dyed it black, I wonder why my family stare. They think i'm crazy or mad, They sent me away Hoping to stop me feeling sad, I wish there was a different way. They tore me away from my friends, Are afraid to leave me alone in a room, Fearing i'll bring myself to an end, And end up in a tomb. I only cut myself to stop the pain, The blood made me feel strong, I just didn't want to feel the shame, Is any of that so wrong?
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