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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Beautiful Nightmare

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Everything posted by Beautiful Nightmare

  1. :wizzie: That was me not parmenion my stupid computar *Arwen kicks her computar*
  2. black is my favorite color would you like to know why you see it seems, as i have been told black is the last thing you see when you die the brain cells get adjusted then and even if you were good you dont see white or purple or red like you thought you should i think i want to be dead you maybe see red when you slit your wrists or purple when you fall on your head but all those dont matter because you see black when your dead.
  3. I miss you You used to be my friend For ten years we shared tears and happiness But you turned mean Went off with new friends And left me all alone Why did you do that? Did you not like me anymore? I don’t understand I held your hand Ever since we were four I’ve dried your tears I’ve stopped your fears What more could I of done? I stuck up for you I would have died for you I thought we’d be friends forever Obviously, you had a different idea We grew apart It broke my heart Then you left me all alone I just want to say say Have a great life I’ll always have a place for you in my heart Even though we are apart
  4. That was me by the way not parm sorry
  5. Wow im no expert at saying things about poems but i really liked your poem and i especially loved the last two lines! Well done!
  6. Thanks for your opinion i value everyones views!
  7. Its just a misunderstanding You have to understand It’s just a misunderstanding That got out of hand You don’t know what I’m thinking So, don’t try to imagine You never could imagine The hurt I feel inside I can’t believe you thought that I thought you knew me better It goes to show You never know Who truly is your friend You made me hurt You made me cry You made me hate myself inside Something I never did you made me pay for Now all I want is to be dead on the floor You made me hurt You made me cry I can’t believe you’d think id lie I can’t believe you thought that I thought you knew me better It goes to show you never know Who truly is your friend All I want to say is I wish you’d go away I loved you But now it’s over, my friend Because all our fun times are now at an end
  8. I’m sitting in my room With nothing else to do except think of you I want to run away from the pain Which you caused me today It’s not fair the way you treat me The way you throw me away It’s not fair how you beat me The way you hit me to stay Inside of my head You are the one for me But my body thinks differently It’s getting worse It’s getting bad I’ve had as much as I can have In my world you were my shining glory Now you’re just drunken and gory I can’t take the pain I have to get away Away from you
  9. Wouldn’t it be great If I could take back yesterday Then I’d still have you Then I’d still love you And not know The person you really are inside I used to think the world of you I always thought it would be us two But now I know it’s just a dream And nothings ever what it seems Why did it have to end this way? I wish I could scream at you to stay. I now know what your like inside Your black and your temper is on fire You hurt the ones you love the most Now your kindness is a ghost Disappeared for none to see You showed your true self to me. Im so confused inside And I feel so lonely I know your bad for me But I long for you to hold me Well you don’t want me anymore Go find yourself another whore I won’t be waiting for you Cause I will move on Now that you are gone
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