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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Beautiful Nightmare

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Everything posted by Beautiful Nightmare

  1. *smiles* thanks everyone!!!!!!
  2. Thanks everyone for your advice *polishs her poem and grins* I took your advice although now i feel you guys wrote the poem and not me!
  3. lol soooorrrrry that was me not parmenion i forgot i was logged in with his name stupid brother! *slaps her brother* Again sorry!
  4. *Does a dance* go appy go appy go appy go appy!!!! In my eyes since i first met you you have grown maybe its just me?
  5. Hey Zariah! I loved this poem and i no it would be sad for me if i had to leave my room and go try make a room out of somewhere else! Anyway i loved this poem and how simple it was and Good luck with collage! Im sure you will do excellent! *hugs*
  6. Hey Appy!!! well done i really liked this and yeh you did extremly well in writing it im so proud!! *grins* Growing up so fast now! hehe!Well done hun! I hope to see more of your writing here... *Hugs* :woot:
  7. of course i dont mind i really liked yours! glad i did something!
  8. I have scars inside of me Locked up tight for none to see All these scars you gave to me With out a thought, without a care You ripped my heart I hate you ber No, no i dont hate you at all This was my fault Its me who should take the fall I pick up a knife and how lovely it seems Get away from this life Ill be happy at last Without you im nothing I need you more than ever But now you are gone Run off with my heart I pick up the knife and i cut my throat Everything fades as my blood runs from me The blood falls around me like a moat I knew you and me were meant to be I smile as everything fades Seeing your face in my mind My eyes stare blankly Happy at last
  9. *smiles* I remember this one! hehe and i dont just mean the poem...didnt know you wrot a poem bout it but hun im very glad you did im not gonna say the ryming was good cos u have heard it enough and i want your head to be able to fit through that door *points to her right* *hugs* nothing is perfect but i no a few people who come pretty close i guess she was the same for you...like for example you are pefection to me...suppose its cos i love you but now im sounding like a soppy old fool *grins* good poem hun!
  10. Like a Beautiful star in the night sky You shined so bright you caught my eye The most beautiful thing i have ever seen With a heart of gold, and a mind that's keen With an inner beauty and an outside to match Who knows what wonders you are able to hatch You have made me happy, and you have made me smile A rare moment for my hectic lifestyle You have brought me hope and you have brought me love You are surely a gift, a gift from above And i thank the lord for his wondress gift With my eternal greatness and my heart filled with bliss...
  11. *hugs* Its nice to see you writing again Wren i love this poem! and i like the way your ryming went i dont think most people can pull off ryming without sounding like there forcing it but you do a very good job of it hun! *hugs*
  12. Too many tears i've cried for you Too much crap you put me through "Why?" The voice asks inside my head I look at myself and more tears i shed. "Look what you do to yourself!"the voice screams Its true i did this to myself,or so it seems You ripped out my heart and stood on it Just like all the others, you hit Beat me to a bloody pulp I cried but came back asking for more Each time i forgave you I'm stupid, its true But this is the price i pay for love "Maybe it's me,a quiet voice says Go through the day thinking it's me He comes home and i fix him his tea I smile and say "it's ok, i'll change" He looks at me with big angry eyes "Please don't hit me!", i beg But he hits and he hits until i fall and hit my head I get up and realize im dead I know im stupid I know its true But please do not let this be you, Please do not let this be you!
  13. *hugs* Wow u know what actually very strange there was a time last year when i actually felt like this and well it only lasted a month or two but i know how you feel hun actually though when i look back on it i think myself a little silly but its like when i was angry or sad i had control or something its like it felt so much better to be sad than happy i find that saddeness is a much more powerfull emotion than happyness then this is only my opinion! *hugs* i love the poem! I think you did such a good job writing it! *gives you a lil gold star* :wizzie:
  14. *smiles* Wow i love the way you write and to be honest im actually quiet jealous that i cant write like you hun! I love you poems and i think that you should just post your poems here without having to be forced by Merelas! hehe! Well hun i expect to see alot more from you, if i dont i will be very dissapointed and hun u dont wanna get my cranky now do you?
  15. Aww Boaz! *hugs Boaz tightly* I dont understand your message at the start you should be very proud of this poem is very good and i think the short lines were excellent! Im so glad you posted it otherwise i would not of been able to see such excellent writting from you! *hugs*
  16. I really liked this..i had a friend over dose before he is ok now and feeling better but wow this was just so excellent a suject put so simply i really liked it! O and to Parmenion: God do you ever shut up?????
  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :wizzie:
  18. O wow i love this poem reminds me of me and Parmenion! *runs off and hugs Parmy* hehe! :wizzie:
  19. Hey everyone wow ive been so busy i only got this today! Thanks everyone! I had a great day except for the horrible heatwave ugh! Anyway thanks!!! *hugs her online dad* Pere your such a sweetheart!
  20. Dragolin i will try write a happy poem but most of the time i only write when i am down! Its when i can just sit and write for hours and lets my emotions get transfered onto a page! When i am happy i mean actually happy which is very rare indeed i do not feel the need to write.
  21. Well thanks everyone buy Dragolin wat did u mean by" it's really you "? :wizzie:
  22. Hey wow i really like this alot its so touching and just amazing! *hugs* hehe!
  23. Sabre i think this poem is very good it made me feel the way you did when you wrote it and i think when people can do that through their poems it shows alot of talent some of the worlds greatest poets cant even do that so well done!
  24. I liked this poem alot very touching!
  25. Not finished yet but let me know what you think! I have scars inside of my Locked up tight for none to see All these scars you gave to me With a few sharp words you broke my heart But all of this is just the start. I keep digging myself deeper into depression Words like happiness have lost all meaning Im caught up in teenage grievings
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