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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Beautiful Nightmare

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Everything posted by Beautiful Nightmare

  1. wow nice collection i love all the poems ur an excellent writter! As my brother said keep them coming!
  2. *hugs again*
  3. *grins* Omg *hugs wyv* Thnkies hun and thanks for waiting with me wren yeh i keep womdering why i only applied now? Anyway yeh its true i am truely that spoilt that i do not have the slightest clue about the value of money!
  4. *nods in Appys direction* I believe that people do have physcic powers but i agree with my brother and think that the majority of fortune tellers are just fakes and are very good at reading what people are like this requires no phycic power just takes knowing what people in general are like! Just my opinion!
  5. O i like i like!!!!! It for some reason reminds me of the so cool Metallica concert i went to which i will never forget it was one of the best days of my life! And this poem brought back all those happy membories! *hugs* I like it alot!
  6. Write happy poem they say! But they dont know The darkness inside of me. They dont see the hole Dug deep inside of me They dont see the dark, only false light. Alight that is too bright It cannot be real Why cant they see this? Happy poems would be like this light, False.. Happy is not how I feel. Darkness consumes me It swallows me whole. It tears me up inside, but no one knows. I smile during the day, And at night, I cry. I dont know why i feel this way. But I dont think I want to know. Feelings locked and buried inside For no-one to find. If I dont know thenthey cant, So i sit here with my pen and cry And wonder what is happyness? Why dont i have this feeling? And why do i cry? I guess i will never know why.
  7. Im little miss perfect in my world, The world i created For people to see But they only see this world,not me. Hey, I'm little miss wonderful, look at me, I'm spoilt and don't know the meaning of money. I get what i want, or moan till I do, But possessions aren't everything. Hey, im little miss beautiful, look at me. Everyone thinks I'm so pretty, But confidance I have none So i dont believe the constant compliments. Hey, I'm little miss talkative, look at me. I talk alot and make people happy. I listen and give advice, But most of the time I dont care. Hey, I'm little miss crazy , look at me. I act crazy and hyper,but you dont see. I'm really quiet shy, Only acting this way because I'm insecure. Hey, I'm little miss happy, look at me. I laugh and smile and giggle sweetly, And I'm fun to be around. But I'm not happy, I'm a good actress! So what do you think of little miss perfect now?
  8. /me has a bag of the magic roundabout but never actually seen it!!!! But all my friends love it so it must be good! Anyway i loves the poem and *smiles* its what u feel on a nice day i love nice days but never bother to write about them maybe i should start?
  9. *hugs* wow i was so proud of my first happy poem! Bet you are if not u should be except my first happy poem was on love which is so overdone so u should be proud that its different!!! *hugs*
  10. /me tends to trust people to easyly! My fault i know but i cant seem to help it its in my nature!
  11. *is an angelic figure* hehehe well i can see the way you would think these things on lotr but im not a religion tyoe person but i respect peoples beliefs but i dont think Tolkien ment it to be a religious type book i think he just ment to be a good fantasy book and it damn well was! I heard of the religious thing before concerning lotr about frodo being like jesus overcoming things and in the end suceeding and saving all of humanity as jesus did! To be honest i look on lotr as a good book i dont think we should analize it because i dont think its ment to be analized but i do like your point! It makes you think!
  12. *hugs and claps* I loved it!
  13. *hugs* welcome! Wow i remember when it was people welcoming me! I loved your poem and believe me when i first joined the pen i felt that way too actually i still do but things get better maybe just even a little bit but they do and i hated when people said that to me but it actually ends up being true suprizingly! I really loved this poem and it displayed your emotion it was excellent!! *claps* *hugs again*
  14. *A song i wrote for my band type thing * Fear,anger,hurt,shame, Why cant they just go away? Love,happyness,joy,smiles, Why cant they rejoin my life? All these feelings gone away They dwell with dark creatures And there they stay. I have to break free I have to break free Trapped in this hell for eternity. My fear has trapped me Im here to stay My fear has kept me away From you. Thoughts,silence,confussion, I need to get away Lonelyness,sadness,regret, Is this what i have to pay? All these feelings here to stay They dwell in the dark of me And now they never go away. I have to break free I have to break free Trapped in this hell for eternity. My fear has trapped me Im here to stay My fear has kept me away From you.
  15. Why cant I tell you how I feel? Is this love? Is it real? I heard love is only a feeling But when im with you I know its real. In every touch, I feel a spark In every hug, I feel a rush. Too much of a friend i never got If I like you and you the same Then that is alot. But what if you dont like me? Thats probably true. But i want you to know Ive completely fallen for you! So annoying as it might be You dont have a model liking you, only me! Im not perfect and im not smart But I am willing to give you my heart. A small item it may seem To be with you would be a dream. Please dont break my heart At least not at the start. Give me a chance is all i ask And then it can be us two And you can say "I love you" Im getting ahead of myself, i know These are my dreams But how it actually happens Is up to you it seems.
  16. Hurt again Another stab It adds to the list Of a past. The past of lies The past of pain The past of tears The past of hurt. But it finds its way Into the present And hurts me again In a form of you. A different face A dirrerent name But with one thing the same The same knife. The same knife Stabbed in the same back Another friendship gone Another love gone. More tears shed More blood bled More hurt shown Another stab in the back. Friends, who needs them? When look what they do They turn on you And leave you feeling blue.
  17. i really like this but found myself lost in it i dunno if thats a good or bad thing but most of the time i get lost in good poetry with images and feelings so i think it was a good thing! im so glad your writting again!
  18. (Written while watching my niece sleep some time last year) There is no war to be won She will never talk This cannot be undone Yet good in her, there is an endless stream And I look at her Wodering, whats in her dreams? Are there monsters big and scary? Hunters out to get her small and wary? And I look at her asleep and I see her smile And I know she makes me living worth while
  19. Why cant they just see me for who i am? Take away my looks and im just a human Take away my bravery and i have emotion Take away my cruelty and see my love But they dont bother to see this They dont bother to stay They only see me for my mask And then run away.
  20. Wow that brother of mine he does tend to go for a while doesnt he? Although he does make excellent points some of the time! I like this poem but i didnt get the first stanza(a line in this stanza) i mean all girls like to be looked at whether there skinny or fat i mean seriously we wouldnt be girls if we didnt love the attention,right? But still excellent poem! *hugs*
  21. *claps and hugs* well done i loves it i havent read a good story in ages and i loves this so much! Wow i really have to stop saying i loved it hehehe!!! *hugs* I want to see more from you i mean if you can write this you can write alot of others! Also i liked your style of writting in this even if it was experamental i think it worked very well!
  22. Yes. Yes if I could swim a bit better Hey, if nobody else is hiding I ain't and in fairness leaving would mean I'd have to go find another beach which is kinda a pain in the a$$ when I've got a nice beach just sitting right in front of me. I've probably got a six pack in some ice, some decent company and a sunny day to enjoy it in (I would never go to a beach in crap weather ) Its all good... /me wanders off and gets towel to run around whipping all the naked a$$e$!! HOOPLAH!!!
  23. *hugs her dad* Aww hun i really like this poem it rules! But i dunno theres just so much you can do for other people! Some times they will never appriaciate the things you do for them! But i want u to know that i do! Every piece od advice u ever gave me i have taken and look at me im now a happy person!
  24. It’s not the pain I’m used to it Its feeling like i've been stabbed in the heart I’m not with you And I do not know what to do To get you mine Cos everytime I see you My heart gives a leap And I just don’t know what to do I cant live without you Do you like the way I am? Do you want me to be different? Well f@@k you. I love you its true But I’m not changing the way I am I’ll just think of another plan But everytime I see you I know it’s meant to be And I don’t know what to do When I’m dreaming of you.
  25. Three years ago, we met Our friendship had its highs and its lows Still my love steadily grows We have been there for each other’s pain. We have been there through each other’s shame The memories run through my mind You are so special to me, one of a kind I remember all of the times you said: “I love you” I grinned happily saying I loved you too All those happy times meant so much to me I knew you and me were meant to be I love you with all my heart I knew I would from the start My world revolves around you I love you so much, if only you knew I sit here happily and I think of you And all the crap we have been through I sit here happily, your hand in mine And when I’m with you, there is no time.
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