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Everything posted by Aegon
I think what Appy is trying to say is that threads like these could potentially clutter the forum, and make it harder for members to get through the already hefty amount of posts already present on these forums. It would be a whole lot easier for both you, and us if you came on to IRC (see the FAQ's forum), or used the shoutbox.
( Can I vote that the voting be over because anyone NOT voting has taken a little too much liberty with time? Then we could move along... )
"But... why do some of you not believe me? Do you not take thw word of a noble over a lowly peasent? Don't hate me because I'm beautiful! ...more importantly however - where are the women flinging themselves at my feet!? Where is my sweet tasty harem of women willing to do my every bidding?" At this moment, a big tear swells up in the corner of his eye, "There should have been so many women..." Barclay goes silent for a few minutes, too busy feeling sorry for himself to pay much attention to everything else around him. He does however eventually come to his senses, and notices Georgia looking at him curiously. "Don't worry. I- I'm fine...", he half sobs. With a smile the young bimbo nods, "Yes, of course you were. But I was like wondering... do I want like, another beer... or should I kinda like, have a rum and coke?" To this Barclay can only let out an exasperated sigh and pass her his own drink. "Just drink this. Oh, and try not to speak, you're so much prettier when you're silent." For a moment, the dandy's eyes glint in comprehension, "Say, Miranda... you mentioned that Nathaniel was a hunter of werewolves, and that he has now been killed by everyone here. But... you forget, you are one of those very people who accused him, and I... defended the man. Why would I defend a man, who was my potential enemy? Nay, milady... I am no wolf."
The young fop rubs his weary eyes. He's not had much sleep recently, having spent all of the night in fits of dreams and visions. When he'd woken up this morning and looked in the mirror his screams could be heard through the land, as he beheld his tired and not-so-handsome image. Barclay was still dressed neatly, however, and not a crease could be seen on his well pressed and well cleaned scarlet clothes. "G'morning..." He mutters as he walks into the party room, "So, you went and killed Nathaniel, ladies and gentleman?" He lets out a loud sigh, "Ah, while 'tis good that he is no longer around to try and steal any women from me, 'tis bad that he was not the wolf. You should have listened to me." He walks over to Georgia and pats her on the behind, "Ah, my foxy lass... how about helping to cheer a tired man up? We could head to my room and...", the noble didn't get to finish his sentence, as Georgia’s hand flew to the side of his face and slapped him soundly. "I am like, not cheap, 'y know? If you like wanna sleep with me and stuff, then you like, have to buy me beer, y' know?", the bimbo lectured him. "Oh yes! Of course milady, I the mighty Barclay am forgetting my manners! Always buy the lady a drink before taking her to bed! I apologize... I did not sleep well last night." Rubbing his eyes, Barclay coughs for attention, his face looking serious, "Ah, ladies and gentleman? May I have your attention again? The renowned Barclay wishes to speak." At this there were a few mutterings of discord, no-one really liked to listen to the dandy speak, but it didn't seem like he was giving them much of a choice. "I, Barclay B. Scarlettenniavordsmanville must speak to you all. Needless to say, that the ladies here should be overwhelmingly grateful towards me, for 'tis possible that I may save their lives here..." He bows his head gravely, "We have been betrayed friends! There are two wolves here among us, and I shall now reveal them to ye all!" Pointedly shifting his gaze from Miranda to Jim, he speaks up, in an even louder voice, "The peasant woman Miranda and the brute known as Jim are none other than the very wolves we seek! I have seen them in a vision... killing, murdering and deceiving... and I cannot keep my tongue silent, though it costs me my life." With an exaggerated sigh, Barclay lowers his head, "Ladies, now that I have put myself in danger, I feel saddened, for my very life could be in the balance, here. But nay, you... you ladies, you could cheer me up, you could make me feel happy again. I suggest that these two... fiends be lynched, and all the ladies and myself then adjourn to my bedroom for drinks and... play. What say you, people?"
Barclay was stunned. Stunned not by the murders, but by the accusation that he might the eat cooking of a... or a... commoner! How dare that silly detective say such a thing! Of course, if anyone had suggested to the young fop that a noble actually set foot in a kitchen and cook for himself, then the response would be much the same. It had never really crossed his mind that most cooks were indeed commoners. As the commotion continues, Barclay raises his head and glances at the big breasted blonde, Georgia. A little drool starts to seep from his mouth, and his eyes seem to increase in size ten-fold, "HUBBA HUBBA!" Seconds later, the noble coughs and composes himself. He checks his clothes for any dust, and on seeing none, he walks over to the gathering of people... making sure to stand next to Georgia. "Ahem! Ladies and Gentleman, if I may have a moment of your time..." Several pairs of eyes turn to glance at Barclay, "Yes, well... I do not see how you can accuse such a poor... innocent and beautiful lady of being a wolf! I mean just run your eyes over her body..." He pauses and wraps his arm around Georgia with a smirk on his face, "See this finely toned woman? She could not be a wolf! Nay! Though she is certainly FOXY!" A few groans are audible throughout the room at Barclays poor attempt at a joke, "Nay, I think that the wolf is neither she... nor even this fine gentleman who accused her." He nods towards Nathaniel, "For a gentleman with the noble name of Nathaniel could not be such a terrible killer!" He pauses for effect, and scrumples his face up, attempting to look serious, "Nay, friends. We do have a killer among us! But that killer is none-other than... the brute, Jim!" The young fop turns to regard Jim, "Yes, the werewolf among us could be none-other than you, Jim! Your brutish demeanor and common name say it all! You, are a werewolf, and should be lynched!"
Barclay B. Scarlettenniavordsmanville (Scarlet for short) glances at the large mansion, a small yet growing frown upon his face. "Well, it's a little small, isn't it old chap?" He mutters in an obviously post accent as he pats the rose pinned to his outrageous coat. "I have been mislead, my dear rose! I was expecting a grandiose party! Rich women in tight clothes, big strong door guards, that kinda thing. And instead.... I see... I see... a PEASENT woman of all things entering the mansion." He splutters at this and throws his hand out in a gesture of contempt. After a few seconds of pondering, the young fop nods, "Still, she was rather pretty I suppose, wasn't she old boy? The Rose remains silent. "Give the lady a bath, put a tad of make-up on her, give her a pretty dress... and my, she could be quite fair. Yes indeed. Don't you agree, Rosey-Wosey?" Still, the rose doesn't respond; Barclay doesn't seem to notice this. "Yes, maybe this party won't be so bad after all. It's not as big as I'd hoped, but yes, maybe they'll be lots of woman. They won't be as pretty as me of course," He softly rubs the roses petals at this, "But... maybe there'll be someone around who's nearly HALF as pretty as me? Yes, wouldn't that be a treat!" If the rose could move, it would have been sagging its petals in response to this; Mr. Scarlettenniavordsmanville has a slightly overextended opinion of himself. He believes that he's the most beautiful person in the world, and generally spends five to six hours every day combing his hair, adjusting his hat, and dressing himself. Dressed in almost pure Scarlet, the young fop certainly stood out. The only parts of his outfit with different colours were the white feather in his hat, his shiny black boots and a frilly white shirt, which stylishly had its edges protruding from the deep scarlet tunic. Glancing down Barclay notices a speck of dust on his attire. He raises a hand and elegantly brushes it away, being careful not to catch any of his large exaggerated rings on the fabric, "Well I do say, can't be having dust on my apparel! Why, if anyone had noticed, then I'd be the laughing stock of the party! It would be a waste of my beauty, don't you think dear Rose?" Of course, the rose didn't respond. "Anyway, I suppose I should have over to the party, eh old boy? Wouldn't want to miss any of the ladies!" The young fop chuckles and heads over towards the mansion. When he reaches the door he pauses, takes a mirror from an inside pocket on his tunic, and glances at his face checking to make sure his makeup was all in place. "I suppose this will do, yes, yes indeed. Come, rose! Let us make our entrance!" As elegantly as possible, Barclay pushes the door to the mansion open. He heads down a well decorated corridor to a room with a big sign on it reading "PARTY ROOM". After one cough to clear his voice, Barclay pushes the large doors open and exclaims in his loud and posh voice, "Ladies! I, the beautiful Barclay B. Scarletteniavordsmanville have come to make your dreams come true. Come, flock to me my little birds of LOVE!!"
Yui wanted to join in, but she can't come online this evening to say so herself, so I, her humble slave am here to tell you. - Slave
I'm certainly with Salinye, here. I want in! I want in! *grins* I've never played anything like this before, but it sounds simple enough, and it should be fun...