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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Snypiuer last won the day on February 25

Snypiuer had the most liked content!


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    With a heavy, blunt object.
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    Near-do-well and absentee lay-about.
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    Over here. NO! Over HEERRRE!!

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  1. Thanks for the info., just wanted to make sure there wouldn't be a problem with the Hello Kitty magnet stuck to the ricasso of my enchanted sword, Doris Nether Bane - Devourer of Demon Spleens. And, you know, just for NEXT time, it'd be helpful to some of us if you LEAD with the advice on protecting and securing your mind and dreams against evil and forgotten beings using them to enter our world . . . you know, for NEXT time. Now . . . kind of busy . . . have a bit of a . . . situation . . . let you know how it goes . . . maybe.😐
  2. Coolness. since I'm not in IL., chances of recognizing me - slim! Anyways, let me know when you have definite schedules, and I'll send a bulk mail to let everyone know so those in that vicinity can have a heads up. If you have a virtual signing, at some point, I can send one for that also. Now, do you have an idea as to how many books will make up the Awakening series? Are you planning on an open-ended universe or a finite series? Finally, it won't be soon, but I do plan on buying several (not a lot, a few) and then harassing you for an address so I can send them to you to sign them. One for me and a couple, or so, to give away - I plan on using them to TRY to get more participation.😉
  3. Is feromantic iron magnetic? Are any of these metals magnetic? If yes, once enchanted, does a magnet have any effect on the enchantment?
  4. Snypiuer hands Harmony a pointy stick and sings the Ramones "Beat on the Brat". When you find it at B&N, the books' cover looks SURPRISINGLY like the Pens' present background - weird, huh? One question: Will we be getting previews of your second book!? Any plans for book signings? If yes, in-person or virtual? If no, will/are signed copies available/obtainable? Does Snypiuer understand the concept of "ONE" question? If yes . . . does he . . . REALLY!?🤔
  5. You are driving late at night. It is pitch black. Solid cloud cover. No rain. No moon. No stars. You somehow find yourself on a small backroad that you've never been on. Your car suddenly dies. You are plunged into complete darkness except for a faint light you can barely perceive through your passenger door window. You look at your phone, no service. At that moment, chain lightning flashes across the sky, clearly illuminating everything around you for several seconds, allowing you to notice that there is literally nothing as far as you can see in every direction except for a small, rundown 2 story house that you have, somehow, broken down right in front of. When the lightning stops and all is once again black, you realize the faint light comes from the window in the top story of the house. You use the light on your phone to make your way to the house. It is dead quiet. The front door ajar. You enter. You call out, "Hello!? My car broke down, can I use your phone to call for a tow truck!?" No answer. Your phone light starts to dim. You quickly look for a light switch along the wall. You find it and flick on the lights. A harsh light bathes the interior and there, in the center of the room, glaring at you with the most unsettling leers you never could've even imagined are: Willem Dafoe, Christopher Walken and Steve Buscemi. They look unwashed, each wearing tattered wife-beaters, dungarees and worn, faded shoes. Their leers turn to sly grins. It becomes crystal clear. They've been waiting. For you . . . specifically. What do you do?
  6. Snypiuer


    Snypiuers' laptop was returned a while back. It came back with an attitude - Snypiuer was running Windows 10 and did NOT want to upgrade to 11 (which he STATED in the paperwork), but it was upgraded and now, Snypiuer can't find the original product key to reinstall 10. So Snypiuer was FORCED to apply his pointiest poking stick in order to reeducate said laptop and remind it as to its' PROPER place. On a side note, and TOTALLY unrelated to ANY actions Snypiuer may or may not have taken, Snypiuer will be attending therapy for "Aggression Management". O.K., TECHNICALLY, it's "court ordered", but completely unnecessary and merely a misunderstanding on the part of a CERTAIN individual *stares at niece*, who overreacted and notified LPS (Laptop Protective Services). Niece: You were ABUSING it with that stick you found outside, while yelling at it and saying words that I, as a CHILD, should NOT be hearing! Snypiuer: IT GOT A NEW SSD, BATTERY AND KEYBOARD AND SUDDENLY IT THINKS IT'S BETTER THEN . . . Niece: *Cutting Snypiuer off* HEY! What did the therapist say!? Snypiuer stares at niece. Takes a deep breath. Counts to 10. Slowly releases breath. Anyways, Snypiuer also had a backlog of emails he had to go through (we've already gone over WHY Snypiuer HAS to go through EVERY email, so we will not reiterate that here) and has FINALLY gone through them all. Now, Snypiuer just has to overcome his natural laziness, propensity to procrastinate and tendency to . . .
  7. Snypiuer


    Snypiuer finds his laptop barely alive. Snypiuer pokes laptop with a stick. Snypiuer does a "Make laptop strong" dance. Snypiuer pokes laptop with another, pointy-er stick. Snypiuer yells at laptop. Snypiuer threatens laptop. Snypiuer attempts to gaslight laptop by insisting it's the laptops' fault Snypiuer is angry with it. Snypiuer apologizes, says he'll change, he'll treat the laptop better. Snypiuer pokes laptop with an even pointy-er stick. Snypiuer berates laptop. Snypiuer's niece walks in. Niece: ""What's the problem!? Snypiuer: *As he yells at laptop and viciously pokes it with his pointy laptop poker* "BAD! BAD LAPTOP!!" Niece: "Didn't you get the extended warranty?" Snypiuer: *Stops berating and poking laptop and stares at niece* "Ummm" Snypiuer checks. Snypiuer explains to laptop that if it hadn't of made Snypiuer so angry, Snypiuer wouldn't have been so harsh with it but, even though it's the laptops' fault and since Snypiuer is such a good person, it should appreciate that Snypiuer will send it in for repairs. Niece: "You're weird." *Gently pats laptop* "Good laptop, don't listen to the meany." Snypiuer will check-in when possible! No idea how long will be without laptop.
  8. Roll for initiative?!🧙‍♂️
  9. *Knock-Knock* You: Who's there? Death.💀 You: Ummm . . . Death?!😱 Yeah, you got 15 minutes. Sooo, tell you what; Imma go smoke some cigs, have a beer, and I'll see you in *checks his watch*, 15 . . . 'kay then *walks away*. WHAT DO YOU DO?☠️
  10. The Banal, Everyday Doings of Some Random Dude and . . . Who's That? I'm thinking a couple of people who are constantly on the fringe of monumental happenings, yet completely oblivious to it. They're the people in historic pictures or videos that are always looking the other way or paying total, rapt attention to whatever is absolutely ordinary and trivial, rather than the vastly important and consequential - so-much-so, that they NEVER have even the slightest idea of what they missed. I can't figure out a way to flesh out a story for it, BUT if I could, I'm afraid I'd have to call it an autobiography!
  11. O.K., I've been considering your point of view for a while and have a few questions: What if you take your time and your cereal begins to turn mushy and loses cohesion, blending with the milk? What if you add cut up fresh fruit, like strawberries, blueberries, etc. and the juice blends with the milk and the cereal absorbs some? What about cereal that changes the milks color or taste? Would any of these situations make it a soup? If yes, is it then, just a matter of how long the ingredients are combined that dictates a cereals' "soup-ness"? If it can BECOME soup, at what point does it? Does eating it quickly keep it from being a soup, while eating it slowly allows it to become one? If combining the ingredients begins the process of it becoming a soup, couldn't it then be considered a soup at that moment? If an individual CHOOSES to eat it quickly in order to stop it from becoming a soup, can that individual be considered "pro-choice" in terms of cereal being a soup or not? If an individual eats it slowly because they believe that it is soup from the moment the ingredients are combined, can that individual be considered "pro-soup"? FINALLY, and this comes down to the true heart of the matter, who is right: pro-choice or pro-soup?!
  12. HELP!!! Just heard a question posed on a T.V. show and I can NOT stop thinking about it, here it is: Is cereal a soup?
  13. Reach out. I'm O.K. I tell myself. Another day. In my life. I don't know if I will be able to make it. Another day. Or any more. When every day. And all before. Are the same. When despite how I try nothing changes. Time to start. Another day. That's the same. Like all before. In my life. Just hoping I will be able to make it. One more day.
  14. Snypiuer


    I find myself roaming the city late at night lately. Wandering the backstreets, seeing what I can see. I find violence and the outcasts mainly. Along with the lost and those, society would call freaks. Late at night, in the dark the city is another world At least, that's the way it seems. Filled with loneliness, reaching for someone to hold onto. A sadness, built on broken dreams. Beneath the neon, deep within the shadows is a yearning A reflection of what was or what could be. And though it feels as if an emptiness is seeping Somehow, I still feel it calling out to me. A solemn knelling that echoes through the city. One that rumbles low and deep. A Siren call that can't be fought as it entrances. A lullaby of a different sleep. It slowly fades away as sunlight seeks to wake the city. Mornings kiss, releases the city's hold, we are free. The city grows quiet, as the dark of night begins receding. A silent hesitation before the ending of a dream.
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