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Everything posted by Racouol
Ugarte stared at Skielah for a few moments before getting up. He sheathed his knife than bowed. "It is a pleasure to meet you Skielah. I trust that the this place was not too hard to find." "It was easy enough. I AM a bounty hunter after all. What good is a bounty hunter if they cannot find their bounty?" Skielah asked as she continued to observe the surounding. "Yes this is true." Ugarte paused for a few moments before continuing. "Why don't you have a seat, you are early after all. I just can not explain the mission fully until everyone arrives." "Can't you at least tell me who the bounty is. I like to know who..." "I told you to wait. Trust me, this bounty will test all of your skills as a bounty hunter. It also wouldn't suprise me if there were a few s along the way. All shall be revealed in due time. Just be patient." Ugarte interupted. He then sat back down and started sharpening another of his throwing knives. Skielah frowned for a moment. She then walked over to one of the beams of the building and climbed up to the rafters. There she sat and waited.
Ugarte paced about the auditorium he had rented three days ago. He also mailed out an invitation to almost every mercinary and Bounty Hunter he could think of. He also made fliers and posted them Now he just had to wait until everyone arrives. He paced around on the stage reciting his speach over and aover again. Occasionally making small changed to its wording to make it flow better. He was now in the most delicite part of his plan. One mistake could end his plans in a single heartbeat. Still some risks were worth it and if things go well he will have an army on his side. He glanced over at bob for a moment. Bob was his partner in his last mission. Then it seemed like they could take on anything. bob's strength, resistance to magic, and regeneration powers alone made him an almost unstoppable force. He was also given the ability to think as well thus making him less dangerous to Ugarte. But even with Bob's help Ugarte was unable to kill his two main targets. "Things will be different this time around" Ugarte muttered under his breath. "You are an easier target now that Racouol isn't there to cover your back" Finally he would be able to kill the villian that tried to freeze the world so many years ago. "It is a shame that I will not be able to kill Racouol as well. He does deserve more than you do." He then sat down onto the stage and started sharpening one of his knives. OOC: ok. This thread is open to all who wish to participate. I just request that anyone involve to please keep it serious.
Both Racouol and Wyvern smiled inocently as Racouol hid the Booze colored cabbage behind his back. Racouol leaned over to Wyvern and whispered "I told you these costumes would not work" "Nonsense, these costumes are working perfectly, he probibly thinks that we are two people representing greenpeace and he probibly does not like them. Still this is alot better then covering ourselves in invisible paint." "Drop the Cabbage Racouol, and both you and Wyvern can leave before I turn you into fertilizer." Gwaihir growled. Racouol simply turned to Wyvern "I told you this would not work, next time we will go with my plan" He flatly stated. "Well," Racouol stepped behind Wyvern "seeing as you got us into this mess you can go talk your way out of this." Racouol then shoved Wyvern to the angry Gwaihir. "wait..."Wyvern fell onto his face only inches away from Gwiahir. He quickly got back to his feet and rubbed his almost dragonic nose. "errr, hi Gwiahir. It is such a nice day to be gardening, dont you think so. Anyways those are nice err, cabbages you have. Do you mind if I have one?" Wyvern said as he smiled as inocently as possible. "Seeing as it is probibly you who plotted this I will punish you first" Gwiahir snarled as he started swinging. Wyvern let out an almost dragonic shriek as he attempted to dodge the garden rake. Gwiaher was faster and hit Wyvern in the back of his head and sent him flying across the garden. Wyvern put his hand on his head and let out a groan. He then slowly got back to his feet and braced himself for another swing. However Gweihir was now walking to Racouol. Racouol smiled as he finished his ultimite summoning spell. He then noticed Gwiehir was taking a swing at him. Quickly Racouol pulled out a frying pan and blocked the garden rake before it hit him. However Racouol felt a bunch of somethings hit his back, forcing him to the ground. Before he knew what happened he was covered in wiggling cabbages. "And you Racouol. I thought you knew better than to get involved in Wyverns scams. It looks like I have too...." Gweihir was interupted as the ground in the garden started shaking violently. The room suddenly grew very dark as the room continued to shake and knocked Gweihir to his feet. Just as the room stopped shaking a giant Disco Ball appeared in the air. The door to the garden door flew open and in walked the village people singing Macho Man. "oops, wrong spell" Racouol muttered to himself meanwhile Wyvern and Gweihir could only stare as the village people started dancing and singing around the garden.
Racouol stared at Wyvern's limp body for a few moments. After looking around for a few moments he dug a healing potion. He then opened Wyverns mouth open and poared the elixer down Wyvern's throat then took an immediate ten steps backwards. Wyverns jumped "Uggh, what was that stuff you fed me?" Wyvern asked why making faces of disgust. "It was just a potion of healing I have been saving for a while now. I was sort of afraid that it went bad" Racouol quickly looked at the empty flask and noticed an experation date. Reading the experation date he noticed that it went bad nearly 7000 years ago. "Um well luckly for you it is still good" Racouol lied as he shoved the flask into his pocket. "Well that is a good thing to hear." Wyvern replied as he turned around. "well as I was saying...." Racouol took this moment to slip out the office and celibrate his acceptance. *OOC* My e-mail address is Racouol@hotmail.com
Here it is Wyvern, It is not much but it is all I have time to write.
*Thunk* Ugarte looked at the knife sticking half way out of the elm tree. Just below it stood a little child, still holding onto a hand full of daisies but now quiviering with fright. Ugarte let out a sigh of relief once he saw that she was physically unharmed. Slowly he sheathed the other knife he had in his other hand and started walking to the young child. "I sorry Fey, I did not realize it was you." Ugarte gentle said as he slowly reached for the child. "You should not have startled me." Fey jerked away before Ugarte got close enough to touch her. She then dropped the daisies and started running towards town. Ugarte just watched her go. He then walked to the Daisies, knelt down, and picked them up. He then grabbed the knife and cleaned it off before sheathing it. He carefully placed the daisies into his pocket before heading back to town. Thirty minutes later he arrived to the house he was staying at. He gently opened the door and stuck his head in before walking in. He made his way up the stairs to Fey's room. He knocked on the door before walking in. he saw Fey curled up in a ball in the corner crying, while her mother Julia tried to comfort her. Ugarte just turned around and walked out of Fey's room, gently shutting the door behind him before making his way to his room. Ugarte looked up when he heard his door fly open. "How dare you attack my daughter!!" Julia screamed, "How could you after all we have done for you." "Sorry," Ugarte just replied as he looked back down and continued his packing. "Is that all you have to say?!? At least you could tell me why you attacked my daughter." "I just thought she was someone else, and she surprised me. Tell her that I truely feel sorry for what I have done." Ugarte said as he finished tying close his bags. He then lifted up his bags and placed it onto his back. "Also I want to thank you for treating my leg. I will not forget your kindness." Ugarte started walking to the door. "Do you really expect me to buy that load of crap. You nearly killed my daughter. I should have you...." "Arrested???" Ugarte interupted. He stopped and looked Julia in the eyes. "I have told you the truth. If you calm down I am sure you will realize that. Besides, the job I have to do is too importent to allow myself stay in a jail." He placed his hand on Julia's shoulder, "Once again I apologise for what happened earlier. Goodbye Julia, and once again thank you...... SLEEP" Ugarte grabbed Julia before she fell to the floor, and carried her to the bed. After laying her down he left. As he left town, Ugarte pulled out a list of names from his back pocket. He put the names of his targets into his memory before destroying the paper. He knew the villians that he needed to kill. With luck, He would be the one to kill some of the most terrifying villians, making the world a slightly safer and more peaceful place to live.
Racouol lifted the headless body with ease and started deflecting sword blows with it. "Ha, you all do not stand a chance against me" He cried as he threw the body to one side knocking down several people. He jumped up, flipped, and grabbed a charging man by the shoulders. He then threw the man into the blade of another peasent as he landed. Grinning ically, He pulled out the most unusual and unwieldy looking sword any of them have ever seen. The sword was six feet long and forked off to the side five feet from the hilt. The Forked parts of the blade continued another three feet to either side. It was made of a blackish metal with the word Innocence etched in red down one side of the blade. Racouol effertlessly swung Innocence between two peasents. With a slight twist of his wrist and a sharp jerk cut both peasents in half before they were able to finish their swing. He let his body fall back when he jerked the sword, and started doing a one-handed back flips as he used Innocence to carve his way down to the leader.
Racouol opens the door and shouts out "Happy Birthday!!!" He then places the huge cake he was carrying down onto the table. "You would not believe...." Racouol suddenly noticed that the room was completely empty except for the table, the cake, and himself. "UMM, are you guys playing some sort of joke on me?? I am sorry that I am late but I had a hard time finding the cake" No one answered. Racouol reached into his pocket and pulled out the directions he bought from Wyvern. "Hmm, It said take a right there, and a left here...." "Are you lost??" "Why yes I am, can you...." Racouol turned around to notice an orange striped cat sitting on the table. "Where did you come from??" "What do you mean?" the cat asked as it puts a cigar into its mouth. It lit the cigar then took a few puff before continuing "I live here, anyways where are you going?" "I was going to Zool's big birthday bash but got lost." "Ah, you are in luck. I know exactly where it is." the cat said with a smile. It took the cigar out of its mouth, "I would say that that info would cost you say 200." Racouol quickly fished out the geld and stuffed it into the cats paw. "Ok where is it." The cat simply gave another smile before pointing to the window. Racouol glanced at the window and noticed Zool in the apartment next door. Quickly he grabbed the cake and ran out the door. Racouol opened the door and walked over to the table to set the cake down. "Happy Birthday Zool." OOC: Sorry for being so late. Happy birthday
He quickly got up from the couch, once again forgetting that he was still wearing roller skates, and fell onto his face. Growling another curse he sat up, ocasionally brushing the purple fuzzies, and ripped the roller skates off his feet. He then got back up to his feet and pulled a frying pan out of his pocket. He then reached into his left pocket and pulled a rather battered Wyvern out of it. "Now its payback time" Racouol growled. He then started to beat Wyvern with his frying pan. "Next time you leave me to take the heat like that I will turn you into a stew!!!" After about several minutes of using Wyverns body as a puching bag. He threw wyvern onto a pile of the purple fuzzies. He then looked around and noticed that the purple fuzzies were everywhere. There were also blue, pink, and the rare neon green. "Ok Wyvern it is time to go." He grabbed the uncontious Wyverns head and shoved a tasting healing potion. Wyvern immediatly regained conciousness and and started gaging.
The door comes flying off its hinges revealling a heavily breathing Racouol. He then starts towards Gyrfalcon. "Happy *pant* late *gasp* birthday." Racouol said as he dropped to the floor. After a few seconds he stood back up suddenly startling the crowd now gathered around him. Racouol the reached into his pocket and pulled out an object. "Here is your birthday gift." "You mean the grinning anchovy that you are holding in your hand??" Gyrfalcon asked Racouol looked down at the anchovy before tossing it to the side. "Hmm where is it?" Racouol reached into his pocket and pulled out a have eaten avacado sandwich. "No, not it", a withered apple, "no", a can of oil, a single black sock. After a few moments Racouol quits searching his pockets. "Must have lost it. But anyway happy birthday
"We finally found you Racouol. Now die for all the crimes that you have committed on humanity." Racouol simply looked up, at the speaker for a moment. Then he glanced at the mob behind him. "So what are you waiting for?" Racouol asked while studing the mob before him. "Surely, with a mob that big behind you, you can not possibly be afraid of one man. Or maybe you just do not have what it takes to fight in a battle. Hell you are not even old enough to grow fuzz on that face of yours." A smirk slowly creapt onto his face. The young man started sweating and his sword started feeling like it weighed a ton. He quickly glanced at his companions to notice that several of them were shaking. He quickly licked his lips before speaking. "I am allowing you one more chance to repent for all of your sins so that you might be forgiven." he lied " Afterwards we will make your as quick as possible. Otherwise we will make sure it is slow and painful to prepare you for your trip to hell." Racouol let out a snicker. "And I suppose it will be you who will send me to the depths of hell. I find it hard to believe that you are really up to it. But it does not matter. I have made up my mind. I have already grown bored so I will see if I can spice things up." He was now grinning. "I will now so you why parents you stories of me to keep their children good." Right as he finished speaking he disappeared. "Did he run away?" one person in the back asked. Before the leader could say anything Racouol appeared right infront of the man and thrusted his fingers into the mans eyes. With his other hand he grabbed the older man by his neck and squeezed until the man's head literally popped off.
Racouol rolled up onto his feet, or at least he tried to roll onto his feet. However he slipped once again, landing face first into the floor. Luckly for him the sheep's blade struck the floor a full 2 inched away from his shoulder. "Hey, watch were you are swinging that thing!! You almost got me there." Racouol yelped as he got onto his hands and knees and started crawling away. After several quick pulls, the sheep managed to get its blade out of the floor. It then turned to Racouol and started doing flips and cartwheels towards him. It then did a triple flip over Racouol's head as it drove its katana through Racouol's arm. Racouol immediatly swung when the blade struck and hit the sheep as it landed making it go flying into the wall. He then got up slowly and looked at the sheep laying on the floor thirty. "And here I thought this was going to be tough," Racouol muttered to himself as he reached for the blade. He then felt a sharp pain in his arm and watched the katana fly out of it. He then turned back to the sheep to see it stand up and catched the sword. "Damn, I spoke too soon." The sheep then charged.....
Xeros and Racouol walked through the door of the Tavern of the Fighting Frying Pan. There they watched the octopus proceed in buying drinks here as well. "I can't take it anymore, that is my money he is spending!!!" Racouol growled as he started marching towards the octopus. "Hold it, I have a good idea." He whispered to Racouol. "He then turned to the crowd in the bar and shouted "Hey everyone, lets party. I just rented out a dancing so lets have some fun." "What the hell are you talking about???? It is only the two of us." Racouol quickly whispered to Xeros while watching everyone in the bar turn their direction. Racouol then let out a weak grin. Xeros turned to Racouol and an evil grin appeared on his face. "Perhaps you should look into that mirror when you get a chance. Just remember that I freed you so now I own you until I think that you deserve to be freed. So put on a good show, and make sure to so alot of skin." He whispered back before pushing Racouol further into the tavern. Racouol turned around to confront Xeros again only to stop and stare at what should have been his refection in the mirror. Instead the image that reflectd back was of a tall blond woman with violet eyes showing more cleavage than was proper. "What have you done to me?" "Hmm, isn't it obvious Racouol? I cursed you. It is a curse that is impossible to break." Xeros then started laughing. At that moment Racouol jumped towards the fireplace and grabbed the frying pan that was hanging over it. she then lept towards the octopus striking it. Quickly she glanced around and picked up the Uncontious Octopus and jumped through the window. Xeros just chuckled to himself as he left the bar. "Your days are numbered Racouol. But do not fear, for I will not kill you until after I completly break you." He muttered. Ten minutes later Racouol quickly slipped his pants on. She then looked into a puddle of water, still in disbeleif before walking off.
Happy Birthday Canid!! May your day be filled with many pleasent surprises.
Hmmm, Why am I here? Well a long time ago me ma and me da met for the first time and that equation = me. Why do I Write? Well because writing is a way of getting my madness out of me and infect other people with it. Ok now it is time to be serious for a change. I write becouse there is just this certain urge to share with the world the way I think. Let the world get a glimps of what makes me tick. Besides the feelings I get when I should finish a story, or take part in role-playing, or even writing one of my poems. I am here becouse I like to have a place to show my work should I ever complete a story. I like being able to post anything without people knowing who the man behind Racouol is. It also gives me a chance to improve without the clutter paper makes.
"Errr, Uhhh, Ummm......,Hi there oh great samurai sheep." Racouol said as calmly as he could while taking his y but now handcuff free left hand out of his pocket. "It is...uh....great to see such ......mighty warriors such as yourselves. I was just hoping that you could help me for I seemed to have lost my way. Perhaps you could help" The Sheeps justed baaed while one continued to hold the search warrent and the other one was drawing its katana. "Hold on just a sec...", Racouol then pulled out the sheepish to english dictionary. "Ok can you please just repeat what you just said. "Baaaa" "Hmmm...." Racouol flips several pages. "You want to search my pockets, I am sorry but it can not happen." "BaaaaAaA.....Baaaaa" Flips through several more pages, "Err, what do you mean I am hiding Wyvern?!?!?!" Racouol put on an looking smile as he started skating backwards. "I do not know what you are talking about." "Baaa." The sheep started advancing keeping the same distance between them and Racouol. "But I do not know what....." Racouol hit the corner behind him. After looking around and licking his lips nervously he finally got down onto his knees. "I give up. You may search my pockets." The sheep holding the warrent rolled it up and went over to Racouol while the other one watched Racouol suspisiously. Just as the first sheep reached into his right pocket Racouol Stuffed it in and drew out a frying pan from his other pocket in time to block the katana. Racouol tried jumping up yet the wheels on the rollerskates did not want to stay still when he landed causing him to fall onto his rear. He was however able to roll out of the way of the second swing. The duel was on.
"Hmmm," Racouol grabbed the contract out of Wyvern's hands and took another good look at it. Muttering to himself he then reached into his pocket and pulled out a large oak desk, three throne like chairs, a pair of reading glasses, and a huge magnifying glass. "You might as well sit down, this will take a while." He then started reading the contract. "But I want some food now. Hurry up and signed the contract." Murdock whined as he sat in his seat. Meanwhile Wyvern started pacing around. Now and then he would stop to see if the contract was signed then mutter something under his breath before starting his pacing again. After about a half hour Murdock jumped onto the desk, ed the contract from Racouol's hands, and signed both his and Racouol's name on it. He then tossed the contract to Wyvern. *WHACK* Racouol peeled what was left of his frying pan off the now unconsious Murdocks face. He then put his hands around Murdocks throat and started squeezing. "What the hell do you think you were doing you overgrown lizard?!?!?! I should kill you for pulling a stunt like that!!! You sould know better then to write other people's names on any sort of contract!!" At that moment Wyvern grabbed Racouol's hands and started to try prying them from Murdock's throat. "Calm down will ya, there was no harm done." Racouol just let out a beastly growl.
"So this is on big mansion Racouol," Murdock then stopped and started looking around, "Um, so where is the kitchen anyways? It has been a while sense I last had something to eat." "What do you mean your hungry??? You just had a huge meal not even an hour ago." Racouol replied while looking at his underling. "I thought you dragons could go days without eating anything anyways." "But an hour without eating is such a long time to go without eating. I am a growing dragon for crying out loud. Lets go find the kitchen." Racouol glared at Murdock for a moment "Fine, we will go." Racouol then took another look around. "Actually, how do we get to the kitchen anyways." "Isn't it in your map??" "A yes I am sure it is. Lets see." Racouol starts rummaging in his pockets and pulls out a kettle " no that won't do." then he pulls out a skeleton of an ancient dragon "hmmm, thats not it either", a couple dozen rats "Damn I thought I killed the last one months ago" Minutes turns into hours and Racouol is still searching through his pockets creating a huge pile of discarded items infront of the hall. "You forgot it didn't you." Murdock finally said "Well when you get my age you tend to forget things every now and then" Racouol replied "I guess we are going to have to ask someone." "Who do you suppose we are to ask. I have yet to see anyone while we were here." "Well, errr, um, errrr we could ask...." Racouol then notices Wyvern in the distance. "We could ask Wyvern, looks like he is headed this way." "Has he seen us yet?" "Doubt it." "So do we jump him, drag him into an empty room and then the information out of him." "No murdock we do not, Just watch the master at work." Racouol then smiled then turned to the oncoming Wyvern. "Hey Wyvern can you come here for a moment?'
When Racouol woke up he found himself in a cell. He tried to get up yet his muscles desided not to work. So he just lied there thinking about everything that happened thus far. Now all he could do was wait for Murdock and Diemer to return and free him. Had this happened before he lost his magical powers he could have easily cast a few spells to get loose, but then again he would not be in this situation to begin with either. "Its no use thinking about the past. It is time to get myself out of here" he muttered to himself. He then summoned enough of his strength to get himself up off the cell floor. He then walked up to the cell door and started ramming it. *SMACK* Racouol then picked himself off the floor again and glared at the door. He then backed up to the wall and sprinted towards the door again. *Crash* Racouol found himself back on the floor with a rather sore shoulder while the door just stood there like before. He got back up and ran towards the door again. *Thud* Still the door would not budge and Racouol found himself yet again on the floor. "I AM NOT GOING TO LOSE TO A Y DOOR!!!" he shouted and started towards the door again. Four hours later Racouol was still trying to ram with no success. "I *pant* am going to *pant* get you this time." Saying that Racouol threw himself towards the door only for it to open before he hit it and causing him to hit the wall about ten feet behind it. "I guess you were not about to quit trying to ram that door till you got out of here. No matter someone just payed to get you out of here so we might as well get you out of here." Racouol opened up his eyes and saw the guard standing over him and holding a small bundle of rags. The guard then dropped the rags onto Racouol and started towards the stairs. "What am I suppose to do with these" Racouol asked as he picked himself up off the floor. "What do you think, you are suppose to put them on." The guard answered while still walking away Racouol then started muttering to himself while trying to walk and dress himself in the rags at the same time. Slowly he made his way towards the stairs.
* Racouol opens the door and looks around before entering. He then takes off his leather trenchcoat and starts shaking it. For a moment dust completely envelops the room. Racouol then pulls out an oversized fan out of his pocket and blows the dust out the door. he then stuffs the fan back into his pocket before throwing himself into a seat.* Hello everyone, it has been a very long time. I am glad to see that the Pen is Mighter than the Sword has been doing very well. I am looking forward to reading all the stories everyone and perhaps putting out a few of my own.
Racouol peered up from his tall glass of mead. He had been waiting now for several hours for a report from either Murdock or Diemer. It was unusual for either of them to be late for anything espessially when it was for something this important. It also did not help that Murdock had the last of Racouol's gold nor the fact that he had just build up a very large tab during his wait in the bar. Things just had not gone right for Racouol ever sense he arived to the floating city of Glanura. First his ship, along with most of his gold, was sunk by a group of pirates. Secondly a group of thieves broke into his in room and stole his pants,which contained everything of value to him. Thirdly all of his weapons were taken by the local authorities after he got in a small bar fight the night before. Now his men were late and before the night end he was sure something else would happen. Racouol then finished off his mead, got up from his table, ajusted his boxershorts that had little red hearts all over it, and slowly made his way to the door. "Hey you, you better pay up for all those drink you just had," the bartender shouted. At that point Racouol looked at the bartender, gave a weak smile, and started running. The Bartender shouting "Kronk, stop that man" was the last thing Racouol heard before he ran right into Kronks fist and was knocked out.
That brought back a lot of fond memories