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Everything posted by Racouol
Hey Lumpen, happy birthday
Ugarte jumped up while he thought of his next move just remembering that none of the bounty hunters knew how to get to Tel Reth. "Damn, that plan was almost ruined." Ugarte muttered to himself as he looked out the window, "Hmm, still have some time." Ugarte then ran to his study's door and shouted out it. "BOB, COME UP TO MY STUDY WITH THREE SCRIBES IMMEDIATLY." He then rushed back to his desk and started writing a note. You have been invited to join me at my mansion so that we may discuss more about the job over dinner. To get to my mansion from the north gate go straight past the first five streets than take a left. Go straight past another two streets and take a right at the Land's End Inn. Go straight past another three streets and take another right. My Mansion is at the end of the street. Ugarte looked up just as Bob opened the door letting the three scribes in. "I would like you to copy this letter about fifteen times." Ugarte told the scribes. He then noticed Bob's puzzled look and quickly added. "Just in case any of them get damaged in any way. I would for our guests to not be able to come due to the directions being smudged." About two hours later the scribes got up and handed Ugarte the copies of the letter. Ugarte quickly scanned the letters maiking sure that there was no mistakes. he then placed each in seperate envalopes and sealed them. Looking up again he noticed the three scribes still standing at his desk. "You are dismissed" he said with a slightly annoyed expression on his face. As the door closed behind the last of the scribes Ugarte jumped up and rushed over to Bob. "Bob, please deliver these letters to each of the bounty hunters. I am sure it will be easy for you to find them becouse you where able to get their scent. Please hurry, the day is getting late." Ugarte then watched Bob as he departed.
Ten days had finally past and Ugarte and Bob walked through Tel Reth's gates. Ugarte scanned the city and smiled as he watched the meaningless lives of the ignorant masses. After a few moment Ugarte turned to Bob, "I think we have kept the bounty hunters waiting long enough." He then started walking towards his mansion. Upon arrival to his mansion, several of Ugarte's servants rushed to greet him. Ugarte once again smiled "I am sorry I have been away so long. I am also sorry to say that My stay will be once again short. However tonight we are to have guests. When they arrive i want then to be brought to the waiting room. I also want them to be served with the finest elven wine we have. You are all dismissed." At once everyone was off to prepare the mansion for the guests. Ugarte then turned to Bob. "I suggest that you rest up my friend. Also make sure you wear your finest clothing I had made for you." Bob just grunted before heading off towards his Quarters. Ugarte then headed towards the kitchen. There he gathered up all the cooks. "Tonight we are to have guests. I want you to prepare enough food for 50 men." He then turned around and left as the cooks started preprations for the the feast later that night. Ugarte's next stop was his own room where he layed out his finest jewels and best silk clothing before heading to the wash room to clean himself. Finally, all dressed and prepared for his guest, Ugarte sat in his study looking through all of his notes about Gyrfalcon, Daryl, and The Pen. He also looked at the weapons he had taken out of his treasury. Gifts for the bounty hunters for their trouble coming all this way. Ugarte smiled as his eyes caught a strangly shaped sword with the word INNOCENCE written in an ancient demonic language. Now all he had to do was wait.
Racouol quickly produced some ear plugs and shoved them into his ears. He then walked towards the center of the ball room avoiding various snakes slithering out of the ball room. Staring at the growing storm cloud in the ball room. "This can not be good he muttered to himself. In moments the rafters were covered in the clouds then it started raining green pudding. "What the..." a huge glob of pudding hit him in the face knocking him onto the ground. ******************************************************************** Murdock quickly tried to cover his ears from the shreeking of the bone flute. However he could not block the sound and before long his reptilian instincts took over as he crawled away.
Hmmm, I would most likely put some sort of recording device into my head. This is so I will be able to record my ideas before I can forget them. My room. I have always been curious as to how I wake up to find myself tied up, hanging upside down, and covered in feathers. Than again that might happen to everyone. I have to agree with Orlan about putting one into Aardvark's brain. Definantly curious as to what makes him tick. Finally I would definantly put a few into a few *cough* choice female bedrooms.
Happy Birthday
"While I agree that Jim may be one of the potentual werewolves among us. I am not sure about the rest of you." Jared said as he walked into the center of the room. "You." Jared pointed at Barclay, "Your talk of visions and then pinning the blame on Miranda, you got some nerve. You might be the second werewolf trying to hide his identity by blaming Miranda. Than again you both could be werewolves and are using Jim to keep yourselves alive. Still if anyone should get lynched I would say Jim, if it turns out he was not one of the werewolves then we will know for sure who is the werewolf."
Jared sat in his room. Still shakened about the events that had just happened. "What is going on?" he muttered as he continued to walk about. He then started shaking as if someone was watching him. "I this." he then growled as he left his room, slamming the door shut behind him. "Two are already , who can I trust. Hell I better find the others." He then stormed off and started searching for someone.
*Thud,THUD,CRACK,SNAP* The dungeon door shattered reveiling a filthy Racouol. "I wish for once you would use the doorknob. I am sick and tired of having to buy a new door every time you want to enter another room. Hell you do not even have your hands full when you kick the doors open." Murdock complained as he looked at the pieces of the door now on the floor. "Quit your whining, just be glad that I have finally a place within the pen's keep to call home." Racouol said as he lit another torch. "I personally wish you chose to live in one of the towers instead of the deepest part of the dungeon." Murdock muttered as he threw his backpacks against one of the walls. At that moment he noticed something under one of the larger pieces of the door. "What is this?" he asked himself as he knelt and brushed away the door pieces revealing two letters. One was labled for Murdock while the other was labled for Racouol. "Looks like someone expected us to chose to stay in these rooms." "Well whatever it is it can wait. We need to unpack first." Racouol said as he pulled an oak desk out of his pocket. "I am going to read mine first, it might be something important." Murdock then opened his letter and started to read it. A few moments later Murdock dropped the letter, rushed over to his luggage, and began searching through it. "What is it?" Racouol asked as he pulled a rug from one of his pockets. "It was an invitation to the fall ball. We are late." Murdock answered. Racouol's eye widen. "We must hurry then. Make sure you contact a couple of the Racouollettes before we leave." **************************************************** 15 minutes later Racouol, Murdock, and two of the Racouollettes were infront of the Ball Room door. Racouol was dressed in a tangerine tuxedo, a wide brim hat with an extreamly long feather sticking out of it, allagator skin boots, and an eye patch with a few fire opels on it over his left eye. Murdock wore a pair of purple pants, light green shirt, a yellow vest, light brown shoes, and a neon pick bandanna. The two ladies were luckly dressed in a normal yet very revieling evening gowns. "I hope that you brought a gift for Ayshela." Murdock said while his hand reached for the door. "Course I did, some very nice elven white wine aged about 4000 years." Racouol replied as he pulled a rather dusty looking bottle out of his pocket. "You sure that it was properly bottled and stored? Nothing worse than to be home trying to drink wine only to find that it turned to vinegar." Murdock asked. "Just open the door already." "Alright already. I just hope those thugs that tried to stop us a moment ago are alright. Hopefully they were not the guards." Murdock said as he opened the door. The four walked in and their jaws dropped the moment the saw the chaos within.
Jared could not stop shivering once he heard the news. "This is not good. Why is this happening?"
Nicely done
Happy Birthday
*Smack......Thud* The guests of the party turned around to see what looked like a huge horse leg sticking through the door. Shortly afterwards they could hear a groaning as the leg started to move. A few moments later a huge Minatore creature stepped into the Party Room. It then walked a couple of steps before falling flat on its face. After a few moments the minatore climbed back on its feet. "Maybe I should have worn a different costume." Jared muttered
Count me in. Sounds like this could be a lot of fun.
"To think after all these long years I will finally have him. It is a shame that the meeting didn't go as well as planned." Ugarte muttered to himself. "I would have to disagree with you on that one Ugarte." A rasping voice said. Immediatly Bob got infront of Ugarte and Ugarte drew his rapier. "Hehehe, do not worry I am not here to fight you." "Than what are you here for?" Ugarte asked while he stepped infront of Bob. "I just want to tell you to stick to your plan. We should...." "Be careful of what you speak. We do not know who else can hear us." Ugarte said in a harsh whisper. "Do not worry I made sure this place was safe to speak freely. Anything that could have been a spy is . But as I was saying before you so rudely interupted me was that there are now going to be attacks on different towns by the demons serving Gyrfalcon. There will only be a few that will be allowed to survive while the rest of the villager will be turned into various undead creatures." "While that does sound like a good idea I doubt that many people would be willing to believe that." Ugarte said while still looking about. "Do not worry Ugarte we have also taken the liberty of spreading tales about his past when Gyrfalcon tried to freeze the world. Of course we had to leave out a few minor details." "I still doubt it will work however I will continue as planned. Now if you do not mind I got to get myself to Tel Reth." Ugarte started walking off. After traveling an additional mile Ugarte broke out in a fit of laughter. "It is about time you damned demons decided to tell me part of your plan. Now that I have an idea of what you are planning to do I will be able to form my own plans." Ugarte continued to laugh as he walked on.
"What do you mean you lost her!!!" the obese demon yelled as he threw what was left of an elven arm across the room. "I should have expected failure from you Lesiet; however I thought that you Graz'zt could...." the demon stopped speaking as he noticed Graz'zt glaring at him. "I do not think that you want to finish that statement Arbal. You forget that I only joined for the entertainment value of this mission of yours, beside adding a third of that world would be a nice addition to my domain." He continued to glare at Arbal causing the fat demon to squirm around on his throne of bone. "I could instead destroy you and take over what is left of your domain instead." Graz'zt took his gaze off of Arbal. "I do know that this Dove character is meeting secretly with Gyrfalcon. However they went into a room heavely guarded against scrying." "But couldn't you just destroy these barriers?" Lesiet asked. "Sure I could. However by destroying the wards we would gain unwanted attention from the caster of that spell and possibly from the whole castle." Graz'zt answered. "But we do not know what they are doing right now." Arbal said while forcing himself to stand. "What is wrong with that. I believe that Ugarte will prove to be a very useful decoy. Anyway we stick with the plan" Graz'zt smiled. He then turned to Lesiet. "Did you give the four their assignments?" "Yes Graz'zt. I made sure to be very specific about their job assignments and we will be hearing about their success shortly." Lesiet answered "Good, now all we have to do is sit back and watch the show." Graz'zt said as his smile grew.
Racouol mutters to himself as he pulled out some large, crusty looking earplugs from out of his pockets and shoved them into his ears. He then carfully picked his way around the broken glass that now littered the floor. Upon reaching the turntable he quickly yet carefully removed the record and gently shoved it into his pocket. He then turned to the crate of records and shoved all records of him or the Racouollettes into his pockets. (Thank you very much. Hopefully next year will be more of a blast than this year.)
No. It is not that I am shy or ashamed of my body. Instead I am afraid of the panic I would cause to the public if I apeared in the . Hell I can picture it now. I arrive to the beach in just my birthday suit. As people turn to look at me they only see this 5'11", 210lbs creature covered head to toe in thick brown hair. People let out screams as I near yelling things like "Its Bigfoot" or "Its a Bear" as they run for a building or a car. Next think I would notice I would be surrounded by the police, hunters, and zoo employees as they fire hunting rifles and traqulizer darts at me. In the end I would be released hundreds of miles from the nearest town, Thrown into a cage with other bears, or as somebody's rug. *shudders at the thought*
Ugarte watched Tayne as he left. He then turned around and went to Bob. "Pack my things and keep an eye out for any dangers." ******************************************************************** *Meanwhile elsewhere* In a pool of water appeared what looked like the inside of barn. the gathering had finally come to its conclusion and the people left were gathering their belongings. The three demons lords watched through this pool of water . "So it begins. Does Gyrfalcon know about this?" the Fattest on said as he sat on his throne of skulls. He picked up a human leg and took a bite. "This would be so much easier if we could see Ugarte or Bob. "No. I believe we were able to keep our activities and information about this hunt from him." A tall thin one said as he leaned against his staff. "So onto the second part of the plan then?" The Third one asked. "Yes." the fattest one said whille he took another bite from his meal. "Bring in the four so we can tell them wha thier mission is."
Happy Birthday Arawn.
"Well if you want to see all the money then you will have to travel with me to my base in Tel Reth. Unfrotunently it is a 10 day journey from here. However if you still insist on seeing this money then I will take you to it." Ugarte said to Dove. "But surely you can afford to have someone teleport us all to this city and back here if you indeed have 20 million geld to just toss about." Dove said with a challanging tone to her voice. "Indeed," Ugarte started as a smile crept to his face. "However while finding someone to teleport all of you would be no problem; However for Bob and I.....hmm.... well I guess you could say magic used on us is like throwing a single grain of sand into the deepest canyon in hopes to fill it. Also how would Bob be able to protect you from any possible demon attack?" Ugarte then turned to Tayne. "I am sure that you have your own plans to get to Gyrfalcon. Don't let me stop you from starting your hunt. However if you need anything please come to my place in Tel Reth. I am sure I can find something that can help you." Ugarte then turned back to Dove. "So shall we go? If we are to go it might as well be now."
"So have you thought about going to see that fortune teller? I am sure it would be amusing to hear what fate has instore for you" Racouol looked up and glared at Murdock. "How dare you even suggest such a thing. You know that I do not like fortune tellers one bit." He then looked at the five cards in his hands. "Besides, if you are so interested in THIS fortune teller then go see her yourself." He then put two of the cards face down onto the table. "Give me two cards." Murdock grabbed the deck next to him and passed out two cards. "Still are you not the least bit curious as to what your future holds? I mean would it hurt to see what you are destined for." He put the deck down and picked up his hand. Trying not to wince too badly he placed three cards face down onto the table and got himself three cards from the deck. "Seeing as you are losing place your bet." Racouol said "Now you are just dodging the subject." Murdock looked at his cards again. He then grabbed 200 geld from his small pile and placed it into the already large middle pile. "200. But really what do you have against fortune tellers anyways?" Murdock looked at Racouol for a little bit. "See your 200, I will raise you 5000." Racouol grabbed the geld from his huge pile and placed it into the middle. "Lets just say that I have my reasons not to like fortune tellers. Anyways your future is never predetermind by fate, thus no one can ever guess what your future may hold. If anyones fate was predetermind then I would not be playing cards with you right now and winning myself a good portion of your geld." Murdock winced as Racouol said the last part. "But Racouol, if fate does not exist then it will not do you any harm to just try it out. I hear that alot of the other people here are trying it out themselves." Murdock then pushed the rest of his pile into the center pile. "How about the person that wins this hand gets to see the fortune teller." "Fine." Racouol then layed the cards onto the table. "Four eights. I hope that you enjoy the fortune Murdock." "Not so fast." Murdock then layed his cards onto the table. "I got myself a Royal Streight Flush." Murdock just grinned at Racouol. "You win. I will make an appointment with this fortune teller. But if she starts raving like a lunitic I will leave." Racouol then got up from his seat and walked to the door. Five minutes later Racouol looked at his signeture at the bottom of the signup sheet.
"Hmmm, I figured that sense that bounty was so old that everyone forgot about it. It has been several years sense that bounty came out. Very well, I will offer you 8 million geld and will be willing to go up to 20 million." Ugarte simply stated. Before Tayne could say anything Ugarte turned to Skielah "As for your question. My motive is to get rid of him before he strikes again. He has been communicating with demons and looking to open a portal linking both this world with the demon world. I just hope to foil new this attempt to destroy the known world. I also know that I can not do it alone." "And I am suppose to believe all of this." Skielah asked. "Wether or not you believe me or not you believe me is up to you. I am just giving you the facts. If you want proof that Gyrfalcon is involved with demons then look at this." Ugarte lifted his pantled revealing several scars running from his knee to his foot. He let the pant leg drop and stared into Skielah's eyes. "I recieved this scar when Gyrfalcon sent one of the demons to attack me after he found one of my spies. I am sure that he is also having demons watch this very room right now, that is if he is not doing it himself." Everyone except for bob and Ugarte started looking at every corner and shadow for possible spies. "And how is anyone here to know if a demon has already got a description of everyone in this room. This would make it very possible that any of us may be the next target. You can leave if you want Mira but how would you like to find out if the person you are playing dice with is actually a demon come to assasinate you?" Mira shivered at the thought. "Furthermore I never said that it was going to be easy, however I also never go rushing into these situations without knowing what I am getting into. That is why I am looking for the best Bounty hunters. So if you are not up to it I will not stop you from leaving just remember what I said." He then turned to dove. "As for you. How am I suppose to believe that you are indeed Gyrfalcon's sweetheart. For all I know you might be lying." Ugarte said as an amused smile slowly crept to his face. "However I am willing to give you a benifit of the doubt if you can tell me something about Gyrfalcon that is not common knowledge. Then I might actually believe you."
Ugarte frowned slightly, he had expected more bounty hunters to show but no matter. He then glanced at Bob, causing the huge man to start walking towards Ugarte. Ugarte sheathed his throwing knife and slowly got up to his feet. He once again looked around the room and give out a light sigh. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen," Ugarte started. Everyone else in the auditorium quickly stopped their conversations and turned to Ugarte. "I am glad to see that you could take time out of your busy schedual to hear me out. I am sorry for keeping you all waiting. First off I would like to start off with the name of the bounty." He paused and started studying the faces of each bounty hunter. "His name is Gyrfalcon No'Dessu, wanted for the crimes of attempting to destroy the world, the use of evil magics, manslaughter, and conspiring with demons. While his plans were thwarted by a group of heros; he went unpunished and to this day may be forming another plan to destroy the world." He paused for a moment "I am offering a 780,000 geld for his head. He will also no doubt test all your abilities as bounty hunters. Good luck on your hunt and if you have any other questions feel free to ask." Ugarte looked around the room ready to answer any questions the bounty hunters may have. Bob stood close by guarding Ugarte from any possible attack.
Happy late birthday Psimon and The Big Pointy One.