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Everything posted by Racouol
Happy Birthday salinye
*Hugs* I wish you well
Racouol woke up to the sound of banging frying pans and chanting coming from the other side of his door. He groaned and slowly got out of bed. He stumbled over to his pants that layed it the corner of his room. After several attempts he manages to put one leg through the pantleg of his pants. After several more attampts he gets his other leg into the same pant leg. Satisfied he started towards the door only to fall into one of the many piles of junk he had laying about. In an instant the pile seemed to come alive and buried him. This caused the other piles of junk to come tumbling down. After a few minutes Racouol was able to unbury himself from his grave of cooking utesiles, month old steaks, bowling balls, and various peices of furnature. He then took off pants and threw them angrily against the wall. Racouol then walked over to his door wearing only a pair of boxers with little hearts on them. He then Knelt down and grabbed the doornob and started pulling. A few more minutes pass before he realize that the three feet of various item that covered his floor might be the reason his door would not swing open. Muttering to himself Racouol stood up and gave the door a swift kick. The kick caused the door to burst open and once again the pile of junk that now completely covered his floor came alive again and this time went threw the door bringing Racouol with it. Racouol managed to duck under the doorframe as he rode a wave of junk threw it. He turned around and chuckled just as the wave of junk hit the wall on the otherside of the hallway and tossed him out the window. Racouol managed to grab the window sill and hung there for the rest of the morning. OOC: Thank you everyone. Looking forward to spending another year with you all.
"Lets go Bob, we need to get the the Pen's keep before the demons decide to attack it." Ugarte said while he slid his had across his head. Bob opened his eyes and looked at Ugarte for a moment. "What is the matter with you Bob. We need to hurry with your incredible speed we should be able to get there within 2 days. We need to get to the keep before the attack. You also do not need to worry about revealing us to our enemies. " Ugarte quickly crawled onto Bob's back. Bob looked at Ugarte and nodded. His body then started to change... ******************************************************************** Keal'vera smiled as she watched Tayne bury his dagger into the elven woman's back. She admired how he was easily able to perform such a sneak attack and knew that without healing the woman would die. Keal'vera was further amused when she saw Salinye kick Tayne in an attempt to stay alive. She watched as the elf cast her light and invisability spell to make a getaway. Keal'vera decided not to dispel the invisability and instead see if Tayne can catch her without any help. Keal'vera allowed the shadows she used to hide herself to dissipate after Tayne left. She stretched her wings and sauntered to the still fresh blood on the ground. She then knelt down and slid her finger across the puddle. She then lapped the blood off the finger and frowned. Elven blood usually tasted sweet, however, while still sweet, it seemed to taste slightly odd. A scream from behind her startled Keal'vera for just a second. Insinctly she spun around and cast a spell at the area the scream came from. The scream stopped immediatly and Keal'vera watched as a young woman fought to get air into her lungs. As the woman finally fell, Keal'vera cast another spell to gather the shadows around her again. Moving from shadow to shadow, she followed the trail of . ******************************************************************** The pen came alive with mages flying all over the place in the air and guards running around on the ground. They all heard the alarm, an alarm that meant there was a demon in the keep. This alarm could only be heard by the people living here but anyone could tell that something was amiss.
Keal'vera sat in her usual place as she spied on Tayne. As usual, all the spell that kept her presence known were active and a teleport spell was just a thought away. She was still unsure if if Tayne knew of her presence, but if he did he gave no sign of it. She wanted to kill this human especially after he killed her favorate pet, however she knew that he was more than capable of her. She watched Tayne as he packed his belonging. As he ran off she followed, jumping from shadow to shadow to keep hidden and keeping a good distance between Tayne and herself. ******************************************************************** Drihiml, attack in three days Drihiml opened his eyes and smiled. After waiting patiantly for several days he finally got the go ahead to continue his attack. He then grabbed his Falchion and began going over one of his dances. ******************************************************************** "It is about time you got me out of that barrel." Ugarte snapped when he say the lid open. Bob just shrugged then gently lifted Ugarte out of the barrel. Ugarte quickly glanced around the area "You did make sure that we were completely alone before letting me out, right?" Bob grunted and nodded his head. "Good, then rest up. We leave for the Pen's Fortress tomorrow." Ugarte then took a razer and began shaving his head.
"is he ?" the first voice asked. "No, I think he may still be alive." a deeper voice answered. "Look! he is coming to." A third voice said. Leshiec opened his eyes and saw two men and a woman standing over him. "Are you all right?" the woman asked while the two men helped him to his feet. "What happened?" " I am not sure. Last thing I remember I was running from Tel Reth during the invasion. Next thing is see are the three of you standing over me" Leshiec said as he rubbed his chin. "What happened to Tel Reth anyways?" "The invaders were forced to retreat. While the soldiers of Tel Reth were able to drive away the invaders, many of them died. Furthermore most of the city was destroyed during the attack." The bigger man said while nervously glancing into the woods. "We decided that the best thing to do was to flee the city." the younger man said as he scratched at the stubble growing on his face. "Many of the other city folks are doing the same." "We figured that we can warn the other towns we pass by of this demonic army. I doubt that the army will need to rest for long before they can make another attack like that." "If you are interested you can join with us if you want." The woman spoke, "It would probably be a good idea, to travel in a group." "I thank you for your generous offer, but I am afraid that I have pressing matters to attend to. I would for you to go out of your way to help me." Leshiec said as he started to back away. "Nonsense, If you need to be somewhere we will go with you. Besides it looks like you are not well." The woman said. "Very well. I will travel with you until I reach my destination. By the way, my name is Leshiec." "My name is Fey, the young man is Agon, and the older one is Kron."
Leshiec leaned against a large oak breathing heavily. He did not know what came over him but he started running the moment he heard the battle first start in Tel Reth. He then felt a sharp pain in his chest quickly followed by a migraine. The pain was strong enough to knock him out.
The four armed demon continued to slash wildly at Bob in an attempt too free itself. Bob ignored each cut the demon's claws made as he continued to ram the creature into the walls of the mansion. The demon howled in pain each time its back slammed against. Knowing that it would eventually die if it did not escape Bob's grasp, the demon slashed upwards at each of Bob's arms right at the armpits and managed to rip both of Bob's arms off. Immediatly the demon flew up out of arms reach to gloat but when it turned around it noticed that Bob had regenerated his arms. Bob looked up at the demon for a moment. Anger was building up inside of him. He was upset that he had not killed the creature as of yet, and he knew that his master would be disappointed that the creature was not yet. Bob forced himself to calm down knowing that this was not the time to change. The four armed demon took this moment to launch a magical attack, not at Bob, but at the floor by bob's feet. As the demon predicted, Bob did not try to even move from his spot thinking the spell was aimed at him. It smiled as the floor collapsed, and immediatly shot fireballs at all the nearby walls. The walls collapsed, the rubble falling into the hole bob fell into only moments before. When the dust cleared there was no sigh of movement. The demon flew down into the hole and stood on the pile of rubble. "No mortal can kill the great Zantalif" the demon yelled as it stomped its foot. "Your will serve as a reminder to all the other mortals that the demons are unbeatable. The demons will one day take..." It yelled in pain as it felt its knee shatter. Zantalif looked down and saw that its leg was torn off at the knee. Immediatly the it started to fly up. An arm reached out of the rubble and grabbed the demon by its good leg. Zantalif howled in fustration as it could not move. Another arm reached out of the rubble, grabbing further up its good leg. The demon started slashing at the arms in hopes to free its self, before it was pulled into the rubble. The first arm let go of the leg and managed to grab the demon's neck, squeezing hard enough to break it. After a few moments Bob had completely unearthed and climbed out of the hole. It paused for a few moments and noticed that the sounds of battle in the town had finally stopped. It then noticed a fimiliar figure lying on the ground half buried. Quickly it rushed to the body's side and unburied it. The body was Ugarte. Tears filled Bob's eyes as he realized that he had failed to protect Ugarte's life once again. "Don't cry." a familiar voice said from behind Bob. He turned around, still holding Ugarte's body gently in his arms. He saw his master, Ugarte, standing infront of him. "It is time we move to phase 2 of my plan" Ugarte said as he turned around and started walking away. Bob stared at Ugarte's back for a few moments then looked back at the corpse of Ugarte he held in his arms. He then put down the corpse and walked away not noticing that the corpse disintergrated. ******************************************************************** Outside, the guards went around treating the injured. When the demons retreated, the bodies of the on both sides had mysteriously disappeared. Furthermore the fact that the demons retreated when they were winning bothered alot of the remaining guards. The only thing that was left from the demon attack was a banner. On the Banner was a picture of a gyrfalcon clutching a sword with its claws on a dark blue background.
Your vocabulary and spelling should get better as you write more and more. Do not be afraid to write just because you do not know how to spell or you do not have the best vocabulary. I am sure that everyone here would be more than happy to help you out. AS for character making it took me at least 8 tries until I got the results I felt were right. Even now, I am still smoothing out more than one rough spot on my character (mainly his past). Point being just keep trying until you get the results you feel fit. I also feel that Zadown, Ayshela, and Salinye, answered your question very well. I hope to see some of your future posts soon.
Ugarte ran through what was left of one of the doors. His left arm hung limp and he was nearly blinded by his own blood. As he predicted the demons were right behind him. He raised his right arm and wiped the blood away. he then pivoted, with his arm still to his face, and threw a dagger at one of now surprised demons. The dagger hit but not with enough force to peirce the foul creature's heart. The demons quickly recovered from this suprise attack and dove for the kill. Ugarte waited for a few moments then fell to the floor just as the demons were about to hit. He rolled onto his feet and jumped through one of the holes in the wall. Ugarte pulled another dagger out and started running just as several fireballs hit the wall he was next to. The demons snarled as they watched thier pray narrowly escaped death once again. One demon ripped the dagger out of the injured demon's chest and started charging. It made several passes by Ugarte looking for the best target. It then charged with the dagger held infront of it and impaled Ugarte's knee. Ugarte howled at the pain from the last attack as he fell to the floor. The demon took no chance and started ripping away at Ugarte's throat.
Ugarte watched as Robby left. "You are all dismissed. Hurry up and get out of this city before..." this time the wall exploded knocking Ugarte off his feet. Before he hit the floor Bob managed to catch him. "Be on you guard, we are under attack!" Ugarte shouted as he pulled out a couple of daggers. Dove, Wren, and Mira immediatly got up and grabbed their weapons. Just then the ceiling was ripped away reveiling a Huge four arm demon and 14 smaller demons hovering above. "hmmp, I will never understand why I have to kill the 6 of you." The demon paused for a moment "Where is the sixth person? You two find him and kill him, the rest of you kill these weaklings, and leave the brute to me!" the demon the yelled. Just then the four armed demon dove down towards Bob. The other 12 demons seemed to have vanished, only to appear in the mansion as they threw fireballs and bolts of lightning at the group only to disappear again to attack from a different spot. Bob immediatly grabbed the four armed demon by two of its arms and immediatly tried to throw it through the wall. the demon however managed to hold onto Bob and started using its claws to start slashing bob's chest. As the claws ripped threw Bob, his wounds healed completely almost as soon as the wound was made. Bob then started rushing towards the wall with the demon held out infront of him. The demon howled as its back smashed threw one of the remaining rooms. Ugarte watched the three demons that were attacking him closely. So far their spell attacks had no effect on him but he knew that soom those demons would realize this and attack him directly. His grip on the his daggers tightened and got ready for any direct attacks. The three demons grew fustrated with their spells having no effect of Ugarte started a direct attack. They launched themselves towards Ugarte from three different directions, easily dodging Ugarte's swings will their attacks hit. ******************************************************************** Robby suddenly smelled a strong magicky odor and jumped to the side just as an ice bolt followed by a lightning bolt struck the place he was seconds ago. The two demons that attacked him snarled just as they turned invisible.
Happy Birthday and Congratulations!
Welcome Back
Racouol looked at the huge line leading into party room. He then looked back at the invitation. "Hmm, this looks to be the place." Racouol said as he looked back at the line. A smile then grew on his face and then he pulled a strange sphere out of his pocket. He then closed his eyes right before the sphere created a blinding light that instantly blinded everyone who saw it. Racouol then quickly took his pants off and slipped into one ot the pockets. After about a half an hour the crowd calmed down. While many of the party goers were severly injured the only ity was that of a small dog. Those that remained returned to the line to wait their turn to enter the party. No in the line noticed a pair of pants slowly drifting towards the enterance. Melba scanned the crowd to make sure that no one was trying to sneak into the party. She knew that the strange light was a diversion of some sort. Just then she noticed what looked like a tattered pair of pants drifting by her. "Nice try." she shouted as she grabbed a pant leg. She then summoned the ogre bouncers to search the pockets. Two hours had gone by with no luck as to find the owner of the pants. The ogre were still pulling strange and unusual item from the various pockets and adding it to the third pile of junk. One ogre was in the corner still trying to pry his arm from the bear trap he was unfortunet to find. Melba was sitting down watching the ogres work while drinking her third cup of coffee. After finishing that cup she got up and ed the pants from the ogres and thrusted a hand into a pocket and pulled Racouol out. "uh...hi" racouol said while putting on his most smile. "You could have saved everyone a headache if you just payed the enterance fee to get in." Melba growled "Now surrender those boxers." she said while pointing at white silk with little red hearts boxers Racouol was wearing. The ogres to this as their que to surround Racouol and take the boxers by force. "Of course" Racouol said, "but not these" he added quickly. Racouol then reached into the pocket of the pants Melba was still holding onto. He then pulled out a frying pan that had two holes in it. "here it is" Racouol said as he held the frying pan. "Uh, Racouol.....that is a frying pan you know" Melba said. "Besides those holes are too small for any legs to fit through." "Just watch" Racouol said as he grabbed an Ogre and threw it into the air. He then swung the frying pan up so the creatures feet hit the holes in the frying pan. The frying pan than formed into a very, very snug fitting pair of metallic no-stick underwear on the ogre. Racouol then let go of the handle still attached to the back of the newly formed underwear, grabbed his pants, and walked in.
Ugarte smiled as Robby spoke, never taking his eyes of Robby. "I meant no offence. Despite what these gauntlets look like I had a feeling these gauntlets would nicely compliment your already amasing abilities." Ugarte paused for a moment and took a sip of his wine. "While I do know that these gauntlets are powerful, I unfortunetly do not know what they do. They have thusfar resisted any attempts for wizards I hire to discover its powers. I also can not experiment with them myself due to my unique condition." The room then seemed to shake for a few seconds causing everyone in the room to start looking around. "Hmmp, It looks like we have wasted more time than we can afford to." Ugarte muttered. "Well if you didn't spend so much time PLAYING good host we would already be out hunting Gyrfalcon." Dove snapped Again the room started to shake again, this time a little more violently but again stopped after a few seconds. Ugarte just glared at Dove for a second before regaining his composure. "Well then, before I let you all go does anyone have anything else to say." Ugarte said as he got out of his seat.
This time Bob came in carrying a large sack. He paused a moment and grunted as looked at each bounty hunters. He then looked at Ugarte for a few moments before he walked up to Dove. He then reached into the sack and pulled out a massive and oddly shaped sword and placed it onto the table infront of Dove. The Sword was made out of a darkish green color. It's Blade extended 5 feet from the hilt and near the end of the blade it split into two seperate blades, each extending another 2.5 ft to each side. Seven words, written in a strange language, were inscribed near the hilt of the sword. Bob next stopped next to Mira and looked him up and down. Bob the just shrugged as he reached into his sack, pulling out a brilliant looking rapier. The Rapier hilt was studded with star sapphires. The blade itself was unusually thin and frigile looking. The blade also seemed to sway back and forth as if it was alive. Bob then went to Wren and immidiatly started digging through the Sack. He pulled out a demonic looking mask and gently placed it onto the table infront of Wren. The mask seemed to be a wonderfully crafted leather mask that would cover the wearers face from the nose up. On the top there were gold and silver feathers with two horns rising out of the feather. Bob finally walked to Robby and looked at him for a few moments. After a few moment Bob reached into the sack and pulled out a pair of gauntlets. He placed the Gauntlets onto the table infront of Robby and immdiatly took his place behind Ugarte. The gauntlets looked battered and unpolished. Rust had also seemed to have started forming in various places. The left gauntlet was missing the last finger while the right one had a good sized hole in the middle of where the palm should have been.
"Very well, my lady." Ugarte said with a grin as he placed his goblet onto the table. He then reached up and pulled the rope that dangled by his side. A bell sounded through-out the mansion and at once the dining room was filled with servants clearing the table and refilling goblets. As the wave of servants left the room another wave of servants carrying chests came in. The servants placed one chest infront of each bounty hunter and then started stacking the rest of the chest at the end of the room. Ugarte took a sip from his goblet " I hope you don't mind if I made the payments in gems instead of gold but I assure you that the gems are not glass and the payment is all there." He then snapped his fingers and in unision the servants all unlocked the chests reveiling all the gems within. "As I agreed 20 million payable upon completion of the mission." Ugarte snapped his fingers again and this time the servants closed the chests and carried them out. "I am still not convinced, while the contents in the chests that you showed us looked to be alright, you still failed to show us the contents it the rest of the chests nor let us check the chests you did open up more thoroughly." Dove said as she glared at Ugarte. "I would but i am afraid that it would take too long to see if the full amount is there unless you know of a spell that can do it instantly. If that is the case I will bring you all the chests again if you want. Still I have a gift for each of you." Once again Ugarte pulled the rope behind him causing the bell to toll again.
Good news... for me at least.
Racouol replied to The Big Pointy One's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
I am going on a much needed vacation Get to see my sister one last time before she joins the navy. Payday is a few days away. -
"We have a problem." a bowing figure said to the two demons chatting near the old town hall. Immediatly the two stopped and looked at the grunt that had dared to interup them. "Go on, make it quick and it better be worth our time." One taller of the demons said. "We lost several demons in our attempt to take the town of Faldorn. He seems to be very skilled. He seemed to have no problem carving his way through our ranks." When the bowing demon finished the shorter of the creatures took his spear and shoved it through the grunts head. "Hmph, it sounds like we have been attracting to much attention to our operation. Shall we tell Keal'vera about our little problem." "While I doubt that this little problem requires Keal'vera's attention we shall send her. I do not want this bug to interfere with anymore of our plans. Tell her to be completely merciless but if the opponent is too tough to immediatly make her escape." the taller one said as he left. ******************************************************************** Drihiml grinned to himself as he looked down at the final orcish tribe in the area. As he predicted all of the surviving orcs from all the other tribes to flee to this one. Now all that was needed was small push to drive this horde towards the The Pen's keep. Don't attack a voice said in his mind. What do you mean don't attack? This is the perfect oppertunity to drive these weakling orcs towards the pen. If everything works out everyone there will think all the activity here was due to the orcs and.... Just shut up and listen. Our demons have resently been attacked by an individual, I want you to keep your army hidden until this indiviual has been taken care of. Do I make myself perfectly understood? Yes. Drihiml lightly growled to himself as he continued to spy upon the orcish tribe. Before he turned away he thought he saw one of the orcs looking directly at him. He shook his head as he left knowing that no stupid orc would be able to detect him.
Happy Birthday Salinye!
Hmmm, Was able to log in with no hassle, been on for 20 minutes now without the site going down, was able to read all the posts without a problem. Everything seems to be working great
Ugarte watched as the last of the bounty hunters arrive around dusk. He then turned around and headed towards his closet. His frown continued to grow as he thought about how many of his perfectly layed plans were already ruined and of how many more he intended to ruin before the night was over. He also thought about the amount of gold he was wasting tonight in entertainment and expensive, and rare elven wine. He had intended for the bounty hunters to mingle with each other for a couple of hours before getting to business. Grumbling to himself he threw on his black velvet cloak and straightened his appearance before leaving his study. Ugarte opened the door to the waiting room and smiled, "I hope I did not keep you all waiting too long." he said. "Hmph, Its about time!" Dove snapped. "Now how about showing us our payment" "Of course, I will..." Ugarte then stopped and looked at the door across the room as it opened revealing a young man with brown eyes and hair, dressed in black leather. "Yes Leshiec?" "I didn't realize you had visitors father. I am sorry to have interruptted you." Leshiec said as he turned around and left. Ugarte chuckled for a moment as he stared at the door. "As I was saying, I will show you your payment but only after dinner. Now please follow me to the dining room and I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have while we dine."
I resolve to bring my weight down to 170 lbs I resolve to get a car that will not break down within a month. I resolve to go back to fencing lessons I resolve to write more I resolve to get out of this state of limbo and start up the second part of my training
Ugarte sat in his study looking through the window down to the city. He watched as each bounty hunters made their way to his Mansion. He was sure that Bob was able to sniff out each bounty hunter that decided to show up. Ugarte then turned around to his desk. He lifted a letter that he had recieved a couple months from one of his spies he placed into the pen a couple of years ago. He stared at it for a few moments and started frowning. Nowhere on that letter did it say that Gyrfalcon had a bodyguard. "What is she up to?" Ugarte muttered to himself. He then read alittle about Daryl. She can not possibly mean that this werefox is Gyrfalcon's bodyguard. "No matter, If this Daryl is indeed Gyrfalcons bodyguard than I am sure Bob will make short work of him." Ugarte then lit the letter on fire and let it burn in an empty silver cup. ******************************************************************** The fishing village of Tarx was the first of several villages to fall to the four demon's attack. The demons made sure that each village was more than a month's ride from the Pen's keep. Tarx was also where the demons have been building a huge portal to the abyss so that more demons could arrive to help with the conquest. With the portal almost finished Drihiml, the demon in charge, started attacking the nearby orcs. His first attack against the first clan was considered a failure. Not because he was defeated in conflict, but because he slaughtered all the orcs in that clan instead of letting half of them escape. Still he now had an undead orcish army under his command.
I would like to wish you all a happy and safe Holiday this year.