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Everything posted by Racouol
Finally here in Portsmouth naval shipyard. This will be the last base that I will ever live in and work on for I am leaving the Navy prior to my boat leaving the yards (assuming that it does not get out early). BTW, how do I go about to get one of those spiffy sigs I have seen people sporting lately??
Another update: I have just pulled into Conneticut near New London. Unlike Seattle this is going to be a working port . Still I did have an safe journey. Unfortunetly I never got to surface at the North Pole like planned so I got no...um...clean pics to share of the transiant. Just one more underway and I will be at my new home in New Hampshire. Until that time I will be jumping on occasionally
Update: Currently up in Washington state. I can not say for how long. Visited Seattle yesterday and had a blast. I will log in again at my next port call.
Well the time has once again come for me to move. I shall be going with my boat to my new home on the east coast. Will try to log on as soon as I am able too. Later
Nicely done Wyv. Its nice to listen to some of the music that my fellow pennites listen too. Hope to see more projects like this one
The Really Poor Man's Salsa Pasta Ingrediants 1 box of any type of Noodle 1 bottle of spicy mustard 1 jar of salsa( bigger jars are better) Directions: 1 Place Noodles into a pot of boiling water (perferably without the box) 2 After the noodles are no longer crunchy (5-10 min) place in strainer and drain out all water 3 Fill pan with Spicy mustard and mix in the Noodles, Simmer 4 Add jar of salsa and simmer for about 1 min or until mixture is warm 5 Serve and pretend it is something else while you eat it Came up with this recipe around 6 years ago when I only had those ingreadiants left and no money to buy real food.
Hey everyone, I figured that I would just hop by and say hi while I had the chance. I am currently in south korea and doing well. Unfortunetly I have not seen much here because this is a working port. This is my second time here. I was also recently at hong kong. Dispite nearly getting hit by a double decker bus I had a good time. I am starting to get homesick and am looking foward to going back home, by then I should be a wee bit more active than I have been hopefully. Later
Racouol walked in to see what all the noise was about and managed to barely block a frying pan silver firecracker with his frying pan. He watch as all the pennits ran for cover from the fireworks and wyvern merriely and drunkly singing, completely unaware how dangerously close some of the fireworks got to him. "you know there are much safer..." Racouol quickly ducked as another firecracker flew his way " ...ways of celebrating a birthday. You could sing songs like this one" Racouol then took a deep breath but before he could start singing the frying pan silver firecracker that was now inbedded in his frying pan decided at that moment to explode. Racouol flew into the wall and was knocked uncontious. OOC: Thank you Wyv and zool. Happy belated birthday Brute and everyone else
Keal'vera looked down at the ruby and smiled, "I am glad to see that you accepted my offer." She said as she bent over and picked up the ruby. The ruby seemed to glow furiously at her causing her smile only to deepen "Do not worry, I intend to keep my word. You shall live, however your body just will not do now. So sit tight in there and wait." Keal'vera then stuffed the ruby into a pouch. She walked over to the tank with the clear gel and watched it for a few moments, Gyrfalcon's blood had collected into a sphereical shape at the moment. While this was a promising sign she was still not sure if she had collected enough of gyrfalcon's blood and the though of facing him again made her shiver. After a few minutes of staring she noticed the gel start to boil. Small bubbles formed first only to grow at each passing moment. She sighed in relief knowing now that she had enough blood to create the clone. "I have to remember to thank the survivers of this lab for having the best equipment available in this lab." she muttered to herself as she glanced to the fireplace. Over the fireplace 6 plaques hung over 4 of them hung the rotting heads of the former workers of this lab. ******************************************************************************** ****** "perfect!" Ugarte said as he looked at the corpses laying at his and Bob's feet. "Looks like we have a disguise that will even fit you my freind." He continued as he pointed to a large pretzle shape figure that was once a large man. "It is a good thing you didn't get any blood all over the robe." Bob looked at the robe in disgust but still walked up to the man and proceeded in derobing him. "Do not forget about the holy symbol and the book," Ugarte said as he rubbed his bald head for a little bit, "We need them to complete the disguise." Both Ugarte and Bob dressed themselves in the brown robes and then donned the holy symbol around their necks. Bob looked at Ugarte Questionly. "Don't worry, It is custom for priests in training for this particular religion will take a one year vow of silence prior to becoming a full priest. I will just say you are in the middle of that ritual and that should explain why you can not talk. Now lets hide the bodies." Ugarte a! nd Bob then hid the bodies in a nearby cave and bob blocked off the entrence with a huge boulder. They then got back onto the road and joined the first group that was headed to the pen's keep.
Tayne was quickly approaching the ground when he felt something give a sharp jerk around his neck. He was now being held midair and choked by some magical force. He was just glad he did not break his neck from the fall. A hand-like force seemed to form around his waist and when it seemed to have a good grip on him the noose-like force around his neck disappeared. Tayne as too busy gasping for air to care that this new force was moving him away from the keep. At the edge of the woods Keal'vera concentrated on the spell holding Tayne. Beads of sweat formed on her as she used all of her will to ignore the pain from all the injuries she received and to bring tayne safely to her. When Tayne finally was pulled to her, Keal'vera reliesed the spell. "Its good to see you got out of the keep alive," she said in a weak shaky voice. Quickly she cleared her throat then continued "I have been watching you for some time and I would...." "Shh!! This is not the time for that. They are coming." Tayne interrupted with a harsh whisper. "So they are, let them." she growled. Quickly Keal'vera took another look around. She then quickly grabbed Tayne and muttered a few words. The next instant the two of them were in a ruined city near one of only a few still left intact. She looked around again and quickly put her ring back onto her finger bringing her back to her succubus form. She just as quickly entered the building they were next to and motion for Tayne to follow her. Slowly Tayne followed her into the building. He looked around the corner and saw the building was full of beakers, vials, flasks and various other glass containers. Many of them holding various colored liquids or gels. He watched as Keal'vera dipped two of her swords into a clear gel in a glass container large enough to fit a man. The little about of blood that was on those blades seemed to quickly make its way to the center of the gel. "What in the world are You doing?" "You will see soon enough." She answered without looking over her shoulder. "Hmm, that might not be enough ." she then muttered to herself. Keal'vera quickly turned to Tayne "Did you managed to bring any??" "Yes, though most of mine got mixed with it." "Don't worry I can separate the different blood but it might take a while." "Well, before you do you better explain what you are doing here and Why am I here." Keal'vera sighed. "Okay," she took a look around the room and then continued. "Currently I am trying to create a clone. However I needed a few key ingredients. You being one of them." a sadistic smile formed on her face when she said that. "but do not worry, you can think of it as a form of immortality for you. All you need to do is consentrate on this." Keal'vera then pulled out a crimson ruby on a platinum chain and held it before Tayne
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis! Here is how you matched up against all the levels: Level | Score Purgatory | Very Low Level 1 - Limbo | Very Low Level 2 | Very High Level 3 | Very High Level 4 | Very High Level 5 | Very High Level 6 - The City of Dis | Very High Level 7 | Very High Level 8- the Malebolge | Very High Level 9 - Cocytus | Moderate hmm, looks like I will be keeping you company in Dis Gyrfalcon IC: Racouol walked up wyvern with a toothy smile. " And in this afterlife I am sure you will have no geld to your name. Wyvern started shivering "You don't think there is a place like that do you Racouol?" he asked nervously. "Sure there is, however I am here for a diffenent reason." Racouol reached into his pocket and started pulling out panthlets, books, magazines, and brosures all on the city of dis. "These thinks started piling up in front of my door not even a few seconds after taking this survey" Racouol then reached into his pocket and pulled out 2 blueish frying pans. "I am going to someone or something some manners." Racouol the turned and started walking to the corner the imp was hiding. *THWACK*...*POW*...*CRASH*....*SNAP,CRACKEL,POP*...*CRUNCH* Racouol headed back to his chambers located near the deep dungeouns in the keep, leaving a badly mangled and bleeding imp behind
maybe it is because the kid in the womb is not really counted as a human but is consitered a parasite instead. For 9 or so months as they steal nutriants from the host (the pregnent female) it will grow in size until it starts causing disfigurement of the host. Eventually this parasite will realize that the host can no longer provide its nutritional needs. At this point the parasite will leave its host rather forcefully. This forced exiting of the womb is when the parasite has reached its final transformation into a human. Becouse it is now a true human it can have birthdays starting from the day it made its transformation Hmm, maybe instead of happy birthday it should be happy transformation day.
You were born on a Thursday. Your star sign is Virgo. The season was Summer. You are 25 years, 11 months, 10 days old.* It is 21 days until your next Birthday.* You are 9,475 days old.* You are approximately 227,413 hours old.* You are approximately 818,686,912 seconds old.*
Keal'vera began to sweat. While she was as skilled as any other Marilith when it came to swordfighting, it had been centuries sense the last time she had a chance to test her swordmanship. Still it was plain as day that she was at the losing end of this fight. Tayne would undoubtedly be too busy fending off the baserking were-fox to be of any help. She edged herself towards the window while desperately trying to keep gyrfalcon's katana away from her. She glanced in Tayne's direction once more. if you wish to live, escape now. I doubt you will be able to withstand attacks from both that creature and the half-elf at once. Keal'vera then shouted "haur'tharq!" and let two of her hand let go of the swords. The swords took on a life of their own as they started dancing, bobbing, spinning while unmurcifully they attacked at Gyrfalcon's back. Keal'vera kept her defences up while she reached behind her back with her two free hands. Quickly one hand pulled a small pouch out and attempted to throw it at gyrfalcon. Gyrfalcon instinctivly swung at the out streached arm managing to slice it in half down to the demon's elbow. While the demon howled in pain a cloud of a yellowish powder formed infront of him. Quickly Gyrfalcon swatted the two swords away from his back and then did several backflips to keep out of range of the cloud. The sound of glass breaking told him that the demon was making it's escape. ******************************************************************************** ********* Mulkif looked around the crude tent. Four tribes of orcs had come and joined his tribe. He knew however that even a horde of this size stood no chance against an army of undead and demons "Attack em.....uhh.. It easy..... We crush." Roc spoke up interupting Mulkif train of thought. "They Attack them, see what happens." Ulfk nearly whispered. "I know I will not have my tribe killed by those things." "Hmmp. We all know the best defense is a good offence. We have enough troops to easily swamp those demons." Hunfer nearly growled out. "We need to attack." "No Hunfer, we need to get more allies, peferably those who can use magic." Mulkif said as he laid a huge map on the table. Hunfur spat on the floor "Humans are only useful if they are slaves or dead. Your dealing with those creatures is a disgrace to all orcs." "Well then You and Roc can go get your tribes slaughtered. I am sure Ulfk and Melic both agree that my plan is the best." Ulfk and the tall orc near the back both nodded. "Beside, both of you came to me looking for my help. Anyway tomorrow morning we start marching to this castle" Mulkif pointed on the map at the pen keep, "We will march there with all our banners flying high and this" he threw a balled up blue cloth onto the table " flying upsidedown."
yes I will be on Argent dawn
hmm, I might join that server... Keep an eye out for a Lhzle or a Mrrgrrt. If those names are not taken already it will be the name I use in that server
happy very belate birthday. sorry for not posting sooner
Keal'vera managed to get a good lead on the guards and wizards behind her. She flexed her arm as managed to get a good lead on the guards and wizards behind her. She flexed her arm as she ran up the stairs to determine how injured her arm was. She smiled to herself, satisfied that the injury was not too bad to prevent her using it. Keal'vera growled to herself as she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. She readied a spell as she quickened her pace hoping to take this threat by surprise. As she got into sight of her target she recognised the elven woman being carried. She ran by the suprised Mira and smiled. She still kept her eyes on him until Mira was out of sight to ensure that he did not attack her with whatever he hidden away in his coat. She was sure that he was more interested in helping the half dead elven woman than attacking a demon. She then chuckled to herself when she realized that the human would help aid her escape by stalling the guards chasing her. As she neared the top of the tower Keal'vera slowed down. She could still hear the footsteps of some of her pursuers off in the distance but it was the sound of heavy breathing that caught her attention. She entered the room she heard the breathing to find Tayne on his knees clutching the bloody stump where his hand once was, Gyrfalcon standing over Tayne, and Daryl rushing over to Gyrfalcons side. "So you must be the Succubus that I heard about" Gyrfalcon said as he looked at Keal'vera. "However I truely doubt that is your true form, why don't you show us what you really look like." Keal'vera took a step back. She realized that she just got herself trapped due to her carelessness. She could hear the footsteps of the guards getting closer. She also kept her eyes on both Gyrfalcon and Daryl. One of her hands slowly reached for an iron rod in her bag while the other one shut the door. "I would't do that if I were you." Gyrfalcon warned at the same time Daryl readied himself to attack. When he saw her hands stopped he spoke up again. "Once again, show me your true form." "Very well Gyrfalcon." Keal'vera muttered. She pulled off the ring on her right hand. In an instant her body shimmered, her legs seemed to mend together and form a huge black and red tail and two sets of arms grew out of her torso. "Happy now Gyrfalcon?" ******************************************************************** Leshiec, Fey , Agon, and Kron had been joined by several other groups of people as they passed by other towns and villages. It seemed that Tel Reth was not the only city to be struck on that fateful night. To the north the city of Xist was nearly destroyed by a huge hoard of lesser demons and undead. To the south the city of Salban was torn apart by an supprise attack from the middle of the city. The only place that seemed safe now was to the east towards the pens keep.
Brute!!!! It has been way too long. Glad to see that you are back and I am eagerly looking forward to listening to your stories
I actually thought up the name Racouol came to me in 1997 in one of my more colerful dreams. I then decided that I liked that name and have been using it all the time afterwards. First for D&D campaigns, then for Archmage, and now here.
After walking around the carnival for a little bit, Racouol noticed a the beauty contest signup booth in the distance. "interesting, I wonder what it takes to sign up" he quietly muttered to himself as he walked up to the booth. His eyes lit up when he read the rules and he quickly signed his name onto the signup sheet. He then Read the names of all the other applicants "It looks like I already won this contest, unless Orlan desides to sign up." Racouol loudly muttered to himself. "Still if he does sign up, Orlan would lose to me once we got to the talant contest.All the woman will fall head of heels for me once I start singing." Murdock and Wyvern both looked up when they heard racouol talk about singing. They saw Racouol at the beauty contest booth with the pen in his hand. They both immediatly dropped what they were doing at the time and rushed at Racouol, throwing everyone that was slow to get out of their path towards Racouol. Murdock came in from the right launching himself at Racouol while Wyvern came in from the left dove and took out Racouol's legs. "Don't you dare sign up!" bot Wyvern and Murdock yelled while Wyvern was busy twisting Racouol's legs into a prezel like shape and Murdock was crushing every vital organ in the torso. "I already did" Racouol weakly said before he passed out from his injuries
Keal'vera cursed her luck when she encountered the first patrol. While she knew that no one would be able to see her while she covered by shadows, she could sense multiple attempts to detect her and knew that the spell that kept her hidden could easily be dispelled. She considered herself lucky that she had not been detected yet but knew that if she did not hurry she would be found and killed. In an attempt to keep herself hidden, Keal'vera constently would backtrack and take alternet routes while trying to follow the now drying blood trail. She then realized that the patrols would eventually noticed the trail of blood if they hadn't already. Muttering to herself quietly she made her way to Gyrfalcons tower. When she got to the enterance to the tower she notices a bunch of guards and wizards swarming the place. Keal'vera then noticed something brush her spell, she had been discovered. Before the wizard had a chance to act, she dispelled her spell and ran towards the the suprise guards blocking the enterance of gyrfalcons tower. She managed to get threw the guards before they had time to act but felt several spells being thrown her way. She skillfully avoided most of the deadlier spells but winced in pain as several bolts of pure energy managed to slam inter her right arm. Dispite the pain she continued to run up the stairs. ******************************************************************* Gyrfalcon!! Are you all right?!? We noticed a trail of blood going to your tower. We were also attacked by a Succubus near the enterance to the tower. It is headed up your way!! Murdock sent out his thoughts hoping that Gyrfalcon was still alive. With sword in hand he and several guards ran after the demon.
sign me up
Sociopath You are 100% Rational, 14% Extroverted, 100% Brutal, and 57% Arrogant. You are the Sociopath! As a result of your cold, calculating rationality, your introversion (and ability to keep quiet), your brutality, and your arrogance, you would make a very cunning serial killer. You care very little for the feelings of others, possibly because you are not a very emotional person. You are also very calculating and intelligent, making you a perfect criminal mastermind. Also, you are a very arrogant person, tending to see yourself as better than others, providing you a strong ability to perceive others as weak little animals, thus making it easier to kill them. In short, your personality defect is the fact that you could easily be a sociopath, because you are calculating, unemotional, brutal, and arrogant. Please don't kill me for writing mean things about you! To put it less negatively: 1. You are more RATIONAL than intuitive. 2. You are more INTROVERTED than extroverted. 3. You are more BRUTAL than gentle. 4. You are more ARROGANT than humble. Compatibility: Your exact opposite is the Hippie. Other personalities you would probably get along with are the Spiteful Loner, the Smartass, and the Capitalist Pig.
1. Zool 2. squid 3. Racing 4. Wyvern 5. Llamas 6. Danced 7. Boston 8. birth of a star 9. tripped 10. energized 11. frying pan 12. sparkled 13. squishy 14. sock