Dear Diary,
I see you are entertaining more then just me here.
I thought I could trust to open you and only see my musings.
Yet as I think back I can see the signs...
Yes they were all there, If only I had seen them for what they were.
Very well if that is the way this must turn out then so be it.
I think I should see other diarys and you other people.
It's not you it's me.
I wish you the best in life, TRAMP!
On now to the real resons for me being here.
I am not very eloquent when it comes to writing but I wanted to make sure to take this opportunity to publicly say how wonderfully lucky I am to have Shelby (Salinye) as my Wife.
She is an amazingly talented woman, an excellent Mother to our 4, soon to be 5 children, the wife most men can only dream about, and the force behind my happiness.
To steal the words from Billy Joel..
She's got a way about her. I don't know what it is but I'd hate to have to live without her.