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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by ImmortalGrace

  1. both of the titles were thought of in about 2 seconds... so i very much agree that they need to be changed. just in the process of re-doing it. but thank you for reminding me that i needed to.
  2. that brings back memories... sigh. my bf about 2 years ago got killed by a drunk driver who cut through his yard. very good poem though. *thumbs up*
  3. Umm.. its not my birthday for another.. 7 months. lol. where did happy birthday come in there? i wrote fear two years ago, but i wrote the other two a few nights ago. they arent my best, but i like them. i still dont think they deserve to be on here.
  4. I wasn't quite sure where to put these, but if I didn't put them somewhere, Ken would have killed me, so I did Soo... here you go Ken. Hope I made you happy Fear Fear Tugging Churning Emotions run wild Not knowing where to turn No one understands Hope flees your thoughts Leaving you confused Utterly alone Harsh reality hits you Forcing you into the unknown Unaware of your feelings Not caring at all Dizzying energy plows into your mind Feeding on you Consuming your thoughts Leaving you to die ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' My Shadows Shadows of doubt Crawl only at night Seeking the day Praying to no one What is real only crumbles to sand Death is so near But not soon enough Darkness leaves But the shadows stay Behind every corner stands your soul Crying to return ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Only Me Whisper into my ear Hoping my soul will hear Your soft voice your smooth letters Let the words hypnotize Slowly my daydream turns deadly I see you with me, no one else You promised to be with me and only me Forever Stay with me through the night I can not live without you Never leave me
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