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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by ImmortalGrace

  1. yessir.. the song was dust in the wind by kansas. one of my favorite songs, actually. i'm glad you all liked my poem.. thanks for the feedback. its always apprecitated *smiles brightly and bows*
  2. (inspired by a song i'm sure you'll all be able to figure out) All we are is dust in the wind Crumbling as the ages pass by Our memories long forgotten Who will remember you? Will your tale be told to eager ears? Or will you pass by unnoticed We all hope that future generations will hear it Some part of us yearns Yearns for our tale to be passed on So that maybe they will absorb the knowledge Hopefully learning things that we didn’t know Then maybe our mistakes won’t be theirs as well We can only hope One thing to ponder though Will your tale be worth telling?
  3. 1) Gwaihir 2) Wyvern's empty geld vault 3) bouncy 4) elevendy hundred 5) dog collar 6)Evander Holyfield's piece of lost ear 7)trip 8)gooey 9)puke green 10)5 Elvis impersonators 11)leather 12)dimmed 13) thigh 14)Patsy 15)Panda bears 16)depressed 17)7 1/2 mm. 18)You'll know when the sun hits the top of the bald man. 19)poke with a stubbly pencil 20)you're not cheesey enough for my cheese helmet
  4. ImmortalGrace and Degenero Angelus' first Haiku (my verse is first, second is his, so and and so forth) Slowing your soul Your keys to tranquility in reach Nothing to fear Love is the last thing I want All it does it hurt so much Struggles within Seems to be my only existance Searching, seeking Finding Answers Answers bring me so much useless pain Want to forget There can be no forgetting The world crumbles to my feet Fearing the dark Leaving nothingness behind me now I run crying A trail of tears Marking my way down the road of life All I have left Faceless people scream at me Why can't they leave me alone? Why must I run Why must I be the one to fear them Hopelessly lost
  5. Yes.. oreos do sound lovely right about now. Great job
  6. His fingers trace fire across my skin Searing my flesh His voice rings in my ears The sound of which I could never forget His eyes stare into mine Straight into my soul The feel of his breath on my neck, always present Why must I be haunted He never leaves my mind In every shadow, he lurks In every crowd, he waits He waits for me Oh how I loath him How dare he do this to me I have never feared anyone Now all I can do is fear him Lowly mortal..how I dispise you
  7. There.. Now that my browser has decided it will be cival towards me again I'd love to join. Should be enlightening. And I do believe its about time I do something relitively useful around here. Tara
  8. yeah.. i also add my threats you hurt my sis and i'll come after you good start for a poem, btw. good job. Tara
  9. very good sis. sounds like something i would have written def. keep them coming. *hugs*
  10. yup yup... my email is still the same Tara xoxo
  11. aww shucks.. that means i can't enter. i still love you though loves, Tara xoxox
  12. *hugs n kisses davey* i like it! told you i would check.. im not *that* much of a brat
  13. I think it needs some work on the timing... its hard to get a good beat on it. Other than that, I think its good hugs n sises, Tara
  14. aah.. the best of us fall for the worst it seems.. i think we have all had an experience like that before. good poem hun.. i can't wait to read more hugs n sises, Tara
  15. i really like it, hun. the only thing i would think about changing is "my body thinks differently" it just sounds off. other than that.. really great job! hugs n sises, Tara
  16. *hugs davey* i'll give you hugs anytime you want hun. and btw, it doesnt suck, and if you say that again, i'll.. i dunno.. think of something bad to do to you
  17. ******DISCLAIMER********** Bad words abound... I'm sorry if any are offended by them. ******DISCLAIMER********** Sanity Never once have I stood up and shouted Always in the back, hiding in the shadows of fate Alone, scared, almost at wits end. Crying out loud, but only I can hear it Breathing my last breath, speaking my last words Praying to the sky, wondering who is there Trembling from fear, my blood boils Hate rises once more, again I cut myself Watching, waiting to die, but it never comes Never can I go deep enough, I am connected to this shithole Leaving is a sin, a sin I cannot break So as I lie in this pool of blood, I shake, and scream I vomit from the stench, only to become sick once more You leave me here, only coming back for what you want, what you need Not giving a fuck about me, I'm only your little whore. But not today, today I will succeed. Death is ready for me, again I slice, this time deep This time I dont feel it, again I see the blood, the darkness falls He has come for me, taking me to a better place Making me his princess of death Keeping me free, feeding me happiness Death is my one and only friend
  18. Thank you Alaeha hugs back It is nice to have someone else to hug every once and a while.
  19. blushes and hugs herself joyfully I thank you, Elder... and in return.. waves her slender hands gracefully over Wyvern's head and chants softly I have bestowed upon you.. your own kind of immortality. May your life be full of joy and prosperity. glows brightly for an instant and vanishes
  20. it is very hard to say what i was thinking when i wrote that poem last night... i seem to have blacked out. when i woke up again, i found the paper clutched in one hand, and a pencil in the other. it has my mom is a tizzy though.. not that i blame her..
  21. Death calls my name Reaches out to pull me to his cold embrace Fingers stretching, searching for a hold on my soul Feelings gone awry, should I let him take hold? What is really keeping me here Shadows upon shadows, my loved ones who claim to know me Death is a natural part of life They would soon forget me Who am I to tell death “No” Just another depressed teenager to add to the pile Another tally on society’s wall of failures They all pretend to look, pretend to pay attention Why should they really care if I’m gone Not their problem that I can’t eat, I can’t sleep Can’t seem to keep a hold on everyone else’s version of reality Death calls to me
  22. Infinity An endless picture of perfection Here in this thinnest layer of the world The world turns, time passes, But this moment takes no heed. A thousand possibilities linger Just beyond the grasp of those who would try. Take this feeling, this tangible thing, This clear image of eternity in your mind, Turn it over, and wait for what you know will come. For beginnings can’t last forever, And soon time will regain his sway i'm guessing this is what people have wanted me to do *hopes against hope for good luck and apologises for posting in the wrong place at first.. mind is not what it usually is right this second* my email is tyger__eyz@hotmail.com
  23. *chuckles quietly to herself* i myself have seen the matrix more times than i care to share with people it is my favorite movie. thank you, vlad.. im glad you liked them
  24. Infinity An endless picture of perfection Here in this thinnest layer of the world The world turns, time passes, But this moment takes no heed. A thousand possibilities linger Just beyond the grasp of those who would try. Take this feeling, this tangible thing, This clear image of eternity in your mind, Turn it over, and wait for what you know will come. For beginnings can’t last forever, And soon time will regain his sway i'm guessing this is what people have wanted me to do *hopes against hope for good luck* my email is tyger__eyz@hotmail.com
  25. *smiles* thank you Peredhil. i'll get some more on here as soon as i can. probably more tonight, when i get on my home computer. recruitment hall? what am i being recruited for?
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