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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sorciere

  1. I absolutely love this, well done!
  2. Happy Birthday Tass! (Sorry it's late, I should check here more often)
  3. Hmmmmm, I would say written and performed by Daniel Bélanger and it would probbaly be called something like 'The Lost Light'. Picking a song that actually exists I feels reflects me is harder, but the closest I can come is probably The Black Crowes - Sister Luck.
  4. I found the changes in form a little difficult to get a flow the first time I read this, but after a second reading it flowed far better, a lot of beautiful emotion in this, the kind of feeling we all love to experience, hope and love.
  5. I do so like these short line poems, the punchiness reflects very well in this form and the statements stand out in your head, well written!
  6. An excellent way to bring the plight of endangered species and the overfarming of every living thing by humans to light. I won't say I 'enjoyed' reading it, because of the subject matter, but I found it very moving.
  7. I really like this, you can feel the yearning very strongly throughout and on a purely selfish note I love storms and often sit being mocked by darkclouds that develop into nothing, so I feel the anxiety here.
  8. I think it refers to Britain's lack of aid during the Macedonian uprising until they saw benefit for themselves, but I may be wrong. There is an article here on it you may find interesting. Hope this helps.
  9. Sorciere runs into the room after hearing rumours of a gathering, only to find the place deserted and debris of streamers and confetti all over the floor. She heads towards the notice board and realises what all the fuss was about and just as she turns away, heading off to write her letter of Congratulations to all the promotees, she glances her name. Meeeeeee? They promoted Me!!?? Sorciere runs around picking up confetti and throwing it over her head, before falling down on her behind. Still with a stupid grin on her face, she composes her note on the back of a flyer. Thank you all for the promotion, it was unexpected and I'm extremely pleased. Congratulations to all the other promotees, who are all so deserving of them. Hugs to you all!
  10. That certainly created more questions in my head than it answered! Very nicely written, now I must leave to contemplate it all. (I hate typos!)
  11. Love is everything you thought you could live without, until you have it and it leaves again.
  12. A small young child that wants to fly Is told by mom that she will die If she leaps into the sky For she is not a bird up high The child looks down and starts to cry 'Oh mommy please, just let me try' Mother looks with threatening eye And bribes young child with apple pie.
  13. Dance with me just one more time Let’s step on all the feelings Hold me close, we’ll spin in time Forget life and it’s dealings So, dance with me just one more time Let’s waltz away from dawn Let shadows find some other place Their loss we shall not mourn We could dance into the dark Be safe from lighted way Recoil from sunlight and it’s birth Hide out from newborn day Come dance with me throughout the night Feel the warmth of black Once you share the quilted depths You’ll want not to go back Dance with me just one more time The light, it wants your soul So stay in darkness here with me Together, we are whole Shake off the angels holding you Flee from the harsh bright light Stay here with me and dance again In safe and living night.
  14. Particles of memories Join to form the picture I know for having known you My life is all the richer But taking you away from me Was a cruel blow As I grew up, I never thought I’d have to let you go When you came to leave me My heart died with yours too I never knew real pain before Until I had lost you Now I sit here empty Searching for a way To fill the void inside my soul You left, going away.
  15. Take the pain Please? Can’t you reach inside and fix it? Can’t you make it all better? Please Take the Pain? Dry my tears Please? Won’t you touch me with your warm skin? Won’t your hand take them away? Please Dry my tears? Hold me close Please? Daren’t you wrap me in your tight arms? Daren’t you come so near to me? Please Hold me close? Fear me not Please Don’t flinch from my full and dear love Don’t become another dream Please Fear me not.
  16. *Hugs to you* A beautiful tribute Wren.
  17. So sad....
  18. Yay this one here too, wow I feel like it's christmas! You create such images for the canvas in my head http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif)
  19. I'm really glad you posted this I love it when I read it
  20. A very good poem, loved the wording and the layout added to it's enjoyment. Beautiful visually and literally.
  21. Created clear visions in my head, ask her to write more i really liked it
  22. Well done, good poem, a great start from you, hope you post more
  23. I do so love these little snippets
  24. Ooooooooh 18! A special One! Happy Brithday!!
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