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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Sorciere

  1. Every time I read your tales, you make me smile. Even when you are describing hurtful things, the way you capture the emotion awes me. Your writings remind me vividly of those of Stepehn King. Maybe it is because the era you describe I also associate with his works, but I think it also has a lot to do with the ease in which I am drawn into your world. Not once have I had to reread a sentence to understand it's meaning or grasp where you are coming from. I could read your stories for hours and still not be bored. Great work Regel
  2. I like this! You change form from verse to verse. At first it threw me but then it made the whole thing more interesting. I have a little hiccup on line 7, verse 1 where I just can't seem to get it to flow in my head, but I am so out of the loop lately it's probably more me than you. The subject is one most of us wrestle with at some point in our lives. You captured it well, good job!
  3. A beautifully written piece. The flow caught me a little at first but on reading it again (incidentally I was so impressed I read it many times over and over), it works. I find the reference to a puppy very telling. A perfect comparison. A puppy loves despite all we do, returning religiously even after we hurt it badly. Eventually even the puppy realises it's in a bad situation, the difference is, we are able to ask for help. Excellent writing.
  4. Thank you all for the wonderful wishes! Peredhil, I feel that we have a future yet undiscovered also and look forward to exploring it. Wren, hugs to also my dear friend, loving arms are always best around someone, thank you. Zool, Gwaihir, Alaeha and Ayshela, thank you kindly for the best wishes! Celes, what a wonderful greeting, thank you for the visions you gave me Sabre, I like the way you are right now, I always liked you this way, ty for the wishes, hugs to you. Ohhhhhhhhh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIGNE!!! hehe :woot:
  5. Loved the show! Appy, Vlad and myself sat in #thepen listening avidly for the whole duration. To be honest I thought I would maybe like the odd song but not relate to most of it because hip hop is not really my favourite type of music. I was pleasantly surprised and found myself enjoying them all! I really loved the Listener song and I am still trying to get it hehe. I will be sure and tune in at every opporunity. Great Show Wyvie
  6. Arrgh I missed you debuting? I feel so mad at myself! I really hate Realplayer but I will try and get it to catch you this week. I'm not working saturday so I am sure I can stay up for 3-5am slot you are in here hehe. Good luck with your shows Wyvie!
  7. *Waves to all and smiles* Some of you know me I hope! I have been very busy for quite sometime now and things got lost along the way, the pen being one of them. I am hoping to become more active once again and ask you to forgive me my long and unexplained abscence. I missed you guys
  8. Purple because it can be everything. It can be secretive, enriching, flat, emotionless, mysterious, sexy, delicate, I could go on forever. All the different shades are so wonderful. I never really had a favourite colour until about 3 years ago, then I noticed my life turning purple. I have loved it ever since.
  9. Very impressivly written. Such a sad and yet standard outcome these days for some unfortunate people. A friend of mine's cousin's husband decided that if he couldn't have her no one would and did the exact same thing, only the child was in the bedroom at the time. He spared her, but what a past she will have to carry around the rest of her life.
  10. Congrats, you very much so deserve it
  11. Wow. Excellent.
  12. So sad. Beautifully written though.
  13. I like the way you reworked it, but that very last line still sticks out for me. Not sure if you were going for the last line in each part to rhyme but maybe the fact that the first few do is what is throwing me off. I love the content though, so very true
  14. Sorciere pokes her tongue out and states proudly that she got the file message before she read the explanation. Collecting her gold star, she promptly returns to commenting. I really liked the graphic style of this one, especially: Great image, I almost felt the coldness of it.
  15. He already has gone nuts.
  16. Safe - baseball term defining the moment the guy in the team you don't support, just got one up on the team you do support.
  17. Happy, happy birthday to Damon, Lady Celes and Starlight! Hope you all have a wonderful day and it lasts the rest of the year
  18. About this rhyme I've thought so long The rhythms I have pondered Now all at once the lines have gone Verse one entirely squandered Verse two will be my saving grace The pattern holds intact Ack! yet again I've filled the space Useless, yes, a fact!
  19. Oh how I know that feeling~!
  20. Oooooooooooooooh!
  21. lol! That is funny. Sorciere wanders off pondering her place in the pen as a square root of herald and tries to stay connected to her IRC.
  22. Happy Birthday!!!!!
  23. My head hurts. Great poem, but had to read it a couple of times to grasp it. My own fault though, bad day + tired eyes = dull Sorciere. Nice insight there!
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