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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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About Sorciere

  • Birthday 01/31/1973

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  • Race/Gender Details
    Human (so I've been told, I think my weakness for chocolate gave it away)
  • Feedback Level
    Just hit me with it, good or bad. If I get mad I will stick pins a wax model of you for a little while, then get over it. I am very good these days, my therapist is so proud, I only had 6 people killed last month. He says getting down to single figures is a big step! :D
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  • Location
    Wales, UK

Sorciere's Achievements



  1. I wanted the award, really I did......
  2. I awoke when I died. For the first time, I felt the love I smelled the crisp frosting air I really saw the way a flower opens up to the sunlight. But I could not touch anything. I felt a hundred emotions course through my veins A thousand reasons to be alive A million different scents filled my nostrils And fifty seven people cried for my loss The weight of regret hung me low The road I had travelled closed off The realisation of awaking to nothing but memories The taste of the bullet in my mouth Too late....
  3. I truly know how you feel also and I, as you, am wishing for time to speed a little until I can be closer to the one I love. As for the actual poem, I think you said an awful lot in those few lines. Sometimes catching the essence of the feeling without having to resort to 7 verses 24 lines long is hard. You did it well
  4. Sorciere awoke from her slumber a little dazed. Napping in the afternoon, while enjoyable, did leave you slightly 'lost' for a while when you woke up. It was dark now, must of really needed that snooze. Just as she strolled over to her dressing table to fix her hair a strange, 'there's something I am supposed to be doing' feeling swept over her and she glanced at her mirror. The mirror was covered in flyers and then realisation set in. "The Party!!" Sorciere briefly skimmed the flyer for details and threw on her best purple gown, hair was going to be tousled, it was that way already and she had no time to do anything about it. As thoughts of hacking cats and underwear raced through her mind she set off in haste to the party. As she ran along the corridors she conjured little spells to help her with the entrance fee. Arriving at the line of people, relief set in that there was still a queue. At least she would not have to make a dramatic entrance. Dodging bits of spaceship and and negotiating a huge carrot statue, Sorciere arrived at Melba. "One hacking cat in underwear!" excalimed Sorciere and threw the poor kitten, trying in vain to cough up a furball, at Melba before racing past her into the party. Melba looked in bewilderment at the poor creature, struggling with it's predicament wearing a pink thong and turned to see Sorciere disappearing in the crowd. "Shall I go after her and get the proper entrance fee boss?" asked one of the trolls. " No, don't waste your time. By the time you explained what she did and she actually got it, the party will be over." Melba sighed and returned to the business at hand. Entering the large room and seeing the carnage and chaos that was ensuing, Sorciere suddenly remembered she didn't DO parties, at least not sober. Grabbing an empty bottle she headed for the sucker punch, trying to avoid everyone's eyeline. Holding the bottle in the noxious liquid until sufficiently full she gazed around for a retreat. "Ah, peace awaits me 'til I can get this inside me!" she grinned and headed up the stairs to the roof.
  5. A warped Love, Ode to an Orange Your scent it calls me from afar You sit there, shining, on the bar Your green eye stares and tempts me in That 'eat me' look, I start to grin The visions of your zesty skin, Peeling back to what's within You make it hard to be undressed Acidic eyes are not the best I continuing peeling blindly on Til that skin is all but gone And now you're naked in my hand I see it now, the promised land As i prise you open wide Your juices flow from deep inside Tasting you in little sips I tease you with my gentle lips You drive me wild, you citrus flirt Who would think you came from dirt? Your pips don't even bother me Our unison is destiny Edit: merged to the contest thread, by request.
  6. Oh Wren, it's like you looked inside me and wrote a poem about it. This is exactly what is happening to me right now, hence my sporadic irc appearances and complete failure to be a helpful pen member right now. Wonderful piece, captures so much so easily. Great work!
  7. *Sorciere gets up from her purple cushion and walks towards one of the large windows. Staring out at the coldness from the warmth of the room, she recites. In little more than a whisper: Weighted is my heart This dreary day won't end Despite all that I've said My love, to you, I send. Forgive me for the pain But understand my need I never want to hurt you My heart, for you, will bleed. With a heavy sigh, Sorciere retreats from the window and exits the cafe, a small tear running down her left cheek.
  8. *reserved for a comment when my head is working properly*
  9. I see a man with a fish head wearing a cape. /me leaves to take her meds now
  10. Happy, Happy Birthday both!!!
  11. *Sorciere walks over to the wall of books and selects an ancient looking biography on a troll called 'Snorglebeb' and settles back onto her beautiful purple cushion. Glancing briefly over the top of the pages she looks at Wyvern and sighs. Mumbling some incoherant bad words to herself, she returns to her story.*
  12. *Sorciere strolls down the long corridor, the flickering of firelight under the door attracting her attention. Pushing open the rather heavy ornate entrance quietly, she peeks into the lavish room. Spying a large purple floor cushion in the corner of her eye and feeling the glorious warmth of the fire, a tired Sorciere strolls towards the inviting scene and curls up quietly atop the cushion, her eyes scanning the myriad of books along the wall.* Ohhh what a wonderfully welcoming place!
  13. I love the structure. The topic is a hard one and you have grasped the emotion absolutely perfectly. I really don't think this could of been written any other way than you have set it out. So sad, so scary, but I love it. *hugs*
  14. Hauntingly painted. The repetition of the two lines at the end of each verse sets it off beautifully. I have a little trouble with verse 5, it doesn't seem to sit in with the rest of the poem. It may be just the way I am reading it and I am really bad at critique so please do not just take my word for anything. On the whole I followed the flow easily and the subject kept me interested until the last verse. Your use of description is wonderful and the images came quickly and easily to me. Congrats!
  15. Happy Birthday!
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