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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Precocity13

  1. You wrote: As she turned back to face them, the silence spread a little farther as they noticeed the cold hatred in her eyes. They were the eyes of someone ready to kill, and capable of doing it. They were not the eyes if a slave. However, most of the crowd continued their catcallsm nearly maddened with the sight of small, but perfect breasts, fine delicate hips, and firm thights and buttocks. They didn't see the hate-filled eyes, only the body beneath them. Can you see your problem? Did they, or did they NOT, see the hatred in her eyes? You're contradicting yourself. As for the name Rowan, it's overused. Think of more original names. (Though it may be because an online friend has had the handle "Rowan" and "Ruadhan" for years). The idea is a good one... interesting plot (for a short-short). I'd enjoy reading more. When you write, keep it simple. In some places, it appears you throw in "big words" just because you can. Rely less on the thesaurus/dictionary, and write what pops into your head. Nice start, though.
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