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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Parmenion

  1. I think fortune tellers are for the most part these days merely money-grabbers. I do however believe in psychic abilities but just that more people pretend to have them than actually do. Or maybe they pretend to have more ability than they do. I believe that the power of relationships with other people actually affects this to a large degree. People talk on the traits of intuition or precognition (spelling) in everyday life. I believe it may be because you know people so well sometimes that you actually form such a strong bond with them that sometimes you "know" things from either things you pick up subconciously or things that are related to you via energy waves. Remembering that all of us are made up of tiny atoms which are held together via melding of electrons etc surely when energy is passed along our synaptic chords it can also be sent out of our bodies? I dunno - but I think its possible. I remember once (may sound sad but its not really)...I was seeing a lass for several years. I went down to my friends house 20 miles away from where she was going out with her friends from work. When she called the next day I don't know why but I just said "you were with someone else last night weren't you". She asked me how I knew. I couldn't say but I was able to tell her who out of a group of 10 lads she was with - I didn't know why I picked him at the time but later I thought I had saw an energy when she'd passed him an x-mas teddy (was that time of year). Then again maybe one could pass it off as perception - but it sure shocked the socks off of her!! (Wasn't an unhappy story - everything actually turned out rather well, and we had a chuckle about it). Don't know if this really answers your Question Salinye - I may have rambled
  2. Now its time to say goodbye, To leave this place upon a high, And move along to pastures green, A chance perhaps for one last scene? In the past there were a few, Mischief caused with us, your crew, No need to remind you of the past, Fun - the memories that will last, To future now - your net you cast, Catch your dreams and hold them fast. Your time has come to move along, To make your way amidst the throng, But stand apart you do with grace, With head held high and smiling face, When we were down or gone askew, You'd help us with your friendly view, And imbue us with your shining light, Keep well - we wish you futures bright!
  3. I think Regel summed it up quite nicely too. I loved the snapping effect of being thrown from the natural jungle of life into the urban jungle and back. /nicks Appy's "rejoice" Parmenion rejoices!!!!
  4. Very orihinal. Liked the palindrome (spelling?) kinda effect it had going on coupled with the snap-shot views of the end of a relationship. Very real feeling and very clever idea, well done!
  5. Still bared, When all the times that I cared, Secrets that I couldn't keep, In shaking hands I would weep. If easy life could be, Had I kept her here with me. How good it would feel to be more aware, Not smart enough, too easy to scare. Alone always dreamt of success, Without you its nothing more than duress, If me you had waited to save, This home would be more than a cave. But though I did that back then, You hated me for a time but when... You met another young lad, And now you've never been sad. Loved yours and had to respond in a similar fashion. Thank you for inspiring me
  6. Purple fuzzies rule!
  7. Bravo! Damn I liked this! Tales told to me when I was a child came flooding back
  8. /me wipes a tear from his eye... Window into despair
  9. Very graphic but subtle imagery Wren. I must admit I had to read your reply explaining the "file" last line before I got it. I figured the bottle was booze too but that cause the other isn't written about nearly as often. Good work, good read
  10. I thought the pattern to this in the first 2 stanzas was really very nice. I take it the dashing lines separating the first 3 stanzas from the last 2 is deliberate? If so I thought the second line of stanza 3 was a shade too long. Perhaps shorten it by hanging it to: "The words all gather" - which fits it in nicely with the first 2. I am in the same boat as Ayshela in that I did laugh when reading when I thought of all the times I have typed lots of stuff on the computer and it crashes or takes forever to do anything and one lives in fear thinking - "Why didn't I use a pen and paper?!!!" Hehehe - nicely done...
  11. Are only teenagers invited to unite in causing Anarchy? *Sniff* ...and I had all these plans and stuff but I'm too old...unless I led you - but then if I done that or if there were any leaders at all it wouldn't exactly be anarchy or is there such a thing as organized anarchy? Ooooh my mind is hurting Rambling but fun - hold onto those ideals when paying your taxes
  12. /me nods There are always those who simply disappear into that big bad world of no computers and sometimes no communication. This was a great tribute to their memories Valdar! /me hugs Appy and crais on her shoulder asking where Lizzie is! *sniff*
  13. Keep them coming - I'm thoroughly enjoying this little collection! As a reader I think I can really feel the emotion in your writing so you are definitely doing something right! Bravo!
  14. I think the lad is allowed a little poetic licence Peredhil I enjoyed this - I agree with Pere about the RPG type feel, very nice and an eeire and desolate feel from it with a sense of pride ages dead.
  15. Can't wait for the next part of this Salinye - truly is a captivating story and very well written. Real Ugly Duckling flavour - not enough of them around these days
  16. \o/ <--- Stealing Appy's cheer Now I wish I would have kept a lot of the stories I seen posted or taken part in on IRC...could this be a new trend type of story...looks good to me. Btw - in short, I don't blame the prince. Its too easy in this day and age to get paranoid about the good intentions of strangers. Sometimes we spend waaay too much time wondering what their angle is instead of simply trusting. Have we lost our way? *sniff*
  17. Be warned - this is a lesson to all those nosey neighbours out there!! http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif Well written Wren, I hope this isn't the end of it...
  18. Safe: When you forget to think about all the dangers seen and unseen. When one's awareness of reality fails them. When one does not care whether or not they will live or die. When one does not live in an environment which is threatening to one's survival on a daily basis one can feel safe. (Living in the First World). Example when teaching rebels: "When we slaughter their women and children today we will feel safer tomorrow knowing because our enemies of today will eventually die and their spawn will not be around to take their place." Said the teacher. "But will we be safe by doing this teacher?" asked the student. "There is no such thing as being completely safe or secure. We can only make ourselves as safe as we can from this new empire. To be safe we must minimise our exposure to danger in all its forms, present or future" explained the teacher. "But is there not a chance that the enemy will realise their way of life actually threatens our very existence and the traditions of our people? Must we actually kill them to stop their terrible crimes? Will they not listen to reason?" asked the pupil "My child, they cannot see that they are breaching the very basic rules of our Holiest of Books simply by living in the lifestyle they do. If they continue living in this lifestyle their culture will eventually breed ours out. Our people will forget their past and their traditions and the Holy Book. By their lifestyle and destruction of the minds of our people they have declared a war whether or not they are aware of it. For our lifestyle to be safe we have no option but to destroy the lives of their people the way the destroy the lives of ours." explained the teacher. "I see" agreed the student "the safety of our very way of life is at stake. We must do everything we can to prevent this new type of hostile warfare."
  19. Grand read Appy - great layout. Regarding when 2 "l"'s are used and when one "l" is used I haven't figured that one out either so look forward to an elder's reponse on the thinking behind that. Personally I believe in poetic licence - spell the words whatever the hell way feels good, long as peoepl can still understand them sure then what is the problem? Heh!
  20. 1) I hear you man and had a little something in honour of poem #1 2) Just like Ireland is becoming a goddamn "nanny" state! They are banning smoking in pubs starting next year. Speed limits are insanely slow. Even drunk and disorderly fighting is frowned upon in this day and age - Irishmen just ain't allowed be Irishmen anymore - I feel your pain
  21. I enjoyed this poem hun. I think the way you think and contruct your writing is getting better all the time as is how you portray your feelings. Regarding the "knife" referred to in the poem...it represents for me when reading the poem - risk. We risk ourselves all through life in our dealings with people. The more knowledge they have about us the deeper they can wound us and the less they possess then the less damage anyone can do. Let us now take an extreme. Lets take the person who never shares any knowledge about themselves or for all intents and purposes "risks" themselves in dealings with other humans. This is a subjectiveand hypothetical example by the way for the purposes of opening my slant up to you. Humans who are naturally a communal species have learned to adapt to the world around them and grow to become the dominant species on the planet through a sharing of experiences whether they fail or succeed. I think that our risking together and sharing has led us to this dominance and hence control of our lives on this planet and at some stage in the future hopefully the entirity of the universe itself. If we choose not to risk, we choose to minimise our experiences with the world. We cannot expect that others will share with us if we are unwilling to share with them. Human nature doesn't work in such a way. If we are not risking, we are not growing. If we do not grow we stagnate. We would grow old wondering "what if?". If we risk we also risk injuring ourselves along the broken path of life. But then again what is our perception on this journey? Are we merely trying to find our way from one dilapidated roadside Inn to the next? Constantly hoping for the rumoured Highway up ahead where everything is easy and there is a safe place to rest every night? Or do we see every Inn we come across as a possible wealth of adventure despite its condition - but more because of its inhabitants and what they possible have to offer us? Risk - what is the worst that can happen? And is it really THAT bad? Love you Parm.
  22. I think he/she does Ayshela. I do enjoy a good poem which compares the elements of nature and normality (dogs howling) to the emotional torment of a person's soul. And in this instance I think you have done a damn fine job of it! Bravo!
  23. I enjoyed the beat you used. I felt that it was a well written piece and flowed just like any good rap (though it may not have been meant in this fashion). Welcome to the Pen - hope you'll stick around both to share more of your works with us and to read the works of others and share your thoughts and feelings on them too. A couple o' more versus I think we could get Dr Dré interested :woot:
  24. I like the orbs idea - romantic kind of setting. Very nice.
  25. I enjoyed this poem. I feel the repetition where necessary really drove home the points that you were trying to get across. I was however lost as to what exactly it was that the narrator had done on them by this person. I thought it was going to get explained but it wasn't or maybe I missed it... In relation to the theme of the poem (and wait for all the disagreements lol) - when someone hurts you and you can't ignore it - hurt 'em back. Hit 'em hard either emotionally or physically - they won't do it again in a hurry!! No point hurting oneself when one can hurt others now is there? /me tuts
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