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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Parmenion

  1. Lol - oops sorry Vlad. That was a spelling error. Should have been "copse" - a grove in the forest which sets the scene for where the revelry takes place. I can see corpse actually working quite well there too, but you can pick which ever fits bets for ya!
  2. Excellent!!! To begin with...and better as it continues. I am a big fan of Mythology and I loved your subtle reference to Icarus and how he flew so high that the wax on his wings melted! I was then wondering if the "broken horns" refernce was regarding Theseaus when he fought the minotaur. Probably me just wanting to see more mythology in there I was also wondering if "the tollman" is actually an obscure reference to Charon - the ferryman in Greek mythology that ferried people across the river styx so they could enter the underworld of Hades? Ugh - maybe I'm seeing so much there that wasn't meant, but I think it was cause the refernces are subtle but fitting. Please tell me!!! Hehehe. If I read it that many times that I came to combing through it - then you know I liked it! :woot:
  3. This was fun Mira - would also like to hear the music on this one too but did find the rhyming scheme coll enough to work as a poem equally. Well done
  4. Wrote on a similar topic a good while back (not posted), so I do very much enjoy these poems that look at things from interesting slants. Good poem and I think the repetition was spaced just right. Wanna hear more about Human Tools
  5. Both were very good reads! For me this read as a poem about a land which once knew what it was to feel nourished but which since has become desert-like. It personified the feelings of the land towards that which it is dependent upon. Thats what I got from reading it. A dry county feel... Thoroughly enjoyed this Wyvern and glad it was brought back up cause I was on holidays and must have missed it first time round :/
  6. This was a touch of class Alaeha. An exceptional work and a captivating read. I think you worked the repetition of "white as snow" very well. It got across to the reader just how noble and good this man was simply via this well placed repetition. I thought it had a great message about not to expect too much of others - I didn't find it in the least sad. Congrats! (took the liberty of correcting a mispelled word. A mere speck in a good response, but since I have the power... -P'.
  7. This had me chuckling manically. It was a great read from start to finish and was refreshingly original and humourous!! Its another fabulous addition to an already impressive collection. Bravo!
  8. /me agrees with Wren. I did enjoy the extremes. It was short but very to the point. Very enjoyable and liked Ayshela's response too!
  9. Realms forgotten and suns of past, Night and Wisps approach us fast, The wind, it whispers, Fresh and close, A gentle stream, Through forest's copse. Twilight moods as dusk sets in, The calm before the dance again, Memories of the day will fade, With joy and feasting in the glade, The battles fought, Our bloodied hands, The treasures sought, The blasted lands. We weep not for heroes lost, Their wasted lives - a simple cost, Distracted now as fiddlers start, Warm fires lit in forest's heart, Glow on faces from the heat, Frothing ale, mead and meat. We hang back and watch and nod, On thrones we sit and act as God, For all these humans are our toys, All are fooled by masterful guise, The festival - it continues on, We still mingle in the throng.
  10. But lad, if you lead a good one You have beaten Eddie White My suggestion. Damn good read! Flowed very nicely I thought. Well done man
  11. Parmenion grabs Sorciere's hand before she can leave for the library and whisks her off to the pub to celebrate Have to thank Wren for inviting me here initially to thepen and for encouraging and on her promotion and for playing Mom sometimes when I'm not around - just in general thank you, your the best Big congrats to Salinye - don't know where you get the time and energy to contribute as much as you do but it was well deserved *three cheers* /me big-ups everyone and runs for last orders.
  12. Thank you for a really fun read!!
  13. Take your hand, Then take hers, Place her hand, Within yours. Squeeze it gently, Once, twice, thrice, Say it gently, To her eyes.
  14. Simply put I would have to be omnipotent insofar as our limited imaginations can comprehend such a state (at our current tech level). Reason: There is nothing else that could unite this planet for a very long time other than for them all to agree on one leader. To do so - such a leader would have to be godlike. With me leading as a figurehead I could create a council of nations that "would" actually have to make decisions together for the betterment of this planet. I would of course eliminate capitalism and get to VETO council votes if I wanted. But as soon as we finished cleaning up the mess we've made here we could start to grab a piece of the rest of the universe before other races get too far ahead.
  15. Hurry back!
  16. /me claps aloud This was a simply marvellous read! It reads for me as a song (hopefully thats how it was intended ). Thoroughly enjoyable - these lines were my favourite: Open the wounds that once you did cover Open them up, to help you recover Bravo!
  17. And in my dreams I see you, though you do not have a face. I know that when I find you my Heart will know its place A place where inhibitions and defences are stripped bear… A place where smiles can speak for love and I’ll be happy there. ..where no-one knows the paths of choice but walking them as two will make decisions easier with one more point of view. It’s not a fleeting moment or experience that’s passed It’s friendship, trust and honesty… ..emotions built to last. And all of these are gift-wrapped protecting what is true. The thoughts I share are precious. The love I have – for you.
  18. Well I'm sure I do
  19. Personally I love repeated four lines coz its soooo much easier to read (subjective view) Enjoyed this one immensely, especially the last two lines which sum up for me that Death is inevitable and if it wants you - there ain't nothing thats going to save you. Thanks for a good read
  20. LMAO! I'm so glad I dropped by this little ditty. This is a fabulously funny little piece and reminds me Dagwood if anyone has ever heard of him. It was an old B&W sitcom or movie - can't remember coz I haven't seen it since I was little but as far as I remember he was a complete and utter scatty fellow. Away from the game (of writing) for a few months and coming back onto the scene with something as funny as this is always a good sign. MORE!
  21. /me throws Tasslehoff some armbands. j/k mate This poem did paint a very real and vivd picture. I am curious if the spelling of "bye" was intentional. If so maybe a comma before it would help read a bit better. Other than that I think its a grand piece. Will we be seeing something uplifting soon? pretty please?
  22. I think this lends some good insights into the way some people think. It is a remarkable contrast of conscience battling the things we would take for granted and perhaps do on a daily basis with little or no thought at all. That is why this poem I think has a very important message for us all about taking certain things for granted or even unconciously. We should all take some time every now and then to reflect a little on how easy we actually have it sometimes. The only critical point I would make is that these lines broke the flow for me: To polish trophies on my shelf To complain of lack of wealth My humble suggestion.... Can't protest about my health, Yet complain of lack of wealth, Good work hun.
  23. Time Excellent work! I really enjoyed the image of what people usually see to be the big bad wolf (Time) actually personified in a friendly manner. And then at the last swallowing part of that friend up just for yourself. I read this a few times because it was a nice easy read with a fun theme! Looking Inward I also enjoyed this poem but thought it could have flowed better in some places. I've made a few suggestions below. I ain't no guru on rhythym and flow so maybe someone else will post something more helpful. Its a sad poem but lines like "Days so bright they make me weep" and "Dancing to the weary tune" suggest that though sad the person whom the poem is about is still trying to see things or do things that may be uplifting but just keeps getting dragged down further by them. Ghastly writings in my head Wishing, hoping, I'll be dead Empty body, empty soul The search for pieces To make me whole Dreary nights of lonesome sleep Days so bright they make me weep Walking through my wakeful dream All the world I watch All the strangers they do seem Sitting quietly I do fade Immersed within this masquerade Dancing to the weary tune I stand in languor I survey the room Looking inward with my eyes A gaze to penetrate my guise I find myself walking around My eyes work fine But they're pointed down My Guiding Light Also a meandering poem I enjoyed. For me it made the saubject of the poem seem like he was walking down a dark alley drunk bouncing off the walls on either side as he thought about his life. Thats the image that sprung to mind for me anyway and it was fun to think of it like that. Again, some parts could flow better - like the two long lines in the centre could perhaps be broken down to four lines. But on the whole I liked it - Thanks for sharing all of these.
  24. I think the fact that those feeling are here in poem format show us that the feelings are not hidden - my two cents. I enjoyed this poem but would like to add a thought. The one thing none of us has experienced for ourselves is death. We will eventually - that is guaranteed. We may as well experience as much as we can here till such time as we don't actually have the choice. Circumstances and situations are always in a state of flux. Opportunities unexpected present themselves quite frequently. When something fixates us so much that our emotions control our mind to the extent we would make irrational decisions with our very lives, then I think its time to take a step back...
  25. Another couple of excellent works Psimon! Really enjoyed the image portrayed in sorrow that the dawn would cleanse the soul of all such thoughts. For me is wasn't actually a sad poem. It stood out quite clearly that the protagonist (or author depending on how it was meant), had the ability to see Sorrow for what it actaully was together with the knowledge that "Sorrow" is only a temporary thing which passes with time. I enjoyed the reflection in the last stanza which for me lent credance to my thoughts on the poem, but accepted that he was still too caught up in the emotions that come with Sorrow to break free from it despite this knowledge. I agree with Peredhil in that Dresden could apply to many cities. But I think that the city chosen for the title infers an undercurrent of the complete and unecessary bombing of the city during world war 2. Well thats what I took from it. At that stage I believe the allies had decided to bomb the city to make the advances quicker and to cut off power and a supply route in the general area but the Germans were already under so much pressure from both fronts that their armies were crumbling anyway. As opposed to the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The Japanese were already beaten at that point but they refused to surrender and although their infrastructure had pretty much been anhilated - their pride would not allow surrender and it became quite clear to the allied leaders after losing nearly 1 million troops trying to take back all of the islands and the islands of Iwo Jima and Okin Owa (spelling?) that they could not afford similar loss of manpower trying to take the main islands. And hence the atomic bombs became necessary. See - they inspired me to talk Good poems - keep 'em comin'
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