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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Shadow of the Butterfly

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Everything posted by Shadow of the Butterfly

  1. Very inspirational. I could see everything quite clearly. Well done.
  2. *mumbles quietly to herself* Well, sheesh, I wish I WERE a kiwi... but I'm just a lil ol' butterfly! I wish you well on finding more New Zealanders.
  3. Greetings and salutations! I hope everyone is doing just ducky. I am called Shadow of the Butterfly, but you can call me Shadow for short. I mainly inhabit the Banquet Hall and have only recently started wandering around the other parts of our Mighty Pen. So, not quite sure how this dealio works, but I assume it's basically like a forum... you post notes to this, I post notes to other things, yes? Well, anyways, I truly DO hope all is well. Take care of yourselves! Regards,
  4. The whispers of the dead Echo through the lips of the living We think we know what we don't And feign attempts of ideas giving Walking in footsteps predestined to stumble Spouting off on soap-boxes steep We trip and fall Grasping at straws to keep When black has turned white and inside is out New ideas may be forth-coming Though guised in self-doubt The whispers of the livng Can no longer be heard well At heaven's upheavel Turning Terra to Hell
  5. This poem is about post-partum depression. I, unfortunately, am going through this right now. I'm getting help though, so I suppose you could say life is getting better. Lost in thoughts --not my own-- I sit and ponder Afraid and alone Am I worthy-- Of such a treat? A baby so good-- A baby so sweet? Suicide is selfish Suicide is weak Suicide is thought of Thoughts I cannot speak Homicide is even worse So ashamed, I cannot breathe Horrible mother I must be I think I must leave A therapist to talk to A friend to help me out Some drugs to calm my hormones I've chosen a safer route Babies are a blessing Of that, please have no doubt Don't be ashamed to get help When thoughts scream and shout Babies are a blessing Remember, this is true, But please remember, Moms are blessings, too
  6. *fights back tears* That one struck home.
  7. So sad. And true.
  8. Oohhh.... very good indeed! I liked how you had two different people here... very well done.
  9. Sitting on the floor With not much else to do I fidget with a deck of cards As I think of you Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle---cut One card down, and then another Until, at last, arrayed Black and red, clubs and spades Upon my mind they play Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle---cut Through the deck I wiffle fast Placing cards there and here Grinning as I say, "Winning at last," And whisper in the end, for the cards will hear I fear Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle---cut Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle---cut The cards whisper amongst themselves, determined Now to change Leading me to believe I win Until they re-arrange Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle---cut They change their faces un-checked and un-noticed Under piles concealed they conspire Moving and shifting, shifting and moving I start in confusion, as one pile grows higher Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle---cut Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle---gone
  10. The warrior's heart beats strongly Beneath her wounded breast Each step a battle won Each breath has passed a test Invisible armour, plated Secure and well worn Deep rents of penetration Secure, but almost torn The demons she battles Come from within Wielding deceptive daggers Self-doubt they must win Lancing her spirit Bleeding her soul's heart She cries in anguish Her core torn apart And upon the agonized cries Of our fair warrior's plea A mighty angel descends Causing the demons to flee Gathering up his charge In arms garbed in white This angel cries in sympathy Each tear glistening light One, then another, tear touches down Healing the rift of pain This warrior gathers strength: There are other fights to gain
  11. original Gazing through the looking glass Between the shimmering darkness I wipe away the fogged forgotten Trying to catch glimpses of what once was I can't filter through my scattered thoughts Ellusive at best, they defy me Paths untraveled stretch before me Beckoning me this way and that Undecided and lost, I shrug and trudge ahead Making my own path down the middle Uncaring of what lies ahead New Gazing through the looking glass Between the silvered hues I wipe away the fogged forgotten And finally see the new My road has been a long one-- That brings me to this place-- No more stumbling steps I traverse my world with grace Between the silvered hues I step Into this Lost Land Searching for you here To lend a helping hand Grace did save me from myself Can save you as well If only you'd leave this road Leading towards your personal Hell ack, and with that, this new mommy's brain juices went splat... help me out?
  12. Dirt beneath her ragged nails Dark silver coloured, chipped Greasy hair hangs in eyes gone cloudy Black and blue her lips are ripped Vacant stares into the future Can't contain the past Abused, forlorn, forgotten This child shall not last Sighs escape her lips Where joyous cries use to ring Her life and hopes downtrodden No reasons left to sing In life there are many seasons Of that she had no doubt But for seasons of second chances Time has just run out
  13. Worth Living For The only thing worth living for Often can't be found Our heart's a thousand pieces Fallen, on the ground Barely enough to sustain us Barely enough to live So many questions burning With no answers left to give The years went by so quickly The moments here are gone Our sun has clouded over The birds now have no song The only thing worth living for Is found if we could look Not by the cover But the pages of the book Read between the lines Know enough to care Watch as leaves blow by In the frost-filled air Know enough to care Love enough to give A thousand years of breathing And yet we do not live
  14. Trudging through the city square Heavy armour upon my back I gaze upon the mirrored walls Of the towers standing tall around me Shimmering pools of liquid light Branch out in all directions My lady love lays submerged The breath of life here, but naught My silvered armour weighs me down I fear I cannot reach her in time Her long brown hair floats in waves Around her pale, young face Time has stolen my lady love And it is Time's presence I seek Wretched sobs steal my strength As a figure emerges from the depths Time is no friend to man Robed in depthless white He stoops to touch her lips Our eyes meet My vision blurred by tears With a small, sad smile, Time departs Leaving my lady My love Taking, in return My life
  15. awesome
  16. The soft caress of a life flown by Can be the most singular experience Of a life yet unmade
  17. I fixed it. Thanks for pointing it out darlin'
  18. I wear Boysenberry Ruby lip gloss. Can you see the sparkles? I lick my lips and smile. Then I dab on a bit more. I see you looking my way. The wind blows your hair into your eyes. I lick my lips. You lick yours. I know you'd like to taste my smile-- To taste my kiss. I walk towards you. You walk towards me. I smile softly. You grin rakishly. I close my eyes. You lean in. I feel your lips upon my own. As though in greeting. I greet you back. You smile in surprise. I open my eyes. You grin and say: "I like your Boysenberry Ruby lips." I smile and put on a bit more. I smile softly. You grin rakishly...
  19. A winter gale screams through my soul A bitter wail escapes from clenched teeth An eerie silence roars through my mind, punctuated by harsh, demonic laughter. A desperate need to flee hangs heavily upon me A darkness so deep that black seems like white engulfs me like a shroud A single beam of light I see in the distance A yearning so intense grips me, pulls me through the void. The shape of a man appears in this flickering gleam of hope He sobs with pain in each spasm of my wounded soul His kind eyes regard me with compassion I long to feel His touch upon my life He reaches out a scarred hand--a hand I helped to hurt. His hand inches closer to my face; I notice something: A single drop of crimson appears in his palm Then a river of life flows out He touches my forehead--I scream Demons screech in furry as they flee the tide The crimson tide is a river of molten love Love surges through my veins, cleansing my soul No longer am I ice; His love melted me A new life source flow through my body The murmur of a babbling brook replaces the squall A sigh of contentment escapes my smiling countenance The voice of a thousand angels fill my mind, leaving me weeping with pure, unrestrained joy White fire has replaced my midnight skies. The man, a stranger once, my Savior now Smiles upon His new creation and holds me I'm embraced in His Love, Warmth and Light A beam of light is waiting for you Your life may be a field of coal But there is a diamond out there A diamond with a pulsing warmth Perhaps you will feel the yearning Perhaps you will feel the need He loves....He yearns...He needs... You need
  20. *grins* I dunno... just did *shrugs and poofs out*
  21. Unsure hearts beat in rapid splendor Oblivious of the fall they're about to take Tears shed on pillows shared Leave deep impressions on tarnished souls Love does slumber beneath the breast So masked in fear as to be thought lost O' Love, O' Life, without one, the other ceases to be Stewards of the soul, our hearts beat fierce Love isn't worth having, if you're not afraid to lose it
  22. The soft crooning of my name Beckons me forth unto my death Death from wakefullness Dead to this world The Siren of Sleep Whispers to me of sweet lands As yawns overtake my breath Inky blackness swallows me whole Inky blackness covers my vision My eyes clouded with The spell of this Siren Now see with perfect clarity That which was hidden in reality The Siren's cold lips Kiss my closed lids The touch of her hand Brings me to greater depths Leads me towards the quiet Death That all seek But few ever find
  23. With a quick grin overcoming the looming thunderclouds on her countenance, Shadow of the Butterfly bows politely before the languid lizard. "Thank you for accepting me, darlin'." She chuckles softly as she turns to go. "Oh, and by the by... I might just consider that butterfly book... without the nails." A small burst of light shimmers in the air, replacing the fiery draped figure there moments before, leaving our plotting lizard with his mouth open in surprise. OOC: I've no idea the character that was in my signature... it appears, however, that the picture is no longer available.. least, not on my computer. I shall see what I can do about rediscovering it. Thank you for accepting me, Wyvern.
  24. *grins wickedly* I liiike, I liiike. Very very well done.
  25. Dark branches, thin and brittle Bare the weight of the sky upon their shoulders Crystal clear droplets Cling in the wind Endowing the ebony branches with a silver sheen "The sky is falling the sky is falling" The wind whispers of the efforts of man One tree bends and bows and breaks It begins to rain harder, as the sky loses more support Silvered tears leap down the sides of buildings Tripping, falling, weaving Slithering down paths made by birds in the air The rain is cold and hard and living, breathing Sighing through the twigs and leaves Whispering on the sidewalk Singing through the trees Murmuring down the side of my face Laughing in puddles, tittering in ponds The silent rain speaks endlessly In tongues of ancient love Serenading the parched earth Descending in mass from above ~~ ~~
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