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As I walk along the hallowed halls, I look upon the names who's friendship calls. I see their portraits faded grey, of friend's who's memories have begun to fray. But as a approach and touch the name etched in the stone, the painting above radiates the light it once shone. I swear I can hear my name still spoken, and my eyes grow moist at this token. Memories and names may sometimes fade, but still they are strong inside the man they made.
My brain turned to mush.. ignore this.
I am glad to see the Pen is still chugging along. It has been YEARS since I have posted, but I do admit that I sometimes come by and peak in just to see who is still around. I am chasing two kids around right now or I would give a more in depth report. I hope all is well for my friends here. Boaz
Two loves- Moonlight bathed the white marble balcony of the tower in soft radiance as Rathlin waited for Starlight to join him. He turned as he heard her footfalls behind him and his heart jumped in his chest, just as it had every time he had ever looked upon her. Even after 8 years of marriage her beauty stole his breath away. “"Love, your garden is more beautiful every year."” She said as she slipped an arm around him and enjoyed the smell of jasmine on the soft breeze. “"Are you fishing for complements again? You know I use you as my inspiration. Now tell me about how your day went, did your visit with the King go well? “Come inside and try my newest creation. I do think it will be my greatest masterpiece,"” Rathlin said after a few minutes of talking with Starlight. “Now you must drink all of it to enjoy the full effect of the infusions."” He stated as he walked to the side table and poured some wine into a crystal glass. “"Ah this really is exquisite my love. Even better than the white you created last year. Do I detect a trace of honey? Strange, I am starting to feel …. rather…er.. woozy.. yet very happy"…” Rathlin leaped forward and slowly laid his love upon the soft Jarthyll carpet. “"Ah my love. I am so very sorry. I wish this could be any other way. You know that I love you, love you more than anything, but this I must do."” “"Must do… do what….what is happening" Rathlin leans down as his wife’s voice gets softer and softer and takes her into his arms.. holding her close. “"It has been ordered, tonight is the night. You are the first, the very first, I demanded that honor. I wish it could be any other way.. You don’t know how many times I wished you were not a mage. How many nights I spent in the garden tending the flowers while crying over what I knew must come. Yes they knew I would do what I must, but he also understood he couldn't make me not love you."” “"I… do… do not under.. st… and.."” “"It is best if you don't fully understand my love, it is best. I will stay here with you till the end. I have loved you from the moment I saw you, and always will. It should be gentle, the full affect of the draught is to create joy and happiness even as your body succumbs. It should be over in just a moment my love."…” The last thing Starlight feels as the darkness encloses her is Rathlin’s tears upon her face, and an unreasonable joy in her heart. If any of Xon’s city guards had looked closely the next morning they might have noticed the strained look on Rathlin's face as he left the city. But ones such as they try to stay out of way of people like the King's personal vintager, especially when he is married to one of the King's magic council. If they had looked maybe one would have noticed the bag of holding situated to look like a coin purse.. and maybe even what looked like the outline of a figurine within the bag. A helping hand- BOOM! BOOM! “"I'm coming, I'm coming. And when I get down there be warned that there will be one more frog in this world".” BOOM! BOOM! “"I said I am coming please quit beating on my door."” The front door to the tower flew open and a small wizened man look up at Thad with death in his eyes. “"It is 3am. Your reasons for bothering me at this time better be good and profitable."” “"I am sorry sir, I am. It is my daughter, sir. She is deathly ill, she went into the woods mushroom hunting, I think she ate something that is gonna kill her."” Thad said as he stood in the night wringing his hands. “"Well then, I suggest you go to Mother Lesha and ask for her help."” Thad barely got his foot between the door and the frame as it was slammed shut, “"Please! Sir the mother is gone to one of the farms..a birth I hear..and well you being in the herb business, you probably know as much as she does.."” “"As much? Hah! More than she does.. but a butcher can't afford my fee in the daylight, let alone after dark. Leave before I report you to the guards!"” “"Please sir. She is my only child, she is going to die. I can afford to pay! Anything you demand can be paid if you just give me time."” Thad pulled his foot from the door and looked with pleading in his eyes at the mage. The old man fully intended to slam the door into the fool's face, when an image of the daughter flashed before his eyes. Sixteen with a doe's eyes and hair like ripe wheat. Always too good for an old man, turning down his advances these last four years. “"Anything? Well your daughter is old enough now to pay her own way in this world. Do you agree that she will pay as only she can? Do you?"” the old man said with a leer that left no doubt what was being bargained for. “"Sir? Ye..Yes sir. If that will save her life. You leave me no choice." The old man noticed that Thad couldn't even look into his eyes, probably filled with shame, simpleton. “"Good, Good. Then go home and make sure your daughter understands her part of the bargain. I will collect my things and be there shortly."” The door slammed almost before the last words were said. “"Let me look at her. Ah yes. A fever followed by chills, shallowness of breath, and a blue tinge to the lips. I do believe I know what she ate and have the cure right here."” These people, always so simple thinking they know what they are doing and eating something that kills them. The Mage thought to himself. “"Oh, sir! I just knew you could cure her.” Thad couldn't help but notice how the old mages eyes were plastered closer to his daughter's body than her sweat soaked nightshirt. Or how his touch was more like a lover's than a care givers. It took every ounce of his strength not to hit the old man right there." “"Now don't forget our agreement of payment. I think I will take a small advance right now."” The old man said as he leaned over for a kiss. As he rose back up he noticed that the butcher was very near, but then again he had been hovering like a mother hen during the whole visit. The blow to the back of his head knocked him back down over the daughter. As he tried to rise and figure out what happened, the daughter's hands snaked out and grabbed his long hair. As he began to flail, a second blow landed and he slumped unconscious. “"Thank you. He was much tougher than he looks. Now get some sleep, it looks like he knew what he was doing, so no need for you to take the antidote. I need to start getting rid of the body. Sleep well darling."” Thad leaned down and placed a kiss on his daughter's forehead and thought about how lucky a man would be one day to have her as a wife. Smart, pretty, and plenty of sand. “"Now my friend, time for the payment you got coming to ya."” Everyone that knows Thad knows how he loves to whistle while he works. Tonight was no exception and a merry little tune could be heard coming from the butchering room, punctuated by the sounds of a heavy cleaver. The next day at the town watch.- “"Well it all checks out, sergeant. Thad's daughter shows signs of food poisoning and Mother Lesha confirms that she was sick and then treated. Thad swears that Mage Roderick left his house around 4am."” “"Well, Investigator, do we have any confirmation on his story?"” “"The tanner across the street. He swears he saw the old mage walking down the street at about the time Thad claims he left."” “"Do you believe him?"” “"Sir, the tanner hates Thad more than anything in this world. If he had known what was going on I am sure he would have lied and said he heard screams coming from the house. I believe that he really did see, or thinks he saw Roderick leaving this morning. Plus Thad has been living here since before his daughter was born. And not once has there been any problems, except for that tanner fighting"” “"So Roderick isn't at home, he didn't show up at the council meeting and no one in town has seen him. What do you think?"” “"Well sir. He has been known to bug out for a week or so at a time. Remember we had to send a couple of men to bring him back from Stag village the summer all the boys were sent off for military training. I figure he is somewhere with lots of girls and beer and won't come back till we hear of it or he tires of it."” The sergeant ignored the added “"Dirty old pervert." “"We will keep the file open, but feel free to tell Thad it looks like he is off the hook."” “"Yes sir. I was planning on going that way anyway, he had some pretty nice meat hanging."” “"Hah! I am certain a chance to see the daughter again has nothing to do with it. Dismissed."”
A knife in the hand is worth two in the back
Boaz replied to Boaz's topic in Critic's Corner Archive
wow.. well after over a year I have finally added something to the story of Seth.. depending on if it seems to actually be read I should continue to write more of the story. I would appreciate any comments... be it simple thoughts on the story, critiques, suggestions... or even a "boo! you suck! take away his keyboard!" Thanks Boaz -
A knife in the hand is worth two in the back.
Boaz replied to Boaz's topic in Assembly Room Archives
(Back in the present) Trusting the spell of invisibility and his years of training to remain undetected, Seth rounds the corner of the hall and moves silently to within a few feet of the guards. Kalic Adjusted his grip on the pike and thought for the hundredth time that night that maybe just maybe any other job would be more exciting that his current occupation. Of course that all changed when the cloaked figure appeared less than 10 feet away from him, and to be honest it was probably only the barrier his helm created that kept his eyes from popping right out of his head. Without even an instant of thought his body went into the procedure that had been drilled into his muscles for the last 10 years... 2 steps to the center of the hall, and a quick flick of his wrist began the spinning of his pike. This he could keep doing with the deadly flourishes and twists for hours. His mind no longer thought or felt, all that existed was the body. He barely even noticed when the bolt from the hand crossbow found the soft flesh of his companion's thigh, or the spasms that started to wrack his body. Heh, poor guy. Too bad anti-magic doesn't affect the poison of the Hyrui. Now, how to beat this guy? I can't see a place on him that isn't covered in an inch of steel. A quick trust...ah...nice reflexes..didn't even get close.. but how are you on the outside...hmm...not bad there either...ahhh.. Seth's mental dialog is broken by the sudden need to backpedal as the pike man begins an elaborate and deadly forward dance. The large pike man continues to press his advantage, and it is obvious that even thought Seth fights his hardest, slowly..very very slowly he is forced to move back... Gods..what a conservative, how many openings do I have to give? any other fighter would have me another 10 feet back..well at least there should be a foot or two between him and the antimagic feild... A sudden darkness descends over both combatants... Suddenly the pike man seems to realize the other change, maybe air pressure, premonition.... for what ever reason, he begins to turn around, but too late. Seth slams his short sword into the armpit of his enemy's upraised arm, and he reflexively hunches over on that side his dirk is slipped into the newly formed gap between the left shoulder and helm. Let's see, the antimagic field ends about 2 feet before the door..so maybe magical alarms too? Seth closes his eyes and begins to concentrate, when he reopens his eyes he is able to follow the flow of magic around the door, and notice the magic from the door flowing off in on direction and ending in one of the stones on the wall. After careful consideration of the situation, he moves to the body of the swordsman, removes the right gauntlet and presses the palm against the block. With a barely audible sound almost like a soft breath...the reinforced double doors unseal. With death on his mind and silence as his companion, Seth walks into the private rooms of the Duke of Klandish......... -
Ok, this isn't a discussion on if god exists or not, so those of you that don't believe, don't take it as on.. and those of you that do believe... don't take it that way either.. The point of this is just to keep my brain going this afternoon, and to explain why I personally think that "bad things happen". to truly enjoy this post..and the discussion that I hope springs from it... put aside the concept of if God exists or not...and instead think only of why things are like they are if there is a good God watching us. Before I begin, please excuse my lacking skills of communication. I really shouldn't attempt a post such as this, but I feel the need... *shrug* my brain is getting rusty. God is benevolent, so why is there evil in the world? I believe the answer is both simple and one of the most complex concepts at the same time.. the simple answer is... so that we could have spiritual depth, the complex answer is...so that we could have spiritual depth. Don't worry I am not going to "cop out" and simply say it is "free will" though that does tie into the subject matter/reason. If you take a small baby, put it in a padded room, and give it everything it needs and wants..what will you have in 20 years? You will have someone that is still a baby in many if not most ways. The person will not learn the things that we learn in everyday life. It will not have the ability to cope with problems or disappointments. There would not be the spiritual/mental depth that even a 7 year old has after living in the "real world" This ties into why bad things happen to people, and why just because you pray more than your neighbor doesn't mean you will have a 4k square foot house. I believe that we were created to be companions, for company. If god gave us everything we wanted and there was no crime, hunger, and other problems in the world we would all be like "Chip" the preppy rich kid who had his own sailboat at 8, and doesn't understand anything that is outside of his trust fund(not saying all rich kids are like that).. how would you like to have only friends like that? Also, if you are rich and have friends..how do you know which ones truly love you? and which only love you because you lavish them with gifts? A perfect world would make it easy to say we love and believe in God. Free will is a part of the equation though, as you getting robbed by a guy in a dark ally is a consequence of his free will. If God removed crime, etc, he would have to remove free will from some...if that is the case why not from all and make us automatons that have no true spiritual depth? In short, God created us so we could grow and become more than we are, both individually and as a people. He gave us the chance to mature and have depth. We shouldn't shake our fists at God and blame him for things when they go wrong, instead we should understand that by being subtle, and letting the cards lay as they were played, he is giving us the chance to grow up, and not be spiritual 2 year olds during our whole existence. Well, that is enough rambling I guess..I am sorry for any that dislike my use of "He" for God, but that is just how I have learned to visualize him(pronoun wise at least). I welcome any and all discussion..or even comments telling me I am boring, wrong, off my rocker...etc. Boaz p.s. To be honest..now that I have finished it.I am tempted not to post it... something jus isn't good enough...but oh well...once it is written it must be posted.
ok, I really don't have the time/energy to make this a fully functional thesis so I will just put some points out there.. this is in no way a truely educated theory on the process/underpinnings of the universe but is rather just what seems to make sense to me from my few readings and my own thought process. First: some basic "accepted truths" of the universe 1. The universe started small and then the big bang 2. The universe is expanding 3. There is not only matter...but also darkmatter, which we known exists by being able to detect its gravitational affects. Next: some points of discussion/change in theory 1. it was expected that the universe's expansion would be slowing down, but recent data seems to indicated the very opposite is happening. 2. The first point tends to indicated a universal constant force(as Al "the brain" Einstien" suggested years ago) Now..I step off into the morrase that is my mental image of the universe... If the universe is expanding, then it would seem apparent to me that it isn't infinite, but rather something "outside" of it exists. If there is someting outside of it..that would mean there is an edge or a area where the universe ends and the rest begins. Albert suggested that E=MC^2. What if outside of our universe is pure energy(in some form or another) and when the Big bang happened, a "wave" of force was created, and this force can convert energy to either matter or antimatter. Now if the just stated theory is correct, it might be the cause of the continued expansion of the universe. Energy is removed from outside of the "bubble" and matter/antimatter is created inside. This should create a "vacuum/void" outside and add pressure inside. Thus the force that is accelerating the expansion of the universe, or at least ofsetting the force created by gravitational pull. Simply put think of a balloon with the ability to pull air inside...or think of the osmosis proccess in some cells. yes..boring read.and I know I have to be way off...but just felt the need to put this down somewhere and get it out of my head. Boaz Demigod of Madness(as this post proves)
I don't feel like getting into this deeply, if you want to know why, look at this thread so far. I have no urge to argue with any of you, and I haven't, but look at the posts so far. People make comments about bush's supporters, they make comments about bush. Look at the people that seem to be the bush supportors. We suggest we don't want to talk about it, that it will not do anything constructive, yet we are the ones that are suppose to be pushing our believes and thoughts down the "liberals" throats.. doesn't seem that way to me at the moment. Also, look at a couple of the comments, I know they are made in jest, but it shows a trend, I am talking about "Is it too late to move to canada." Ok this might bother some people, but let me put the cards on the table.. WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? For years now I have seen some people do stuff like go on TV and claim that when they look into a chickens eyes, they see the same soul as a baby human. Also there is the woman I saw once that I saw on one show, decrying that killing of baby calves for veal, and talking about how pregnate cows are sometimes slaughtered........ less than 2 weeks later, I saw her talking for another group she represented, talking about how women have the right for abortion. I am not claiming one is wrong or one is right, but you can't have it both ways, either unborn baby cows don't count, or unborn humans do..make a decision. There really was a really big "liberal" tint to the programming/media/proclaimed thought process of the nation, did you not expect there to be blowback? Any time there is a swing too far one way or the other, you can expect for there to be counterswing, action/reaction. Something else that bothers me, is that people claim that conservatives are close minded, and that we should accept everybody for who they are and respect their beliefs, but the second conservative says they believe "X thing, for Y reason" they are called a bigot and that they should change their minds. You can't have it both ways, you can't expect for others to respect you and what you say, if you are not willing to let them have theres..even if it is "well let them be ignorant" GOD I hate this, I have written all of this about a subject I really don't want too. And I am sure I am going to get reamed about at least one or two things, and why? Because someone here will think my believes are stupid/ignorant. You know something? I hadn't claimed any such thing about any of the things others have said here... yet I am the one that would be labeled unaccepting or some such for supporting bush. Later, Boaz P.S. when I said majority, look at this post, most have shown a dislike for Bush. why? because different people hang out in different areas, I am sure if you went to a Church in the south, liberal would be minority, if you went to a block party in New York, concervative would be minority.
There is a reason that Bush supporters do not talk about it in lots of various places... it is because of the implication in what other say and write that to support bush you must either be stupid, or I don't know... ignorant..or even worse.. "evil",etc.. Since many people don't like going into a situation where they know they will be outnumbered, and there is a good chance it might get ugly they stay away. seems like a very good policy to me. sorry for this not being that great grammatically, but is 12:30 and I have to get up for work in like 5 hours, so I didn't worry to much about the formatting.
reverie, yeah, thanks. I knew the location and everything, but I didn't want to start "throwing bible verses" around. Doing that tends to make people stop listening to you it seems... or could just be my perceptoin thanks anyway Boaz
Born of a persons idle brain, Origins written by another(Rydia/Minta/Rosemary) Always questioning the world around him, almost as much as himself. Zoinks!
Jesus, what a potentially conveluted answer I have for this question. How does one take something that has helped to define who they are ever since they where old enough to understand that they are not the center of the world, and make one post about it? I don't know, but I guess I can try. I appologize ahead of time for any and all brain cells you lose reading these next few paragraphs. I am the son of a Southern Baptist preacher, and I am Southern Baptist to the core. Now, what does that mean? Few people realize just how much variaty there is within the SBC because of our lack of a true central athority. I have read the bible at least 5 times through over my life(that is what happens when you are in church for 3 hours a week your whole life and you could preach the sermon yourself). I have some beliefs that may not be shared by all. Let me put out a few for ya, if you agree great, if you don't. *shrug* Free Will and its effect on our relationship with God: I believe God gave us freewill because he wanted/needed something other than the very emptiness around him. Think about how much satisfaction you receave from a well written story, a handmade item, etc. Now imagine you could create anything your heart desired? Wouldn't you use said power? I know I would. Now, you have this creation, but how do you continue to get satisfaction from it? What if it was ever changing, what if you could watch it "evolve"(oops! did I say that word!). That is what I think free will is about. I believe God wanted people that chose to worship/love him, and could actually make their own path in life. No one wants their best friend to be a robot. God as all knowing/powerful: I personally believe that God is a being that is outside of the very diminsion of "time". I can't remember the exact quotes, but there are several where he is meantioned as timeless, as the Begining and the End, as I AM. For instance the term I AM, I AM. Not I am I was, or I am to be. This is a term that denotes consistancy. I believe that god knows the past, the present and the future, because time holds no meaning to him. Could I be wrong? *shrug* About Spiritual Leaders and their "sheep": To be honest, I am offended by those that call me a sheep. BAAH to ya if you wish to hear that. I go to preachers for questions/opinions, not because I can't think on my own, but because for something as important as my spiritual life seeking the opinion of someone that has made it their life calling to study the subject just seems prudent. If I have a headache that I can't cure myself, I go to a Doctor. The same thing, if there is a spiritual question that I am not completely certain about, a verse I don't totally understand, I go to someone that has put much more effort into than I. Does this mean I think they will automatically be right? Do I think they are infallable? No, I don't and I take everything with a grain of salt. If I go to a doctor for a headache, and he wants to cut my hand off, I say no thank you. About spirituallity: I think that someone that truely looks into their belief system is spiritual. There is truely only a couple of things I can't abide. The first is someone tha goes with the first thing that seems least like "Christanity". Goths that claim they are wiccans, but have no idea about what that means, that claim to be white witchs. I know one, she didn't have the foggest about what her belief system was suppose to be. The other is people that blame many of the worlds problems on Christanity, do you know that I have a friend that actually had a "wiccan" tell him that war is christanity's fault? I kid you not, they apparently really believe that the world was a paradise before us. *shrug* Oh, then there is the one that claimed that Jesus was actually a buddist and that the church was hiding that fact...... That is all folks, sorry about how terrible I am at writting at all, let alone this type of thing. Also sorry for the lenght of this post. All I have to say is this: Believe what you want, but know why you believe it. Believe what you want, but never call others closed minded for their beliefs. Believe what you want, but never demonize others. Boaz
“Well you see, Troutsers™ are the rage already in Franconia, and I hear drunken party goers in Germanius can’t keep their legs out of them. So Gyrfalcon, what do you say? I want you to be the official spokesman for Troutsers™ brand underwear. You’re the first person I thought of, right off. You’re on the ground floor of a great happening in Mage History, and I will give you 10% royalties?” Gyrfalcon can barely keep his gourge down as Boaz waves a pair of smiley face Troutsers™ in his face. “Um sorry, old friend, but I already..um..already… umm HAVE AN..er.. have an exclusive deal with Joat. Yup, my image can’t be used for anything other than products dealing with the next Movie.. yeah..” “Drats!.. well. Good luck with that.” *crap.. that is the 10 mage to turn it down..can’t these fools smell gold when they are presented with it* Boaz rubs his nose with the Troutser™ and notices Wyvern being extorted… *hmm.. can’t let those trolls extort where a true professional can step in* The two trolls’ eyes go wide as Boaz steps between them, extends both hands out to his sides, and sends a few thousand volts through each of them. Wyvern makes a sound that the more discerning among the crowd would say sounded like a High C performed by one of the chipmunks(Alvin Simon or Theodore).… on crack, as his is dropped. Lucky for him, the shaking caused by the electricity means that he was dropped to the side of the platter, banging first his head on the edge of the table, then landing on his tail as he rolls off said table. Boaz steps forward to help Wyvern get up before the trolls can react. “So, Wyvern! I have been looking all over for you! Here is the money I owe you!” A small bag of gold is exchanged, Wyvern can’t help but shake it quickly.. *hmm..500gold* “I really didn’t think you could do it wyvern.. killing a Red dragon on your own, I was surprised when you took out the hydra.. but the dragon really blew my mind.” Wyvern notices the trolls go white around the eyes, and can’t help but smile as they apologize and tell him they have decided that their current pay is good enough. He turns back to Boaz as they slink off, “So, thanks for saving me. I assume you want this money back?” “No, No. Keep it. It is your first installment. Don’t look so confused, I just saved your bacon..and you just became spokesman for Troutsers™ for life.. or until you kill yourself, which ever is longer. Now, I envision your likeness, oiled down and standing on a dead dragon. You’ll be wearing nothing but a grin and of course a pair of the product. We will put it on every flat surface larger than 10ft x 10ft.. you will be the most recognized face out there. And if these sell like I expect, you also have first shot at endorsing the official Tarter sause and trout flavored mouthwash.” Noticing the sick look that crosses Wyverns face Boaz explains, “Well, waste not- want not. I had to do SOMETHING with the byproduct. Oh and your pay will be 5% of the profit and lifetime supply of Troutsers™ of course! Wyvern looks longingly over his shoulder at the trolls and fishplate.. maybe his situation wasn’t as bad as he though before?
ah a little unclear.... One, both untravelled and yet worn bare. or One [that is] both untravelled and yet worn bare. I like the sound of it this way.. but the reader kinda has to just go with the flow for the astetic value. I guess a better version gramattically would be "I stand upon the path, One untravelled and yet worn bare. A life half unravelled."
Well, it has been a while but here is another atrocity or masterpeice, or maybe neither. Any and all comments would be loved. I hate blank stares and empty minds more than critisism. Trust me, I know the limits of my talent and take no hurt from suggestions or comments. I stand upon the path, one both untraveled, and yet worn bare. A life half unraveled. My youth behind me, doorways once past, become transparent barriers. A view unsurpassed. Left hand half full, in desperation tight, as sands of time slip. A man afraid of night. Right hand outstretched, opportunities like diamonds, but brighter than their kind. A future unconfined. A foot planted, while another strides, towards the unknown. A way to be shown. One after one, steps taken along the way, leading towards the end. A moment lived.
As Boaz rushes past the line only one thought is going through his mind "late, late, late, late, late, late, late.. god this is getting repetative, late, late, late." "Ah, melba nice to see you. I would like entrance if you don't mind." Melba looks down to see only the top of a dwarven helmet with both horns broken off halfway up. "Ah, well I will need a set of boxers then if you don't mind." "Ah well then my pretty, here ya go." The largest trout Melba had ever seen suddenly appears on the countertop. "Ah sir. These are not boxers." "Oh sure they are! See those two holes where the eyes used to be? Those are for your legs. The mouth has an only slightly tight spring holding them closed, and it is counter weighed to make them say open once they are opened. Actually that was the easiest part of the whole project, what was really hard was finding a trout willing to mate with a dolphin to get the right size. You would really be suprised what a bottle of smirnof and a Barry White CD can do in that depart..." Melba can't help but first shrink away in horor at the knowledge of just what is laying before her, and then as she begins to fully realize the situation that she has found herself in, she leans forward... "Your Boaz! Demigod of Madness... and your an imposter! Boaz has already checked in!" With a quick look over at the first boaz who seems to be rather interested in staring at a small crack in the plaster wall, "Oh him. That is just my Emergency- Late Entrance Glancing Attention Timer. I like to think he is rather elegant." Boaz swirves and casts a quick spell in response to the chorus of groans at his last comment, and about 20 people being to hop around with smoke rolling off their dress shoes. "Another one of my inventions.. the mass hotfoot. now if you don't mind, I must go and find out once and for all who Rydia likes more." Melba watchs the dwarf walk off with a suprisly small treant with short arms following him. "Sigh.. they get stranger and stranger, you would think we would have permenant mental health professionals knocking down our doors to do research. HEY SOMEONE BRING ME A NEWSPAPER TO STORE THIS FIS..ERR.. BOXERS IN!"
A knife in the hand is worth two in the back
Boaz replied to Boaz's topic in Critic's Corner Archive
sorry for the lag in writing... if any of you even remember I was writing a story that is ... what with it being a while since I have updated it... but anyway... I think that maybe the finishing move that was done on the giant is a little hard for some to grasp... I get it fine, but then again I have the kind gentle version done to me about twice a week... here is a link to the kind gentle version.. the vid might take a bit to load..but it will give good visual conformation of the move.. the only difference is that if you keep the head between your arms, and lock them(rather than loosly cup it and let the person fall) you break the neck.. this is something that you only do if it is a life or death situation..but anyway.. here is the link http://www.geocities.com/aikido_arkansas/aiki_nage.htm ps.. my roommate is the one taking the fall in the vid -
A knife in the hand is worth two in the back
Boaz replied to Boaz's topic in Critic's Corner Archive
3rd part posted, but at the moment the muses seem to be avoiding me..so the finish will be added later.. well folks? I have tried to put most situations into the story, internal dialog, conversations between friendly parties, and between semi hostel, combat, etc. Any real weaknesses you see in style or anything? Any real strengths? Now, I don’t want any false flattery to “keep me creating” and trust me, the more “honest” response I think I get, the more I am willing to post. Also, if the story sucks..please tell me, because I really don’t have the mental energy to waste on something that isn’t worth the time but I just don’t realize it. I believe that the creator is sometimes the one that is most blind to the true value of the creation. -
A knife in the hand is worth two in the back.
Boaz replied to Boaz's topic in Assembly Room Archives
Everyone needs someone they can trust, someone they know will be right there next to them when the knives are at your throat. Unfortunately, some don’t have such luxuries, and sometimes, when you need to talk to someone, you only have your own inner voice. A quick peak around the corner. Two guards, both apparently competent from the way they carry their weapons, and the fact they are still alert at such a godless hour. Ok, time for a spell Seth my boy. A good long look at them is what is called for. Ok, twist the left finger just so, the index finger extended straight out, and make sure to inflect the last syllable. Ah there we go, done, as clear as a Kodena Mountain stream. Now time for a bold look, what with the looky- loos not being able to look back..hah. Hmm, one tall, one short.. seems we are dealing in pairs all over the place. A swordsman, and a pike man. A Pike man? In this hallway, why he wouldn’t even be able to swing that thing around without being in the center of the hall. Very poor choice for him and his friend’s defense. Ok, plan, need a plan. I wonder if they are in a non magic field like the gatehouse? *quick look down to his shirt with a pause to finger a jagged rip* Guess there is only one way to find out. Index finger crooked, semicircle counterclockwise, spit out the words like hot wax, hmm.. a fizzle. anti-magic indeed. (A few minutes earlier) Seed of the great god on the ground! How could the situation have become so bad so quickly? All I wanted to do was sneak through a back gatehouse..who has anti-magic protection on a back gatehouse? Stupid overconfidence, well a knife in the side is what one deserves in such situations I guess. Gods, the small one is going for the alarm bell’s pull rope again. Medilena, Goddess of the dark, guide this hand axe. YES! haha..grab that rope at 12 feet up why don’t you? Haha. “Zeek! He cut the damn bell rope, I am going to have to make a run for the main house to warn the rest!” yells a small man over his shoulder as he heads for the door. “You cowardly piece of Kodenay flesh, you get back here and help keep his blades from my heart!” Shouts the one that is 7 feet tall and looks like his parents wanted a lighthouse instead of a son. Grrr... why doesn’t he just give up and fight? If he gets that heavy door open, he won’t need to make it to the main house, the sound of steel on steel will carry for hundreds of yards on a night like this. It might be audible even now. Ok gotta stop him.. and stop this damn ringing of steel, and it isn’t like the magic on my blades helps much in here. Zeek’s eyes spring open wide at the sight of the dark stranger sheathing his dagger and pulling a rope and balls from his waist, a quick flick of the wrist, and it comes spinning past his head. At first Zeek’s mouth spreads into a grin at the miss, until he hears the thump of Isaac falling and the curses that come spilling from his friends mouth. But it spreads again at the sight of the other blade disappearing like it’s mate. “Seems strange for you to be giving up so quickly? Might you be planning a little magic? I would have though you would have realized before that our little place here is made to keep that from happening?” Have to get him angry, need him to be confident, or angry, either one...all out offense is what I need from him. “Was the ogre that impregnated your mom this talkative? Or maybe you never knew him? Maybe too many ogres in your mothers bed for you to differentiate? Oops, sorry that was a multi-syllabic word. I guess what I am asking is, were you as confused on fathers day as the city whore’s son?” dumb oaf like him.. That should do it. Talk about their mothers and they get all fussy. The shade of red that was on Zeek’s face was only outdone by the red running down Seth’s side, as he began his furious attack. A quick overhand swing powerful, but not overreaching, dealt with by a quick sidestep to the left and a rabbit punch to the side of the head. Damn, he wasn’t even stunned by that. A bellow of rage and the sword arm sweeps to the right, following Seth’s movement. A quick step back(out of the swords range) followed by a quick step in, left hand placed on the sword arm’s wrist, and an elbow to the armpit of the offending arm swiftly follows. I think I felt a rib break, I pray I felt it break..break..break damn you. Zeek pulls his arm back with an accompanying burst of air from his lungs, but a quick straight hand punch slams into Seth’s right cheek, as the arm is brought right back out. I swear, he hits me in the face one more time, and I will pull these blades out and make him a castrato. I have got to finish this quickly before his friend gets out of that bola. The big man finally makes a major mistake as he lunges towards the apparently stunned assassin. A strait stabbing motion, arm extended fully, body weight on front foot, all momentum forward, finally I can end this. The small one gasps in relieve as he anticipates Zeek skewering the intruder, but it turns to a moan of fear. It all looked so cut and dry, the intruder was done for, but Isaac’s swift eyes caught what happened, even if his brain refused to process it. Zeek’s straight stab, the intruder shifting his feet and moving to the outside of the stab, and leading the attacking arm forward. Zeek stumbling off balance, and the movement of the assassin into his body. Zeek’s head resting against where the other’s arm and chest meet, and him cupping the back of Zeek’s head to keep Zeek moving in the circle around him. Zeek apparently beginning to regain his balance as he tries to stop his forward(more like circular now) momentum. The assassin waits until just the right moment to release the sword arm, and as Zeek begins to stand the assassin removes his hold and moves his arm to grip both hands together, locking the giant’s head into a vise. Isaac winches while he watches the intruder use Zeek’s own height and momentum against him. The assassin sets his feet, and twists his whole upper body in the opposite direction of Zeek’s momentum, and a wet crack is heard as the neck breaks. Zeek only has time to drum his feet once, before it is done and his body is dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes. “Now, please quit trying to untie those bolas..and stop all that screaming. It is unbecoming, and I doubt anyone can hear you through these walls. What are you looking at? Ah yes the bell rope. Yes I do have to agree if I had missed, it would have been a much different story. Now, one question before I am done. How do you want it? Heart or neck?” -
A knife in the hand is worth two in the back
Boaz replied to Boaz's topic in Critic's Corner Archive
well, since people actually seem to be reading it, I thought I would actually add some more to the story. I hope it is enjoyable for you all, since I really don't think so myself, but I am not the best judge. thanks for the comments. I appreciate them. I may go back and ad certain elements once I get the basic story down on paper. see the whole thing so that I can see just where stuff will fit best. as I believe you can see, I have done my best to avoid tense problems in this second section -
A knife in the hand is worth two in the back.
Boaz replied to Boaz's topic in Assembly Room Archives
An aged hand upon a balcony rail. A greying head with hair blowing in the breeze. Small children, the progeny of the aged hands owner, running through the rose garden below, with gardener’s scolding them to mind the thorns. The sound of the city, happy and busy, wafting over the walls. A woman, aged but with warm beauty and grace standing beside him turns to ask him.... “Your majesty, Sir Erik. I am sorry to bother you...” The king looks up, to see his closest advisor and friend before him. “Ah Magellan, I am sorry I must have allowed my mind to wander off.” “Ah, have you come to a decision then, sir?” “No, I had avoided thinking of any decisions, I was just thinking of better times is all. And let me remind you again.. We are not in court, so drop the sir. Is there anymore word?” “No sir. Nothing on the hunt for your cousin’s killer. Though I do have the report of the royal physician ready for you to read.” A sealed envelope is offered by an age spotted hand. The room goes quiet as old but bright eyes read the report. “Hmm. A professional from the wounds it would seem.” “Yes. The physician says that the two knife thrusts, one at the base of the skull and the other where the neck and the shoulders meet were both inflicted at the same time. So our killer is either a very natural bladesman, or a highly trained one.” “Or both. One of the few ways to kill very quickly, without causing a major arterial spray. But the most important question is, why was Andrew in that ally in the first place? Or was he dumped there?” After a moment of silence, “That is not known as of yet, we have our best agents working on the problem. Also, the guard around the twins has been doubled, and I wish you would allow us to do the same for you.” A hand clinches around a swords pommel for just a moment, and then a quick release accompanied by a sigh, “Adam, I am sorry. I know how much it bothers you to have it otherwise, but the day I rely on some pups who haven’t even seen active combat protect me... well that will be the day I decide I am not fit to carry this crown anymore, a king has to be strong...” and then, barely audible... “in more ways than one...” “Sir, sorry to harp, but... your decision?” “I haven’t arrived at one yet! I will know when I know!” A big fist hits the table, hard and the uncomfortable silence is broken by the sound of the distant tolling of a bell. “Now I believe that is the bell tolling out high moon. I believe it is time to see ourselves to bed.” “Would you at least allow me to cast just a spell or two over you? Like I did back when we adventured together? Nothing major, just one to protect against blades, and another to warn me of any of your blood is spilled?” “Uuuuhmmmmm...” a hand comes up to cover tired eyes, “yes, I will give you this one concession, but only because of our friendship. And only you are to be the recipient of the notice of my wounding, not the bloody guard. Understood?” -
well, figured I would just post the story in the other forum, and leave the self depretiation of the story out. Here is where I meant to put it. but I am not sure the story is even worth that. Well my only defense for the start of the story is, I wrote it at 4am after no sleep, and I have actually not written a peice of fiction(other than research papers ) in several years... actually..now that I think about it...*thinks* I think it has been about 6-8 years since I really wrote a something longer than a paragraph that was fiction. anyway.. if youy liked the story and want to say so and why, here is the place if you hated it..I would love that feedback too. if you have gramatical or style comments.. those are welcome, though I doubt my poor rusty skills in grammer would be able to keep up with any real discussion about that sort of thing(but hey, try me) anyway... the stage is now yours
When someone has power, invariably someone else wishes to have said power for themselves. When the haves and the have nots are considered, strangely, it is the haves that strive the hardest to obtain greater things. Few with power will give it up willingly, so sometimes these things must be pried from their cold, dead fingers. Open warfare is a messy business, and so the profession of assassin was born. Many people speak in awe of Kalthas the Black, who hails from the sun swept wastes of Karish. The powerful tremble at the very whisper of Clarissa the Rose, who’s beauty is only surpassed by her deadliness. Both of these, and few others are great artist, with amazing skill in stealth and martial prowess. They flaunt their skill, and revel in the fear of their targets. Seth on the other hand, is a professional. He knows the basic rule by heart, people can’t defend against the unknown, and the unwary are the easiest kills. He is a silent killer, the one that people in the know, and with the money, can learn how to contact. “No! I am authorized to offer you 200,000 gold, and not a coin more!” venament argued the small man, while eyeing the shadows for a hint of movement. “Daniel, Daniel. Such anger. If this conversation is to go well I would remind you to keep your voice civil and your hand away from that hidden dagger.” Eyes wide, looking deeply into the surrounding gloom, the man asks, “How do you know my name? I have not told you and I have traveled far to meet you.” “Heh, only a fool would meet someone they know absolutely nothing of. Now listen closely, I am not haggling. I am stating a fact. 200,000 before 150,000 after. There is no way it would be considered anything but a natural death. Can any others assure you of that?” “My masters do not doubt your skill, but they do not consider even the life of a king to be worth so much!” Replied the contact. From a different point came the reply, “Tell your masters that such a death would cause great turmoil within the kingdom.” “Surely you jest! One such as yourself cannot care for the life of the peasants or the welfare of the Kingdom.” “Fool, I could care less if all the peasants die. But chaos stops tax collection, and war is expensive. I refuse to harm my future business opportunities without proper compensation”, the voice softly hisses from directly behind the messenger. “Now, run away to your master, or masters and tell them my terms, they know the drop point, I expect they will agree to my price.” The messenger turned towards the mouth of the ally, forcing himself to walk slowly. A soft whisper that tickles the back of his neck forces him to turn just before he steps into the dim light of the roadway. “I said to come alone, you will find your companion one ally over, but rest easy, he died quickly.. .and quietly.” “You fool! He was the King’s cousi.....” with eyes wide from the realization of the slip of his tongue, Daniel turned and ran out of the ally. If anyone had been left in the area, they would have been able to hear a small chuckle and the sound of someone moving away and softly talking to themself, “Hmm.. I thought the blood looked a little blue.”
I like this poem very much, I could say works like the others, duelism, etc..etc.. but I think I will just keep it simple. "John like. Ug! Make john think! me like lots!"