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Everything posted by Madoka
On Video Games and an Article of sadness.
Madoka replied to Falcon2001's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Yes, we had all better exercise and do some sports, lest we all grow big bellies!! And men with big bellies are not attractive to women, and vice versa too, I dare say. Luckily, I workout at my gym at least 3 times a week. Madoka. -
On Video Games and an Article of sadness.
Madoka replied to Falcon2001's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
*sigh* Whatever happened to today's youth? Don't they run around, climb trees, play tag, or other sports anymore? I remember when I was a kid -- I ran around my neighborhood and was pretty active in sports. Now, all the kids just play games. In a sense, it's good, but only in moderation. Too many parents allow TV games to be a substitute babysitter. That being said, I don't remember Pong, but I have heard about it. I grew up with a Famicom, and when I was a teenager (about 13) I was in arcades where they had StreetFighter 2. -
I don't know why, but I have fallen in love with a particular song called "If I Could Just Be More Human" sung by Scott Matthew. Does anyone know him? He is on the soundtrack to Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex. This is my first time hearing him sing this song, and I play it over and over again. The lyrics of the song and the melody just brings back lots of memories for me. For me, it's one of those songs that make you reminiscience... Great song!! Madoka.
*blush* Thanks for the kind words again, Peredhil. But everyone here writes as good or even better than me. I especially like Aardy's stories, such a nice twist! As for my stories, I am currently completing the 2nd part of my romance story. Speaking of which, I can't find it for reference in the Scarlet Pen area anymore. Any idea where it went, or was it deleted because it was too risque? Madoka.
Hello again! I noticed that everytime I come back, we have a different forum. *sigh* Just when I got used to the old forums, you went and changed it to the NEW forums. Anyway, just to let you all know that I'm still alive, but was very, very busy the past few months. Big news again: I'm being transferred back to Tokyo by end of August, which means my extensive travelling for the past year has come to an end. I'll miss living out of business class Japan Air Lines now, I guess. How is everyone? I hope you're doing well! Take care! Madoka.
It's a lovely poem! I wish I can write poems as well as I think I can write stories, but well... I never did do really good in poetry during my English classes. I find myself liking the first version more than the second version, though... I don't know why, but it just resonates with me more than the updated version. I'm sorry that I can explain it more than that, but I'm short on time and have to go. Nice poem though! Madoka.
In honor of your birthday, I shall drink a flask of sake on your behalf! What's that? You want me to drink some more? Well... if you insist!! *hic* Otanjoubi omedetou!! :9 Madoka.
Oi! It's Foe Calibur! Wheee, it's been a long time, Foe! Nice to see you again! Madoka.
Hi Ozy! Of course I remember you! After all, it was you and sexy sexy mage Orlan-chan who always had too much fun teasing me on the AM boards... :9 It's nice to see you again! How have you been? Madoka.
A samurai, clad in shiny Metalium armor, steps up and smiles happily at the recently promoted. Omedetou gozaimasu! Congratulations to all on your promotions! You all certainly deserve it! With at, Madoka proceeds to give every promoted Pen a *BIG* hug! Bring out the sake!
Ah, memories, memories. Thanks Kendricke! If you can do that, it would be great! Madoka.
I think out of all people here, my name is the easiest to pronounce, so I shan't bother explaining how to. Failing that, you guys can always call me Maddy if you are having problems figuring out how to say Madoka. Madoka.
Otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu! Hope you had a very happy birthday, Jakob-san! Hee! Madoka.
Hi Boaz!! I would say something witty, but in your presence I forgot how. I would say "welcome back!" but I just got here, so somehow "welcome back!" just isn't appropriate, so I guess I will settle for a "welcome!" and a "hay!! It's Boaz!!" It's nice to see you again, Boaz! It's been a long time since the AM boards, ne? Madoka.
Actually, I'm very exact and demanding with my pens. For regular writing, I only use black pen. If I don't have a black pen handy, blue will do ok in a pinch, but I prefer black. When I mark something, it is in red pen. No other color for me will do. Now you say, "So, Madoka? What is so exact and demanding about that?" Well, my black color pens HAVE to be non-smear, ballpoint, 0.5mm ink. Blue pens can be 0.7mm or 0.5mm in size, but can be smearable. Red pens HAVE to be non-smear and 0.7mm. It can be felt-tip or ballpoint, but not a marker. I have grown fond of pens made by either Zebra or Uni. No other pens from other companies will do. I hardly ever use pencils. Lately, I have been using my Sony CLIE PDA a lot, so I've technically been using a stylus instead of a pen. Madoka.
Yui-chan, Celes, Don't worry about what happened in AM. It was a long time ago, and besides, I forgotten it all anyway. We had some good times back then, and that's what we should remember, ne? Zadown-san, nice to hear from you. You know now that I will keep on bugging you, ne? Madoka.
Hi Tzim! Yes, I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment here. The story is heavy with the overuse of adjectives and pronouns, but I couldn't really figure out how to get rid of some without giving away who the Asian guard and the cloaked stranger was until near the end. Hence the reason why I went overboard with the use of adjectives and nouns.
FWIW? What does that stand for? I used to be very bad at English, so a tutor told me to start writing simple stories in English to improve my skills in that language. From that point on, if I am in the mood and I have some time (which I sometimes do when I'm flying across the Pacific Ocean on JAL), I can usually put down some thoughts into a story. Writing stories helps to keep up my skill in English, of which I definitely need. But since I never really put that much thought into stories (I don't brainstorm; I get an idea and I just... write), I don't really like my own stories very much. They tend to lack the sophistication and elegance of other writers here, such as Peredhil's, or Val's or even Aardy's. To be quite honest, I was surprised my stories were so well-received as they were when I published them. Madoka.
You're STILL in school? Hurry up and graduate already, so you can pay your taxes and become a real world citizen. And Zadown-san, my friend, I'm sorry I must have missed your post! How have you been? We lost touch after AM went down.
OoO sexy sexy mage Orlan-chan!! Nice to see you! I'm not a teacher anymore, actually. I now fly between Tokyo, LA, and Vancouver (though lately it has been between Tokyo and LA) and live on Japan Air Lines working for the Japanese MFA as a interpreter and courier. I'm in Vancouver for the next 10 days as I'm under SARs quarantine, hence my frequent visits to the old forums. How have you been doing lately? Madoka.
No disrespect intended, Peredhil-san! Thank you for fixing it! Madoka.
Gyr, if you could send them to me, that would be great. I was wanting to re-read my old stories to see what I was writing. Thank you very much! And remember, Blondemoon-san -- whatever reputation you heard of me in AM is FALSE! except the samurai shepherdess thing. And umm... I hate to bring it up, but someone was kind enough to give me a title of 'samurai shepherdess'. Thank you very much!! Unfortunately, there is a slight typo in samurai. Sorry, was in haste, no disrespect meant. It's fixed now. - Peredhil
Thank you both for your kind words; I'll look for comments there from now on. This story is a dreadfully poor story in my view; something that I just did in a few hours at home. Writing stories just started as a way for me to keep up my level of skill in the English language, but I did graduate from a Canadian university with a degree in English after all, so it helps. And to be honest -- I don't think I've actually run across any of my stories that I did like. I tend to like sexy sexy mage Orlan-chan's or Tzim's stories a whole lot more, actually. In any case, I hope you all will forgive me for my poor English, and please enjoy the above story! Madoka.
Thank you all for your welcome. It has truly been a long time since I was back. Peredhil-san's words do me too much justice; my stories are not very good, and is definitely not better than any of the other Bards listed here. Why sexy sexy mage Orlan-chan saw fit to make me a Bard (largely due, I suspect, to the fact that he loved it when I kept on calling him sexy sexy mage) I do not know, but it was indeed an honor. Val, it is indeed great to see you! Has it been that long since we last saw each other? And my goodness, Aardvark, you Aussie -- how have you been? It must have been more than a year since we last chatted! Gyr, I knew I would find you here! As for my old stories, I'm afraid I have lost them. They are, as you say, gone with the wind, sadly enough. On the other hand, it is perhaps for the best, for I fear the quality of my stories is simply lacking when compared to some of the stories posted here. In any case, it is good to be here. And Wyvern -- thanks for keeping my old samurai sheep accessories. Why you try to sell me my own property is beyond me, though. I may have been gone for a long time, but I am certainly not old, and my memory has not become as dotty as yours seem. Hee! Madoka.
The stillness of the air was shattered by the sudden urgent flapping wings of a flock of crows. Their loud caws accompanied the strong thrusts of their powerful wings, beating the air around them into submission. The branches of the evergreen trees in the deep forest swayed and bent, then snapped back to their original position, springing some dead leaves from their natural wooden prison and enabling them to gracefully fall down to join their other brethren on the musky forest floor. Twigs snapped underneath the hooves of a powerful stallion, the head shaking loose some leaves as the rider urged the steed out into the open meadow from the shadows of the forest. Stopping in the clearing, the rider took a moment to glance up at the flock of crows, the sunlight shining down on his cloaked head. His gaze wandered down from the sky to the town lying beneath the cliff, his eyes hesitating on the run-down castle in the centre of the town. Kicking the side of the steed slightly, he urged the stallion down the cobbled path to the gates of the town, stopping when the two sentries blocked his path. "Identify yourself, stranger!" The stranger merely gazed at each of the sentry, his eyes penetrating each of the soldier's soul. A gauntleted hand lift and waved slowly, almost lazily, in the general direction of the guards. A sense of power emitted from the unknown rider, overpowering the minds of the feeble sentries. The broad axes of the sentries dropped, allowing passage to the unknown rider. With a slight kick, the rider and his steed swept past the sentry, his cloak billowing out behind him sharply. A metalshod hoof stamped down on a piece of broken wood, where the partial Kanji word 'Edo' was etched in faded paint. The cloaked rider continued on along the main road to the run-down castle, noticing the lackluster way the townsfolk went about their daily business. The town was eerily quiet; the marketplace a sombre affair. Townspeople rarely lifted their eyes from their tasks to glance upon the stranger; those that did quickly averted their gaze and continued on their dull task. Unchallenged, the stranger rode up to the final gates of the castle, where his entry was barred by a rusting steel gate. Stopping, he dismounted his steed and approached the gate, his eyes examining the details critically. Again he lifted his hand towards the gate and mumbled a phrase. With a groan, the gate slid upwards, the chains clanking around their spools. "STOP! You shall not pass!" a surprised guard shouted, clambering down the steps. He stopped in front of the stranger, his breath heavy with the afternoon ale that he had just quaffed. The stranger stood still, his face hidden in the depths of his cloaked hood. The guard squinted, his face trying to penetrate the darkness surrounding the face of the stranger provided by the sudden passage of a cloud over the sun. Seconds later, as the sunlight flickered through the darkness of the hooded cloak briefly, the guard's eyes widened. "YOU!" The guard rushed at the stranger, his broadsword suddenly in his hand, quickness surprisingly rising to the surface underneath the deceptive rolls of fat covering the body. The smell of the ale evaporated from the guard's breath like the snuffed flame of a warm candle. The sword hissed through the air where the stranger had just been. Before the guard could react, a metalshod gauntlet slammed into his face, crushing the nose into a crimson pulp. With a strangled cry, the guard went down, slamming onto the hard stone of the courtyard. Boots clapped on the stones as more guards, alerted by the plaintive cry of the downed, hapless guard, rushed in. Seeing the stranger stand over their brother with a cocked fist, a thin trail of blood dripping down to the ground from the knuckles, they drew their swords, the steel hissing on the scabbards as they exited. Circling the motionless stranger, they studied their prey intently. Without a signal, without a cry, one of the guards charged the stranger, his sword slicing down at the head from the overhead. He grinned at the stupid stranger as his arms followed through, bringing the sharp edge of his sword down at the stranger's cloaked head. Gauntleted hands snapped up, clasping the edges of the sword and stopping the blade from completing its downward arc. The guard grunted, his eyes widening in surprise as the stranger snapped kicked the guard, sending him to the ground. A slight twist of his hands and the blade snapped, the shattered pieces clattering to the stone. The other guards attacked, their swords a blur of motion. The stranger was faster -- here, there, here again, and there again. Not one sword found its mark; not one blade ever managed to caress a single thread of the white cloak draped over the stranger's shoulder. One by one, the stranger dealt brutal blows to the guards with his metal-clad fists and feet, not once deigning to draw the katana at his waist, revealed in glimpses by the billowing cloak. In just seconds, it was over. A single blade clattered forlornly on the cobblestones of the courtyard, its owner already unconscious not far from the blade. In the center of the crumpled bodies and discarded weaponry stood the stranger, the wind ruffling the cloak slightly. A bird chirped, its song mixing in with the soft moans of the beaten guards. "A challenger, I see." The stranger looked up at the sudden appearance of an Asian man, the sunlight gleaming off his armored pauldron. Wind whistled through his short raven hair, his brown eyes staring hard at the cloaked figure. The distinct twing! of an unlocked katana from its scabbard shattered the still air as the Asian guard leapt, his air slashing lightning quick from the waist up. The cloaked stranger bent backwards, the blade of the katana just passing inches from his face. A clasp on the front of the cloak jumped into the air, freed from its place by the sudden passage of the katana blade. The cloaked stranger leapt backwards, landing in a crouch a few feet back, his hand and knee on the floor. The Asian guard spared him no quarter and no breathing room, attacking in a swift lunge, his katana sweeping gracefully yet deadly through the air at him. The stranger leapt almost impossibly high into the air, his legs springing him over the Asian guard. Twisting in mid-air, the stranger finally drew his own katana. Landing on the ground softly, the stranger seemed to smirk at the Asian guard, the sunlight gleaming off the shining blade. The two combatants glared at each other for a second before the Asian guard charged, once again committing a series of blindingly fast slashes at the stranger that would have already decapitated a lesser foe. Sparks flew and jumped off the clashes of the two katana blades as the two combatants strucked and parried each other. The few beaten guards who were conscious could only gape in awe at the finesse and prowess displayed by the combatants before them. The Asian guard slashed again, grunting as his swing was once again parried. A boot flashed, kicking the stranger and knocking him off balance slightly. Taking immediate advantage, the Asian threw a fast punch, connecting with the head of the stranger and snapping him back. Pressing his advantage, the Asian guard brought his katana across, intending on slashing his opponent's chest and ending the fight. The stranger ducked, deceptively fast, his cloak billowing up. The guard's katana swept through the air, managing to only slash cloth instead of flesh. The stranger exploded upwards, his fist swinging up and slamming into the forearm of the guard, jarring the katana loose. Stepping in, he jabbed the guard's face, managing to snap his head back. A series of swift kicks to the legs and chest ended the fight, knocking the now-dazed guard to the ground. The Asian tried to leap up, but only got as far as a crouch before he felt the tip of the stranger's katana on his exposed neck. Freezing, he waited for the final slash, but only felt the tip pressing urgently upwards. Lifting his head slowly, his eyes travelled up the armor of the stranger to the head. A gust of wind blew across the courtyard, catching the slashed cloak of the stranger and lifting it up. Shrugging his shoulders slightly, the cloak slipped off, revealing the slim physique of a woman. Her shoulder-length raven hair billowed slightly in the aftermath of the gust as she smiled down at the Asian guard. "It's been a long time, ne, Hikaru-san?" "Madoka-san!" Hikaru Ichijo gasped. He bowed, his forehead almost touching the cobblestones. "I have returned, Hikaru-san," Madoka spoke softly. "And you have a lot of explaining to do."