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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Cheyenne

  1. So I guess, BP, that is now is more about me than you. It made me stop and recall the people I have to thank for everything I have. You and Wyv just happen to be among them. Missing you.
  2. Thank you, Parmenion and of course everyone else as well. I hope that you all enjoyed it.
  3. A lamb slaughtered Blood filling the land A government in terror As God lends a hand For where there is a will There is always a way The people rejoice Miracles happen everyday He will go on his pilgrimage That is why he is here To lead a people to freedom To show we have nothing to fear His Father gave him to us To cleanse away our sins He doesn’t really want to die But in this way everyone wins He knows that we are human Brothers and sisters in a war To fight the face of evil To wipe it from our shore He lives all around us In our hearts and in our minds Trying to save us from ourselves One or two at a time If you ever need to hear from him Open yourself up inside He is waiting right beside you He is not one to hide He will show you the way All you need to do is ask You see he loves all of us We are his one and only task
  4. I like this! It did not move as smoothly as I would have expected, but that may just be due to me laughing, who knows?! Thank you for sharing this I really enjoyed.
  5. I like the poem in its first birthing the best, it flowed and pulled you in...Very nicely done.
  6. All good poems have the ability to make a person feel. If it does nothing, then what is good about it? I really like this, it made me feel. Thankfully I have no bad memories of anyone dying in a car wreck to bring forth. Great job! Thank you for sharing.
  7. As for me, I like it. Very much so. I am a christian but it is always refreshing to recall the injustices that we all as humans do in the name of God, or whichever name you give your savior. While this can be considered a very controversial work, it is none the less true. It speaks of atrocities that have occured, not saying they will again. I hope and believe one day we will find a way to peace without war, that all peoples will be looked upon as equals, and treated that way as well. Very nicely written. Thank you for sharing. Cheye
  8. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Anneal, Happy Birthday to you..... Please forgive the voice...had a frog lately!
  9. Well, look around, read, write...most of all enjoy. If you like what you see, apply at the recruiters office for an official membership. We are a community, a family if you will, of aspiring writers caught up in real life. Welcome my friend. Cheye
  10. Wrenwind, I can see alot of emotion in this poem. It does not move smoothly for me but makes me feel, and think. Thank you for sharing. Cheye
  11. Thank you so much Cyril! I really appreciate the thought and attention that you have given to my work. By all means, critique me anytime! On a side note, I have been asked a couple times if this poem has any significance to me. Yes, but it is not due to the death (in the physical form) of my father. He gave up on life 5 years ago and made a point to say goodby to me. He is still with us, but my father is gone. He was such a mamoth man both in stature and, well, life, his presence would fill a room with only 2 or three people in it. I miss him. I think that I will re-write this poem. Maybe I can try to rewrite history, or maybe the future, with it. Once again Thanx Cheye
  12. Exactly my thoughts BP! I like this one as well. Today I choose to be happy! Tomarrow is anyones guess....
  13. WOW! I love this piece. It has risen to my new favorite as you being the author. ' Darnit! Now I will have to change my thoughts on your help message!!!! Great job!
  14. This is very well written I think and I enjoyed it immensley. It is true that we forget so easily as time goes by however I have noticed when someone I love has died, I will hear something or see something that I would want to share with that person and I will actually get up to go share the event with them just to realize they are no longer among the living. I think that is the hardest part about death. I do not fear death, I think it will be a helluva ride if nothing else. Great poem, keep it up!
  15. I am glad that you enjoyed it Salinye. I hope the saying is true, Time heals all wounds.
  16. no idea for a name but WOW! I really like your writting. This is wonderful.
  17. Very nicely done Brute....Now if you just had your Artifact...you know the one I am speaking of....it held a precious liquid....the one you raffelled off when you thought you would never see the internet again...then the story would be complete.... I really enjoyed this!
  18. I missed it! Did anyone have some left over cake? Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoyed.
  19. Not usually all that clumsy however I have been told a time or two that I have no rhythm...ever seen Elaine on Sienfeld dance...ya well, she has nothing on me!
  20. I am very pleased that you have decided to take this step. I think you will be amazed at the reception your writtings have. I really enjoy them I know that....ok though...here are my faves.... 1. Goodbye to the days 2. Gone 3. Just another day 4. Tornado 5. I will find you 6. My Prison (I couldn't leave this one out) Sorry that I have too many there but you have such great work it is hard to narrow it down to just 5. Good luck, hope to see you in a book soon!
  21. Fun! I would think that my name is readily readable but if not Shy-Ann or in Rl (Jini is how it is spelled) Genie I still resond to Hey You quite often though, that and Mom.....
  22. Lol! I like it Wyv!
  23. I like this. However anger can be both destructive and constuctive....just make sure you know where you will land.
  24. You are so right! Good thing it is correct in the published form.....I had to change soul from sould from the original as well....So many things when you write you can miss...and I am such a horrible proof-reader as far as grammar and puncuation goes. Actually there is one thing about this poem that I do not like and I find myself even to this day trying to find a way around Sneering at your screams of rage While chucking at your moans of pain Those two lines just seem to make it loose its flow...I haven't been able to figure out what to do about it though. Any sugestions?
  25. OH! I love this! Wish I had been here when it was first written. LOL! This is great!
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