OOC: Archaneus suggested I check this place out. Looks like it’ll be fun If you guys let me on board that is.
Aden was standing behind the rather large elf, that he had accompanied into the tavern. Stepping around the elf, everyone at the table could see that the man stood at about 5’11” and had short black hair. That his face was quite unkempt, and his soft blue eyes were ever watchful of everyone sitting at the table. He wasn’t a very trusting man, but the idea of naming his own price for this task was very appealing.
Aden’s left hand rested on his sword, and his right on the shoulder of the taller elf. He looked around the table one last time and then to the elf, “What my stout companion is attempting to say is that the two of us would love to join you. Our skills will be very useful to the rest of you, of that I can assure.”