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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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About Starlight

  • Birthday 10/04/1978

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    Starlight, BelZpock, Silvershadow
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    In voluntary exile in California

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  1. Starlight walks by the Garden Gnome Recreation Center before the crowds arrive and looks around furtively before planting a life-size Minta statue made of sugar next to the flamingo. Before walking away, he plants a sign next to it saying This sugar-gnome will only diminish if Minta licks it.
  2. I think you missed the funny, Panther. In case anyone else doesn't get it, it's not the fact that it exists that's funny... it's the misspelling of the torrent name
  3. ...Almost Draconic Magic Portal through which they hastily fled. What the penguins had not counted on, however, was the fact that besides taking all their gold in the process (and diverting it to Wyverns private treasure horde) it also dumped them square in the middle of...
  4. ...looking at a torrent site, where I find this gem: CONSICE.OXFORD.ENGLISH.DICTIONARY.11TH.EDITION-EcHoS.torrent Tzim and I found it hilarious at least
  5. Jag förstår dig, men som du säger så ska vi nog inte blanda språken I think you misunderstood me a little there love, unless you consider "communicate with Germans" to mean "spew some german-sounding nonsense at and hope they understand" (disclaimer: I know German personally, but the above seems to be what some people try to do to communicate with them... and on occasions it probably works too ;P) Swedish, Norwegian and Danish are very close in writing, Swedes and Norwegians can usually understand each other just fine in spoken language also. And when it comes to spoken language, Danes will often understand Swedes but Swedes will consider Danish too "blurred". Not sure on the relation between Norwegian and Danish in that regard, but I *think* Norwegians have an easier time of understanding the danes. As Tzim said, we know a few danes through EQ, if you want we could ask them
  6. Your first post on our boards did have the word "humble" in it, perhaps "humbling" is what realizing we didn't know you was Welcome (back?) to the Pen
  7. I do have more than one, love. 3 sizes at least. Just never had occasion to use any of the others around you so far I suppose And I don't think it was "drunken" so much as "fanatical", but that's just how he is
  8. What, us swedes having a master plan? Never! *cough* well, uhm... we had to get back at the world for depriving us of our colonies (like Finland *shakes fist at Z*)! It took a couple of centuries to hatch the plan and to make you all think we're harmless (though we outsourced parts of the Nobel funds to Norway to host the peace prize, I'm not sure on why that happened myself), but finally the time had come and Ingvar Kamprad was picked out as a kid to be the chosen one. Using our carefully built up reputation we spread IKEA across an unsuspecting world... Why do I tell you this? Because, like any evil mastermind, we can always spill the beans when it's too late for you to do anything about it! IKEA is here to stay, and you WILL assemble them according to those instructions whether you like it or not! In a few more decades we might even start sending Twister mats with the furniture, adding extra difficulty to the assemblage - and you will gullibly follow the instructions! Muahahaha... wait, I shouldn't have said that, should I? *hides behind a discreetly lit shelving unit* Well, I'd call this ooc but the above is also pretty ooc so I'll call this uhm... ooc-ooc! Anyway, great post Cerulean But really, what's so hard about pronouncing "sju"? *g* Easy for me to say who was born here I don't have a Philips screwdriver (EDIT: Tzim just reminded me that that's what you call a certain kind of notches on screws in english, so I suppose I do have one then ;P), nor do I live anywhere near Linköping, sorry ;P I live much further up north. And on that note, I'm still rather pissed that the closest IKEA is 270kms away, the bastards In closing, that recent discussion on them not having women (or not having enough of them, not sure) in the instruction books to make them more islamic-friendly seems pretty silly to me (And I'm curious now... what on earth is a "dosh"?)
  9. I'm sure many of the current Pen populace don't know me, and I apologize for resurrecting a month-old thread, but I feel the need to reply. In the years since the Pen was first created I have always been around somewhere, never feeling the need to post much or feeling that I needed to apply for membership because I write very seldom. I am an Honoured Guest and proud of it. Anyway, I was looking through things on an uneventful night and stumbled across this thread, so now, as I said, I feel the need to reply. (especially since my dearly beloved Quincunx wrote me a love letter on the computer next to me and didn't even tell me about it /bonk ) But first, short tokens of appreciation to others that deserve it. I made this a very short list, I know many others here but these are the persons that I know best, that I feel that I am authorized to say something about. If you are not among them, it is only because I do not know you well enough to feel like I could say something without it being made up. @ Peredhil: You are always a steady rock of good intentions, you practically emanate an aura of comforting thoughts. You may not have much time to stop by and chat, but when you do the mood will almost always improve, wherever it may be. Thank you for being the wise, positive caretaker of souls that you are, even though I have never needed your services in that respect that I can recall @ Madoka: My samurai, I miss having you by my side in battle. You are the reason my character has the background story he does, you kickstarted me into writing stories about him and thus having to flesh out who and what he was much more accurately than he would have been otherwise. But above all, you were a stalwart friend that never flinched from standing up for any of us. I hope you have time to read this, and even more fervently hope that our paths will cross on a more regular schedule again, Madoka-sama. @ Valdar: Strange fetishes and characters are your hallmark, but behind it all is a young man of great talent and practically boundless imagination and creativity. Always remember that and use that to your advantage in any way possible, my friend @ Zadown: No matter how sombre or moody you may sometimes be, your value as a friend is always a positive influence on me. I think you choose your friends carefully, and I am honored to be counted as one of them. Your creativity is an outlet for your highly intelligent and very active mind, and I hope the Pen gives you that extra push you want to keep outdoing yourself. @ Quincunx: I feel no need to make this an in-character response, because I know what you wrote was just as valid, or even more so, out of character. I curse the ocean that again separates us (and the bureaucracy that made it necessary) , but the 6 months will end and all will be well again. You fulfil every dream I ever had and you have showed me what it is like to truly be loved. I love you. (on a side note, I hope our children take after both of us - though I dread the possibility of having a perpetual Minta in the household instead of only a part-time one )
  10. *delurks* 26 and marvelling at all the stuff I see on tv about what people younger than me have done... ;P *goes back to lurking*
  11. Starlight

    A Sunset

    *thumbs up* captured the scene nicely I'd say, makes it easy to picture in your head
  12. And more memories I wish had more stuff like this saved away myself... (note that of course the "present day" in the story was when we joined the Legion, which was what... 2000? hehe, time flies...)
  13. Ah, memories...
  14. Chibiwyv rocks, that really should be his sig And the Salinye drawing was wonderful! A work of art, Yui *bows* (as was the Gyrfalcon, I especially liked the shading or whatever it is called)
  15. The robed figure silently walks up the line, ignoring those in it. Upon reaching Melba, he stops and tilts his head slightly to the side. Seeing the swirling stars under the hood that masks his facial features (if, indeed, there are any there - few people know), Melba quickly identifies him as Starlight, Immortal and Man of Terra, and a guest of honor. This is however a rare visit, so she stands there for a few seconds trying to think of a proper greeting, as well as whether to allow the two swords that are sheathed on his back. A sense of enquiry strikes her as coming from under the hood, and she quickly gathers herself. "Entry fee, please." "Certainly," Starlight responds, and a hand devoid of any colour but from the swirling stars and galaxies seen travelling across the skin is raised in front of her, seemingly holding something. Except there is nothing there. A few moments of silence ensue, before Melba coughs lightly and says "The entry fee is a pair of briefs or boxers, m'lord." "I know," comes the answer. "Hold out your hands." Melba does as asked, albeit with a very quizzical look on her face, and Starlight moves his hand above hers. Melba suddenly yelps and bounces back a half-step as something soft touches her hands. Starlight lets go and Melba finds herself with something in her outstretched hands and somehow senses a grin emanating from under Starlight's hood. Melba carefully touches her way around the object, which definitely feels like some kind of undefineable wool/cloth/silk. After a minute of this, she concludes: "Invisible boxers. How... original." Starlight bows slightly and moves past her as she tries to not drop the invisible boxers on her way to the basket. He strides purposefully through the gathering crowd at the party, nodding briefly to the Dreamer as he passes. Seeing where the Dreamer is standing, he also makes a note of not sampling the drinks offered. Sensing Wyvern's approach to greet him (and no doubt try to peddle some Almost Draconic wares), he steps into a doorway. He does not have time for idle chatter right now. Stepping aside to let a few unhappy-sounding zombies and a bouncing Minta, chasing said zombies, pass, he moves down a hallway lightly illuminated by a rising moon towards a small figure happily ignoring the world in favour of a shiny. He makes his presence known to Rydia by lightly touching her face, bringing her out of her reverie of the shiny. "SHINY!" says Rydia, seeing the sparkling skin of her fiancé, and happily bounces into his arms. "Happy birthday, my love" whispers Starlight to his future wife.
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