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Everything posted by Salinye
Better late than never! Vote away! :0) Thanks for the great submissions! ~Salinye
I thought I'd put a plug here in case you don't frequent the Assembly room. It didn't get stickied, but this is a GREAT event! We save it as one of the last because it is so neat! Last time we had GREAT success, and we need more submissions!!! SUBMIT SUBMIT! *grins* You can find the event I speak of by going here. :0) ~Salinye
BUMP!! We need more submissions!!! SUBMIT! SUBMIT! SUBMIT OR DIE! *yelled in Fox* (long story, inside joke) ~Salinye
I'd like to try my mind at your riddles, Emminozzy! ~Salinye
Happy New Year! I'm sitting down to follow through with my tradition which is to write down all the things I am thankful for that occurred in 2004, then I seal in an envelope all the things I hope to accomplish in 2005 and don't look at the list again until the following New Years. Then I can see how many things I've accomplished and how many things I have to be thankful for! It's a fun tradition! ~Salinye
Here is a link to a neat site that shows spy sattelite images of some of the coastlines hit before and after. It's amazing. Really makes you step back and remember the power of nature. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6770108/?GT1=5936 ~Salinye
Annael~ If I ever gave you advice that was helpful, I’m shocked! You are such a fun-spirited person with a good heart. I am honored that from time to time you feel I am someone you can talk to. I enjoy those moments and love the fact that we’ve developed a friendship that is still there even after gaps of silence-A friendship that doesn’t need constant watering to grow. I also really enjoy the character of Annael. I find her refreshing and unique! Cryptomancer, Gryphon and Mynx~ I am so glad you three ventured to The Pen. I really appreciated the opportunity I had to step into your imaginations with you for a short time. You each bring a unique touch to The Pen as well as a collective touch through your awesome bonds of friendship. You also bring a nice sense of humor that is always appreciated! I’m glad to know you! Ozy~ The thing I like most about you is that you sincerely care about The Pen and the people here. You have an honest and true desire to help make everyone feel welcome. I also like your ability to weigh various situations impartially. It’s a hard thing to do! I’m glad we’re friends, Emminozy! Peredhil, Master P~ You seem to be the unofficial Pen Therapist! How did that happen? Probably because of the kindness and caring spirit that just seems to radiate from you. Like Ozy, one of my favorite attributes about you is your sincere care and concern for other people. For me it is refreshing to know someone who has like-minded values. It’s easy to feel like the crazy girl who actually prays! *grins* Thank you for all you do. Z~ I can always count on you to be in Mirc when I want someone fun to chat with. I really like your sense of humor (even though you made me quit saying “ZADOWN GET DOWN GET FUNKY!”) You and your English dictionaries interpreting the meaning of funky wrong! *grins* The best thing I could tell you here is that I really enjoy your company and you’re a great writer. :0) Gyrfalcon~ Spoony Bard, Elder of Lists, My most common writing partner and Ranger of Salinye’s heart- How could I forget you? I couldn’t. The thing I appreciate about you above everything (and you have a lot of great qualities) is that you have become enough of a friend and are safe enough that I can write freely with you. For me adding a full scope of emotion to a character adds much depth to my writing and I appreciate that our friendship has enabled me to give that depth to my Salinye stories. It’s funny, we don’t agree on so many things irl (politics, religion, etc) but none of that matters. Our friendship is fun and strong and you are appreciated. Yui-Chan~ AKA My partner in crime. You and Aegon are such wonderful people. I really enjoy all of our talks and silliness in mirc. You are a very talented person in multiple ways. I truly cherish the picture you did of Salinye. It’s a priceless gift to me! I really hope we get to meet someday, I think we would really hit it off. Thank you for your friendship and for all you do for The Pen. Wyvern~ Always there for a good laugh, but also for a listening ear. You are so devoted to The Pen and bring an element here that not only has become a cherished part of The Pen, but has become a pillar. Without Wyvern, part of The Pen would collapse. (Probably because that pillar was bought from Almost Dragonic Inc, but that’s besides the point.) I really enjoy you and your writing. You have shown you can write slapstick as well as serious material. I also love the passion you have for music. I’m glad to know you, Wyvie! Mira~ ~Master Poet~ You know, there is just something I like about you. Not sure I can entirely pin it down. You have a really sincere personality. I think maybe you might be shy, but like the fact that we’ve developed enough of a friendship to speak freely with each other. We’ve had some really fun talks. You’re very intelligent. I also really love your poetry and have really enjoyed the times we have gotten to write together. Thanks for being perfectly Mira! Tamaranis~ ~The Tamned!~ I am SO glad you have become co-guild leader with me. YOU are a complete and total Whack job. No doubt about it! That’s what I like about you best! You are intelligent and funny and creative! You have unique characters and ideas that I find incredibly refreshing! I enjoy our talks on messenger and look forward to future AVV stuff. Katzaniel~ Tam’s better half! According to Tam, if you and I ever got together in person we might *actually* succeed in taking over the world. Scary thought, eh? I am so glad you are here at The Pen and are one of the guild leaders. You are so fun and have such good ideas. I also like your secret evil writing plans mwahahahah….(left a hook of an ending!) I have more to write but am out of time, I'll add more later. :0) ~Salinye
You can go here to find your assigned mission and instructions from here on out. :0) Congratulations to the following people for submitting missions. You have earned 10 geld: Pillow Gyrfalcon Venefyxatu Wyvern ~Salinye
India had not refused help. It's actually amazing to me that the first to help India was Pakistan. That's almost as amazing as it would be if Palestine stepped up to help Israel sometime. Death toll at 116,000 now. Donations and prayers are appreciated! ~Salinye
Yes, very excited and very relieved. Due date is August 5th or most likely sometime in the two weeks following that date lol. ~Salinye
No one should be without a Valentine. Sign me up! ~Salinye
I have one happy healthy little baby growing inside of me. :0) Much relief and gratitude. Thanks for the kind thoughts and prayers, I'm sure they helped. ~Salinye
I know that none of us have a lot of money, but now and in the coming months, anything you can donate to the Redcross, even if it is 5$ will help. There are people dying because they can't get clean drinking water to them fast enough. In some areas all drinking water has been contaminated. So, if anyone has the means to donate even the smallest amount, it all adds up. ~Salinye
There was a 9 point earthquake in the Indian Ocean that sent tidal waves in two directions hitting I think 9 different countries. Some of the countries like Thailand line the coast with resorts, restaurants, stores etc. Very touristy areas and a major holiday for tourists. Some of the poorer countries like Somalia had entire villages wiped off the map. The death toll is approaching 23,000 and rising and the number homeless is in the millions. The U.N. is not equipped to deal with disaster this wide scale are are simply trying to focus on the countries least likely to help themselves. Red Cross and other humanitarian aids are helping as well as military from different countries. Even Pakistan has sent aid to India and they aren't examples of two countries that get along, so I thought that was good. Unfortunately the Indian ocean historically has so few tsunamis that they don't have the same sort of warning systems in place that other oceans do. Bouys that if are raised a certain height set off an alarm. I know Australia, Japan and the US have these sorts of systems. If they had had a system like that, the Asia side of the tsunami's would have had up to a 2 hour warning. The other side (Can't remember the name of the island atm) was only 150 miles off of the epicenter, so there probably wasn't too much time considering they say those waves travel up to 500 mph. I think the thing that was so crazy is that although some places got hit with the dreaded 20 foot high wall of water and what not, some places the tidal wave was only 5 feet high. But that's all it took. It was like the ocean raised five feet and just swept in and didn't stop. It had such force behind it that grown men could not hold on to things because the force was too powerful. Five feet of water, that's all it takes. The power of nature is incredible. You can read the details on this natural disaster at: http://www.ap.org/ ~Salinye
OOC: FYI I'm extending the deadline 48 hours. Missions will be assigned on Wednesday the 29th. We have some great missions and you now have until Wednesday if you wanted to sign up but haven't, or if you want to sbmit a mission. Mostly the extension is due to the Holidays taking up more time than I anticipated as well as being gone all day and night yesterday at a birth. :0) Happy Adventuring! ~Salinye
I can't believe how horrible this is! This being an international community, is everyone and everyone's loved ones alright? ~Salinye
BUMP! Reminder! We need more missions! *grins* Send them to me, and all you bravehearted, please sign up! ~Salinye
Scarlot raised an uninterested eyebrow as the completed application was slid onto her desk. Brygad stood across from where she sat with a pleased grin upon his face. He looked as though he had just completed some grand exam of sorts. Not being able to allow silence to sit between them for long, he spoke. "I finished it. It's all there. If you need more information, I could always..." Scarlot raised a hand to interrupt him. "No, no. This will be adequate. Feel free to take a room within The Underground. When I've finished reviewing your application you'll be contacted to go on a mission. The first one is pro-bono-that means you don't get paid. If you do well, we'll go from there. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do." Brygad may not be the most intelligent person that had ever walked into Scarlot's office, but he knew by her tone that their brief meeting was over and not so quietly excused himself from her office.
Applicants not yet answered: Cambio Applicants awaiting introductory missions: Katzaniel Tanuchan Jonathan Wolfe Morindas Ensifer So-Called-Assasin (Brygad)
Lorne sat in a corner table of The Confessional watching the two shapeshifter applicants carry on together. He couldn't hear their conversation, but had no doubt they were communicating. A small smile played at his features as he always enjoyed watching new friendships being forged. Rising from his table he smoothed his well pressed tunic and headed towards the pair. Kneeling down on one knee to be eye level with them (as he did not want to appear as if he were talking down to creatures of lower intelligence) he smiled and spoke. "Tanuchan and Katzaniel. I'm glad to see you've met. My name is Lorne. I am Scarlot's husband." Introducing himself as Scarlot's husband usually got a shocked look, as it was hard to imagine someone so kind being married to someone so sour. However, in their animal forms, their expressions remained neutral. "I wanted to assure you that your applications are seriously under consideration. Some new missions will be assigned shortly, so please feel free to take rooms in The Underground." He stood and gave a short respectful bow to the ladies.
Devestating Blueness~ Happy birthday to a wonderful person. ~Salinye
Congratulations! Always nice to see such well deserved promotions! ~Salinye
You can write missions for any world, even ones you have created. Hmm, I just realized I was a bit mad in the brain when I said you could still submit missions if you couldn't access the guild, but that would pose a problem because you wouldn't be able to SEE the worlds in the first place. Let me think on it. :0) ~Salinye
One chilly yet bright morning as people huddled within their various cloaks and sweaters began to surface and explore the carnival; they noticed a new booth had appeared within the night. It was a simple booth, nothing more than a table, really. However, it was the sign that was attached to the front of the table that caught the eye. “Adventurers wanted.” Was painted in large perfectly formed black letters. Then scrawled below it in blood red ink were the words “Wimps need NOT apply and yes, I’m talking about YOU!!” The “u” at the end of the word you had a tail attached to it as if perhaps the author of the sentence was abruptly interrupted. Behind the table sat two elves, Lorne and Scarlot. Lorne had the look of an elegant high elf with royal standings. He was clean-shaven and his tunic was of the finest linen. His white hair matched the white of the shirt he wore beneath his tunic. He had kindness in his blue eyes and patience in his countenance. (He’d have to in order to be married to scarlot, after all.) His wife, although every much as beautiful as dark elven women usually are, had a countenance as sour as winter apples. She was attired in mostly black leather clothing-from breaches to a sleeveless vest. She even had her waist long black hair tied back with a black leather strap. She rarely went anywhere without a shimmery black cloak that might peek the curiosity of anyone with an eye for magical items. Her feistiness was obvious in her violet eyes. She was never one to turn down a challenge, or to start one. For all appearances sake, the couple seemed as opposite as you could find. OOC: I painted the picture of the booth, but am going to explain how this works in ooc. I figure anyone interested would approach the booth and start inquiring, anyway. This booth has three parts. Part A: When the AVV first started I initiated a challenge to create a world that would be posted and available for anyone to use in their writings. Familiarize yourself with these world’s here.. [if you would be willing to be partnered up with someone of Lorne and Scarlot’s choosing to do a mission to one of those world’s, please sign up at the booth. Part B: Once you are familiar with the worlds, pick one and submit a mission to one of those worlds. Missions will be selected by Tamaranis and myself and will be the missions that couples are sent on. Please pm missions to Salinye. A couple of rules for Part B: 1.The mission may not contain any world changing events without the permission of the world creator. 2.The mission must be able to be completed within no more than 10 posts. 3.You may submit more than one mission. Part C: If you sign up for a mission, then you will be partnered up with one other person and will be commissioned to complete the task (mission) assigned to you. You do not get to choose your partner, nor your mission. You must complete the mission in no more than 10 posts. Whether you each write 5 or one person writes the majority is up to the partnership to work out. We have made this limitation so that the missions will get done and not turn into unending epics. It will also bring nice exposure to some really great worlds that have been created. Payment: You will be paid 10 geld for submitting a mission. Regardless of how many you submit, you will only get paid for the first. Even if your mission does not get used for this particular event, it will be stored away and used for missions that applicants to the AVV are sent on as part of their application process. You will be paid 15 geld for starting your mission and another 25 upon completing it using no more than 10 posts. About world creation: If you are interested in creating your own world and posting it in the AVV, you may do so at any time and need not be a member of the rp guild to do so. Information on world creation can be found here. Deadline: I'll give you one week to sign up and submit missions. Missions will be assigned out to people who have signed up on Monday, December 27th. One final note: The missions will be rp'd and posted within the AVV guild hall. So as long as you can see the guild, you may participate on going on a mission. If you are not able to see the guilds yet, you may still submit mission ideas. :0)
Well, I suppose I should sign up, considering the original auction was my brain child. Fair is fair, yes? Salinye casually adds her name to the list then looks around wondering where all the rest of the pen women are! ~Salinye