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**This piece will be ongoing for a while until I get all I want into it.** July 26, 2005 Low blood pressure. I have always, ALWAYS had very low blood pressure. I’m the woman who even in the middle of delivering a child has such low blood pressure that the nurses will often come into the room and say, “I can’t believe your blood pressure is THAT low right now!” I’m commonly in the 90’s over 60’s range when not pregnant and even sometimes when pregnant. It may rise slightly during pregnancy, but not by much. So, you can imagine my surprise when I went to the midwives today and discovered that my blood pressure had suddenly jumped up to 125/ 90. The bottom number of 90 is the first number indicating Pre-eclampsia. (Formerly known as Toxemia.) You never want to see the bottom number of a pregnant woman’s blood pressure hit higher than 89. Once it reaches 90 they have to start being concerned about Pre-Eclampsia. The thing about this condition is that it’s really more of a first time mom’s disease. For it to present in a 5th time mom, especially one who has such unusually low blood pressure, is very odd. So, the midwives decided to draw some blood to check my creatin levels. (Now I have no idea how to spell Creatin, so you’ve been warned.) It’s basically a count that tells you how well your kidneys are working. The danger of Pre-Eclampsia is that it can cause your kidneys to shut down as well as a long list of other terrible things. My biggest concern when I learned that I might have this condition was that I didn’t want to have to deliver in the hospital. I had spent a lot of time over the last year planning this birth and I have been very excited to deliver at the birthing center with midwives rather than at the hospital. I am especially excited to have a water birth. My husband and I have done a lot of research and study into the subject and have decided that is definitely the way we want to go this time around. The midwives explained that they could still deliver me here at the birthing center as long as the condition was minor. She said she would call me this evening when the blood results came in. In the meantime, she did an exam on me and told me that I was already 3cm dilated, 75% effaced and my baby was at –2 station. This was all very good news. I am almost 39 weeks along (just over a week away from my due date) and my body seems really on the verge of going into labor on it’s own any time. They swept my membranes to try to encourage the process and sent me home. On the way home I made a few phone calls, I was still quite in shock that any of this had occurred. It’s now 9:00pm and I just got off the phone with one of my midwives, Tracy. She said my creatin levels are indeed at a .8. She said in the hospital with a .8 they would put me on bed rest for a couple of days and watch the condition, and if it were a .9 they would induce me immediately. She thought that most likely within a week I would be fully pre-eclamptic, which can be dangerous. So she gave me the option to watch and induce within a couple of days or to induce the next morning. I thought about it and told her I would rather not wait a few days because I wouldn’t want to be in the situation where the condition fully set in putting my baby and I in danger, not to mention setting us up for a really crappy birthing experience. I also thought that if we were going to induce right away I’d rather just do it that night instead of waiting until the morning because I knew I wouldn’t get any sleep knowing I’d be induced the next morning. So she agreed and told me to meet her at the birthing center at 10:00pm tonight! I’m so full of mixed emotions. I’m excited because I know I’ll be holding my baby by tomorrow morning. I’m nervous because being induced is a little bit scary. When a woman’s body is already showing signs of going into labor, sometimes being induced can make hard contractions come on really quickly without much time to mentally prepare to handle them. Also, the reality is sinking in. The birthing center has NO pain medication. There is no backing out of the decision of natural childbirth once you get there. Could I handle it? Could I do it? I coach women all the time through labor and delivery. So often I am told “I could never EVER have done that without my doula, Shelby.” I am just about as educated as a person could be on the subject and have devoted so much time to preparing myself physically, emotionally and mentally. However, now that the moment is here I find myself just a little bit worried. This is still the birth I want, hands down, but I’m suddenly feeling a little bit afraid. My husband is my hero, as always. He takes the time to gather me up in his arms and remind me how strong he believes I am. Tells me how much he supports any decision I wish to make regarding this birth and that he’ll be with me all the way. I know he’ll never leave my side. It’s always in these last few moments before I know I’m about to have a baby that reflection hits me. I realize these are some of the last times I’ll have this precious baby inside of me. The last time I’ll feel her movements and hiccups. As exciting as giving birth to a child is, there is a short time before birth that I try to absorb the amazing miracle of pregnancy and how blessed I am to have the opportunity to carry this child with me. After gathering all of our things together, we loaded the car and gathered all of our children together in the dining room. Kerry’s mother and brother have been living with us since March while their house is being built, so they were there as well and would be staying with the children. We took the time to hug and kiss each child and tell them we love them, and then we had a prayer. My husband said the prayer. He asked for both the baby and myself to be blessed through the labor and delivery. He also asked that the children and grandma would be kept safe while we were away. Everyone was excited to meet this new baby. My oldest daughter, Emma, was especially excited as she was going to attend the birth with us. I remember looking back at the house as we pulled out of the driveway. Everyone had gathered on the steps and was waving and blowing us kisses. I knew a wonderful thing was about to happen and wondered how it would change our sweet family.
Well, I have a few thoughts on this now that I'm done with the book. First and foremost, I totally agree with Mynx about the whole "spiderman movie cliche" of I have to dump you because I love you, thing. Total git move. Secondly, I have been thinking about the scenario with Snape and Dumbledore. In this book, they put a lot of emphasis on two things that I think have been overlooked in this thread. First, Snape was VERY VERY gifted at Occlumency or however you spell it. So, it is very likely that Dumbledore could have had messages for Snape at the forefront of his mind. Also, they put a heavy emphasis on non verbal spells in this book. Who knows what Snape might have done before actually casting the curse that killed Dumbledore. I'm of the personal opinion that Dumbledore knew everything that was going on with Snape and Malfoy including the unbreakable vow. I think he would consider his death a small price to pay for continuing to bring down Voldemort. Just like at the cave, he was more than willing to cast his life aside for the cause. I also believe that Dumbledore would rather have Snape kill him than see Malfoy forced to do it. Dumbldeore cares for Malfoy as much as any other student. So is Dumbledore already dead? Perhaps. Did Snape kill him? Perhaps. I'm still holding my breath thinking that Snape in the end will prove to be on the good side, despite his nasty disposition. My final comment is that I think Greyback is the scariest character to arise in the series yet. He's truly disgusting evil. His presence in the book brings it a darker tone. I really enjoyed this book and can't wait until the next! ~Salinye
Katz, unfortunately, I'm going to have to ask to be removed from this. I didn't think about how long it might take to get this started and with my due date 2 weeks away and signs that I may have the baby early, I think it's best I back out rather then chance holding someone else up. I think this is the coolest event available atm and wish my circumstances were different. ~Salinye
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Salinye replied to Valdar and Astralis's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
I'm reading it right now! I'm near the page 300 mark. I just finished the chapter that has his second lesson with Dumbledore. I am LOVING this book so far. I feel like so far it's the maturist in content. But, when I'm done reading it I'll zip up to the spoiler thread and discuss it there!! ~Salinye -
I just turned dirty thirty this year. :0) I think the 30's look to promise more fun than the 20's did!! ~Salinye Happily aging
Hold the phone!! Aren't the girls up for auction this time around? Or do I have the rotation wrong in my brain? ~Salinye
No PM's!!! It will make a good life question # 18. *grins* **edited to clarify** I'm not trying to discourage anyone from opening up a seperate discussion thread on love!! It doesn't have to be used for a life question, my only point was that if something like that is going to be discussed/debated, I'd rather see it on the boards so I can read it rather than having such a great exchange hidden in pm's. :0) ~Salinye
Psimon..What a wonderful and amazing undertaking! I know you'll do a faulous job and I for one will be thrilled to have a sonnet written about my character by YOU. What an honor! It's really great to see you popping around again! ~Salinye
Well, it's been quite a while since I've done any life questions, but seeing as people seem to enjoy them the recent Holiday and a discussion with some friends brought a good one to my mind. So, here goes... Patriotism. Does it bring about more good than bad, or visa versa? Many people believe patriotism is a wonderful thing for a person or country to have. Other people believe that patriotism breeds bigotism (is that a word?) unneeded competition and pride. What is patriotism to you? In your experience/opinion do you think it has more of a positive or negative effect on you, your country or the world as a whole? Finally, do you consider yourself a patriotic person? WARNING: These life questions have always allowed us to delve into interesting places in our thoughts and beliefs without argument or debate. In answering this I respectfully request that you do NOT incorporate current political views into your answer. This is not a thread for debate on current world events. These life questions give us windows into you and we all enjoy the sneak peeks! Thanks in advance! ~Salinye
Salinye ran into the cabaret room skidding around the corner and slamming into a very startled Patrick Durham. "errr Salinye?" He asked eyeing her. Her hair was a complete tousled mess, she was still in flannel pj's and had obnoxious fox slippers on. (A rather vain gift from Daryl). "Am I too late?" She gasped grabbing his arm to rebalance herself and looking around the room. "Too late? For what?" He asked. "Magical books! MAGICAL books! I have to have one. I MUST! I just heard about it and came right down here! Am I too late?" "Well, aren't you a mage? Why didn't you just teleport down here?" He asked the obvious question and her face went aflame with a blush as that would have been MUCH easier. "I errr....prefer to travel as the unmagically gifted do so that I errr...don't make anyone feel badly....?" "Okaaay..." "PATRICK! WHERE are the magical books?!" She couldn't wait any longer. "Salinye, they aren't here, you just have to sign up on that list and hope there are enough. They'll be offered first come first serve." "OH NO!" She ran to the list and saw quite a few names already there. "NO NO NO! I HAVE to have one of those books!" Looking around, she noticed quite a few people staring at her, as she had made quite a scene. Attempting to smooth her bed head hair down she smiled and casually touched the list at the top putting her name at the very top of the list before everyone elses only to see it mysteriously drop to the bottom. "Blasted mages and their tricky paper." She mumbled to herself before taking Patrick's advice and teleporting back to her suite to at the very least get dressed and brush her hair before wandering into the public areas of the keep. ~Salinye
I'm interested in debating. :0) ~Salinye
Always, ALWAYS nice to see you, Justin. :0) ~Salinye
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Chicken
Salinye replied to Wyvern's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Salinye waited until a lot of the going ons had died down a bit before finally approaching Zool. She was a bit unsure how she would be met after the little known incident of setting him on fire once upon a time....(long story) Smiling at the portrait she addressed him. "Happy Birthday, Zoolio. I'd give you a hug, but I'm pretty sure my arms won't fit around your frame. Well, unless you know some devious way of getting me into your painting." She paused as the joke settled upon her. "Hmmm, I wonder what sort of magical enchantments that would take..." She took a small notebook out and sat near his painting completely forgetting her reason for being there or the gift she had for him. She simply got lost in contemplation of how she could possibly accomplish this magical act. She glanced up at him from time to time between her pondering and furious note taking. A look of deep fascination had settled upon her face. OOC Happy Birthday, Zool! Let's hope Salinye doesn't cause too much harm this time around, eh? *grins mischieviously* ~Salinye -
Darn! Wyvie doesn't have the ability to play this on his computer, but I'm pretty sure this is how my husband learned to dance. *grins* ~Salinye
http://gprime.net/video.php/howtodancelikeawhiteguy ~Salinye
LOL That was fun! Hippie You are 28% Rational, 85% Extroverted, 14% Brutal, and 42% Arrogant. You are the Hippie! Characterized by a strong sense of extroversion, irrationality, gentleness, and humility, you no doubt frolic through fields preaching peace and love to all! You are probably either very spiritual or needlessly paranoid about "the man", like most hippies, as a result of your focus on intuition and feelings over cold, brutal logic. You are also very, very social. And like any hippie, who would have no qualms about hitchiking across the country just to meet some interesting people, you too love to interact with others, even complete strangers. Because we know most any hippie is peace-loving and humble, it stands to reason that you, as well, are terribly gentle and humble, almost to the point of revulsion. Your carefree attitude of peace and harmony is probably very, very sickening to realists or cynics or anyone who isn't a hippie, to tell the truth. In short, your personality is defective because you are overly emotional, extroverted, gentle, and humble--thus making you an annoying hippie. And you listen to psychadelic rock and smoke a whole lot of pot. Okay, maybe not, but I wouldn't be surprised if you did. To put it less negatively: 1. You are more INTUITIVE than rational. 2. You are more EXTROVERTED than introverted. 3. You are more GENTLE than brutal. 4. You are more HUMBLE than arrogant. Compatibility: Your exact opposite is the Sociopath. ~Salinye
Salinye tiptoed toward the back of the ranger who was seated on a loveseat in the Cabaret room having just finished watching the elder dwarf’s presentation. Although she was using every bit of elven stealth she had (which was a lot) as she raised her hands about to reach around his face to cover his eyes his hands flew up next to his head and caught her wrists just behind him before they even entered his peripheral vision. “Guess who, Salinye?” He asked with a smirk that she couldn’t see, but knew would be present. “I never could sneak up on you. You always hear me.” “I didn’t hear you, it’s the lavender.” “I’m not wearing lavender.” “You don’t need to, it’s there all the same.” “Hmmm, I see. Are you going to let go of my wrists now?” Here he paused before answering and if she could see his face, she would know he was trying to come up with something mischievous to say. Instead of waiting for whatever plan Gyrfalcon’s mind was concocting; she leaned in and hugged him from behind and kissed him on the cheek. “Happy birthday, old man. What is this? Year 5002? 5006? I’ve lost count.” He laughed good-naturedly and released his grip on her arms. “Well, that makes two of us. Have a seat.” He shifted himself to the left to make room for her to sit next to him. Sitting down she pulled a card out and handed it to him. “I got you a card.” He took it from her, looked at the front and began laughing much harder than the dancing bugs on the front should have made him. He looked over at her and laughed again. Opening it he saw the inscription that he knew would be there. To Salinye, Love Celowyn. He put his arm around her and smiled. “It’s perfect, I should have known. But how did you get it out of my bureau?” She shrugged. “I told you that you’d eventually regret granting me access to your tower.” “Mmmm, I see.” “So, any birthday wishes?” She smiled knowing; he wasn’t one who was much for his own celebrations. “I don’t think so, what can I wish for when I have everything I want?” “Peace in your thoughts?” He scoffed at this suggestion. When you find someone who can grant that, Salinye, then I’ll gladly accept that gift.” “Speaking of gifts, I do have something for you, but it’s not finished.” She blushed slightly and hoped he wouldn’t notice the slight burn on her right hand. Over the last year she had delved quite heavily into enchantments, and occasionally one wouldn’t work out as expected the first time or twelve. “That’s alright, Salinye. I’m sure whatever it is, it will be wonderful.” She laughed and shifted forward about to rise. “We’ll see. However, I should probably get out of the way, I see a lot of people arriving who will want to speak with you.” He pulled back gently on her shoulder stopping her from standing. “Stay. Since when have you been afraid of a social?” He grinned. “Alright, I just didn’t want to get in the way. Just know, I might confiscate half your gifts.” He smiled at her knowingly. “First of all, you’re never in the way and secondly, if you didn’t take the gifts now, I’m sure I’d just find them disappearing one by one from my bureau anyway.” She rolled her eyes and smirked. “Don’t be silly. I’d never have the patience to take them one by one.” Before the banter could continue a red fir ball in the form of Daryl leapt onto her lap and licked her chin. “Hello Daryl. She scratched him behind the ears as he snuggled into her lap and she thought to herself that this year’s celebration would be much more mellow than last year’s sake bombs and of course that thought caused her to scan the room in search of Yui Chan. OOC: Happy Birthday, GyrE! I hope it’s wonderful ooc and mellower ic than the last!! Also, happy birthday Solivageous (I know, I just slaughtered the spelling of that!) Many happy thoughts wherever you are!
Salinye sat on a blanket beneath the tree that grew in the corner of “The Confessional”, her nose buried in a book. (Nothing unusual.) Most people’s attention might have been pulled away from studies by a glowing orb entering the tavern, but hers wasn’t because this too did not seem unusual. However, when that floating orb was followed in by her friend Patham, she did indeed tuck the book away. “Patham.” She smiled and waved to him. “Come join me, yes?” Again, a newcomer might find it odd that a woman would choose to sit upon a blanket beneath a tree growing indoors even though there were a multitude of tables and chairs not to mention a mighty couch and chairs near the fireplace. However, here the unusual was the usual and if the strangest thing one encountered at The Pen was a lady picnicking beneath an indoor tree, then the day was quite mellow indeed. He returned her smile and headed towards her. “Salinye, good to see you.” She motioned to the blanket. “Please have a seat.” He sat down and she began pulling various foods from a basket that sat at her side. “I’m sure you’ve had a delightful day and I know you have even more excitement coming your way. However, I wondered if anyone had thought to feed you. All the learning and experimenting that you’re doing today will no doubt work up quite the appetite. So, I thought I’d provide you with some good company from a friend with homemade food. Besides, I also realized that there is nothing that I could teach you within an hour’s time. Well, at least nothing respectable.” She winked showing the good nature of her joke. “I know this can’t compare to the things you’ve been learning, but I hope it’s acceptable.” Patham smiled warmly at the mage. “You know Salinye, this is the perfect gift. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I smelled the delicious food.” Salinye looked visibly relieved. “Oh good, please, help yourself.” She handed him a plate. Throughout the hour they shared some laughs as she told him several stories that he didn’t know. For instance, how this tree had been created by Stick and how the scrupulous Wyvern had managed to “accidentally” see more of the Pen females naked than anyone else here. They also discussed the arch mages at length as their history here was quite embedded within the foundation of The Pen. At the end, just before she was ready to send him on his way she handed him a small box. “What’s this? I thought lunch and friendship was the gift.” “Yes, it is. But, those who know me best know that I have a small obsession with magical items. So, I decided to give you one of my creations.” Patham raised a curious eyebrow then opened the box that held a simple grey rock. “A..rock?” She couldn’t help but laugh. “Yes, Patham. It’s a rock. BUT, it’s a rock that will actually come in useful from time to time, although I hope not too often. You see, if you keep it with you, say in your pocket, it will heat up whenever anyone within reasonably close proximity to you, say the area of this room for example, has ill intentions toward you. Just a little measure to help keep you safe.” “Thanks Salinye. That’s very thoughtful.” He tucked it in his pocket. “My pleasure, now you better get going, I’m sure someone else is anxiously awaiting your arrival.” He stood and the two friends hugged before parting. “Oh, Salinye.” He turned back around to face her, “Any idea where I should be headed?” “Sorry friend, I was just the lunch break.” She grinned and he laughed before leaving “The Confessional.”
Pfft, he might as well be dead. I think his screen time totals all of about 10 seconds, and I'm being litteral. If you don't go see it based on THAT, you're robbing yourself. ~Salinye
I came here specifically about the movie "Hotel Rwanda". I have many thoughts on the movie, but need to sleep as it's nearing 1am. I'll add more tomorrow, but would be interested in hearing from anyone else who saw the movie. ~Salinye
I forgot to mention that I never thought they would come up with a cooler bad guy than Darth Maul, but General Greivious was SO FLIPPIN COOL! Dang that was a cool character! Kudos on him! Yes, one very disturbing scene, though. :0( *twitch* We'll talk about it in a spoiler thread latah! ~Salinye
Okay, so we just got back from the midnight showing of the movie and I thought it was FABULOUS! My only caution is that I feel like it definately is NOT for young children. (This is coming from a mother who let her young children watch all the other star wars movies and all three Lord of the Rings) I'm going to make my kids wait until they are older. There is one scene in particular that I found very disturbing. The good news is, Anakin finally redeemed his acting ability and gave an excellent performance. I thought there was only one moment of cheese in the movie, which is another plus. :0) I'm happy to give more input when we are discussing the movie WITH spoilers, but since I promised no spoilers in this thread, I'll leave it at that. Good movie, go see it! ~Salinye
Happy Mothers Day to all of you who are mothers, or who will one day be mothers, or have/have had mothers. :0) A day to spoil the motherly types in our lives. :0) ~Salinye
Happy Birthday, My Mira Friend! I hope it was filled with romance, friends and good memories that will stay with you forever. So glad to know you, ~Salinye