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I like to think of Depression as a virus. A living moving entity with just enough intelligence to keep itself alive. Depression feeds itself. If you are overweight, then often people depressed will eat. If you are underweight, then often people depressed will stop eating without even realizing it. If your insecurity is your talent, then it appears everything you make is not "up to par". Yes, Depression is living and it feeds itself to stay alive, scavenging food from whatever source bears the most fruit. There is also a difference between being depressed and having depression. Everyone has depressing moments. Being depressed for a short time is different from suffering from long term depression. However, don't mistake that comment as me belittling short term depression. Depression in ANY form is a hard road to walk. If I could give any suggestions it would be these: Don't comapare your strengths to other people's weaknesses. Recognize that you are different in many ways, we all are. Embrace your differences rather than fear them. Don't feel guilty or bad about yourself for taking steps necessary to cure your depression. Remember, if you suffer from true chemical depression and the reason you don't seek help is because you feel inadequate if you do, then you have just fed the living demon known as Depression helping it to stay alive. Just my two cents....sometimes worth more, sometimes less... ~Salinye
Um... A feeble attempt at role-playing...
Salinye replied to Damon Inferel's topic in Conservatory Archives
ooc: I too used the italics to identify thoughts. :0) Also, I like to play this character with the gift of empathy. She gets a general feel of how people are feeling. Sometimes it's stronger with some than others, and sometimes she misinterrpets the readings. If there is something she should be detecting about your character, please pm or email the information to me, and I'll subtly work it in. :0) Unless, ofcourse, this is alterior to the wishes of the kind dm. *smile*) Okay, Carrying on... Quite the selection of people we have gathered here. Will it be wise to travel within such a varied group? The danger of the journey is one thing, but adding danger from ones own companions is another. Senora sat in silent observation of the people who now sat at her table. Most people paid her little mind. Her wild red hair and unique elvish look would at first catch many eyes, however, once they drink in her humble attire and Holy Symbol, their interest was usually lost. The land had turned as such that people either loved priestess's or loathed them. The lack of attention didn't bother Senora, however. It usually allowed her unnoticed keen observation. She rather liked being underestimated. Senora smiled as the newest man, an older gentleman offered them all a drink. His attention did not stay on her long which offered her a moment to analyze him without meeting his eyes. Senora had always had an acute intuition more closely like empathy. Why did someone so mature in age wish to make such a journey? Again she reminded herself that looks are oft deceiving. "lord," she said to the older chap. "Since you are so kind to offer, I have a goblet here, begging to be filled with cranberry juice." Smiling she observed the man to see just how sincere his offer was. -
*Salinye shyly offers a plate of cookies to Gwai, as she is new and doesn't know anyone very well.* Happy Birthday and many happy returns!! ~Salinye
(That was great, Ashton! Touche!) Ashton Blades you make me laugh and smile! So kick on back and listen to me for a while. You say I think I'm okay because I can rap, Well I'm here to tell you I'm great, but not because of this crap. I walk in style and I flow with grace. Why is there a need for one of us to save face? You say you're a great white shark, but you're swimmin' in my ocean. Hangin' with me is like drinkin' from a potion. Your head starts spinnin' an' you're feelin' kinda dazed. Take a look around -you might find yourself Amazed. Amazed and trippin' that a simple girly like me, Would dare to call you out, so everyone can see. You showed up to stand the test bringing your best Slingin' your rhyme like the master of a rap fest. Touche my friend, you've proved a worthy challenge thus far I rather find all this silly mud slinging quite bazaar. Now it's time I hand the mic back, Time for this sheep to jump outta' the wolf pack.
Hopper~ I don't know you, and you don't know me, however, I hate to hear you're having a hard time. Whatever it is, I hope it lightens soon. I'm confident we'll be reading wonderful entries from you very soon!! ~Salinye
Um... A feeble attempt at role-playing...
Salinye replied to Damon Inferel's topic in Conservatory Archives
Senora tilted her head looking up at the woman standing before her considering the offer. Money had never interested her, the priestess found little use for it, however, her chapters much looked forward to her regular visits, her regular donations. Senora studied Iriador for a long moment her emerald green eyes assessing the woman. She didn't look particularly lethal, however, the priestess had learned long ago that looks were deceiving. Finishing the last of her juice she brushed her fiery red hair out of her face and smiled sincerely at the mercenary. "Well, M'lady. If it is a healing touch you desire, then who am I to deny such a request? I was granted my abilities to help those in need, especially against darker forces." Motioning to the empty chairs that surrounded her table she added, "The two of you are welcome to assemble here at my table if you wish." -
Thanks, I'll for sure try that, however... Now I'm thinking it has something to do with my computer settings and not Word, because suddenly I'm seeing those little squares all over the place. Even in posts I've had up for over a year, suddenly don't look right. RAWWWRRRRR... Any more suggestions with this new info?? Feeling computerly challenged, ~Salinye
Um... A feeble attempt at role-playing...
Salinye replied to Damon Inferel's topic in Conservatory Archives
A petite elvish looking woman sits within the corner of the tavern. Her simple white robes decorated only by the Holy symbol that hung at her neck. She watched the interraction between the mercenary and Damon with curiosity while sipping from her goblet of cranberry juice. So, he's assembling a party. She thought to herself. Perhaps they could use the services of a healer? Senora stopped her thoughts before they carried any further adding a spice of reality to them. I'm sure they probably already have one, rarely are such exploring parties formed without one with a healing touch. Talked out of volunteering by her own thoughts, she watched the two, disappointed that she wasn't needed. ((OOC I've never quite done this before, but I'm game to try anything. :0) Use me if you can. :0)) -
Laughs and smiles, suddenly a bit shy that the attention is on her, but oh well, she's gotta try. *Takes the mic back* You think you're the king? More like my peasant. Step back, I'll track you down, Just like a hunter does the pheasant. You should stick to what you do best, Like serving me whine and letting me rest. Here you are, up in my face, Prancing around like you own the place. You think your star shines bright, But yo' lyrics ain't tight. Hoping to win against me, That just ain't right! You talk about Phat, But your rap is flat. Don't you know you're dealing With the queen of Perky? Step off the stage, you're just a jive Turkey. Then there is the pointy One, He's up there wavin' his tongue Like he's all that and then some You're like a yo yo, in a mojo, with ho ho, But now I digress, just trying to impress. Listen here, Ashton, you say you're a knight, So pull out your sword and let's fight. Best be warned, if you care to duel, You're likely to end up in a puddle of your drool. Now step right back before I kick you wit' a stiletto Like I said before, YOUR RAP IS GHETTO! Smiles a bit embarrassed and hands the mic back. (OOC: I have to apologize in advance, I really don't believe any of what I'm spouting! No wonder rap lyrics are so violent, it's like you gotta be insulting! lol *sigh* I don't know what I'm doing trying to run with the big dogs!) **edit note** I was going to edit my typo, changing whine to wine, but now that I read it, I think I like the typo better than the original intent. :0) lol
Part Three The warrior felt the blood drain from his face, something he had not felt since the night he learned of Salinye's disappearance. The pressure of his heart beating filled his ears and his vision tunneled, his body threatening to lose consciousness. He clumsily let go of Salinye and rolled over to a sitting position fumbling off his side of the bed. He looked around the room as if trying to grasp the reality of where he was and if this really could be happening. He wondered if he was once again stuck in the half reality nightmares he used to have when Tek first started appearing. He sat on the floor leaning his back against the bed. He pulled his knees to his chest feeling as if the walls of the room would enclose upon him. He folded his arms and hung his head into his palms, shock consuming him. Salinye forced herself to alertness as she was nearly tossed off the bed by the sudden movements of the warrior. She quickly rolled onto all fours defensively facing the back of the drow. If drow prison had done anything to her, it had made her very reflexive, jumpy. She no longer responded well to sudden surprising movements. She instinctively regarded them as a threat and reacted accordingly. However, upon spinning around and seeing the hunched form of Tek, her own fears and jumpiness was overridden by compassion and worry. "What's wrong?" The slumped form of the drow did not move as he spoke to her in a raspy whisper. "Salinye?" The question surprised her and she crawled across the bed towards him. "Yes, now please, tell me, what's happened, what is wrong?" Still his form did not change as he responded. "Salinye?...Salinye?" The question was repeated as if her answers were not heard. She quickly reached his end of the bed and knelt behind him placing her hands upon his shoulders. "Tek, what's wrong, you're scaring me." The words were barely out of her mouth when the warrior jumped away from her recoiling from her very touch and the fact that she had called him Tek. He spun around to a crouch facing her, his features etched with shock and devastation. This hostile (or it seemed to her) movement startled her enough that she fell back onto the bed and hastily scrambled off the other side into a heap upon the floor. "Salinye...is that really you?" The warriors voice was laced with pain, his eyes glossed with tears that threatened to fall. It was his voice, and the very question that made Salinye realize that it was not Tek who crouched before her on the other side of the bed, but Dainin. She slowly lifted her head from her heaped position on the floor and met the blue eyes of the man she loved. The two sat in their own prisons of shock with their eyes locked not knowing quite what to say. Finally it was the wizardess that broke the silence with emotion thick in her voice. "I didn't know...He..he didn't tell me he was going to sleep. I..He...I didn't know...I didn't want it to be like this. I..." Salinye looked away tears welling up behind her eyes. "I know everything, Dainin. Everything." The words seemed to hit the warrior like an arrow through the heart. He fell back to a sitting position and looked to the ground avoiding her eyes. "I'm not angry, Dainin. You...You didn't do anything wrong." She said the words with sincerity, but could not disguise the pain the knowledge caused her. Dainin began to stammer as if defending himself and his actions. Something Salinye had not intended to make him do. "You were gone...We thought for good. I..I didn't know. I..." He looked away the first of his tears falling. "Dainin, after Tek found me, he told me everything. You didn't know I was alive. I don't blame you for moving on. You didn't know" Salinye's words were cut short by the sharp and angry outburst of the warrior. "Yeah well someone knew. HE knew. HE found you, and I'm sure he DID tell you everything. AND I HAVEN'T moved on!!" His words were laced with bitterness and his eyes darkened in a way she had never seen in him before. His reaction scared her and she began to tremble slightly. Hearing his own anger and seeing her cringe from him made him drop his eyes in shame again. Salinye spoke in broken whispers through her tears. "I would hope that you would just be happy I'm alive, and not care WHO found me. I know you don't trust Tek, but in his defense, he has been nothing but kind to me. I was nearly dead when he found me, and he's helped me recover and to be with you. The only thing I thought of for two years was being with you." Dainin couldn't stop his own anger from welling up. "Yes, and he just so happened to bring you to where I last slept with Lleana? He just so happened to fall asleep and not tell you?" Salinye looked away as he mentioned sleeping here with Lleana but answered nonetheless. "He hadn't slept in weeks, I'm sure it was a mistake. As far as bringing me to this room, don't you have this room semi permanently paid for? Trust me, this is not the way I wanted you to see me for the first time." She subconsciously reached up to touch the scar across her face that her magics could not cover. Her shear defense of Tek was enough to make the warriors stomach turn. He raised his eyes to look on her, wanting to make her understand how foolish she is to trust Tek. As his eyes fell on her, he noticed for the first time the scar. His eyes drank her form in; it was so frail, her face so hollow. Suddenly he felt ashamed. Ashamed he had allowed himself to get caught up in his own failures instead of offering her the love and support she needed. He arose from the floor causing Salinye's eyes to widen and look at him. He understood all to well her need for slow and predictable movements and slowly walked around the bed to where she sat still in a crouched defensive position. She moved her head so that her gaze could stay with the moving warrior, but she did not flinch from him as he approached. He slowly slumped to his knees before her and gently lifted a finger to trace the scar on her face. He then pulled her into his arms and did something she had never seen him do before. He buried his face into her shoulder and cried. She leaned her weight against him and cried with him. For a long while no words were spoken. They simply held each other and cried, each in turn exploring the others features with a tender touch, almost as if for the first time. It was Dainin who broke the silence as she wiped tears from his face. "I'm so sorry...are you alright? What did they do to you? What can I do?" His eyes revealed his feelings of helplessness and his jaw clenched at the thoughts that now swirled in his head of what her captivity had been like. She silenced his questions with reassurances. "I'm fine..I am..Really..I'm getting stronger every day. I just....my goodness...to be here, and with you....I can't tell you the feelings, but..." She paused to take a deep breath. "We can talk about that later. There is something else I need to tell you." Her words choked in her throat and she had to look away from his eyes to continue. "I know about... her, and how you have finally found happiness after so much darkness. I...I want you to know, that I don't expect you to change your life just because I'm back." She quietly and painfully pulled her engagement rings off of her fingers and held them out in her hand looking away. "I offer you your freedom. No guilt to be had, nothing to be held against you. Dainin stared at her in disbelief trying to comprehend how she could even say such a thing. He took the rings from her hand, she closed her eyes as he did so assuming he was accepting her offer of freedom. Gently he took her hand, turned it palm down and slipped the ring back on her ring finger, then did the same with the other hand. "I love you Salinye. I've always loved you. I will always love you. These rings, and what they stand for are meant for you. I do love Lleana. She has always been a dear friend, and was there in a time when I really needed someone. We offered each other comfort and love at a time when we both needed it. I won't lie, the separation will be hard, but Sal.." He gently turned her face so she had to look at him. "Sal, if you had been here, I never would have sought out romance from that friendship. I never would have had a void to fill in that area of my heart. You're here, nothing has changed in the way I feel for you. I love you. Please..." The warrior hung his head in desperation and then looked back up to her eyes almost pleading. "Please, if you believe anything, you've got to believe that." Salinye smiled softly nodding through tears. "I do believe you, and I love you too. I won't deny it, this is going to be hard, but in my struggles to accept what has happened, please don't mistake my emotion as doubt in you, or disbelief or mistrust." Dainin looked into her eyes and lovingly stroked the side of her face with his hand. He leaned forward and for the first time in over two years tenderly placed his lips to hers in a kiss that revealed their mutual love undaunted by time.
Part Two The early morning sun had only begun to sneak through the slit in the curtains sending its golden ray onto the inn floor as Dainin began to stir from his sleep. A soft smile graced his handsome features as he felt the soft skin of Lleana's warm stomach beneath his hand. It had been so long since he had been able to wake up with a smile. He owed so much to this bard. This dear friend turned romance. In so many ways she had saved him. Saved him from the agony and sadness that threatened to consume him. Saved him from turning back into what he had worked so hard to overcome. But mostly, she had given him reason to smile again. Had shown him the heart could go on after love lost, and even explore avenues of more love. Not to say that he was healed Infact, he was not so sure that day would ever come. He was certain he would always have an empty ache somewhere in his heart for the loss Salinye. Infact, this ache, this loss is part of what brought him so close to Lleana. She understood his pain, never belittled it, and allowed him to share it with her. She never insisted he leave those thoughts and replace them with her. This wood elf was truly a unique gift. She is someone who has a kind heart and an ocean of understanding within her soul. In some respects she was so similar to Salinye, and in others, the two could not be more different. Perhaps it was their similarities that made it so easy to love the beautiful bardess, and their differences that allowed him to keep the two loves separate in his mind and heart. Dainin pulled his companion close into his body and nuzzled his face, eyes still closed, into her hair. He placed a gentle kiss on the back of her neck whispering, "Mornin", into her ear. Salinye smiled still half asleep cuddling naturally in response to the warrior's affections. Dainin breathed in the sweet scent of her and his breath caught in his lungs as confusion began to settle on him. Something was....different. He couldn't quite pinpoint it, and wasn't fully alert, but knew that the sweet scent he just breathed in had triggered something in his mind. The drow warrior let out his breath and slowly opened his eyes to find his vision clouded by long locks of golden hair. "Blonde?" Realization and shock did not have time to settle in before the much more hollow than he remembered features of Salinye turned to him. Salinye looked at Tek and groggily and smiled saying "Good Morning."
This is part of a saga that some friends and I wrote together to go along with an rpg game. (However, this three part episode was all my writing. I want to offer a bit of explanation since you are not getting the entire saga here. If you like this, maybe I'll post it's entirety. :0) The thing you must know to understand this three part story that I'm posting is this. Dainin and Tek are the same person. Sort of a Mr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde type character. His persona shifts every time he sleeps. Tek is evil and aware of Dainin's happenings when Dainin is in control. Dainin is unaware of Tek's happenings when Tek is in control. To make a long story short Tek is weilding a master plan of evilness, and this portion of the story is a sordid romance. I hope you like it. I'm still nervous posting works here. Tek sat in a chair beside the bed in his regular room in High Hold Keep. His eyes leaving their softened edge the moment he knew the wizardess was asleep. Her hand lay limp in his. So frail that she had wrapped small pieces of bandages around her rings in order to keep them on her fingers. He raised his gaze to stare at her form rise and fall gently beneath the plush blankets. Her frame was much thinner than it should be, not skeletal, but not far from that either. Her skin appeared soft and creamy since she had placed the magical cantrip upon herself to hide the scars. The drows eyes darkened as he thought of this. "I warned him...If she's too damaged", he thought darkly to himself. Not concerned with her well being as much as he was concerned with what he wanted her to be and how he needed her to fit into his life, his schemes. The irritation of the moment was lifted as sly smile of pleasure developed on his lips. Everything in his plan was falling right into place. He need not worry too much. He slowly and quietly left his chair to kneel at the bedside gently placing her hand upon her stomach. The high elf stirred slightly at the movement and rolled turning her back to him. Tek knelt there silent, still observing her. It was not until he was satisfied that she was still sleeping soundly that he pulled back the covers just enough to slide his sleek form beneath the sheets as well. He knew her well enough to know that she would not wake up from this movement, but was surprised when she naturally sank back against him entwining her feet with his. He raised his eyebrow and smirked thinking perhaps she was more fun when she was sleeping then when she was awake. Even in her condition the drow found his attraction to her very apparent, something he didn't entirely understand. He had no emotional feelings for her, certainly no love. However, the girl was naﶥ. He could play "loving" nearly as well as Dainin. He had observed it enough by now, and the challenge of convincing the girl of a love and devotion that did not exist excited him. "Foolish Elf." He thought as he gently draped his arm around her stomach and couldn't help but smile at the agony this would cause all of them. Not only will Dainin be shocked to find himself now in bed with his presumed dead fiancé¬ but also Salinye will KNOW who he was in bed with, and Dainin will wonder just how close she had come with Tek that she would sleep entwined in his arms. Then there is Lleana, the girl who thinks she can outsmart a drow. The girl was not as naﶥ as Salinye, but just as easy to hurt. They both wore their hearts on their sleeves. They both were full of the weaknesses of kindness and goodness. Weaknesses that made them easy to manipulate, or if need be kill. The drow found new joy in this scheme as he thought of the bard and her wild spirit. As a final measure to make the feigned intimacy between Tek and Sal, as well as between Dain and Lleana seem strong he slipped his hand underneath the sleeping woman's shirt to rest on the skin of her stomach. The warrior had a hard time relaxing enough to fall asleep with the pleasure of his torturous plan spinning in his head, and the effects it would have on the three fools he played like puppets.
I know this is very rhymy and cutesy, but I have to tell you, there was a lot of emotion behind it when I wrote it. Perhaps you'll see why. :0) Two On my knees in humble prayer I sent my requests above. If it would be His will to please send me a sweet spirit to love. If this one wish of my heart would be granted I could promise in return, to train that child to love the sun, the Lord and the ability to learn. Later that day I walked through the park admiring the beauty all around. I longed for a child to hold my hand getting lost in the sights and sounds. I thought again of the things we would share, this child and myself. The way it must feel to love someone more than anything else. Later that week I called my mom to share the news that had come. We were truly blessed for sometime soon we'de have a daughter or son. The love that filled my heart, I thought would overflow. I again dropped to my knees with gratitude to show. Later that year I sat alone in the quiet peace of my room. I passed my hand over my stomache thinking of you in my womb. The scriptures say that we are blessed tenfold, I know that this is true. For I can feel the love within for not only one but two. Now I hold you both in my arms marvelling at the perfection within you. As I reflect I can't remember ever feeling complete without two. Again I feel the urge to pray in thanks to the Lord above. For blessing me with the gift of not one but two children to love.
Brute~ I don't know you, but I can empathize with your feelings. I admire that you endeavor to move forward. I hope things get better and that every day moves you a little closer to your end goal. All my smiles, ~Salinye
Belated! Oh My! The story of my life! A day late and a dollar short!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYY!!!! I would sing, but I'd hate to clear the room* Wishing you all things warm and cheerful this year!! ~Salinye
Ayshela~ I appreciate your words, thank you. :0) My mistake was this... I read the first page of quotes, and not the second page before I posted mine. I had NO idea that this thread had wandered from it's original intent or I would have probably not posted on it. I wasn't trying to interrupt a debate or send any hidden messages. :0) If I wanted to voice strong opinions, I would do it straight out and not veil it behind quotes. :0) My apologies again for the misunderstanding. I guess that will teach me to read an entire thread before posting, yes? ~Salinye *edited to fix a spelling error http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif *
Kind Jareena Faye~ How is it that my quote offended you and sent that message to you?! I was trying to say quite the contrary! I am a very deeply religious woman myself!! I believe the quote I presented by the unknown poet is saying this. By all means preach the Gospel, and IF necessary use your voice. Meaning God could be so part of our lives, that simply by the way we live our lives we are spreading the Gospel. Our kindness, love, good works and sincere compassion for other people along with many other traits that are often associated with people who have a belief in God. That's what I meant! Quite the opposite of the message you took it for! I'm sorry to have given you that impression. :0) I'm the last to EVER condemn anyone from standing up for what they believe in regardless if I agree or not. Seii is quite right. I simply was adding two of my favorite quotes. One serious one, one silly one, both unrelated to each other. :0) I'm sorry that it appeared I had alterior meanings, I assure you I did not. I only posted with the best of intentions. In sincerity, Shelby (The person behind Salinye)
UHG This is so frustrating to me. I write EVERYTHING in word, even things that are straight off the cuff, like the rap thread. (Not cheating, I still write it straight off the cuff without much thought like we're supposed to.) However, the reason I write everything in word first is because many many many times in the past I've lost posts due to computer or internet errors before I could get the information saved. So this is my solution to avoiding that. I thought if it were typed in Verdana it wouldn't copy funky, but I see it is only from MY computer that it looks normal. Going to another computer my posts are all munched. /sigh Anyone know a solution to this? Is there a font in word that transfers over smoothly? In the meantime I'm off to edit... *sighs frustrated* ~Salinye
"Neddy!" Shouted the gruffly voice of Sinedra's uncle Staven. "Another round of Ale fer the boys!" The half elf groaned inwardly as she glanced to the table encircled by men from the lowest walks of life. The Treachery was the name of her uncle's Tavern that sat on the outskirts of Edora, and appropriately named, she thought. Only two kinds of people frequented Staven's tavern, those who loved to gamble, and those who were up to no good. Most people here were a mixture of both, those who weren't welcome to show their face in the town establishments. Neddy had worked as a tender in her uncle's bar since she was old enough to see over the counter. Her parents had mysteriously passed away when she was 6 years old. She had been placed in the care of her Uncle Staven and her late aunt Melinda. Sinedra had adored her aunt Melinda. She was always kind to her, and best of all kept Staven under control. Aunt Melinda trained Sinedra in the arts of nature-tracking, hunting, healing, fighting with a staff and bow, finding she was a natural. She often spent her free hours in the woods. The place she felt most at peace. She was 14 when her aunt had passed away, and things had gone down hill from there. For the first year after her death, Staven drank himself into a stupor every night. Finally, Sinedra took over Melindas (the name of the tavern at the time) keeping it running, as it was their only source of income. When her Uncle finally decided to quit living a non-existent life, he was worse than ever before.She could still remember him storming down into the bar late one night as she was closing up. He had been drinking, but wasn't so drunk that he couldn't think and speak. He informed her things were about to change, that she should remember she's working for HIM. She would be expected to earn her keep. That week, things did indeed change. The sign that read Melindas was replaced by The Treachery. The furniture, formerly quaint and welcoming, was changed so that the Tavern was more open to gambling, something aunt Melinda had always frowned upon. Sinedra sighed walking to the table that her uncle and many men sat at. A large pile of coins had collected in the center of the table; smoke hovered in the air like a choking fog. She started collecting the Empty Ale mugs, setting them on her tray, seething inwardly trying to ignore the usual catcalls and affectionate pats she had grown accustomed to. The nights at the Treachery had grown predictable. Most of the customers were regulars, and she knew what to expect from each of them by now. Turning her back on the wretched men she walked back behind the counter, her tray full of empty mugs. She stood refilling the glasses with her back to the entrance of the tavern- all fell silent. The fine hair on the back of her neck stood up, as she felt the air about her change. She turned, to stare at the figure that had entered the bar. The stranger was tall and Dark his attire completely hidden beneath his black cloak. He was staring at her. His very presence silenced the bar. His countenance demanded attention. Sinedra was more than used to being stared at, even gawked at, but the mere look from this Elven man in her direction gave her a chill filling her with unease and anxiety. This was the start of the night that changed her life. "Phalion!" Gruffed her uncle in what she knew to be a forced joyous voice. "I'm glad you could make it. Come sit, enjoy a game of cards. Neddy! Get the man an ale". Staven was involved in all kinds of schemes and dealings that she knew nothing about. She wondered from where he knew this man. She watched him as he turned his gaze from her to her uncle. He eyed the table and the men that sat around it as if a hawk sizing up his prey. Without a word, he strode toward Staven's gang with a confident step, his black leather boots tapping against the wooden floor making the only sound in the room. The men shuffled quickly freeing up a seat for the stranger her uncle had called Phalion. The stranger sat down coolly simply nodding to Staven. "Neddy! I told you to get the man an ALE!" Shouted her uncle causing everyone to jump. Sinedra quickly grabbed for a clean glass, when the stranger's cool voice spoke. "No need". With that he pulled from seemingly nowhere beneath his cloak a tall thin bottle of a dark red liquid and poured himself a glass. The atmosphere in the tavern grew more and more like it usually was, as the night grew later and the drinks kept coming the dark stranger, Phalion, remained as cool and calm as he was when he first entered The Treachery. Sinedra caught him eyeing her often, and his stare still filled her with anxiety. The regulars resumed their careless crude behavior. Her uncle was even more demanding than usual. At one point during the night he had cornered her in the supply room grabbing her arm pushing his face within an inch of hers speaking in a harsh whisper. "That bloody High elf is a very wealthy man, and he's losing bag after bag of gold! I want you to be at your best. The least ye could do is smile once in a while!" She simply nodded pressing her back against the wall, wanting his hot alcohol stained breath off her face. She had seen that look of greed in his eyes before. It was usually when he was going to run the tables on a rich man. Take him for all he's worth then send him on his way. Staven had many ways of cheating at the cards, but she would take no part in it. Adding just one more thing that helped to build the wall of resentment between them. He had often tried to convince her to "be more friendly like" with the customers so that she could give him signs as to what cards they held in their hands. Her refusal had set the foundation in their dislike for each other. The hour grew late. Sinedra began wiping the bar down, preparing things for close. Many of the men had staggered out, either with a small fortune for the day, or having lost their pocketful of gold. Staven, the stranger, and a handful of men remained at the table. Her uncle had been happy all night, winning hand after hand. The stranger seemed to have an endless supply of money. "Cursed!" Her uncle yelled slamming his hands on the table. "Ye be swindlin' me!!" He yelled pointing a shaky finger at the stranger. Sinedra would later learn that her uncle had entered into a final hand of double or nothing with Phalion. She heard the dark haired stranger speak for the second time. "Either put a bet down, or fold." The tall elf stared coolly, through the shadows of his cloak at her red faced enraged uncle. "I 'aven't got any more money!" He looked up at his niece desperately. "Neddy! You have some money! I know this bugger is bluffing! Go fetch me yer money. If I can just stay in it, I'll win it all!" She shook her head at her uncle, trying to calm him, just wanting the night to be over, and the stranger to leave. "Uncle Staven...Please, Just let the man go.." She began interrupted by his fury. "Silence woman!" He yelled even angrier. He sat back down running his fingers through his silvering thinning hair. Again, stranger spoke. "You could bet your bar". To Sinedra the thought was ludicrous. The bar was all they had. She sat stunned, as she could read on her uncle's face that he was considering the proposition. Quickly abandoned her cleaning she rushed to the gambling table. Hastily pushing some of the other drunken men out of her way, she slammed her hands on the table. "Uncle Staven! Enough is enough! You'd be a fool to bet the bar!" Staven just stared at the dark man as if Sinedra were not even there, giving a final nod. " No!" She said firmly. She could tell that pleading with her uncle was senseless. In a desperate effort, she turned her attentions to the stranger. Whipping her head around she found her gaze met sternly with his dark eyes. Beginning to loser her nerve she spoke quickly in a strained hushed tone. "M'lord! You must see that he is not in any mind to make such decisions. I beg you, take the money, and be on your way." Phalion stared back answering coolly. "'Tis his decision to make lass, not yours". She was then shoved back by the strong hand of her uncle. "Go about the business that concerns ye, like scrubbing the counters and fetching me an ale". Her uncle hollered. That was the final straw for the girl. She had wanted to leave for a long time, and she thought she just might finally have collected enough money to do so. She stomped to the bar angry. "Fine, lose the bar like a drunken fool! I'll no longer be slave to your command". This set the remaining men in the bar laughing...all accept Staven and Phalion who remained eyes locked and silent. Walking up the back stairs to her living quarters she began packing the few things that mattered to her. A charcoal sketch of her parents, a few clothes, her staff, and the money she had been able to acquire over the years. She changed out of the dress her uncle made her wear while tending and into her leather hunting clothes and cloak. She walked back down the stairs stunned by the sight before her eyes. The room was deadly silent; her uncle lay with his head in his arms on the table. The stranger stood, a sneer curling his lips, and began collecting the coins into a bag. As she walked closer, she could hear her uncle's drunken sobs. "Oh Melinda, what have I done?" Were some of the words she could make out. The stranger faced her, his eyes searing into her "You work for me now, lass." Sinedra stood defiant. "Nae, I work for no one. I'm leaving this forsaken place and never looking back." With that she turned her back on her uncle and the dark man heading towards the door. Phalion's next words stopped her in her tracks. "Staven, if you'd like to keep your bar, I'd be willing to trade it for your niece". Sinedra spun around as her uncle jerked his head up off the table and agreed without a moment's hesitation. "Take her! She's yours, but I warn ye, she's more trouble 'en she's worth!" Sinedra couldn't believe the absurdity of what they were saying. " I'm not YOURS to give away, Staven! I'm a person not property. You lost your bar because you're a fool!" The two men stood facing each other as if she had not even spoken. "Staven, do you agree to the trade?" Asked the dark mage pointedly. Her uncle only hesitated a moment before replying, "Aye!" The girl scoffed disgusted spinning on her heels to leave forever. Before she could get more than 3 steps, she heard words mumbled by the stranger and was thrown to the ground in a brilliant flash of light. Her head slammed into the wooden slats of the floor with a crack, sending her world into darkness...... When she came too, she was no longer in the bar; she was in a room she did not recognize, laying on the floor. Her head ached, and it took a moment for her vision to clear, but when it did, she saw that the dark mage was sitting in a chair in the corner staring at her. She sat up startled looking wildly around the room noting where the exits were. Get up. He commanded her, on impulse; she did exactly as he asked. "Who are you? What do you want with me, and where are we"? She stammered. "I am Phalion." He stared at her as if studying her, but made no move to leave the chair he sat in. "Come here, Lass". Her heart raced in fear, but her instinct was to do exactly as he commanded. She used all her will to override the instinct to approach him turning to flee for the door. The moment she did this, some sort of paralization overcame her. She was frozen in spot. Screaming in frustration she fought against the spell trying to move. Her efforts were unrewarded. The dark man just sat in the corner watching her amused. She finally stopped struggling, succumbing to the command that seemed to be pounding in her mind. Walking to the stranger She glared at him defiantly, her arms at her side, trying to hide her fear. Looking back at her he began to speak evenly. "My name is Phalion, and I own you. You need not know more about me. You have just had a minor taste of what can happen if you disobey me. You are physically unable to disobey me. Understand?" Sinedra sat staring at this man in disbelief. "You...you don't own me! I am not a piece of clothing, or a gem that can be kept!" She spat back, as calmly as she could muster. Although inside her heart was sinking, because deep inside, her spirit was screaming a protest that let her know the mans words were true. Phalion raised his hands up sharply causing her to flinch away. She scorned herself for showing weakness as he stopped his fists just before her face. Flipping is fisted hands over, he revealed his wrists. Each wrist had an unrecognizable symbol on them. Sitting forward in his chair he looked directly into her eyes. "Do you see these?" She nodded numbly. He slowly dropped his hands grabbing hers firmly. Jerking them up he twisted her hands painfully to reveal her wrists with the same symbols upon them. "Do you see THESE?" Sinedra's eyes stung with tears as she saw the very same symbols on her body. "You are bound to me, Sinedra." In anger, she jerked her hand away raising it to strike him. Simultaneously the same slowing painfully throbbing paralization began to pulse through her very soul. Phalion laughed a deep laugh that brought out the wickedness in his features. "Do not cross me girl, you will not win. Allow me to show you one more thing". Sinedra felt the paralization begin to drain from her dropping her hand back to her side limply. She watched in horror as the dark mage removed a sharp-jeweled dagger from a small leather sheath at his side. Her eyes widened, her face paling as he brought it up before her face. She began trembling in fear. He smiled, pleased with her fear, slowly lowering the dagger to rest upon the palm of his hand. Without warning, and without removing his eyes from hers, he slowly sliced a thin cut across his own palm. Sinedra screamed in pain grabbing her own hand as blood ran from it revealing a cut in her palm to match his. Phalion laughed again wiping the bloodied dagger on his cloak, then sheathed it back at his side. "You see, Sinedra, you are bound to me. You will take half of any harm inflicted upon me." Then his eyes narrowed. "You are not as strong as me. It would take less to kill you than me, understand?" The druidess froze, as comprehension began to settle in on her. Crumpling to the floor she sobbed in shock and desperation....
I'm so embarrassed!!! Wonderful story, and I think our minds must think alike! I fear I did not read this before posting my application, and within mine there is a small diddy that has a similiar feel as your story did. I just wanted to assure you I didn't pirate any ideas. :0) I read your story just now and thought, "Uhg they are for sure going to think part of mine was a copied idea!" LOL however, scouts honor, it was not. :0) Great minds think alike, eh? ~Salinye
By all means preach the Gospel...and IF necessary, use your voice. ~An Unknown Poet Oh and another fav.... It is better to remain silent and let those around you think you a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Something like that. :0)
(Just a side note, I've never tried rap before lol :0) However, here you go, just for all you wonderful writers. *smile*) (Another side ooc note, I just edited this to fix the format that was messed up. I honestly wrote it off the cuff, but I write everything in word first to avoid losing material before "submit post" button is hit. It is my mission to find a solution to this transfer problem RAAWWWRR!) A woman simply yet elegantly dressed steps up taking the mic and speaks words that do not sound natural coming from her mouth. What is this? King of the Hill? King of the ghetto Shpeal? Such talent is rot when it's spouted without thought. You dive in, hope to swim against the current, However, most of what I've seen is a deterrent. Be careful grab your water wings, lest you should drown. I'm here to announce there's a new girl in town. I may look simple, I may seem sweet, But don't underestimate me, you'll find yourself beneath my feet. I'm like the kind bard, Insults I find hard. But if you challenge I'll duel. Pull out your sword, fool. So all of you writ rapping wanna be's Reading this saying "Puhleez". Just sit back and think before you jump up and sing Do you really want to be known as the GHETTO RAP KING?
I've noticed in some of your posts on this board that your apostraphe's and quotation marks are turned into little squares. I too had this problem and thought I would share with you the solution. I was enlightened by a friend that it's caused from writing in word and the fonts aren't recognized here, so the cute squiggles that say "times new Roman" uses turn into squares here. The font the EZ boards use is Verdana. If you simply change the font to Verdana before copying and pasting it to the boards it will correct that problem. :0) Just sharing the knowledge....(one man's garbage is another man's treasure or something of the sort.) ~Salinye
**Edited in hopes of removing the little square thingies.** Ellowyn muttered to herself as she sat uncomfortably upon the hard wooden chair running her finger along a grain of the table. Tapping a well manicured fingernail of her other hand repeatedly she stared at the paper before her that was entirely blank save for one word printed at the top in bold writing and underlined for emphasis. It simply said Application . That was it. Nothing else. "Well", she thought to herself. "That is quite a ridiculous application. What am I supposed to do, just spout something brilliant off the top of my head? I mean, one cannot argue my brilliance, however, it is a lot to expect of a lady before breakfast!" She silently cursed the paper twirling a long auburn strand of hair tightly around her finger, a subconscious habit she had always had. The paper, in return, simply lay there, smugly taunting her. Daring her to impress it. Laughing at the thought that that's even possible. Narrowing her eyes the woman finally placed the graphite tip of her pencil to the paper and began to write - Celestial Dust By Ellowyn L'Mon Sometimes we get gifts that still have Celestial dust upon them...... Be sure when I run my fingers through your hair I am only brushing off remaining particles of Heaven. I sit here.... late at night, thinking of you.... You are only a room away, yet I can feel your spirit as if you are right beside me, no you're closer...You are - The graphite stopped momentarily before violently scribbling over the few sentences written. With an inner groan Ellowyn dropped her forehead upon the table with a resounding thud. "That's enough to almost make ME gag." She thought slowly lifting her head glaring down at the marred application. The application remained smug seeming to say to her, "I told you so." "Oh what do you know?" She said raising her voice in annoyance causing the few people scattered throughout the room to stop their writing giving her a look of disapproval at the interruption. Slinking down in her chair she again picked up the pencil determined to write something brilliant, or maybe just-halfway brilliant? Charred wood. That is the scent the elven male could not pin point until now. Charred wood is the scent of fear. Ever since he had entered the caves he had detected the smell. At first he thought perhaps some of the smoke from the fires within the hills had some how found their way through the maze of caverns and made a permanent residence among the stalactite. However, his keen elven intuition told him otherwise. The fine hairs upon the back of his neck stood on end as he rounded the corner stopping in his tracks, the scent growing thicker seemingly overwhelming his senses. "What is it?" The ill-mannered dwarf harshly whispered (hardly whispered causing the rest of the companions behind him to groan). "Tha's right, Kaldor. Alert the 'ntire place we're 'ere why don'cha?" Whispered an annoyed voice from the back. The dwarf turned to face the accusation spat at him through the darkness willing to settle the manner with his axe rather than his words when Garon placed his hand firmly but gently upon the dwarfs shoulder. "They're here. I smell their fear." "UHG" Ellowyn silently despaired once again scribbling through the words. "I smell their fear?" What is this an "I see dead people" moment?" Crossing her sandal clad feet she tapped the eraser of her pencil rapidly her anxiety growing. It was only as she noticed the disapproving glances of those around her (once again) that she stopped her face heating slightly with a blush. "Come on Elly girl, pull it together. You can do it, just write something down." Closing her eyes and inhaling a deep breath of the stale library style air around her, she tried one last attempt at brilliance. "Come in RotDawg Come in. This is Jimmy 500 and I need immediate back up, do you hear me? The snake has been found. He is down, but I am requesting immediate back up before proceeding." Jimmy Johnson whispered as loud as he dared into the walkie talkie. "Roger that." Cshhhhhk "Sending back up immediately" cshhhhhk. Came the scratchy reply from the radio. Slowly Jimmy tipped the too large helmet back up and leaned his head around the doorframe to look once again into the kitchen. He could see the tennis shoes followed by denim legs sticking out from underneath the yellow gingham tablecloth in the center of the room. Moments passed by as if minutes. The strong beating of his heart the only sound within the small cottage style house. Finally, being able to wait no longer he pressed his back to the wall, raised his gun offering a silent prayer and stepped around the doorframe into the kitchen his eyes fixed on the red sneakers beneath the table. He only got two steps inside before the room erupted into chaos. Bullets flew around the room splattering blue and red paint all over the pristine whiteness that was the kitchen decor. Jimmy grabbed at his chest as paint bullets slammed into him. Dropping to the floor he watched as the red sneakers retreated under the tablecloth and was replaced by a well-armed and smiling Terry Hicks. Behind him Freddy Mealstine and Toby Clark jumped off of the counter aiming their paint guns at his head. The only thing Jimmy could think to do was yell frantically into his six-dollar walkie talkie "RETREAT! It's an ambush! I repeat, RETREAT!" The warning was cut short as a high-pitched scream accompanied by breaking glass echoed through the kitchen. Looking up all the boys froze as Jimmy's mother walked through the back door dropping her groceries to the floor... "FORGET IT!" Ellowyn finally grumbled in frustration scribbling so hard upon the smug paper, that by now was laughing at her, causing the tip of her pencil to break. Crumpling the paper up into a ball she looked at the man who stood rather stoically behind the counter. "This is just FAR too much for me to handle on an empty stomach!" Standing she grabbed her purse and headed towards the exit tossing the balled up paper over her shoulder at the rather startled young man before arrogantly prancing from the building. "Perhaps after I've had breakfast I'll be brilliant." She told herself once again strolling down the street heading towards 6th Avenue Cafe. salinye@hotmail.com