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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Salinye

  1. I LOVE the use of analogies!! I especially like the first verse!! Thank you for sharing!! ~Salinye
  2. I mimic Peredhil's words!! I loved it! ~Salinye
  3. I really like this. I love the story, and your AA scheme. Thank you so much for sharing. I find I really like your style and writings. I'll keep reading, you've made a fan out of me! ~Salinye
  4. Well, I thought of yet another possibility. The poem brings to mind an old wise man who is whispering these words, and the Alas is almost like a ....finally...*smile slowly grows across his lips* That make sense or am I too close to the cat nip again? Thanks for sharing, I loved it. Short, Sweet and perfect. :0) ~Salinye
  5. Psi & Wren~ I love these poems. They compliment each other. I am forever the hopeless romantic and so ofcourse this poem appealed to that side of me. Psi, what I like most about your poem is that you can really feel how sincerely the speaker cherishes the person it was written about. I like poems that simply leave you feeling cherished. ~Salinye
  6. I really felt like this poem had a lot of power and emotion behind it. Like the others, the overall point is vague, but sometimes I think that's good because it causes people to ponder it longer. Let it linger in their minds. Thank you for sharing, ~Salinye
  7. Smiles warmly to the new face. It appears, I'm much newer to most than even you, however, welcome friend. ~Salinye
  8. rofl nm nm ignore this post.... ~Salinye
  9. I'm up for anything. :0) I was thinking, though. I think Senora might have a BIG problem fighting druids. Considering her diety is Elhonna, she's alligned with druids. Any thoughts on this? ~Salinye
  10. On an ooc note, I'll be out of town Tues and Wed ( April 29th & 30th) night, so won't be viewing or posting on the boards. Just so you know in case interraction takes place and I'm needed. I would hate to be put in a situation where my absence holds up the rpg. :0) ~Salinye
  11. Senora smiled apologetically as the door before her opened revealing Enos was already speaking to another member of their party that she hadn't gotten to know yet. She was about to apologize for interrupting when Enos announced Feralon's departure. "Ah, Senora. Good morning. Feralon was just leaving actually. Do you wish to talk? I don't have long, and will have to pack as we do, if a lady such as yourself doesn't mind an improper host." Returning Feralon's friendly nod with a warm smile she stepped back outside the door allowing the ranger passage into the hallway. Turning her head watching the ranger make his way down the stairs towards the tantalizing scent of breakfast her stomach growled at her. Soon, I'll eat soon. She silently bargained with her apetite hoping Enos hadn't heard her stomach's protest. Walking back into the entrance of Enos' room leaning casually against the frame of the door she met the theif's eyes a bit confused. "Unless my intuition has failed me, good Enos. I believe it was you who wished my presence here this morning, yes?"
  12. I really really enjoyed this, Soaring Icarus. :0) This was a very intelligent peice of work. Thank you for sharing. I have to add, however, that I'm seeing all the little symbols where your quotation marks and apostraphes are. It could just be ME that sees it that way, I seem to be cursed. But, in case it's not just me I thought I'd give you a heads up. If you edit and replace all the apostrophes and quotation marks with new ones then it fixes it. I guess others can tell you if it's only my computer that is seeing your poem that way. :0) ~Salinye
  13. I really liked this poem. It seems to me it would be a great poem written as a favorite hero or even enemy in a story finally finds their mortality. :0) Thank you for sharing! ~Salinye
  14. Wow Wren, how did I miss this? I really like this, however, I'm speculating several different meanings. Care to share your thought pattern? ~Salinye
  15. Well, any friend of Peredhil is a friend of mine. :0) Welcome, enjoy the writings, and we'd be delighted if you shared some of your own. :0) (P.S. Lock up any valuables before entering any area occupied by Wyvern. Just a friendly warning to help you along.) ~Salinye
  16. I really like this allegory, Jareena. I too have seen it in many forms. Have you read the book by Max Lucado called *thinks what is that darn book called* errrr I'll think of it then edit this. LOL Anyway, nice work. I always appreciate a good allegory. Well written! ~Salinye
  17. Ummm, I don't know about you guys, but the only thing I was thinking was... THIRTY DOLLARS FOR A FLIPPIN' PIZZA?? Where is it coming from? ITALY? /grin ~Salinye Slurpee Princess
  18. Insatiable need.
  19. Happy Birthday Lady Elwen!!! Yay!! *hugs*
  20. (I sort of had a creative bug and so sat down to write this poem. Let me know what you think. It's probably not the final draft, but...well you can just tell me what you think. :0)) Leaning forward bent in half toes pointed to the far corners, Chest pressed to the floor. Two braids descending, body clad in lycra. You glance over to me, whom do you see? You laugh sheepishly; you mistook me for one of my teenage students. Most say I'll appreciate my youthful look when I'm older. When I'm older... Apples rolling down the aisle, sticky fingers tugging on my coat, Hungry babies cry. Reaching around fingers fumbling to find a bottle in my backpack. You glance over to me, whom do you see? "Has she never heard of birth control?" You whisper snickering. Most say they regret not cherishing the moments when their children were younger. When they were younger... Jumping on the bed, reading tales of pirate ships, Giggling squeals of delight. Rescuing the fair maiden from the dragon King. You glance over to me, whom do you see? "Her house is such a mess." You think. "Someday she'll get her priorities straight." Someday... Youthful look, cherishing love filled days, Priorities in order. I live to love each day, love each day I live. You glance over to me, how can you not see this? I chose this life; I happily embrace each moment now. Embrace each moment now... **edited to fix the apostrophe/quotation mark bug rawwrrrr grrrr hmpf**
  21. OOC: Don't feel limited to hunger of food. :0) Although Hunger of food is great too!!! :0)
  22. It's lasted 7 years and 4 kids under the age of 5 so far. :0) (I'm really not a rabbit, I had twins. :0)) My husband is my best friend. Obviously this was written for him. I just gotta get it into form. ~Salinye
  23. Wyvie~ I just finally got a chance to read this wonderful story line. I have to mimic Yui in complimenting your seamless transitions. I Love that the story is more backwards to forwards, it's refreshing. The only thing I see that needs a quick fix is this: See how you have as it as it double? Just a little edit need. :0) I find myself really wanting to read the rest of the story! Thank you so much for your creative share! ~Salinye
  24. (You'll recognize the first few lines of this from my application if you read it.) Warning: NO FORM lol :0) Maybe I'll put it into form someday. For the moment, I kind of like it raw like it is. Any suggestions on how you would put this into form? Sometimes we get gifts that still have Celestial dust on them... Be sure when I run my fingers through your hair I am only brushing off remaining particles of Heaven. I sit here...late at night, thinking of you...You are only a room away, yet I can feel your spirit as if you are right beside me, no you're closer...You are inside me. You are half of me. I used to be only half a person, did you know that? I was never whole a day of my life before I met you. I'm sure that I stood watching over you from the clouds for three years while you forgot me and started your new life here on Earth. But did you forget me? I think not. I think like me, on the day we met you had that feeling...you know that feeling of...I know you...I've always known you...Then that day our lips first touched by accident sending our hearts soaring together...I will never forget the song you sang to me at the bottom of a trail on the waters edge...That song, your face, is embedded in my heart forever. I knew that day that I was finally being offered the rest of myself...And then as I looked at you in your white purities kneeling looking back at me saying "I will" I knew that I too was half of you. Not only are you half of me, but you have made the half of me I started out with SO much better! I have never been complete without you. I will never be complete without you. You hold my life, my heart in your hand and in your heart. I will never forget that you loved me in a way that no other was willing to do. I will never forget that you see in me something no one else could see. I will never forget that YOU alone are proof enough that we have a loving Heavenly Father, Because only He could make You. And You are half of me...Thank you for giving me reason to exist, and a knowledge of why I exist. Thank you. I owe you my life. You saved me...more than once...Before you I could not see, because Before you I was not whole. Thank you... ~Salinye
  25. I really enjoyed this! I hope you'll continue! I find myself wanting to know what it is she is needing to prove and who did it! ~Salinye
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