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Everything posted by Salinye
Beautifully written. I find I tend to admire all your works, psimon! ~Salinye
This poem has special meaning to me as I lost a father in law a couple of years ago. Thank you so much for sharing. :0) It's beautifully written. :0) ~Salinye
OOPS! I guess I thought Vanity was one. *gives a sheepish grin* Will you accept my poem anyhow? I tried to write in the style Alaeha spoke of ABBA CDDC. :0) **I'm editing this to add a thank you to Falcon. I never would have thought of this poem had you not given your challenge, and I've decided I rather like this one. Thank you for the inspiration. (critique and comment as always are welcome. :0)) Vanity An awed hush falls over the crowd As she steps from the car Self glorifying pauses and turns are Expected. Bright camera flashes; she's proud. How does she look so good? She poses-lyposuctioned stomach and hips. She smiles-artificially enhanced breasts and lips. Envious sigh-I'd look like her if I could. Young girls flip through their magazine. Naked insecurities exposed Fat thighs, drab hair, big nose. Harmful diets to look more pleasing. How much did it cost to be in her role? Their own features they pick apart, Not knowing her smile doesn't reflect her heart. Thousands of dollars, and of course her soul.
Very good Alaeha. that's exactly right. :0) ~Salinye
WOO HOOO... *runs around the room tossing up streamers and balloons.* Happy Happy Birthday!!! ~Salinye
I'm not sure what to say other than that I appreciate the stark nakedness of the words and it prompts me to offer you a *hug* ~Salinye
I enjoyed this and feel it flowed very smoothly. ~Salinye
(This was written silly and spur of the moment. *grins at Wyvern* I hope I didn't do you an injustice. OH, and I broke a rule, my saying IS in the story. blech can't even obey my own rules!!) Kevin was quite impressed at all the beautiful baked goods that he saw through the shop window. hmmm perhaps we could buy our wedding cake here. He thought to himself as he pulled the glass entrance door open. A resounding "Bah-BING" rang through the small shop as he entered causing a rustle and shuffle to be heard from the unseen back store rooms. Kevin stood admiring a tall wall full of cakes when a scaly winged almost dragon appeared behind the counter. "Hello, I see you are interested in my many WONDERFUL and equally fair priced cakes." Wyvern said to his newest vict—customer. Kevin smiled. "Yes you do good work. I especially like this one." He said pointing to a three tier white cake edged with burgundy roses. "Oh yes, yes. You have good taste, that is an especially fine one, which is why it's twice as expensive." The almost dragon said with a sly smile. "Twice as expensive!!" The patron exclaimed. "What makes this cake so much finer than say, that one?" He asked pointing to another three tier cake equally as beautiful but edged in Blue. Wyveryn looked to the second cake the man pointed out. "OH, that one is a different story altogether. THAT particular cake is triple the price of a normal cake." He stated matter of factly. "Really, a bargain if you ask me." The man could not believe what he was hearing. "You know, you're not much of a salesman. Don't you have any cakes that are normal priced, or on sale?" The almost dragon fluttered his wings at the word "sale" as cutting prices to please the patrons was deeply against his beliefs. Besides, he felt that the Triple the price WAS a sale! "Well, if you are looking for bargain cakes, you may wish to view the wall behind you." Turning the man looked at the array of cakes on the wall behind him seemingly identical to the ones on the wall before him. "These cakes look exactly the same, why are they priced so much lower?" He asked flustered. "Well, those cakes are rubber." Wyvern walked over to give one of the two tiered cakes a squeeze resulting in a loud "Squeak". "Although, the squeak costs extra." He informed the man. Kevin ran an impatient hand through his hair trying to remain calm with the swindler before him. "Are THESE cakes made of rubber as well?" He asked pointing back to the original wall of cakes he was observing. Wyvern scurried back to that wall. "Oh no no no, those cakes are quite edible." He said coughing a small puff of black smoke seeping from the corner of his toothy mouth. The man looked a bit relieved. "Well okay, so I’m only interested in edible wedding cakes. What is your starting price." Wyvern's eyes lit up at the word price, one of his favorite words. "Well, these FINE can't find anywhere else wedding cakes with luscious frosting, delectable filling and the softest spongy cake in town could be yours for only six hundred geld." "WHAT? SIX HUNDRED GELD?" The man cried out exasperated. "Per tier." Wyvern added nonchalantly. "YOU, sir. Are INSANE!" The man proclaimed as he spun on his heels to leave the scheme of a cake shop he was in. "I guess it is true what they say, you can’t have your cake and eat it to." Wyvern scurried behind the man calling out to him, "Oh yes you can, for the right amount of geld, of course."
Chanz~ Thank you for sharing a poem so personal to you. I too am so glad that the reflection is in the past. I full understand parental abuse, and can empathize. The poem is beautifully written and tugged at my heart strings. I'm so thankful you don't live that life anymore. *hugs Chanz* ~Salinye
Hmmm good point, I'll correct my pronunciation. ~Sal
*coughs embarrassed* Um...yeah, I put my well wishes in another thread by mistake errr...luck of the creative? Happy Birthday. *throws a shoe at Elwen as she ducks* 38 is HARDLY old. My parents are nearly 50 and still have children in school! Life doesn't really begin until the children are grown THEN you can really have fun!! ~Salinye [Edit: Tzimfemme dusts the topic title "Thirty-Eight" with clear glitter, puts the errant posts into Rydia's hands, and points her at the direction of the shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny. . .]
LOL Wants to note that she ENTIRELY missed the "THIRTY EIGHT" thread and happily encourages any mod to move this to that thread. *grins sheepishly* It was the candle costume, it frazzled mah brain. ~Salinye
I'll start with my characters. :0) 1. Salinye. Now, this is suh-lin-yay. Like YAY, Sal's here. NOT Suh-lin-YEEE! Yay=good Yee=bad Yay=smile Yee=lightening up the back side. Any questions? 2. Senora is pretty much like it is in the song: "My girl's name is Senora, I tell you folks I adore her..." And yes I've had that stupid song stuck in my head ever since I started writing with Senora. 3. Rarely used, but a char here none the less is Ellowyn. Ell-oh-Win like I win, yay! Okay, now for you. :0) This was inspired btw when Peredhil used Salinye in a rhyme making her name sound like it ended in YEEEE I resisted the urge to zap him though, since he didn't know. *grins* Thanks in advance for sharing!! ~Salinye
Salinye pulls her arms to herself tighter as she was wheeled down the hallway of the Pen in her cramped temporary prison by Peredhil. Knocking on the side of her container he whispered loud enough for her to hear through the walls "Okay, we're about to enter the Cabaret." "Alright then," I whispered back wishing I could scratch my back. Note to self, this costume itches. The wizardess' prison began to move again. She could hear the murmur of voices hush as peredhil entered the room with her. She waited until she heard the signal. "Beeeeeeng" went the sound of the harmonica. Without further waiting salinye jumped up through the paper top of the giant cake dressed in a candle costume smiling at Silexion and began leading the room in song. "Happy birthday to youuuuuu. Happy birthday to youuuuuuu. Happy birthday dear Silexionnnnnnn. Happy birtday to YOUUUUUUUUUUU. ~Salinye
Hmmm Okay, so I need to edit the exercise. Thanks for the info!! I'll do so right away. :0) ~Salinye
Salinye smiled as butterflies swarmed around her playfully dancing along the golden strands of her hair. Moving carefully the cloud of butterflies parting she reached the protective shade of the tree. Looking up she smiled as she could hear the murmur of voices hidden within the green canopy above her. Sitting for a moment on the soft plush earth she removed her sandals. Standing again she smiled as the sleek blades of grass poked up between her well-manicured toes. Looking up into the leafy canopy she called out, "Hello up there, care for a visitor?" The murmurs from above fell silent for a moment before the leaves parted revealing an upside down Gyrfalcon hanging from his knees extending her a hand. "Salinye, just who we wanted to see." He replied with a smile as she took his hand allowing him to help her up to sit within the branches. Leaning her back against the trunk she smiled to Annael. "Miss Annael, thank you so much for allowing me to visit you in your splendid tree." The fallen angel smiled coolly back to the wizardess casually fluttering her black feathered wings. Gyrfalcon lowered himself from his branch to Salinye's with the dexterity and ease of a ranger. Straddling the branch he faced her causing her to press her back a bit harder against the trunk of the tree in surprise. He too smiled, only his smile was of the sort she had never seen grace his features before. It was dark, edged with ill intent. A rush of adrenaline pulsed through Salinye's body as the aura of danger grew stronger around her. Looking between her two new friends confused and startled, her fear grew as darkness suddenly dropped all around them. Looking up through the leaves she could see the twinkling of stars as night descended upon them. Bringing her knees to her chest and standing up on the branch she looked down considering her options. To her dismay the ground appeared hundreds of feet farther below her than it should. "I...don't understand." She said softly looking back to her friend-turned-foes. Annael laughed a deep demonic laugh while Gyrfalcon looked up from his perch answering coldly, "You don't understand much, do you Salinye?" The wizardess could only stare in horror and confusion before calling a spell to her lips that would magically whisk her away. To her shock, as the last of the spell tumbled from her lips, she found herself standing numbly right where she had been. "Oh, did you think we would allow you to keep your magics? Where is the fun in torture and death if your victim can fight back?" Annael said as the ranger stood extending her a hand to help her to her feet. Salinye stood numbed searching the recesses of her mind for a way out of this situation. Her search was cut short as the immediate area around them darkened a few shades while dropping several degrees in temperature causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end. Noticing a new smirk on Gyrfalcon's face she slowly turned her head to follow his gaze. As she did so she found herself staring into the pale face of Tamaranis. He stood floating before her his hands clasped behind his back. The vampire smiled his fangs gleaming as he leaned towards her. Completely wrapped up in her fear and forgetting she was standing on the branch of a tree she took a step sideways attempting to distance herself from him. In doing so she began to fall. ...And she fell... ...And fell as the branches above her got farther and farther away she awaited death at any moment. Not daring to look towards the ground she squeezed her eyes shut bracing her body for the impact. I'd rather die in a fall then at the hands of them. She thought to herself. Suddenly, all was still. Her breath coming in shallow terrified bouts she listened as all was quiet around her. Slowly opening her eyes she found she was lying at the base of the tree. Sitting up she noticed a small form in the distance coming towards her. Scrambling to her feet still wary of the dangers above her she was about to run when she recognized the creature lopping towards her. "Daryl" she sighed immensely relieved. She attempted to take a step towards the fox when a cool hand encircled her wrist. The three from the top had at some point descended to encircle behind her. Trying desperately to free herself from Tamaranis' strong grip she looked towards Daryl for help. "Daryl, Please help me." She called out to the fox. In response, the slightly larger than normal fox, slowly morphed right before her eyes. His body contorted as it grew from the cute playful fox into a tall menacing Were-fox. Salinye was momentarily relieved as she assumed his change was in preparation of her defense. However, the truth of his intentions revealed themselves in the menacing gaze of his amber eyes as he stared at her crouched, claws extended and ready to attack. Salinye slumped to the ground in absolute terror her arm raised above her as Tamaranis still held her wrist. Without her magic, further resistance was futile. Her entire body tensed as her eyes remained locked with Daryl's. An unseen nod from Tamaranis sent the go ahead and the were fox leapt towards her. Salinye screamed in terror turning her head and throwing one arm up in defense. Her scream echoed through the nearly vacant night filled halls of the Hostel as she sat up in her chair, the smoldering embers of the fireplace the only light in the room. Brushing stray blonde strands from her face she mumbled an incantation and immediately a globe of light appeared next to her illuminating the room. It was just a dream, just a random nightmare. They aren't starting again, this was just a random nightmare. she told herself as her heart nearly beat out of her chest. She was just getting her breathing under control when rushed footsteps could be heard coming down the corridor towards the sitting room she had fallen asleep in. The same disgruntled druid she had awoken earlier followed by several woodsy type guests that had been occupying the garden rooms burst through the entryway looking around alarmed. "What is going on in here?" The disgruntled druid demanded looking at her confused to find no apparent threat. Salinye gathered her senses standing to face the small crowd embarrassed. "Nothing, my friends. I'm sorry to have alarmed you, I...had a nightmare." The druid stared at her dumbfounded before spinning on his heels mumbling about getting more peace and quiet in the city. The rest of the guests required a few more assurances that she would be fine, as they were of the caring kind. After finally shuffling the last of them back to bed the wizardess simply bit her lower lip softly sinking into her thoughts silently convincing herself that THOSE dreams were not returning. This was just a random dream. Not one of THEM.
(This was a small little exchange stemming from some real time rp that took place in IRC one night on a whim. Just a fun snippet. However, part of it is a bit of a prelude to some events that will take place in Salinye's life soon.) Salinye stood in the front room of her hostel, affectionately known to many as 'Custos Manor'. Taking a quick walk through its familiar corridors she noted it was mostly empty this eve' save for a few druids and rangers in the garden rooms. When she drew up the plans for the hostel she had rooms built into the outside back garden. The walls of each room were made of lattice, which would be incredibly revealing if it weren't for the various climbing vine like plants and flowers that were planted at the base of each wall. The lush greenery climbed the lattice enclosing the rooms with natural privacy. The rooms had been a huge interest to those of her guests who never did feel quite right inside walls and among carpeted floors. Sitting down on one of the stone and marble benches nonchalantly tying her blonde locks back out of her face she reflected on the events of the nights. Vampires…Who knew they truly did exist? The thought brought a fresh coat of goose bumps to rise on the wizardess’ skin. She had spent to much of two years in torturous dark elf prison to trust anyone associated with the dark arts. She always believed Vampires to be things of fantasy, created in the minds of adults to scare children. Yet, here she had talked to one, and apparently, he wasn't the only one at The Pen. This will definitely take some getting used to. Her night had been spent in a tree, of all places. Gyrfalcon, a half elven ranger and Annael, a woman with black feathered wings and usually surrounded by butterflies, seemed friendly enough. It's not that pale Tamaranis wasn't friendly, she just wasn't sure of him. He, and his lifestyle, unnerved her. Then, of course there was Daryl. She jokingly threatened to win his affections and steal him for her own. However, she would never really. She could see the strong bond of friendship between the half-elf and were fox. She would never seek to disrupt that. She liked the people at The Pen so far. She wanted to be part of them, wanted to trust them, but it wasn’t easy. Not only because she didn't know them well, but also because of the danger she could bring to them. Sighing she stood turning to walk back into the manor frustrated by her own thoughts. A movement in the rose bushes to her left caught her attention. Turning with lightening quick reflexes she raised her hands in front of her calling a spell from the recesses of her mind to the tip of her lips. Her cobalt blue eyes turned deadly serious as she called out in a strong controlled voice. "I will not hesitate to disintegrate that corner of the garden and ask questions later. I will not give you a second chance show yourself now." There was only a mere half-second of hesitation before the movement in the underbrush began to slowly work its way forward towards her. Salinye held her ground ready to strike the moment the foe showed his face. Just as the very front leaves began to shake a red and white fur clad face poked his head out with a sheepish grin. (As much as a fox can grin) "DARYL!" Salinye said exasperated dropping her arms to her sides and falling back onto the bench waiting for the adrenaline to slow it’s racing pulse through her body. The wizardess anger was short lived as the fox leapt onto her lap nuzzling her beneath her chin with the top of his head. Smiling softly and shaking her head she pushed the fox back so she could look at him. "What are you doing here? Did GyrE send you?" Daryl simply shook his furry head side to side. "No?" Well then you should return to him right away! I'm sure he's missing you and wondering where you are! He'll think I stole you as I jokingly threatened to do!" In order to emphasize her point she stood picking him up and put him on the ground facing the large iron doors of the garden. "Now, off with you." Daryl looked at the iron gates then back up to her, then to the iron gates again. Without further contemplation the fox turned with surprising and unexpected speed and darted away from the gates into Custos Manor leaving a surprised wizardess to smirk before turning to chase after him. "DARYL!"
Sorry I did three instead of two, is that alright? As Cool As I Am (Inspired by someone's bio) As cool as I am, you don't see or ask. Who I am is real, but that's beyond you. I won't conform or imitate your mask, Or bow down in worship-one of your crew. As cool as I am, you're judge and jury. You take one look and condemn without trial. You'd rather knock me down in your fury. Then walk away with a sadistic smile. In the end you may find out much too late, The best things in life and from where they stem. Right now it's hard- I wouldn't trade my plate. I've known all along, as cool as I am.
Alaeha, Thank you so much! I really appreciate you taking on my request! I so hope to learn from you and others. I understand your challenge, but I think I need a poetic dictionary as half of your post is in a foreign language. *grins* BUT I may just be showing my ignorance by announcing that!! Thanks again! I can't wait for your feedback! I really appreciate the critique and help. :0) All my smiles, ~Salinye
(Is this the right place to post this? Wasn't sure, feel free to move it mods, if needed. :0)) This is a challenge I issued on my old board a long time ago. :0) Enjoy!! I can't wait to see what you come up with! No man is an island... Every dog has his day... Don't look a gift horse in the mouth... Etc...Etc...Etc... These are examples of well known sayings. Pick a saying, any well known saying. Then write a short poem or story that has the same idea or idealism as the saying. Only the writing cannot have the saying in it. That make sense? That's this writing challenge. No rules. Free form style. Don't tell us which well known saying you are using, and see if we can guess!! I can show you a couple of examples from my old board if you wish. :0) ~Salinye
Um... A feeble attempt at role-playing...
Salinye replied to Damon Inferel's topic in Conservatory Archives
Senora silently followed the newest member of their party out the tavern door as her senses slowly stopped tingling, returning to normal. The wave of emotion had been clear, clearer than most. That woman does not like me, and I am not safe alone with her. As her conversation with Enos had been interrupted she felt shianna's presence before she opened the door. The wave of dislike hit her with such force she had nearly stumbled forward. She would have to really rethink her situation. Was not wise to be in a party of companions whom you could not trust. They would never survive without a healer. The priestess sighed as she thought this last thought, for it was not one of vanity, but of obligation. Her eyes caught Enos glancing at her and he smiled warmly. She returned the smile. The older gentleman confused her. His exterior was consistently warm and friendly, his actions dripping with sincerity, however, his interior was cold. Something wasn't quite right, but she hadn't figured it out yet. But she would....She always did. What is it about you that I don't understand, Enos? She thought as a test for reaction came to her mind. Walking over to him and placing a hand gently on his shoulder she leaned in to whisper in his ear ensuring no one else in the party would hear her words. "I would love to accept your offer to talk sometime, Enos. But next time, please come without your mask." The message was sent in a sincere tone of kindness, not condescending or sarcastic. Giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze she fell back in step a few paces behind him watching for his reaction. -
I saw that there are sometimes weekly challenges. I love to write stories, and could even probably dish out some challenges, however, I'm not as proficient in the technicalities of poetry (which I'm sure has been obvious). So, I was hoping that someone *eyes the people who answered her previous question about poetry* would maybe issue out poetry challenges. Examples: Write a poem ABAB style. Write a poem with errr *tries to remember some of those words told to her in the question thread* errr Okay, well I take it you get the idea. :0) I don't care if the topic is given, I really just crave some exercises that will help me learn/improve my form and technicque. I have the gift of gab, and consider myself wholly creative, but I severely lack technique. This sound like a good idea, or is it just me? Anyone game? ~Silly Sally
*hugs Chanz* I admire you Chanz. Looking in the mirror is always hard. Putting what you see into words without denial even harder. Changing what you see the hardest yet, but the most worthwhile. You have my praise for more than the poem, my friend. ~Salinye
Someone Explain the different types of poetry. AA ABAB etc. In ABAB poetry is it only A & A that rhyme, or does B & B also? It's been so long since I've been part of any writing or English classes that I've forgotten!! HELP! *smiles sheepishly* ~Salinye