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Everything posted by Salinye
Psimon~ I really liked the meaning behind this one! I have to say, it didn't flow off my lips as effortlessly as most of your poems do. However, I'm not educated enough in form or rhyme yet to say why that is. Perhaps if this were a cut and dry piece it would be more obvious to me. Anyway, perhaps some of the more seasoned poets here will be able to identify why that is. OR perhaps my lips are just broken today. I suspect some further posts on here will confirm one or the other. As always, I"m very impressed with your unique wording. You have such a way to word things that I would never have thought of. Your poems tend to have a more classical ring to them. :0) I'm interested to see if you do change this what changes you would make. I wish I were experienced enough to critique better! :0) A fan, as always, ~Salinye
Welcome to The Pen! I hope to see more of your work! Oh, and as Peredhil is now famous for saying, "WHAT? A writer here who thinks everyone else is better? You're in good company here!!" ~Salinye
Fun how a rhyming exercise could lead to such a piece filled with many deep meaningful lines. You could almost center a piece around the meaning behind each line. :0) Great brainstorming! (or out of brain storming lol) ~Salinye
I have my own views on Immortality. *grins* However, I won't spam this thread. I really liked this poem, as well as Cyril's responding poem. I'm sorry, I don't have any critique!! Please continue sharing! ~Salinye
I like this one, damon. All the critique I could have given has been given. However, I appreciated this one. I myself am not prone to violent thoughts, (However, I have issues with violence (We all have our issues lol)) Anyway, you are so right that if any random person could get a paragraph from our thoughts at random times they may think us quite the people we're actually not. Humanity is humanity. :0) Thank you for sharing. :0) ~Salinye
Oh, I particularly liked this one. I felt like it flowed naturally as I read it. I also greatly appreciated your use of perspective from both people involved. As a mother, I enjoyed it all the more! Thank you for sharing with us!! ~Salinye
This is very unique! One thing I might point out is this. Your form was really fun, you rhymed the last word of every sentence, accept the second to last which was always about "the link". I think this is great. You strayed from that in the first stanza. The second line, Immortality 'til death doesn't follow the unique flow of the rest of your stanza's as the word death doesn't follow your chosen rhyme pattern. Because this is in your first stanza, it made me slow to catch onto your very creative form at first. :0) Anyway, I'm a newbie poet, so I don't know as much as the next, but I sure like it when people take the time to point out their thoughts of critique to me, so I wanted to do the same when I can. :0) I like this peice, and think it's very unique and creative! I really pay attention to form now that I'm trying to learn it. I like that you used a form not commonly used! Thank you for sharing! ~Salinye
I liked it a lot, Chey! Although, it's easy to like something written about something so important to me. :0) (Yes, I'm a bit bias) Thank you for sharing. :0) ~Salinye
Salinye stood outside the library door of The Pen and couldn't stop a slight smile from drifting across her face. She could smell the wonderfully bland smell of paper and ink even without opening the door. Like most beings with magic pacing through their veins, her love of books and knowledge was quite high on her list of favorite passions. Placing a creamy elven hand on the doorknob she slowly opened the door breathing in the sweet stale library air. Stepping into the room gently pulling the door shut behind her, the mage pulled the hood of her cloak down. She had kept herself cloaked walking through the pen as she wished to travel unrecognized, suddenly not so sure of her recent environment and new "friends". Casually running a hand through her blonde hair her cobalt blue eyes scanned the vast shelves of books within the room. So engrossed in her observation of the shelves of knowledge available to her that it took a full minute before her eyes finally drifted to the beautiful stained glass window, and more importantly, the huntress sitting beneath it who held a book in her lap and was now staring back at her. Salinye smiled a bit surprised to find anyone else in the library at this early morning hour. "Good morning, Lady Yui. What a pleasant surprise." Salinye said trying her best to sound casual. After all it was not uncommon for mages to frequent libraries at all hours of the day or night. Her visit should not seem out of the ordinary. "I hope I wasn't interrupting you. I came here to do some research, will that disturb you?" Yui-Chan smiled at Salinye. "Not at all. Don't mind me, I'm just spending a morning lost in a book as I often do. Feel free to do what you need, and If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Few people know this library as intimately as I do." Salinye returned her smile genuinely saying, "Ahh, a woman after my own heart." With that the newest appointed elder went back to her book and Salinye began her search. It was within the first hour of her search that it occurred to her that the tome she sought probably was not on these common shelves. Gyrfalcon The Mad sounds like it was written from some dark days. I'm guessing the elders wouldn't want that tome in the hands of just any young mage who wanders by. It was while she was thinking that she noticed Yui stand and stretch. "Well, Lady Salinye, time for me to return to reality, good luck on your research!" She said gathering her various things together. "Lady Yui-Chan, " Salinye said standing and approaching the woman choosing her words carefully. After all, Yui WAS an elder along side Gyrfalcon. Who knows where her loyalties lie. Perhaps she even was the author of her letter of warning. That thought sparked a small hope into Salinye as she really liked Yui and wanted to trust her. "Is there anywhere else that tomes are kept? My research demands information from years past, historic information, perhaps of some darker days. Is there another place that more sensitive or important material is kept?" Salinye asked looking into the huntress' eyes hoping she would offer her the info without a second thought. After all, wizards commonly needed such information to understand the natural cycle of the magic they wielded. It was as she was awaiting an answer when a soft rapping interrupted their conversation. Both women turned to a window at the far end of the room. Outside upon the windowsill sat an incredible white dove. His feathers were almost unnaturally white and it was plain to them both that a scroll tube was attached to the bird's leg. "Charles." Salinye said with a wistful smile. "Excuse me a moment, please." She said to Yui as she turned walking to the window and opening it. The bird flew in immediately landing upon the outstretched hand of his mistress. The elven woman caressed his feathered head gently. "Hello, Charles. I'm surprised to see you here, but pleased none the less." She then untied the scroll tube from his leg. Emptying the scroll from its tube she tucked it into a pocket hidden within the folds of her cloak, but not before recognizing the wax seal of Custos Manor. When her hand reappeared from beneath the fabric it beheld a small tin box. She set the tin upon the inside of the windowsill removing the lid to reveal a small dish of grain and a small dish of water. The dove cooed at her appreciatively before joining it's meal upon the sill. Salinye then turned her attention back to Yui, not forgetting the new missive unread within her pocket. "I'm sorry, Yui, for the interruption. Now, is there such a place where such tomes are kept within this keep that I might be directed to?"
Sorry, dear. It's wholly Gyre falcon to me. As in GUY (like a man) er. LOL That's how the innocent GyrE started on accident. my fingers wanted to type it like my brain was saying it!! ~SalinYAY
(ooc I decided to take advantage of this exercise to explain why I might be less active from time to time. :0)) Dear Diary~ Two lines. Funny how something so simple can change your life so completely isn't it? Seeing the two lines caused me to sit back for a moment and reflect on my children. Emma, my five year old. We yearned for her so badly, not knowing if we could have children. No child's birth could ever be more appreciated than how I felt when she was born. Then of course, Carter. My sweet little mommy's boy. I love him and wonder when he'll feel too cool to be a mommy's boy. I dread that day. Then ofcourse the twins. That was a rocky road coming. I remember being 6 weeks pregnant with them and sitting on the ultrasound table staring at the ceiling refusing to look at the screen rambling to the technician. "If you could just find a heart beat, it would mean everything to me. The last two times I've had to come in here over the last year pregnant, they've had to tell me that my baby had died and that I would be miscarrying shortly. So, if you could just look extra hard for a heart beat...." That is where the technician interrupted me. "Honey, I think you're making up for lost time, we have TWO heart beats here." What a day. :0) So now, here I am, 28 with four wonderful children under the age of five. I get strange looks and of course comments. I think it would help if I didn't look like I a 21 year old who started having children at 16. Anyway, that's off topic entirely.... So I'm sitting here, staring in shock at these two little purple lines. One in the big circle and one in the small circle. I pick up the box to read what I already know. "Two lines = pregnant. One line = not pregnant." Pregnant? What? But...the twins are only 7 months old, and I'm already overwhelmed, and I haven't lost all the weight from their births yet, and I'm always high risk to lose babies in my first trimester as it is without not giving my body at least a year to heal in between..... Ofcourse, then came the tears. I'm such a cry baby! I cry with every major emotion. Happiness, sadness, fear. I immediately felt guilty for crying. I was not crying because of the baby. How could I ever not want a baby? I was only crying because I was overwhelmed and a bit shocked. When I told my husband he wrapped his arms around me laughing and said "OH GOOD!" I think he must be clinically insane!!! Does he not remember what it's like when I'm pregnant? Sick, tired, sometimes grouchy. This time four children will need my constant attention! What if this pregnancy makes me not a very good mom for a while? "That's insane." He says to me. "You're such a wonderful mother. I'll help you." He will too. I'm so thankful for such an involved and helpful husband. He's my best friend. I love him. For us, marriage is not work, and from what I understand, that is rare. We've never yelled at each other ever, or called each other a degrading name. Have we been mad? Absolutely. We just know nothing is worth harming our relationship over. I think I sometimes take for granted how blessed I am. So, today, the shock has warn off, and I'm actually feeling excited for this baby. I mean LOOK AT MY CHILDREN! How could I ever be sad or regret such a beautiful gift? The answer? I couldn't. It may be hard for a while. I may get comments from rude strangers. (some think I should walk around with bunny ears on, others fear perhaps I don't know what birth control is) However, sometimes, birth control doesn't work and we get small surprises. Now, I think I've written enough. I need to go finish making lunch. Wouldn't you know I"m already starving? Gotta eat healthy. :0) Diary, it was nice to talk to you. You're a good listener. Maybe I'll start stopping by more often. ~Shelby
Welcome, Deviance. :0) Glad you found us! ~Salinye
Thanks to all who participated in the "Old Sayings" exercise. I really enjoyed reading all your writings. Also thanks to those who are still participating in the story writing exercise in the stories forum. (I still am getting mine from thought to paper) Anyway, here is an easier one that I took from my old board. I rather like this one because it's a little bit of insight into you. Feel free to write if for yourself, or one of your persona's/characters. Just tell us who's perspective you're writing it from. :0) I like to call this one "Journal Entry" or "Dear Diary". Write this piece as if sitting down at the end of THIS very average day and write a journal or diary entry. This is a free form writing, there are no rules or guidelines as to style or structure. Diaries are funny things. Sometimes they capture the beauty and wonder that lies in the mundane and ordinary. The human thoughts never sleep. Things are not always as they appear. ~Salinye
You all know what to do... ~Salinye
Goodness!! Don't edit it on account of my personal quota of gore intake!! If gore is what you wanted in that poem, then by all means keep it! :0) ~Salinye
The Mighty Pen, first writing exchange program
Salinye replied to Valdar and Astralis's topic in Library
I volunteered to help via pm. Organization of these types of things is my thing. So if you need me, just let me know! ~Salinye -
Errrr not sure if I actually did it right, you'll have to tell me. :0) This wizardess is far from through, so don't go dumbing up your challenges. For if we wish to learn and grow then we must stretch ourselves to heights not yet achieved. My friend, I appreciate all that you have done to help this girl in her endeavor to find some poetic verse within her soul. **EDIT** This wizardess is far from through, so don't go dumbing up your challenges. For if we wish to learn and grow then we must stretch ourselves to heights not yet achieved. My friend, I value greatly all that you have done to help this girl in her endeavor to find some poetic verse within her soul. Better? ~Salinye
Ohhhhhhh I like this one a lot! Not only because it speaks of a temptress but because the man did not give in!! This is among my fav for sure. (A psimon poem among my fav? How shocking....PP) ~Salinye
Well, I had to stop reading it half way through as I'm not one for gore. BUT that alone is probably testament that it was written well and as descriptive as you intended. :0) ~Salinye
WHAT????? No Gwaihir or Wyvie in IRC??? That's IT! I QUIT! What is the point of going on??? *runs off in all the melo dramaticness she can muster* We'll miss you. *sniffle* ~Salinye
Salinye laughed being able to hold a stern expression upon her face for only so long. "Well that's good. We need more female terrors in the world." She then leans down and winks to Rune whispering "Nice job little one. If you want a list of some more FABU practical jokes you just come visit me sometime!" Salinye then stands with an innocent smile clearing her throat. "uh...Yeah, Rune! That was uh...BAD! You should definately NOT do anything like that again!" ~Salinye
*bump* Bumping this up so it doesn't get lost before those of us who wish to try this can. :0) I plan on doing it when I can sit down for a spell. :0) Thanks for keeping the poetic challenges coming, I feel I for one, am greatly learning from them!! ~Salinye
The servant stared back to Ayshela more than annoyed. "Well, isn't the mistress a popular sought one this day?!" She exclaimed beginning to worry about the wizardess herself. After all, it had been from this very hostel she had disappeared from once before. 'The lady is not in, she left in quite a hurry and seemed rather upset, just as I told the other "gentleman" who is here calling on her." The word gentleman was spoken heavily laced in sarcasm. Ayshela raised an eyebrow at the obviously flustered woman. "There is a man here now, who is looking for Salinye?" She asked an obvious look of concern etched in the woman's lovely features. The servant, who hadn't liked Tamaranis right from the start walked right up to Ayshela viewing her as a potential confident. "To tell you the truth, M'lady. I don't much like the guy. Very creepy, I don't trust him. He's as pale as they come and has no respect for a lady such as myself. No manners indeed!" She stated, her voice rising a bit in renewed irritation. "I see." Ayshela said sensing this woman had little insight to helping in her pursuit of Salinye. "Well, I'll call on this "gentleman" myself if it would comfort you, M'lady." The woman's eyes got larger with appreciation as she nodded her compliance. "Yes, yes, I would like that very much. In the meantime I'm going to get word to M'lady Salinye right away." The woman turned dispersing her staff heading for a doorway that lead somewhere into the hostel that was unfamiliar to Ayshela. Before exiting the room, however, she turned back asking, "What was your name, I'll tell her you wish her presence." Ayshela hesitated a moment before answering, "Ayshela, a friend from The Pen." The servant nodded before leaving the elf alone in the unfamiliar room.
Now, I must preface this poem with a disclaimer: "I in no way shape or form am claiming to be able to match Psimon's extremely eloquent poetic talent. However, I did write this on a whim in response to "Red Sky Shadow" and "Pulse". (Now Now Alaeha that was not a statement of inferiority, so no yelling at me! We must admit, Psimon is among the best!) Without Further Ado...(No title as of yet.) Hair brushed softly from my face, Unadjusted eyes the dark does lace. With held breath I look around No intruder can be found. It must have all been just a dream His cold touch, how real it seemed. Sinking back into a pillow haven At my side he appeared, craving. Before I could scream in surprise His hypnotic gaze caught my eyes. As I lay, my pulse did quicken, Unbeknownst his lust did thicken. What would he do, rape or molest? No, he simply wished me to rest. Among the spirits and the gods To dance in places only angels trod. He leans in now, sharp is the pain He holds me close as my life does drain. Memories through my mind do flutter, Not a single word did the reaper utter. At last he left me on my bed Not a tear or drop of blood was shed As a reminder that this strife Was an exchange of death for life.