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WOW! Double the birthdays! What a lucky day! How wonderful an opportunity to extend well wishes and praise to two GREAT guys! I hope your day is of the lovliest kind and leaves you with many warm (if not scandelous) memories!!! ~Salinye
Explanation and invitation(please read and join!)
Salinye replied to Salinye's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Hey all! I just wanted to let everyone know that today (Saturday July 19th) I will be busy from dawn until really really really late at night, so I won't be posting any predictions until Sunday Night. :0) I also won't be answering any pm's until then. I just didn't want anyone to think I was ignoring them. :0) Thanks to all who have started sending me bios and info I need about their char's before each reading! Have a lovely weekend!! ~Salinye -
AN Important OOC Note. *grins* Although I LOVE the rp sign ups I'm getting so far, I just want to remind you that Madame Q, has taken residence inside Pen Castle. She has been given her own chambers. *grins again* HOWEVER...Don't change your stories. I'll work with them! I'm expecting you to work with mine, after all! I like the challenge!! BUT for future people signing up, Madame Q is residing within The Pen, as the story outlined, (although perhaps not too clearly. teehee Thank you for your replies thus far! I'm enjoying them! ~Salinye Sorry, I'd assumed she had her Guest Chambers, but conducted business out of her "Office" in the wagon. After all, she didn't apply to Wyvern for a Business Permit to conduct business out the Guest Chambers... -Peredhil Don't apologize!! I wasn't clear, and I love a good situational writing challenge! *smiles*
I'm just adding Salinye to the list of people who are signing up to have their fortunes read. :0) *grins still feeling like an evil puppeteer* ~Salinye
Explanation and invitation(please read and join!)
Salinye replied to Salinye's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
*hugs* I'm glad you think so. *grins* I have something special in mind for YOU sweet one!! ~Salinye -
Explanation and invitation(please read and join!)
Salinye replied to Salinye's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
I apologize for the delay in posting more of the arrival of Madame Quixotic. I'm halfway through the next post and have stumbled into a small wall! BUT with any luck, I'll rise above that by tomorrow night!! Thanks for your patience, and I hope you're considering joining the fortune telling fun. (madness, fun, it's all good. *grins) ~Salinye -
This is a paragraph by paragraph challenge...If you had to call yourself an object what would it be and why. Likewise, what objects would those who frequent your life be? I'm interested to see your paragraphs on who you are and who those you are close to are. Symbolism is used in a lot of writings,and is often expressed through objects. This challenge will show us how you think of yourself and close friends/enemies in symbolic terms by associating them with common everyday (or maybe not so everyday) objects. This is free form paragraph style. :0) ~Salinye
Hello! I wanted to open a thread of ooc explanation, and also to answer any questions people might have regarding my quill quest. You will see a post entitled “Madame Quixotic.” This is the main character of my Quill Quest Project. I am hoping that as many of you as possible will want to participate in this!! Basically, this is what I have in mind. Over the next few days I will complete the original posts that will introduce the wandering drifter type of fortune teller arriving at The Pen Castle to stay for little while as an “honored guest”. This fortune teller is a raving lunatic. Hilariously mad. However, the rumor has it that regardless of how much of a nut case she is, her predictions are NEVER EVER wrong. While she is staying as a guest at The Pen, people may make appointments (sign up) to have their fortunes read. I will start a third thread that will contain a unique post in short story form for each person’s appointment. So, for instance, if Ayshela makes an appointment (Signs up) with Madame Quixotic, then she would shortly there after find a story post on the predictions thread outlining just exactly how that appointment went. (Each will be unique.) Within that story post would also be a prediction about Ayshela’s near future. Now comes the fun part. :0) Once a character has had a reading done, it is then up to YOU to write up how that prediction comes to pass in your characters life, because after all, Madame Quixotic is NEVER wrong. Now, for you who hesitate and fear putting the fate of your character into someone else’s hands, let me further explain. It is up to each writer to interpret the meaning of their char’s prediction. For instance, If I were to say, “Annael will fall for a handsome stranger.” She could easily interpret that literally and write her character tripping over Daryl and landing at the feet of a handsome stranger. Now, I assure you, the predictions I create will not be frivolous one-liners. They will have depth, yet be vague enough to give you creative freedoms with them. Also, it is my opinion, that any good writer could creatively twist these predictions to any outcome they wish. :0) Solo works are wonderful. I also encourage co-authored works, or rp’s. Getting together with other char’s at The Pen in order to make your prediction come true is highly encouraged, but not required. :0) Most of all, I just want everyone to have fun with this! Don’t be timid to sign up! I have already been thinking of many of you and jotting down notes when I get good ideas as to what to use as predictions for your wonderfully unique characters. I so hope you’ll all join me in this fun adventure! Please feel free to ask any questions here and I’ll do my best to answer them. Please don’t sign your character up on my Quill Quest thread yet, as it is not complete. I will put a note up when my original story introducing this character and her arrival to The Pen is finished and ready to take appointments. :0) I’m so excited to be part of this and can’t wait to read the awesome works it sparks!! In summary, this is the steps to how this Quill Quest will work: 1. Original story thread introducing Madame Quixotic is completed. 2. Any OOC questions can be answered in this ooc thread (steps one and two coincide) 3. Participants sign each character they wish to participate up on the completed original thread. 4. Participants email me at salinye@hotmail.com or pm me with a quick summary of their characters involved so I will write them up accurately. (physical appearances, any relations to other char’s etc Basically anything you feel would be important for me to know about your character in advance. 5. I will post a prediction story post on the Prediction thread. 6. I will create one more final thread that will have links to all the completed works written by participants as to how these predictions came to pass in their characters lives.
Hopper, I personally feel this is an excellent piece! Although, I personally have never been in that particular situation, I can fully empathize with knowing the feeling of watching someone you care about make the same mistakes you have. You know exactly how they feel, even though they think no one does. You just want to reach out and make them understand how much you DO understand. I can very much empathize with this poem. I like the personal feel it has to it. It's a poem probably most people can relate to. Great job!! ~Salinye
Okay, for all of you people who are dying to discuss the book with spoilers, go here I made a discussion topic on my board (With an adequate disclaimer!! I can't wait to hear what you have to say! ~Salinye
Very VERY nice, Parmenion!!! I love the uniqueness of it! Well done!! I particularly like the beat of the rhyme in the second half. Very fun to read. :0) ~Salinye
Wyvie~ Now that it's not 2am and I can actually write a sentence that makes sense, I wanted to comment on this poem. First off, I really liked it a lot. One of your strengths as a writer is that your works always sing with intelligence. I don't know if that makes sense. However, I find myself often thinking after reading one of your works. "Wyvie is very intelligent." I'm not sure you intend for that to ring in your writing, but for me, it certainly does. Poetry is very beatiful, but not always intelligent. I anxiously watch for your works because you have a way of satisfying more than one area of my brain. I'm sorry that I'm not experienced enough to offer line by line critique (Yet, I'm really trying to learn) However, to me it flows really nicely. I especially like the rhythm of this one. I like how the 4th line of the first three stanza's end with a 6 beat line which is a few beats shorter than all the other line. This consistency seems to close each stanza nicely to me as I read it. :0) Great job! I'll enjoy reading more of your works!! ~Salinye
X, the romantic in me absolutely loves tha tpoem. What a sweet token of devotion and praise. I really liked it. The girl would be crazy not to be unbelievably flattered by not only how you looked at her, but also by your willingness and ability to put it onto paper for her. I can't wait to read more of your work. ~Salinye
TASSLEHOFF!!! Happy Birthday! I hope it's awesome and filled with everything you hoped!!! *HUGS* ~Salinye
My one and only serious addiction is Coca Cola Slurpees. I LOVE these, crave these, MUST HAVE THESE!! To prove how famous I am for this addiction, I will show you a sig that my EQ friends made for me to use on our guild board. My nickname in EQ was Princess for YEARS. Infact, I have RL friends that call me that now. *shakes her head in shame*. Anyway, so that quickly turned into "Slurpee Princess". Here is the sig they made. LOL Isn't that funny? I have a bad reaction to caffeine, so I don't drink any beverage with it in it. I've asked every 7-11 person I can find if these slurpees have caffeine in them, but none of them can tell me. All I know is, they don't bother me, and a can of coke does. So, who knows?? ~Salinye
I have this book of all these very unique life questions, I thought I would post one here once in a while. If you answer them it's neat because it gives you a chance to think about something you may never have before, and it gives us a small sliver of insight into YOU, and as we all know, YOU are wonderful. Here is the first question: If you could have a song written about you, what musician would you want to compose it, who would perform it, and what would it be called?
Isn't it time for a new poetry exercise??? I want to do one that has to have the same number of beats every other line. Know what I mean? Something like 10, 6, 10, 6 or something. Is that a specific style? Can you show me? *cracks the whip* Get crackin! *grins then runs away* ~Salinye
Love is like an onion, it has layers....No, wait, that's ogres... May I start again?? Love, is like poetry, in the fact that each reader interprets it differently. There are so many different kinds of love, that I don't think one could define the word with one definition. It's not possible to put the Love between a child and his mother in the same category as two scorned lovers. The emotions are two very different things, yet both have the title of love. There is the faithful love one has for a deity, the pure love a child has for, well anything he or she loves. There is the heated love shared between secret lovers, and the love shared between an elderly couple while rocking in rocking chairs on the front porch watching the sunset. There is the love we have for pets, as often, they feel like members of the family. There is the heartbreaking love we feel when mourning the passing of a life that was dear to us. There is the love of a favorite meal or drink that entices us just by its smell. Love, maybe love IS like an onion because it certainly does have layers.
Time is an interesting thing when you’re timeless. Yesterday is merely reflective while today could see youth turn grey and tomorrow could seem only moments away. With this in mind, I write a tale of yesterday…. The pained feminine cry rang through the grey stone corridors of a castle causing the cradled flames of the walled torches to flicker. The handmaiden Soi ran, her slippered feet barely making a sound as she rushed to the aid of her mistress with fresh linens in her arms. As she opened the heavy oak doors Yui-Temae let out another cry. “Aaaaahhhh….”Tsuyoku nakutewa-naranai ... Watasi wa tsuyoku nakutewa-naranai.” (I must be strong...I must be strong...) Aegon stood at her side, one hand caressing hers while dabbing at her forehead with a cool wet rag. “Tsuyoi da yo, watasi no koibito. Ganbatte suru”... (You are strong, my love. You're doing so good.) These terms of endearment and encouragement were softly murmured into the light of his life’s pale ear in constant loving streams. The healer Nakarei looked up over the blanketed hump of Yui’s stomach, “It won’t be long now, Yui-sama.” Then with a soft smile she added, “I can see the head, you must have had a lot of heartburn because I suspect this baby will come with a full head of hair.” Yui smiled at the mention of the old wives tale, despite her intensifying pain. “Ahh, so he’s the reason, is he. I’ll have to remember that.” Yui grimaced as she spoke the last of her good humored statement then closed her eyes concentrating once again on her breathing. Inhale….exhale….inhale….exhale….ride out the pain on the steady rhythm of my breath…. ***** Two hours later “Push, Yui! You must keep pushing!” Nakarei said gently yet firmly to the exhausted mother to be. She could see the slimy black head of the child crowning and knew if she could just get a few more good pushes out of the mother that this baby would arrive. She also was concerned with the time. Yui had been pushing for two hours, and she was beginning to grow concerned for the health of both of them. Glancing up she met Aegon’s eyes giving him a look that told him of her concern. Leaning down he caressed his love’s sweat drenched and pale face whispering to her. “He’s almost here, Yui, just a few more pushes. I know you can do it. “Ai ni chikara o uketoru” (Draw strength from our love.) The huntress took a few deep breaths as she felt the next contraction mounting in intensity. Leaning her head up while gripping Aegon’s hand she began to bare down with every ounce of energy left within her. “Good! Very good, Yui-Sama!” Came the excited cry of Nakarei from behind her blanketed knees. The healer watched as the crinkled black mass slowly began surfacing until finally just when she thought Yui would have to stop for a break the huntress let out a cry, more from her extended test of endurance, then out of pain. With that cry came a shot of pain and a wave of relief as the face of her child was washed over with its first gush of air. Yui dropped her head back onto the pillow panting heavily not even able to smile at the awed gasp coming from Aegon at her side who’s eyes were glued to the scene she could not see. “One more time Yui, and it’s done. Now, give me everything you’ve got, and in exchange I’ll lay your child in your arms.” Nakarei promised. The thought of holding her child was just enough to give the huntress the strength she needed. Leaning up again, she closed her eyes gritting her teeth expecting the same long hard type of pushing she had been expected to endure over the last two hours. To her surprise and relief with one strong and painful push she bore the child’s shoulders, and before she could even take a breath her pain was gone and a beautiful pure cry filled the room. “It’s a boy!” Nakarei called out while Soi clasped a hand in front of her mouth awed by the miracle of life she had just witnessed. Tears of unexplainable love streamed down Yui-Temae’s face as this slimy screaming tiny human was set upon her chest and covered in a blanket. Aegon still gripped her hand his eyes wide in wonder and awe. He merely stared at his companion and son unable to speak. Yui pressed her cheek to the top of her son’s warm head, which was full of soft black hair, just as Nakarei had predicted. The moment her skin touched his, he stopped his wails calmed by the touch he knew intimately within his soul. The new mother closed her eyes as it occurred to her how amazing this child of theirs was. How with adults, even her beloved Aegon, the heart took time to fall in love. However, this love was different. This love was immediate, fierce, and all consuming. There was no need to fall in love with this child. From the moment he took his first breath the bond between mother and child was so strong that not even the demons from the deepest pits of Hell could sever it. Opening her eyes she glanced up to Aegon. The look he was giving them said so much to her. The love he held for them was more than apparent. He would die for them, and more importantly, he lived for them. His silence was not only out of awed respect, but also out of the desire to allow the mother of his son to bond privately. “Isn’t he beautiful, Koibito?” (Sweetheart) Aegon blinked, his eyes moist. Leaning down he kissed her forehead responding, “Of course he is, Yui. He’s your child isn’t he?” **** Sometime later that evening, Nakarei was gathering the last of her medical equipment in preparation to leave. Walking over to the bed where Yui sat propped up by pillows she took her hand with the care of a healer. “Yui-Sama, you did wonderfully. What will you call him?” Yui looked over to her son, sleeping peacefully in his blanket haven cradled within the arms of his father. “He’s to be called Graeson.” She responded not taking her eyes off the child. Nakarei nodded. “That’s a beautiful name for a beautiful child.” Giving her hand a squeeze before letting it go she added, “I’ll check in on you sometime tomorrow morning.” Aegon gently laid his son into his wife’s eager arms and stood to stop the healer before she left the room. Taking the older gentle woman by surprise he drew her into a warm embrace. “Thank you, Nakarei. Forever I am in your debt for taking such good care of my wife and son. We will honor your name in this home.” The healer smiled to him a bit embarrassed as he freed her from his embrace. “It is my honor to serve such good people. Now, take good care of your family and I will see you tomorrow.” With that she left the room softly shutting the door behind her. When he turned back around, he found the adoring gaze of the mother of his child staring at him. They locked eyes for a moment lost in the love that was now increased. Yui was brought abruptly from her reverie by the small sweet cry from the now squirming child in her arms. She looked down at him as he screwed his face up in a grimace in preparation for another howl. She couldn’t help but laugh at his determination even now, only a few hours old. As he let out another frustrated and hungry cry his little eyelids fluttered open revealing the solid whites of his eyes momentarily before closing again. The sight caused Yui’s smile to fade as her face drained of its color. “Aegon.” She whispered calling him to her side. “His…his eyes. They were…..they looked like Ebon’s.” She spoke in a panicked strained whisper. Aegon picked up his son from her arms and began gently bouncing him to silence his cries. As the child was comforted he relaxed and opened his eyes to look for a moment at his father. Aegon smiled kneeling next to the bed. “Look, Yui. His eyes are green, just like yours.” Yui looked into the adoring eyes of her son and blushed a bit. “Of course they are. I’m just so tired.” She replied, and it was true, she did feel exhausted. “I’m sorry.” “Yui-Sama.” He replied touching her face lovingly. “Don’t apologize. I’ll give him to you to feed, then I’ll rock him so you can get some sleep, yes?” Yui smiled at her husband. “Yes.” He’s so good to me. She thought as her son was laid into her arms once again. “He is perfect, isn’t he.” ************ The dream weaver sat before her Celestial loom a small smile gracing her features as she noticed a new pale blue strand weave itself into the intricate work. “Ahhh, we’ve been waiting for you, Graeson.” She said softly, longingly with the love of a mother. She sat just watching her work for a while lost in her own thoughts and memories. The pale blue strand wove itself intricately with two other strands. However, a faint flash of black caught her eye jerking her abruptly back to curt observation. “What is this?” She mumbled to herself reaching down to lovingly touch the newest strand in her loom. With two hands she gripped the strand tugging on it gently pulling the blue fabric just enough to reveal a black thin core within it. The Dream weaver dropped the strand and watched as it resumed its work. A slight crease soon etched into her forehead just above her brow as her eyes became laced with concern. “Well, this IS unexpected.” She sighed softly to herself. “He’s definitely his mother’s son.”
I'd like to start out by thanking Valdar for such a wonderful experiment. I am thrilled to have gotten to research into the character that is Yui-chan. There are a couple of things I must tell you. When I asked Yui about her character, she sent me to a story called "Darkness Rising". She wrote it co authored with Zool and Peredhil. While I am not bold enough to even begin to think that I could match the superb writing that was in that piece, this story is somewhat of a continuation of that. In order to fully understand my piece, you could read Darkness Rising by clicking here. Because Yui is timeless, I tried to write this story in a way that she could place this event anywhere along the timeline that she wishes. Also, I wanted to copy and paste a small section of Yui's profile that I feel you must understand in order to fully understand my story. **Copied portion below** One story in particular from her past is important. The details aren't, but the result is that she has this strange 'darkshard' aspect of herself that's almost a separate personality but isn't. You may have noticed references in DR to 'Ebon'. Ebon is Yui's dark side, but given just a hint more individuality than yours or mine. She's always still Yui-chan, but while you or I can do uncharacteristic things when we're really angry, she can sort of slip into more of an uncharacteristic state of mind that is know as her Ebon Frost. (The name is from my early days of RPing, so please excuse its... cheesiness. ) Ebon's name describes her - dark, callous, ruthless, cold and uncaring. For the most part, after all this time, Yui-chan has complete control over Ebon's physical manifestations, but Ebon is often a 'little voice inside' that Yui has to deal with. Ack. Confusing. Ask any questions you need. Oh, and I guess it's worth mentioning, in case you haven't picked up on it, Yui's background culture has elements of the Japanese culture, which is why she tends to interject little bits of Japanese into her speech, bows politely, addresses people with the -san and -sama titles, etc. Her people aren't a 100% borrow from the Japanese, but there are some elements. Since a kingdom takes its shape from the Archmage it belongs to, her lands are much the same. Powers: You've seen Yui's shadowwalk, probably. That's an ability she gains from the incident that created Ebon, but it's been bound into the ebon cloak she wears. She cannot travel through the shadows unless she's wearing the cloak. (Which is a well-kept secret. No one knows it except Aegon.) She's also a master-level marksman with her bow. Yui knows only Ascendant (holy/healing) and Verdant (nature) magic, and can be incredibly powerful, however she only uses her magic in the most dire of situations. She tends to devote all of her meager mana reserves to her country, so has very little left at any given time for spellcasting on the side. On the rare occassion that Ebon manifests in a control position, she also gains a weak, natural cold manipulation ability. (Think Iceman of the X-men, if you know him. ) Oh, and when Ebon is 'in control', the indicator is that her eyes turn white-blue instead of their dull green. Too many aspects of Ebon are cheesey, but I'd rather continue to use a cheesey plot element that I designed years ago than be inconsistent with old stories. Silly me. **End Copied Portion** With that said, I hope you'll accept my humble attempts to add a story that uses Darkness Rising as a springboard. Enjoy!
I enjoyed all the Harry Potter books. I liked them best to least in this order, 3 4 5 1 2. I would love to discuss them once we open the topic up for discussion. :0) The thing I liked about the fifth is that usually Harry's main tormentors are Snape and Malfoy and ofcourse He who must not be named. However, snape and malfoy are almost a side note in this book compared to the rest of the plot. (No, I'm not giving away spoilers.) Plus, they brought Lupin back into the plot. Let's hear it now, "WE LOVE LUPIN!" He's the reason number 3 is my favorite. :0) Okay no more, I'm too tempted, like Tam, to open up spoilers!! ~Salinye
...movement to me? Now that I'm back I'm really focusing on the feedback I got in the writers workshop for my poem, Vanity. You mentioned something that I wish to know more about. At the risk of sounding ignorant, could you please explain what 'movement' in poetry is? I'm not sure I quite grasp the meaning, but I really want to learn! I could have put this in the writers workshop, but I thought perhaps others might like to learn from the explanation as well. :0) Thanks a million! I appreciate your insightful and educated feedback. ~Salinye
(I found this old poetry book in a suede cover called Bees in Amber. The author is John Oxenham and it was written in the late 1800's early 1900's. I found this particular poem entriguing and wondered if anyone knew which event in Brittish History he was talking about. He's written several poems that have to do with historical events, but this one I don't know. Anyone??) Macedonia 1903 Devils' work! Devils' work, my masters! Britain, you hands are red! You may close your heart but you cannot shirk This terrible fact,-- We--kept--the--Turk. His day was past and we knew his work, But he played our game so we kept the Turk. Britain, you hands are red! Red are the walls and the ways, And--Britain, you hands are red! There is blood on the hearth, and blood in the well, And the whole fair land is a red, red hell,-- Britain, your hands are red! "Come over! Come over and help us!" We are deaf to the ancient cry. -- "For the sake of our women and children!" And Britain stands quietly by. O Britain, your hands are red! Cleanse your hands, Britain! Yeah, cleanse them in blood if it must be! For blood that is shed in the cause of right Has power, as of old, to wash souls white. Cleanse you hands, Britain! O for the fiery grace of old, -- The heart and the masterful hand! But grace grows dim and the fire grows cold, We are heavy with greed and lust and gold, And life creeps low in the land. Break your bonds, Britain! Stand up once again for the right! We have stained our hands in the times that are past, Before God, we would wash them white. For the Nations are in the proving; Each day is judgment Day; And the peoples He finds wanting Shall pass--by the winding way. **Disclaimer** (I just thought that most likely this is a strong political statement, and in case anyone is sensitive to that, I'm not trying to make any statements. Just curious as to which event this Englishman was writing about. :0))
*smiles* Sometimes, it's the little things..... *Walks away humming, "Gotta crawl, gotta crawl..." ~Salinye
Remember when we were talking yesterday and I mentioned an old school Disney song that was stuck in my head? Well I found the lyrics. Here they are just for you!! The Ugly Bug Ball Once a lonely caterpillar sat and cried, To a sympathetic beetle by his side. "I've got nobody to hug, I'm such an ugly bug." Then a spider and a dragon fly replied, "If you're serious and want to win a bride, Come along with us, To the glorious Annual ugly bug ball." Come on let's crawl, Gotta crawl, gotta crawl To the ugly bug ball To the ball, to the ball And a happy time we'll have there One and all At the ugly bug ball. While the crickets clicked their tricky melodies, All the ants were fancy-dancing with the fleas. Then up from under the ground, The worms came squirming around. Everyone was glad! What a time they had! They were so happy they came! Come on let's crawl Gotta crawl, gotta crawl To the ugly bug ball To the ball, to the ball And a happy time we'll have there One and all! At the ugly bug ball. Then our caterpillar saw a pretty queen She was beautiful in yellow, black and green He said, "Would you care to dance?" Their dancing led to romance. And she sat upon his caterpillar knees And he gave his caterpillar queen a squeeze Soon they'll honeymoon Build a big cocoon Thanks to the ugly bug ball Come on let's crawl Gotta crawl, gotta crawl, To the ugly bug ball To the ball, to the ball And a happy time we'll have there One and all! At the ugly bug ball!