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Everything posted by Salinye
If you went to a beach and it turned out to be a nude beach, would you stay and go swimming? Would you swim nude? I know this is a no brainer for our European members, but still I'd love to hear your thoughts! ~Shelby
I'll be your friend, Deg. :0) But I don't think I need to enter a contest to do that. I can't win your friendship, but I'd love to have it freely given!! ~Salinye
Salinye smiles at Peredhil's sweet son before quickly glancing over the list. Very well, A herald I shall be. :0) ~Salinye
Salinye smiles from the back of the room sitting quietly trying to stay out of the lime light and observing everyone as they contemplate and celebrate. How wonderful it felt to be among such talented and kind hearted people. OOC: I forgot the specific list of titles, and I'm not sure where the codex wandered to, however, I feel it's probably most appropriate if I take the title that means avid rper, tale spinner etc. :0) Thank you!! (apologizes for her ignorance of Pen Titles!) ~Salinye
Yay for you Vlad!! I can't commit to this, although I'm just dying to!! Lately life has been pinning me down, so when I'm able to write, I need to focus on my own quill quest (I so miss writing for Madame Q!) and the other two rp's I'm currently in! However, I will be following it, and may jump in for isolated writings if the opportunity arises! Also, as an avid rper, I'm willing to help you and support you in any way you wish!! :0) I'm so excited to see your constructive rp!! ~Salinye
I thought about this one for a long time too. Like many people all the usual cool ones came to mind, flying, invisibility, time control, etc. However, I came up with two. The reason I say two is because one might be a cop out, you might not consider it a super natural ability. That is the ability of unconditional Love. I would just LOVE to be able to love everyone unconditionally. Not have judgements, offenses, stupid hangups etc. I really think that would be a supernatural ability because I don't think anyone can do it! BUT since I'm not sure that counts, the other one I thought of would be to have a shield. Like any time I chose I could surround myself or anyone I chose with a magical invisible sheild so that no one could hurt that person. That would be an incredible power! I wouldn't have to ever fear physical harm for myself or those close to me! That would ROCK! I would love to have that power. Too bad the sheild wouldn't protect us from emotional pain, eh? But then again, that's what helps us grow as people! I would say a close third is healing. I would love have real life clerical powers! So there you have it. I either want to be able to love everyone unconditionally, or I want to have magic BUBBLE BOY powers..../snicker K, not like bubble boy ! lol :0)
(Has it been a week yet and it's time to post another one of these? Errr, I'm not sure, but I think it's close enough lol!) If you could possess one supernatural ability, What would it be and why? ~SupAr SAlinye!! *Shows the big S on her chest*
Interesting that so many people are talking about death. I have to say, I don't personally fear death, as in what happens after death. I'm pretty secure in my beliefs in that area. However, I do have to admit that the part of death that involves dying is scary. There are a lot of miserable ways to die!!! But, that is quite the morbid topic! LOL But, a legitimate fear none the less!! ~Salinye
Salinye sat slumped down into the chair of the library staring straight ahead. She appeared to be staring at the many hued lights that reflected through the stain glass window onto the wall in front of her. However, instead she didn’t see that wall at all. She was lost deep within the confines of her mind reviewing the information she had just absorbed. She probably would have remained just like that, unmoving, if it hadn’t been for the soft chortling and nipping at her hair by her dove, Charles. Slowly mentally rising from her thoughts she turned her head to gaze fondly at the Dove. “Oh yes, the missive.” She said flatly pulling the rolled parchment from a fold within her cloak. Unrolling it she read as a deep crease developed along her brow. Crinkling the paper up she ran one hand along her newly forming headache. “What next?” She mumbled to herself before slowly rising to her feet. “Well Charles, it appears, not only did my anonymous tip prove accurate, but also a “tall dark and unfriendly stranger” is inquiring about me at the hostel. From the description I’m assuming they are talking about Tamaranis. Why would he be looking for me?” She shook her head, “This can’t be good.” Making sure that Charles was quite rested and well watered and fed she released him back out the window, then gathering her own belongings she magically whisked herself away to her hostel. ***** As the magically charged air began to settle around her the wizardess froze shocked at the sight before her. One window of her beloved hostel was completely blasted out and the walls along one side of it and directly across from it were charred black. The wizardess gasped as tears sprung to her eyes. One hand rose to clutch at the collar of her dress as she noticed the moaning man lying within a pool of blood in the center of the room as the grumpy old druid as well as a couple of other healers attended to him. She then noticed Tamaranis standing to one side glancing cautiously out the window. Through the hectic chaos no one had noticed her arrival. Weaving through the panicked crowd she marched right up to the vampire following his gaze out the window to see another body lying in a heap outside. “Explain yourself and this mess immediately.” She said to him in a low cold and accusing voice.
“Very well. Tel Reth it is, then. I’ll find you there, I certainly don’t need an escort, nor will it be a ten-day trip for me.” With that the bounty huntress looked around at each of the men and women present observing them silently before standing straight and brusquely leaving the auditorium. ****Sometime later that evening**** Gyrfalcon sat at his desk going over some paperwork while Daryl lay curled upon the couch half napping. The rare silence of the room (rare when Daryl was around) was interrupted by a soft rapping at the door. Daryl’s head popped up off of his paws excitedly as his tail began to wag. Gyrfalcon put down the papers he was reviewing and walked to the door. He opened the door wondering which member of The Pen was calling on him and stood surprised to find nothing but the emptiness of the corridor before him. It was only a moment before he realized that although the hallway looked empty, it indeed was not. He felt the warm air sway around him as a voice whispered very quietly into his ear “Close the curtain, look casual.” He recognized the voice, even in the whispered form, as that of Salinye’s. He felt her pass between him and the frame of the door to enter the room. As the ranger shut the door a bit baffled, Daryl smelled a familiar lavender scent and leapt over the arm of the chair with an expectant “yip”. He stopped short, not seeing Salinye, but sure he smelled her and looked up at Gyrfalcon questioningly. The ranger shrugged unknowingly at the werefox as he casually walked over to the curtains and shut them as if preparing to retire for the night. “This some sort of game, S….” Gyrfalcon started to ask before being interrupted. “Shhh…” The whispered voice said. “Don’t say my name.” Daryl raised a fox eyebrow at hearing this odd exchange. His first instinct would be to, like Gyrfalcon, think this was just one of their many games or pranks. Using his keen fox ears and nose he could sense which corner of the room she was in. Lowering his body into a playful crouch he stuck his tail up in the air and let out a low playful growl. Salinye could see that he was about to pounce, but not wanting to raise her voice there was little she could do to stop him. As he pounced playfully upon her she gathered him within her arms and whispered feircely into his ear. "No, Daryl. Shhhh...not now." Daryl quickly jumped back out of her arms, but it was not her words that startled him, but her attire. He could distinctly smell the scent of leather. He was used to her in the traditional dress of a mage, or her more casual sun dress look. But never had he known her to wear leather. The werefox sat back upon his haunches and tilted his head looking curiously in her direction. Once the curtains were shut Gyrfalcon stood looking around at the emptiness wondering what this was all about. As if he had asked out loud, Salinye quietly spoke, her voice coming from a far corner of the room and barely audible. “Gyrfalcon, please come here.” She said as loud as she dared and using his full name, something she nearly never did, as she didn’t want any particular habitual wording to reveal who she was on the off chance than anyone else could hear them. The ranger walked over to the corner that her whispering had come from an expression of seriousness growing upon his face. “Is there anywhere, here in The Pen, that you can GUARANTEE no one could possibly overhear us or see us? You must be sure. There can be no errors.” She whispered again, barely audible. The ranger thought for a moment before nodding his head indicating that he did know of a place. “Good.” She replied relieved as she slowly stood not dropping her cloak of invisibility. "Please take us there immediately."
Okay, although I have to agree that the being alone concepts, and the Losing love concept, or losing my husband or children concept is BY FAR TERRIBLE and horrible and almost unbearable to think about and probably a worse fear than the one I'm going to mention. However, if I had to mention a WORST fear, meaning the one I think about or worry about the most often. The fear that haunts me daily because I must have some phobia, then it would have to be man. I fear being attacked or raped or something along those lines. I think of this fear every time I have to walk from a store to my car. Anytime I get seperated from a group in a crowded place. You'll never find me going to the movies by myself, for this very reason. Now it's not like I'm a paranoid psycho who can't leave the house, or who can never relax because she's always looking over her shoulder, it's just that it's always there, in the back of my mind. I'm always aware of it. I have had, at three different times in my life someone try to break into my house while i was home alone. Also, when I was a teenager, someone broke into our house, stole nothing, but ransacked my room. Then there is the time I WAS attacked by a drunken tenant when my husband and I used to manage apartments together for some extra money. THANK THE HEAVENS he was just around the corner that night! Nothing extremely terrible came of any of the events, but it was enough to make me scared. Enough that I never think, "Oh, it won't happen to me." Enough that we have a hand gun in the house. /sigh Scary to live in such a world where violence and crime is so rampant. Now, even though this fear is so prominant in me, I would hands down rather face an attacker than lose one of my husband or children. So I guess I just decided to share the fear that haunts me the most as opposed to the one that would leave me the most devestated. These questions are neat, I love reading the small peices of your lives that you share with us through them. Thank you for humoring me. *smile*
Okay, here is Life Question # 4. This is an easy one for me to answer. :0) (Which I will do later) Question: ***** IF you had to name your single worst fear, what would it be? ***** FYI: Losing connection to the Internet is NOT a viable answer! Ppp ~Salinye
Madame Quixotic's Prophecy comes true!
Salinye replied to Vigil StarGazer's topic in Assembly Room Archives
Yes, oh mysterious one. Some of the newer folks like me (Well new in the sense that I was never part of The Pen when it was at the other boards) really love and appreciate this history you've taken time to unearth. My hugs and kudos to you, friend. *smiles* ~Salinye -
Madame Quixotic's Predictions Come True!
Salinye replied to Salinye's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Good Call. I added it. I created this thread before the prediction thread was created and I forgot to add it! Thanks for the reminder!! ~Salinye -
Madame Quixotic's Predictions Come True!
Salinye replied to Salinye's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
*bump* Lord of the Gay has written!! ~Salinye -
http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/08/14/power.out...tage/index.html ~Salinye
YUI-CHAN! What a lovely day!! Happy Birthday!! I'm so glad I had a moment to check the boards and didn't miss this! You are such a wonderful person, and full of SOOO much endless talent. I admire your work and hope some of that "Yui-Mojo" rubs off on me!! *smiles offering Yui some fresh picked flowers* ~Salinye
Explanation and invitation(please read and join!)
Salinye replied to Salinye's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
I'll try to get to the next prediction in the next few days. I wanted to let you know my husband is out of town this week, which is always hard for me. On top of me being a pathetic sappy baby when he's gone, it also leaves me with a lot less writing time as I'm soley responsible for the house and kids etc. So it may be slow going this week. Just a warning. :0) Falcon, yours is next. :0) ~Salinye -
Wait, isn't that a page from MY life? ~Salinye
Morte is Death in Italian, and Agonia means Death throes. Ihjal is: To Death in Swedish In German, Tod can mean death. Just looked up some online dictionaries with random languages. :0) ~Salinye
Okay, I guess once again, I should answer my own question, eh? I've thought long and hard on this one. It is hard to pinpoint just one attribute and to call it most important. However, I think I'll have to say "Security". Security in all it's forms. Emotional security, physical security, spiritual security etc. You could even take it to the more shallow and say financial or educational security, although not as important as the first list. I am really blessed in the fact that I am married to my best friend. I love being married. Every day is a blast. But I think what I love most is how secure I am with him. I'm not afraid in any sense to be myself. I am secure in our love, our marriage and our friendship. He leaves me with little fears or doubts. That's what I love. Security. I am a women, and we women tend to be insecure from time to time. (*cough* just from time to time, right? *cough*) Especially when it comes to how we look, or how we appeal to our significant others. How wonderful to be married to someone who squashes all those insecurities. :0) So there you have it, I hope it makes sense. I know Security is not a very romantic answer, but imho I think that when a person feels secure they look happier, sexier and healthier! I also think that will reflect on how they carry themselves, or how they conduct their lives. Nothing is more attractive imho than a person who is confident and secure within themselves. (Not cocky, not vain, just secure.) Oye...my answers always end up too long! ~Salinye
Rhapsody, I sent you a pm explaining a bit about Madame Q with some useful links to read in case you care to join or just follow along. :0) ~Salinye
Depression. It's different for everyone. Someone could have situational depression, or be inflicted with it long term. I'm interested to hear your analogies on the word. :0)
****** If you had to name the single most important quality of a good mate, what would it be? ****** Now I think this is a good question because a "good mate" can be different things to different people depending on what they want out of life. Obviously for me, the term would refer to a lifelong monogamous partner, perhaps even Soul Mate. To others, perhaps a good mate is just someone who offers security and comfort. Who knows.... I look forward to hearing what you have to say about this question. :0)
Explanation and invitation(please read and join!)
Salinye replied to Salinye's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
LOL *hugs Ayshela back* I am having a GREAT time writing these and reading what people write. :0) I can't wait until the end of this week after my project is done and I have more time to write!!! :0) I'm so glad you're enjoying it! That was the whole point, really. :0) ~Salinye