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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Salinye

  1. I like this. I just saw Phantom of the Opera last night, and so this fits the mind frame of the Phantom to me fairly well. Very raw and detailed. I like it. ~Salinye
  2. *smiles fondly* But...I've only just started to get to know you...*pouts* Hopefully we'll still run into each other from time to time. No one else ops the ladies in mirc as kindly as you do! *grins* (K for those not familiar, that really isn't a naughty phrase!! ) ~Salinye
  3. HAPPY! HAPPY! ~Salinye
  4. Okay, I know I'm betraying my entire gender by telling this joke. If you tell anyone I told it, I'll deny it and say that Justin Silverblade hijacked my account. Why did they name PMS (pre menstral Syndrome) PMS? Because Mad Cow Disease was already taken!!! BA DUM CHHHH Sorry, ladies, but I can relate and laughed good and hard!! *grins and hides* ~Salinye
  5. *pushes people out of the way with an ornery grin so she can get knee huggles from Rune!!* HA! I WIN! ~Salinye
  6. ...like REALLY REALLY could use some laughter... ~Salinye
  7. But also more good things than we can imagine can happen in one day too. Then we have them to reflect back on during times like these... ~Salinye
  8. This is a really well thought out and well written poem. I like the modifications you've done already. I think it's very powerful, and spells out the sickness of codependancy (sp?) so well. ~Salinye
  9. Wow, Nyark. I wish you would write more often. :0) ~Salinye
  10. Okay, how is it that I suddenly don't ever want to be kissed again?!! My husband may have words with you, Wyvie! ~Salinye
  11. Wow, haven't we all felt THAT before. Those are the times when we desperately need that small smile or word of encouragement or act of kindness that surprisingly pulls us back up again so we can like Jareena said, Start afresh. Well written and moving. ~Salinye
  12. Uhg... I'm so glad this week is over! Most ofyou know I'm a fairly (fairly? *grins*) upbeat person! But this week was HORRIBLE! TERRIBLE! I'm so glad I get to leave it in the past and start a new week! It's the weekend it has to get better, right? I mean how many bad things can get packed into one week? YEESH! HAPPY FRIDAY! ~Salinye
  13. When has your life dramatically changed as the result of some seemingly random external influence? How much do you feel in control of the course of your life? This question has a bonus question, but I'll wait to ask it until we have the answers to the first one. :0) ~Salinye
  14. It's not too late. Sign up on the Madame Quixotic Thread. I believe the link is here or in the predictions thread. :0) ~Salinye
  15. I know, you're all shocked I actually got a prediction written! I didn't go in order (AGAIN). It's been so long, I wanted to start with an easy one to get myself back in teh swing of things. Way back when I started this I got an idea for Wyvie and had it already half written (the middle part oddly enough lol). Anyway, so that's where I started. :0) Enjoy!! ~Salinye
  16. Take this for whatever you will, however, I have decided to write up an informative post on interactive Role Playing etiquette. (err according to Salinye, that is.) Also, feel free to add your own suggestions or comments that you feel might be helpful for all of us to review. :0) Storyline Initiators: When someone decides to start an rp they usually have somewhat of a storyline flow in mind, even if only loosely. Therefore it is the responsibility of the person who initiates the rp to lay out a few guidelines early on. Some examples could be: This rp is open/closed/invite only/pm me first etc, A brief history leading up to the current storyline, or perhaps instructions to hold off joining until a certain point. Another good guideline to lay down might be just some common rules of engagement. (See Rune's post on different rp styles for great examples of this) It is also the responsibility of the initiator to start an ooc thread in the green room. OOC communication is VERY important to the flow of a successful rp and yet very disrupting on the actual rp thread. Another important and sometimes difficult job of the initiator is to monitor the flow of the story and have characters make changes when necessary. For instance, if someone’s actions are detracting from the storyline, or perhaps someone is mistakenly writing in inappropriate actions for another character in the storyline. Main Characters Main characters are established one of two ways. Either the initiator has specifically invited them into the storyline to play a specific role, or they became mains through the natural progression of an open invitation loosely run rp. Main characters usually have a semi firm to firm role in the story. Often times their actions are even guided by predetermined discussion. Now you may ask yourself, where is the fun in pre-determined rp? But, often times, without a few characters all working towards a common goal, then the entire storyline is chaotic. Having a few set mains helps make it fun for the reader as well as the rest of the participants. Often times having pre determined actions can be avoided by a very involved Initiator (dm) with a cast of competent experienced rpers. One of the jobs of an invited main is for them to stick to the roles they were invited to play. It’s important to help keep the flow going. The other job of the mains is to help incorporate some of the less experienced rpers into the storyline, which sometimes means doing a little damage control. *grin* Supporting Characters Supporting Characters are usually delightful fillers-Vitally important to the storyline at times, and at other times, not as much. However, no story would be very interesting at all without some supporting characters filling the gaps. The thing that is hard to remember about being a supporting character (or even some mains for that matter) is this. Although supporting characters are the mains of their world and story, it is not their story being told right now. Supporting characters interact, do actions that their character would naturally do in the particular setting, interject ic ideas etc. However, they don’t generally further the progression of the story. Usually supporting characters are very talented at blending into the current rp situation and enhancing the rp with their particular flare that is so enjoyed by everyone. Being in a supportive role is no small feat. It often is harder to blend into any given environment then it is to play in a pre determined role. More General Guidelines 1) Refrain from Godmodding! If you have a character that is pretty much unbeatable, unstoppable, better than everyone, then you are likely not going to be allowed into storylines. Having over powerful unbalanced characters do not generally fit into most storylines. 2) It is ALWAYS a good idea to pm the initiator before jumping into a storyline. It’s smart to run your char by him/her and any ideas you may have for that character in the storyline. It’s important all the players are on the same page. 3) COMMUNICATE on the ooc thread in the green room. That’s what it’s for! It’s an invaluable tool! Don’t be afraid to pm the initiator either. He or she will be very pleased to be consulted rather than have to work around an unexpected yet good intentioned snag in the storyline. 4) When you are in a situation where you must rp speech or actions for other characters, try your best to do so in a way that their character naturally would. Again, don’t be afraid to pm them for verification! 5) Have fun and be open to change requests! If it’s not fun, what’s the point? If the initiator asks you to make a change, it’s not because you’re a poor rper, it’s because perhaps your char went a direction that will prevent something the initiator has in mind for the near future or something equally as innocent. We are all here in the conservatory because we share a love of roleplaying. The more we can do to try to assure we’re all working together, the better. :0) I personally am so excited to be part of such a talented pool or rpers! Mistakes will be made, we all make them, but that’s okay! It’s how we react and grow that really matters. :0) So, there you have it, RP etiquette according to Salinye. :0) Take it or leave it, I just thought I’d impart my thoughts upon the unsuspecting masses. ~Salinye
  17. "I believe you were awakened by an unpleasant dream this morning?" Tamaranis stated. Salinye felt her face drain of warmth and accompanying color as he spoke these words. The wizardess momentarily forgot the singing of her precious hostel and all the people around her. Frozen, her mind swirled with flashes of that nights terror. She subconsciously rubbed at her wrist still feeling the cool touch of his pasty white hand. Looking back up to his eyes she almost expected to see that cold stare filled with ill intent. Instead she found her glance met with cool indifference. She was just about to speak when her name being spoken by a semi-familiar voice caught her attention. "This," he begins, gesturing to the proprietress," is Salinye Celestialgrace. Our hostess here in this hostel. You are in the lands of the Pen is Mightier than the Sword, Sir, and I myself, am Ozymandias, the Loremaster of the Pen. You have been taken in as we take in all strangers, with welcome and care, unless you prove to be a foe." Salinye broke her inquisitive gaze with the vampire and turned seeing Ozymandius for the first time. Someone had finally brought the fallen fire mage inside. She also noted for the first time the presence of Gyrfalcon, Daryl, Annael, and oddly enough, Ayshela. “So, have they come for a group assault?” She thought to herself. Walking over to join the group hovering around the mage she was just about to blurt out her thoughts in an equally tactless way when the man on the ground spoke through groans. They listened to his broken senseless chatter which ended in him focusing his battle drunk eyes on Annael exclaiming, “Hey, you’ve got wings!” "He's a smart one there, isn't he?" Ozymandias said, rolling his eyes. "Let's just see how smart. So, who are you, and why are you in my hostel?" Salinye asked, staring at the mage in question. They all listened patiently as Merelas attempted to explain himself. When he finished his introduction of sorts all kept silent awaiting Salinye’s decision. After all, it was her hostel and her decision whether he could remain or not. If the mage’s story was true and his arrival here on this of all days was truly coincidental, then he would meet no hostilities from her. However, she was having a hard time trusting in coincidences this particular day. “Very well.” She spoke addressing the crowd with a voice that naturally gentle, but had an edge of authority that was not usually disputed. “He may remain here and our healers will tend to him. However, he will have a guard placed at his door.” She then turned to address Merelas directly. “You are free to wander the hostel, we don’t keep prisoners here. However, we will naturally have you under watch. Today, trust is earned, NOT freely given.” With that last statement she allowed her eyes to once again scan over the “visitors” that surrounded them. “If these conditions are not favorable to you, you are of course free to leave.” Merelas looked at her through slightly unfocused eyes. “No, M’lady. The conditions are fine and understandable.” Salinye nodded towards the main healers. "You may take him to the infirmary. My staff will have a guard there post haste." “Well, now that that’s settled. The rest of you may follow me to my office if you wish. I find it highly unlikely that you are all coincidently here on a social visit, nor do I believe this is The Pen’s welcome wagon. I think it’s about time we unveil some masks.” With that the wizardess turned and walked down a hallway leading them to a secure conference room not waiting for responses. She knew either they would follow her for discussion or they wouldn’t. Either way, she was done playing guessing games.
  18. Happy Birthday Oh "Maker of Avatars"! ~Salinye (who proudly waves a JF Avatar)
  19. That might as well be their motto! I personally understand the poem. I have had so many females NOT take the time to get to know me, produce prejudices about me, or automatically assume me stuck up without ever having had a conversation with me. :0( That's not a fun position to be in. I'm not sure why so many girls are so petty, but the most important thing to remember is not ALL girls are that way. Also, it really comes down to the word I'm using, "girls" Usually when girls grow up into women, I think most of them leave that sort of thing behind. I also think it stems from their own insecurities. In many ways, the girls that act like that are the product of the same society that created the "fat girl" mentioned in the poem. The positive side to all of this is that we can all improve ourselves and change the trend one person at a time. I commend you, Wrenwind, because you are a beautiful person. ~Salinye
  20. OHH I will go read! Also, I WILL post my opinion on the Weird Al concert, as soon as I get a breathing moment again!!!! ~Salinye
  21. Unfortunately, I am in the same boat as Tyrion, and frankly, the small people in the movie "Willow" did nothing for me. PPP ~Salinye
  22. LOL Parm.... I have to say, I don't mind the skirt if it hit stylishly JUST barely below the knee, however, the mid calf lengths SHOULD be illegal. I agree there!!! Did I just agree with a man on a fashion opinion? My my, it must be late! Oh, but about the roots, pshaw..I don't think roots are that big of a thang. As for Makeup, as long as they don't Tammy Fay Baker it, I think makeup is fun!!! Can even be sexy if applied right! OH, and Peredhil, that bilboard is now the official motto of W.A.S. Thank you for pointing that out! ~Salinye Makeup wearing, multi length skirt owning female against speedos
  23. I just wanted to take a moment to remind everyone to perhaps pause in their daily life today and take a moment to reflect or say a prayer for those lost in the September 11th attack two years ago. I'm not one who believes in dragging the event down into a pit of negativeness over and over every year, nor will I watch people throw themselves from buildings for three hours on tv this evening. However, I do think it would be wonderful if everyone took a moment to reflect on how fortunate we are in our lives. Honor not only the men and women who were so valiant that fateful September, but also those who serve our country in the military. Regardless on our own personal standpoints on war and military conflict, I think it's important to pray for those men and women who selflessly serve their country as well as for their loved ones who miss them when they have to be away from home. It's a day to hug your family and friends, and be grateful we're all together. A day to remember the past and look forward to the future. A day to be glad that we're all in this world together despite the lines drawn on a map that seperate us. ~Salinye
  24. My answer is a resounding HECK NO NOT IF I WAS PAID OOGLES OF MONEY TO DO IT! I am so NOT the exhibitionist. I would be WAY WAY too self concious. I wouldn't be able to get over the fact that people were looking at me naked. Oye, and seeing other people naked??? no thanks. And I don't say that just because I don't want to see people who aren't attractive to me naked. I don't want to see ANYBODY else naked! /shudder. No thanks. (Well besides my husband) OH speaking of naked, men that read this, do all of us women a favor and just say no to speedos. This important message was brought to you today by W.A.S. Women Against Speedos. Thank you...... ~Salinye
  25. I thought it might be nice to have a thread for critiquing concerts we've attended! Always nice to know who puts on a good show, and who sounds horrible in person! I just went to a Weird Al Yankovich concert, and to be honest, I've never had so much fun at a show. I can't wait to critique it for you, but I'm too tired atm. I'll do so tomorrow! Feel free to add your concert critiques to this thread. :0) ~Salinye
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