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Everything posted by Salinye
Pen~ I was doing a search in the cabaret room for "Salinye" because I was looking for a thread that is older than dirt. Imagine my surprise when my name came up in a thread entitled "Love Letters". "Hmmm, suspsicious." I thought to myself. I had completely forgotten about this thread and read through it and I have to tell you that even after all of these years, the warm wonderful sweet words that people typed to me warmed my heart and brought a much needed smile to my face. Maybe it's because I'm feeling sappy and sentimental this evening, or perhaps it's the sweet words of friendship that have been remembered, but it's so easy to walk away from a community and feel like you've been forgotten or that your fond memories are somehow skewed and you, or your writing, never touched anyone anyway. This must be one of the best threads every created on these boards. Spewing kindness, praise and mush to your fellow writers, rpers and friends is a worthy way to spend your time! I hope that many people that feel like they've been away too long and -did their presence here ever matter anyway?- will wander in and read this thread and find sweet words to warm their hearts. Thanks to all who sent kind words my way. Kindness and friendship should always be lengthy visitors. Here are some new love letters for a few old friends, some whom I have not communicated with for a very long time. Cyril Darkcloud: You and I had very little interaction on *this* board, but much on another. You are a wonderful person irl and in character. There isn't a thing that I don't admire about you and I can honestly say that you are one of the most brilliant and eloquent writers that I've ever had the pleasure of writing with and meeting (albeit, too brief.) Gyrfalcon: I will always appreciate the time we spent as writing partners. Our story lines allowed the romantic in me to soar and that has breathed a depth into some of my characters that I fear would be lacking without. Thanks for all for all of the laughs and I hope you are as blissfully happy in real life as you were in your stories. Tamaranis and Katzanial: Another couple of pennites turned offline friend! (I slowly convert all to my offline cult! Katz, you were a harder sell, but I had Tamaranis sucked in from day one! So little challenge in vampires these days.) You are both fun spirited people and great writers and part of why the pen has always been so fun for me. I especially enjoy your wicked senses of humor. HEY Katz, Tam was wrong! We were together in person for an entire 24 hours and did NOT take over the world. Wonders will never cease... Wyvern: Evanyvern! My friend! You exude (Is that a word? oh well, go with it.) kindness, friendship and caring. You are part of the spine of the Pen and you bring a humor here that breathes life into the community. I enjoy our friendship offline as much as on, although we have too many long gaps between talking, don't we? Yes, yes, I know I'm to blame. I'll try to get better at that. Our stuffed Wyvern is a reminder of our friend in the sunny state. Thanks for being so wonderful in the Pen and out! Yui-Chan: We haven't talked in so very long and I don't know if you even visit here anymore, or if you are just a shadow like I now am. However, the gift of the signature that you drew for me of Salinye is still prized and precious. You are one of the most multi-talented people that I've ever known and I hope that you and Aegon on out there happier than Wyvern in a shop full of geld. Mira: Poet and friend. Time goes on and we always seem to reconnect over messenger, don't we? Such a great person to talk with and wonderful writer. you were my writing partner in one of my favorite written stories. If only time would allow us to spin a tale together. What fun we would have. I hope you're out there enjoying life and embracing all that is warm and happy. Patrick: Did I ever get your new identity on my msn? I know you asked me to add it several times! How sad it is that life can steal our time so easily! You, my friend, are an excellent writer, a great person and someone I've enjoyed talking with immensely. Thank you for all that you do for everyone that you encounter. :0) Ahhh, there are so many more...perhaps I'll return later and post more letters of friendship and devotion. What a great thread. :0) Nothing ever written to lighten another person's day is ever written in vain. Thanks for all the memories! ~Salinye
I've been reading the "Twilight" series by Stephanie Meyer. (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse) It's a very entertaining read. It's about vampires of all things (Tamaranis will be proud.) ~Salinye
Okay, I've been away a LONG time, but seeing a name on this list sent me walking through memory lane... I think I had just barely ventured to the Pen and stepped into a dual that was in completely uncharted territory. I was like the old sheep wandering into the young wolf pack. AshtonBlades, this dual down memory lane is for you. :0) Salinye What is this? King of the Hill? King of the ghetto Shpeal? Such talent is rot when it’s spouted without thought. You dive in, hope to swim against the current, However, most of what I’ve seen is a deterrent. Be careful grab your water wings, lest you should drown. I’m here to announce there’s a new girl in town. I may look simple, I may seem sweet, But don’t underestimate me, you’ll find yourself beneath my feet. I’m like the kind bard, Insults I find hard. But if you challenge I’ll duel. Pull out your sword, fool. So all of you writ rapping wanna be’s Reading this saying “Puhleez”. Just sit back and think before you jump up and sing Do you really want to be known as the GHETTO RAP KING? AshtonBlades *Ashton stares at her in disbelief, then takes the mic.* Who are you, the new Lil' Kim? I take yo' mediocre rhymes and snap them like a Slim Jim, I'm the Freestyle King man, come on, get it right, You're just a dim star, my star shines bright, Sorry, your rap has gone awry, After I flame you you be talking about yo' problems on Maury, I'm a gentelmen, ladies first, But after that, gentelmen no more, prepare for the worst, I'm authentic, I don't curse, Spit it so hard, you forget your next verse, You can be the bard, I'll be the knight, I can make Mona Lisa smile, 'cause my rap is nice, Now I'm gonna stop my ongoing status quo another day, you can be the side show. *Gives her the mic back and waits patiently* Salinye Laughs and smiles, suddenly a bit shy that the attention is on her, but oh well, she's gotta try. *Takes the mic back* You think you're the king? More like my peasant. Step back, I'll track you down, Just like a hunter does the pheasant. You should stick to what you do best, Like serving me whine and letting me rest. Here you are, up in my face, Prancing around like you own the place. You think your star shines bright, But yo' lyrics ain't tight. Hoping to win against me, That just ain't right! You talk about Phat, But your rap is flat. Don't you know you're dealing With the queen of Perky? Step off the stage, you're just a jive Turkey. Then there is the pointy One, He's up there wavin' his tongue Like he's all that and then some You're like a yo yo, in a mojo, with ho ho, But now I digress, just trying to impress. Listen here, Ashton, you say you're a knight, So pull out your sword and let's fight. Best be warned, if you care to duel, You're likely to end up in a puddle of your drool. Now step right back before I kick you wit' a stiletto Like I said before, YOUR RAP IS GHETTO! Smiles a bit embarrassed and hands the mic back. AshtonBlades *Takes the mic back from Salinye* So now you think that I'm am your peasant, You rap the past, I rap the present, So you say that my rap is flat, You've got to be kidding, with yo' amateur crap, Yo, you just another novice that's about to get burned, How I got so good, well that's none of your concern, I spit these rhymes, with stylistic division, I'll snipe you away, with rapid precision, You flow like jagged rocks on display, I flow like the river on a cool sunny day, Say, you think because you can rap that your okay? Wait, you can make two words rhyme, hooray! A five year old kid can make two words rhyme, You're just nothing, my stuff is sublime, I rip you up like a Great White Shark, Your stuff is boring, I'd be better off staring at bark, Like you said, you runnin' with the big dogs now, When I'm done, you be staring at me like, "How?" blink.gif Salinye (That was great, Ashton! Touche!) Ashton Blades you make me laugh and smile! So kick on back and listen to me for a while. You say I think I'm okay because I can rap, Well I'm here to tell you I'm great, but not because of this crap. I walk in style and I flow with grace. Why is there a need for one of us to save face? You say you're a great white shark, but you're swimmin' in my ocean. Hangin' with me is like drinkin' from a potion. Your head starts spinnin' an' you're feelin' kinda dazed. Take a look around -you might find yourself Amazed. Amazed and trippin' that a simple girly like me, Would dare to call you out, so everyone can see. You showed up to stand the test bringing your best Slingin' your rhyme like the master of a rap fest. Touche my friend, you've proved a worthy challenge thus far I rather find all this silly mud slinging quite bazaar. Now it's time I hand the mic back, Time for this sheep to jump outta' the wolf pack. AshtonBlades *Takes the mic again* Hey, look! It's the amateur girl, You'll get blown away as my style unfurls, Every time I knock you down you come back for more, You'll just get burned, 'cause I'm hotter than the core, I'm here, I'm gonna be here for a long time, You'll never hear Blade kick the wrong rhyme, I got this game tied up like a phone line, I suck you up like a sour green lime! I am the master of this rap fest, Everyone's afraid because they know that I'm the best, Now I hand the mic back to you, So you can show me what you do. Salinye *Takes the mic shaking her head with a smile wondering when this boy will ever learn...* So, you want this lamb back in the slaughter house? Best not consider me prey, sizin' me up- Like a cat does a mouse. That would be your first mistake, don't let it be your last. Underestimating me will get you in trouble fast. Don't mistake my meekness as weakness. I don’t cause trouble, and I’m hardly a pest, But I'm here to show, I can freestyle with the best. I not only talk the talk, but I play the part. I'm no doormat, but I'm a lady at heart. You threw me back up here, thinking I wouldn't measure What you don't know is that I perform well under pressure. So turn the heat up and throw in your best I'll try hard not to send you home cryin' like the rest. *Shyly steps back leaving the mic free still getting used to this free style Thang* AshtonBlades *Grabs the mic* Now listen carefully, to this perspective, Listen as I crush you with my lyrical objective, You're just another pawn in this game I play, Unimportant and standing in my way, A doormat you are, you clean my boots, As I lock you away with the rest of the chicken coop, I'll turn up the heat, higher than you can take, My rhymes slap you around like a box of Shake n' Bake, What's that you say? When will I ever learn? Once you try harder to win, this championship you gotta earn, When we rhyme the sign says "Viewer discresion Advised", They just don't want the crowd to see me make you cry, You're just another greenhorn at this game, But you're proving to be a challenge, I'm glad you came. *Smiles and gives her back the mic* Salinye: *laughs taking the mic back* Here we go.... You think I'm a pawn in this game of chess? More like the queen, so bow down and confess, Confess you're impressed-Impressed I'm still here, Still takin' the mic instead of runnin' off in fear. Clean your boots? I must add an interjection. Listening to me is like getting an infection My rhymes will consume you and penetrate Into your soul, you try to run, but it's too late. Before your composure you can regain My lyrics have already taken control of your brain. So now you walk around like an undead zombie Your thoughts more hollow then a model for Ambercrombie So you wanna escape, you better move faster Bolt now, lest you find yourself calling me master. *laughs at her own ghetto shpeal and hands the mic back* AshtonBlades *Takes mic back* Once again you want me to make you croak, You're just a beginner whose rhymes choke, I'm like a hornet, only sting when I'm provoked, Try the water gun on me and end up gettin' soaked, Better watch out, I'm comin' your way, Screw up your night, then screw up your day, I cut you up like I'm servin' gourmet, Then flame you and Blaze you like I'm makin' flambe' if you continue get beat up like Cassius Clay, Any way you want it have it your way. *Gives Salinye the mic back* LOL Ashton! I truly forgot about that until I saw your name and had to search for about 10 minutes to find the old thread. Thanks for entertaining this freestyle newbie. :0) ~Salinye
Hello! It's been far too long since I have popped on here and said hello to my inspiring Pennite friends. :0) Hmmm, I never know what to say when updating a board that I've been away from for too long. In a nutshell, I'm good, the family is good. We moved into a new house, so that's exciting. I still have a business outsourcing writers and virtual assistants which is going good although I've moved over into the world of grant writing, which is a new adventure. I'm pleased to say that I've made time in my life for reading again and now have felt inspired to pick up my novel with new inspiration that I've been lacking for years. Here's to hoping my muse (bikini clad troll for the old timers that remember) stays around for a while. I've given up on making promises that I might not be able to keep as life often pulls us indirections we don't anticipate, but I'll do my best not to be a stranger. I just want everyone to know that once upon a time, The Pen inspired me in a direction that has led to a very interesting path. It is dark days when our muse becomes a stranger. Cheers! ~Salinye
Pfft! You wasted your honeymoon time visiting SALINYE? Dang, you guys must have been DESPERATE for something to do. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel with those plans. We LOVED your visit. You have an open invitation to visit anytime. However, now we are in our new house, which is only 2 years old, so no remodeling madness to sit through. :0) Let's see, you two make it 5 people that I've had the pleasure of meeting from the Pen. I haven't been disappointed yet!! :0) I've been away for so long, most people probably don't even know who I am. (I like to be mysterious.) Anyway, congratulations again. I can't wait to see you again! Oh, and for those who haven't met me, don't let them fool you, I'm every bit as much of a geek as my husband. I just hide it better!! ~Shelby
Ahhh! What would I do without Tanuchan??? Be lost forever! Nice to see you, too!! ~Salinye
I never suggested incorporating it into the Pen, but I don't think there is anything wrong with pointing out its existence so that people who might be interested in participating can. I think the more writing environments presented the better. :0) I also wouldn't be opposed to having a forum like this here, not that I'm here enough anymore to have a serious vote. However, I can't see how that type of forum is much different than nominating particular stories for the....hmmm what is it called here again? List of favorite or best threads etc? They're singled out and voted on. I can't remember what you call it here! I guess I need to stop by more often and jog my memory. :0) ~Shelby
Hey guys~ I stumbled onto a website that I think has a cool premise. Anyway, I thought it might be a cool place for you story writers to post some of your short stories. The website is: www.storywar.com I haven't had much exposure to it yet, so I can't say if it's fantastic or lame. I just know of it and have done some limited exploring. :0) I hope you all are doing well! ~Shelby
Hi guys! I know, I pop in, I pop out. I hope you're all doing well. BTW, anyone here in NY? ~Shelby
DOH! Did I not report back here? BAD SHELBY! I did get the book deal, I'm very excited. It's on a different topic than I originally thought I would be writing on, but it's very exciting none the less! It's on the topic of hedge funds and much of what will be in teh book has never been written on before, so I rely extensively on conference calls with the experts that I participate in 2 days a week. :0) I'll keep you posted! ~Shelby
Evynyvern~ Thank you so much for the lovely birthday wishes and cheap errr EXCELLENT advertisement for my book. :0) It should be done within 2 months, although I doubt it will be of any interest to anyone here as it is on the topic of hedge funds! lol I've been doing a LOT of research! You're always so thoughtful and a good friend. :0) My birthday was great. I had a hot date with my husband and got to eat at the Melting Pot which is my absolute favorite. Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. You're all very sweet. I wish you much success and happiness in 2007! ~Shelby (Salinye)
Hi all~ I'm starting a website that is devoted to how to make a living writing for print and the online world. I'm having great success at this and want to share the info with other writers! The website is www.SBLWrites.com Currently when you go there it may just be my blog, which is currently being updated as I go through the journey of hopefully *fingers crossed* getting a book deal. (I'll know on MOnday.) So you might find that interesting enough to scan at the very least. I'm in the process of adding a forum to discuss topics, etc. I also have a friend that wrote a FANTASTIC ebook detailing exactly how to make money writing online, and I'll have her ebook up for sale (downloadable) at some point. I was working on writing my own ebook, but hers is so fantastic, I figure no need to reinvent the wheel! Anyway, I just figure that this has been working out so great for me, that there is no reason why I can't help others learn the same thing! Good luck! I'll update this when I get the forum up and running. :0) It should be shortly! ~Shelby
ROFL Wyvie! You so CRAAAZY.... Thanks for all the good advice, I especially like: Zomg BBQ hax! QQ more! ~Salinye
Thanks, those are great suggestions. :0) ~Shelby
Hello, I just got a writing job that requires me to write 20 articles on different aspects of World of Warcraft. I thought I'd ask you for topic suggestions. :0) ~Salinye
Well, surprisingly for my history, it's not fictional writing. There are TONS of people out there marketing their products and web pages that want ebooks and reports, but aren't writers. I was fortunate enough to connect with someone who liked my work (I've been working on getting into this market for a little while) and hired me to do quite a lot of work for him each month. So, I have a steady income coming in and then I can take my time working on the ebooks I'm working on for myself in the background. :0) One of the ebooks I'm writing is all about the multifaceted different ways to make money writing onine. With detailed instructions of where to go and how to do it. That one will be my book, no ghost writing for that one. I also have a few jobs writing some articles for some people. For instance, I may land a job writing 20 unique articles about world of Warcraft of all things! How easy would THAT be? I think I could write quality wow articles in my sleep! lol There are ALL kinds of work out there and I've been researching it and talking with people who have become very successful in the industry and I'm really excited about the mentoring opportunities I have had. Thanks so much for sharing in my excitement! Salinye
I've been doing some freelance writing and got hired for a regular job where I'll have a steady month to month income coming in. I'm just really excited. :0) Thought this was the appropriate place to share! ~Shelby
Always nice to see you, Psimon. :0) It's apparent you haven't lost your poetic touch. ~Salinye
Hmm, can't get html to work. http://home.att.net/~slugbutter/evil/neutral.htm ~Salinye
ROFL Those are all great. HEY you two DO look handcuffed! ROFL I never noticed that! ~Salinye
Hey, so here is a pic of my husband, Wyvern and I. It turned out so funny, that my husband had the idea to post it with a "ADD a Caption" type game. What am I saying in this pic?? Just for fun... Ready....Set....GO! ~Salinye
thump…thump…budump… Mira's heart was pulsing into his ears loudly as he made his way out of the stairwell into what appeared to a be a hallway on what he could only assume was the main floor of Pen Keep. Salinye lay limp in his arms, her long blond hair dangling down near his knee, his clothes drenched in her blood. thump…thump…budump… Being a stranger and worse, a prisoner gone awol in Gyrfalcon's stronghold was enough to make brave men nervous. Dove claimed he was a "good man", but as the night was unfolding, he wondered if anything that had ever come out of her mouth was true. Looking down the well-lit hallway he noticed droplets of blood. He didn't know if this was from Salinye or something else. The thought reminded him that he really didn't even know what battle was being waged or which side he would be considered to be on. thump…thump…budump… The sound of rushing footsteps were heard coming toward him; without thinking he shifted part of her weight onto his hip, grabbed the handle of a door in the hallway and turned it. He sighed in relief as he heard the tell-tale click and was able to push it open. Rolling his body against the door he swaggered inside and put Salinye down in a corner as gently as he could while in a hurry. Dropping into a crouch he deftly pulled a dagger out from within his coat and put himself between Salinye and whatever might walk through that door. thump…thump…budump…budump…budump…budump… Mira could see the shadows of several people as they rushed by the door which was ajar, but none of them stopped to investigate it. "Aaggg I wish these stupid alarms would stop! I can't think with all this racket!" Since Mira couldn't hear any alarms, he could only assume that they were some sort of magical system only heard by Gyrfalcon's guards or servants. Hearing the hallway go silent for the moment, he took a moment to assess his surroundings. By chance he had ended up in some sort of a supply closet. The walls were lined with shelving holding towels, sheets and other linen, boxes of what looked to be toiletries and other odds and ends necessities. "Well Dove, for now, this is going to have to be enough." Putting his dagger away, he stood up and pushed the door almost all the way closed leaving himself just enough light to navigate around the room without causing anything to crash to the floor. He quickly pulled some linens off a shelf and made a make shift bed upon the floor behind the door. He then gently moved the mage over onto it hoping he had enough time undisturbed to bind her wounds to a point where he could feel confident in traveling with her again. At the same time he wanted her in a place so that if anyone did open the door, it would serve as a shield for her. Half way through his preparations something inside of him made him stop and reevaluate what he was doing. Why was he staying here and risking himself for her? For all he knew, she was going to aid in his death once she was awake again. She has quarters in Gyrfalcon's stronghold!! Glancing back to the door and remembering the silence he realized that he could just leave her there and make his own escape. No one would blame him, he WAS after all brought here as a prisoner. thump…thump…budump… His heart beat like the ticks of a clock as he weighed his options. Seconds drug on like minutes. In the end, however, his conscience got the best of him. "All hells woman, you better not get me killed." he grumbled as he did his best to stop her bleeding and stabilize her wounds.
I never saw that there were responses to this. Thank you. :0) Was a fun write. What do we treasure more in our lives than our close friends? ~Salinye
Happy Birthday, Tass. :0) I hope it's merry! Cheers! ~Salinye
Somewhere on the property of Pen Castle near Annael’s Tree Salinye weaved in among Annaels butterflies in order to see her face to face. “Hello Annael.” The fallen angel looked up and smiled. “Hello, Salinye. How are you?” “Fine, thank you. I was wondering, have you seen Finnius? He wasn’t in his chambers.” Annael thought about it for a moment. “You know, I haven’t seen the little blue guy in a while come to think about it.” Salinye nodded. “Yes, me either. Oh well, if you see him, will you tell him I’m looking for him?” “Sure thing.” “Thanks Annael, and it really is nice to see you.” The Confessional Walking in the door of the AVV Tavern Salinye smiled at Gyrfalcon who was standing behind the bar diligently cleaning the counter top. “Ranger, how did I know I’d find YOU here?” He chuckled. “Oh, you’ve slave driven me in here for long enough to know I couldn’t let the job go if I wanted to.” “Well, you make a good point.” She grinned. “So what will it be this evening, Sal? Perhaps some Elven wine, or your usual cranberry juice?” She shook her head to the negative quickly scanning The Confessional and its inhabitants. “Unfortunately, I don’t have much time to socialize. I’m actually looking for Finnius, have you seen him?” The ranger slapped his bar towell over his shoulder as he replied. “Nope, I sure haven’t. Sorry, Sal. What do you need him for?” “He’s late for our date.” She said matter of factly. Gyrfalcon remembered an auction ages ago and raised an eyebrow. “Uhhh, does Finnius know he has a date to be late for?” She waved her hand at him dismissively. “Of course not, but that’s a minor detail! The fact is he’s LATE!” She started heading out of the tavern and turned to comment over her shoulder, “Oh, and if you see him, please tell him….” The ranger cut her off mid-sentence, “…to run for the hills?” He laughed at the look of indignation that crossed the mage’s face. “I know, I know…tell him that you’re looking for him.” Salinye smirked. “Yes, thank you.” The Library Walking through the library and NOT getting distracted by all of the amazing books, tombs and scrolls was not a light or easy task for Salinye. However, when the mage had her mind on something, she could be quite driven. Unfortunately, the only inhabitant that she found in the library was Miss Yui Chan who at the moment was curled up in a cozy chair with her nose buried in a book. “Hi Yui!” Salinye smiled as she hadn’t seen her friend in quite a while and she was a sight for sore eyes. “Hello Salinye San. Where have you been hiding? “Ahh, now that is a story that begs to be told, but it will have to wait for another time. Have you by chance seen Finnius?” “No, I’m afraid I haven’t. Sorry, Sal.” Salinye sighed. “That’s alright. He’s proving to be QUITE the elusive fellow. If you see the little blue guy, will you tell him that I’m looking for him?” “I will.” “Thanks so much, Yui. We really do need to sit down and catch up sometime soon.” In the Courtyard near the fountain On her way into the keep she noticed Patham sitting on the edge of the fountain. She didn’t know him very well, but decided in taking a chance in asking him anyway. “Are you making a wish?” She smiled teasing. Patham looked up, as his thoughts were unexpectedly sent off their course. "I was just thinking of a way to solve Mynx's flying lessons actually," he said with a smile. Salinye leaned on the edge of the fountain thoughtfully. “Flying lessons? Now THAT is something I would love to hear more about when I have some free time, if you don’t mind.” The curious mage in her intrigued. “I’d be happy to tell you more about.” “Thank you, I’ll be sure to hunt you down later.” (If only he knew what he had just gotten himself into.) “In the meantime, have you seen Finnius?” Patham thought back, but it had been quite some time ago that he had last seen him. "I'm sorry, but no. But if you do find him could you tell him that I also wanted to ask him a question?" “Take a number!” Salinye laughed. “I’ll be sure to pass the message along when I’m through with him.” Something about the way she said “through with him” sounded a bit ominous. “Thank you, Patham. Don’t forget, you owe me a “flying lesson discussion”. She smiled once more and headed toward the keep doors. The Search Continues…