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Everything posted by Salinye
Ayshela~ First of all, YAYAYYAAYAY! *does the happy dance as dancing is one of her (and SAlinye's) strongest passions! Secondly, I do have a question. Do we PM you the ballroom entrance or place it on this thread? I wasn't sure what you wanted. I assume you want it pm'd so it can't be read until you post it, but I wanted to make sure none the less. :0) Oh, and um...you won't be writing me out of my towell again, will you? Wyvern's heart can only take so much! http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif ~Salinye
Awww I can't wait to read that to my children!!! They'll just LOVE it! ~Salinye
I rather enjoyed this poem. :0) ~Salinye
Happy HAPPY Birthday, Lelu! Welcome to The Pen, and just watch out for Orlan!! *grins* ~Salinye
Ohhhh The romantic in me sighs and wistfully falls over. ~Salinye
Thinas, on an off note....I REALLY love your sig!! ...and, this thread really makes me realize I'm overdue for a *cough* Madame Quixotic *cough* prediction.... *sits down to ponder the fate of Cioden.... ~Salinye
Thanks for the spelling corrections, except, Meld is correct as it is. :0) ~Salinye *edited to change accept to except* *shakes her head* I do that ALL The flippin' Time! RAWR ~Salinye
Happy, happy Birthday, All Y'all! ~Salinye
The title is as abstract as the poem. Maybe some of you will be able to know what it's about. :0) Life hurls its excess waste upon my shoulders allowing my peace to be taken from me causing the shutters in my head to go down. The encroaching vines of fear lash out from the earth encasing me in their web of despair. Confusion steals me. I know I could escape, my indecisive mind won't choose an Avenue. Silently I feel you before I see you. Having entered my web, your heart beats towards me until we meld into one glowing orb. Our hearts beat as one. As the eclipse fades, your heart stays with me. Yet you possess my glow. The earth must recoil her pitiful threads revealing the path that lifts the shutters, releasing my peace of mind. I definately need to do some serious improvements and edits, but at least the idea is down on paper.
*makes a copy for her husband* GREAT! Thank you, Tralla! ~Salinye
Well, Peredhil raises a very good point. For those of us who are religious, we do put our ultimate fate in the hands of a higher being/loving Heavenly Father/Higher Power etc. (Depends on individual beliefs.) I don't agree that this is giving up in any way shape or form. For me, I believe in free agency/free will. God did not make us robots. He put us here specifically with the ability to make our own decisions and choices. If we make bad decisions or even decisions alterior to His will, he won't stop us. We're not controlled in any way. Some of us simply make the choice to ponder and pray about some of our more important decisions and/or to make them with our beliefs in mind. Everyone's beliefs influence some of their decisions, even if that belief is to believe in no God/higher power/Spiritual influence etc. I don't feel controlled at all. It's sort of like a good parent (note, not all parents are good) that guides their children and teaches them in the things they should know, but then stands back to help them when they request it, but to also watch them make their own mistakes. It's hard to watch someone you love make mistakes you've made KNOWING the results. But you have to let them make them because they won't learn the life lesson with all their heart unless they make the mistake on their own. I sort of view my relationship with my Heavenly Father in that manner. He always has his hand of love and knowledge extended out to me, offered to me. However, it is up to me to look up and take it or accept it. He won't force his will on me. So, I do believe I control my own actions and my own reactions the best I can. (I am human) However, I try to live a prayerful and Christ centered life. Does that make me a lemming? I think maybe someone who is uneducated on my lifestyle and only hears I'm "religious" might think so. However, a day in the life of me would show otherwise. :0) Woo, that was quite the ramble, eh? I just hope it makes sense! ~Salinye
Alaeha! Your poetry exercises are WONDERFUL! Keep them coming. *hugs* ~Salinye
"Mom." She whispered one last time as she took her hand. She couldn't help but notice the contrast of her vibrant milky skin with that of her mothers wrinkled hand painted with age spots. Wrinkles and spots that told the tale of a woman whose hands loved, and were loved by many. Hands that could manipulate yarn through a weave with amazing speed and expertise. Hands that were even more proficient at weaving the strands of our hearts.
Does living as though you control your own destiny lead to a more powerful life?? Ready.... Set.... GO! ~Salinye
Peredhil!! Could a more wonderful person possibly have a birthday today?? I don't think so. *big hugs* ~Salinye
Salinye smiles catching Nyark's eye for just a moment. Not knowing him well she curtsies, a subtle congratulations, to him before he is quickly surrounded by his many friends and fans. WAY TO GO, NYARK! ~Salinye
WB, Daemon. :0) ~Salinye
Senora wondered at the pink world that seemed to wonder. Pink, it’s all she saw. I’ve often thought of heaven, but never once thought it would be pink. She thought to herself before she realized that her eyes were not yet open. She slowly began to open her eyes but promptly shut them again turning her head away from the blinding light. I was wrong, heaven’s not pink, it’s bright. The elven girl, hardly 100 years old, took her time adjusting to the light before fully opening her eyes. She could see the blue sky above her with a few billowy white clouds lazily drifting by. She could feel the soft yet prickly feeling of fresh grass beneath her hands and slowly sat up to find herself sitting in a field. “Okay, so heaven is a field?” She asked out loud this time. “Heaven is many things, my child, but that is not where you are.” Senora whipped her head around to find herself looking at the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. The woman was adorned in all white clothing and her long blonde hair, drug on the ground behind her. She appeared to be elven and her very countenance seemed to rival the noonday for glory. Senora didn’t know who the woman was, but before she could ask the too familiar psionic winds blew threw her mind and she was filled with emotion the strength of she had never before felt. She was filled with unspeakable love and joy. She felt deep sincere appreciation for every living thing she viewed. She had a peace and calm about her that she would for the rest of her life yearn to feel again. The woman waited patiently for the wave of emotion that had overwhelmed Senora to pass before she began speaking. “I am Kaelin’Dar. I am the Goddess of Love and Light. I have granted your call for Sanctuary.” As the Goddess mentioned the word Sanctuary the memories of the night came flooding over Senora with such force that she turned to her side and heaved into the grass. “I’m sorry.” Senora whispered wiping her mouth with her sleeve.” “Please don’t apologize. You’ve been through quite an ordeal. Several actually. You have not led an easy life. First and foremost, being raised by humans is no easy feat. However, at the time it’s the only thing your parents could think of to protect you.” Senora looked over her shoulder. “You know who my parents are?” Kaelin’Dar smiled lovingly. “Of course, but that is not a subject we’ll discuss today.” Her words were spoken with the utmost kindness, but also with a finality that made the elven girl keep quiet despite her life long desires to know of her parents. “Secondly, you have been given a gift that often feels like a curse. Not only does it cause you to be misunderstood, but it also forces you to feel the emotions of not only the most beautiful and pure, but also the most evil and cruel. Then, not only do you feel their emotions, but you understand them, empathize with them.” Senora nodded wanting to cry. No one had ever understood. “Yes.” She whispered still feeling quite overwhelmed. “Thirdly,” the Goddess continued. “You have tried to use your gift to help and serve your fellow man with good intentions. You have proven the true desires of your heart. This is why I have granted you Sanctuary, Senora.” Senora couldn’t help but ask. “D..Did I burn?” She looked down at her clothing and body, which appeared to be unmarked. Kaelin’Dar laughed a laugh that rang threw the meadow with the ring of a sweet song. “No, my child. I think the citizens of Sadeyshon will forever tell the tale of “the witch who disappeared from a burning stake in a beam of light.” Senora raised a curious eyebrow. “Well, serves them right.” She muttered. “Indeed it does.” The Goddess replied. “Well, if I’m not in heaven, then where am I?” Senora asked looking around and noticing a small log cabin a short distance away. “You are in the world of Two Skies. You will be safe here, but more importantly, I need you here as my priestess.” Senora blinked. “Me? A priestess?” “Yes. I have brought you here because this world needs my influence.” “But…I don’t know anything about being a priestess!” “That doesn’t matter. I have already gifted you with some of my own likenesses, some of which will be mixed blessings. However, I have faith you will handle the challenges well. As long as you are faithful to my will, you will be blessed with the gifts you need. There is plenty of time for me to teach you. For now, take this.” She extended forth a chain with her holy symbol attached to it. Senora took the necklace and inspected the talisman. The entire chain was silver. It was of the finest weave appearing as though it would break with even a gentle tug yet it was fastened as if by steel. The center was a large iridescent opal surrounded by Ivy intertwined with the spun silver strands. “Put it on and wear it always. It will help and protect you.” Senora obeyed by hanging it around her neck. “Now,” Kaelin’Dar continued. “Walk to that cabin and take the pack and supplies that are waiting for you. Then follow the map to a place called The Scribe Complex. Seek out a woman by the name of Yui-Temae. She knows not of me, but I know her heart. She will offer you a place to stay.” She then approached the elven girl and embraced her in a warm loving hug. “I will be with you, Senora.” After releasing the embrace she turned and walked out into the field slowly fading in with the sunshine. Senora, once again alone, walked towards the cabin trying to let the things that had transpired settle upon her mind. The cabin had no door and very few furnishings. There was a plain, simple table, bed, standing mirror and standing armoire. The door to the Armoire was open. Senora walked to it opening the other door to fully view the contents. Inside were several gowns and cloaks. A pack hung from a hook on one side full of various items she would explore in more depth later. Sitting upon a shelf within the Armoire was a rolled up map that would guide her to the complex Kaelin’Dar had spoken of. She quickly gathered her things together ready to make the journey she was commanded to make. After glancing around the cabin one last time to make sure she was taking all she was supposed to she began walking to the door. She stopped at the full length mirror to casually check her appearance, the reflection staring back at her causing her to drop her pack and stare in awe. The woman in the mirror was indeed she. Same emerald green eyes, same wild red hair, only she was…beautiful. Senora was an elf, and the elves did have a certain beauty and elegance about her. Only now, her countenance almost seemed to radiate. She would be nothing if she were standing beside Kaelin’Dar. However, among the mortal races she would definitely stand out. She couldn’t help but touch her face trying to see if perhaps her eyes were playing tricks on her. However, she found the image to be very real. Uncomfortable with her new elegant beauty she pulled the hood of her cloak up to hide her features and hurriedly left the cabin. It was only half a days walk to the Scribe complex the priestess was told about. She reached its outer wall by dusk. She soon found herself standing outside of the door to a tavern. The sign that hung above the door read: “The Eternal Tavern.” She could hear liveliness from inside, however, she was afraid to enter. She wasn’t sure what to expect in this new world. She took a deep breath, grasped her holy symbol within one hand beneath her cloak and slowly opened the door to let herself inside. **New post from a continued story that showcases one of her empathy episodes.** Warm…embracing…rejuvenating… These are words Senora would use to describe the feeling of the sun shining through the leaves of the treetops down onto her face. Breathing in the forest scents, she was reminded why she was always able to do some of her best meditating when among nature. With her eyes closed she slowly became attuned to everything around her. The cushioned and slightly damp feeling of the moss covered ground that she sat upon. The sounds of a near by brook trickling carelessly over the rocky terrain that marked its course. Birds, not only singing, but also taking flight from one branch to another. A gentle breeze wafting through the small clearing, caressing her already sun-warmed face and softly swaying her long red locks. The priestess felt a peace settle within her as she relaxed in preparation of entering into a deeper meditative state. Hatred…bloodlust…murderous intent… These are the emotions that violently ripped through Senora’s peaceful state of being. They were invasive and hostile without the usual warning or build up. Kill! Kill! Kill! The feeling of wanting to rip someone limb from limb-a justified desire. A hate so dark it was almost pure and yet legitimate. Evil…hatred…demonic… The feelings left the elf as abruptly as they had come upon her. The drastic nature of the psychic invasion was so unusual and unexpected that before she could regain control over her own mind she slumped back, the moss giving her head a natural pillow, and sunk into the blissful nothingness of unconsciousness. …Sometime later… Bolting upright the first thing Senora became aware of was the echo of a scream fading through the forest. Had she cried out? She wasn’t sure all she knew was that the scream could only be bad news. If the cry was from someone else, then whatever it was that she had felt could be nearer to her than she liked. How long was I unconscious? If the scream had been from her then she risked drawing the attention of whatever evil being she had felt. There is more shade here than before. The sun no longer falls upon my face. Scrambling to her feet Senora drew the hood of her cloak up around her face and gathered her pack onto her back. She had no idea which direction was safe and which presented danger. She did however realize that she didn’t have more than an hour before the last bit of daylight would leave the forest for the night and if she had to face danger, she’d rather do it in the light. Making a quick decision she headed to the east where she knew the edge of the forest met with a common traveling trail. She hadn’t yet allowed herself to examine the nature of the psychic waves that had caused her to black out, as she needed to keep her wits about her. However, she knew that the unusual experience left her filled with uncertainty. There would be time for introspect later, now she only wished to avoid the being that held such vile emotions within it. She couldn’t help but pity it.
This was written for another world, but I thought I'd share the character intro here with you all anyway in case you like it. :0) “BURN HER!” “She’s a WITCH!” “Send her demonic soul back to the PITS OF HELL!” These were the shouts that followed the priestess as she ran through the vacant streets of Sadyshon. The fire from the many torches of the pursuant mob behind her offered the only light to guide her frantic steps. Her white housedress clung to her as mud flew up from her bare feet as she fled for the large stone church that was positioned in the center of the town. “FREE THESE STREETS FROM HER SCRYING EYE!” Senora glanced over her shoulder finding the gap between the mob and her growing smaller by the moment. Turning a corner the tall steeple of the ornate church loomed before her adding speed to her flight. As she neared the church she frantically scrambled up the steps throwing her against the large wooden doors. “SANCTUARY!” She screamed banging on the doors. “SANCTUARY!” The mob closed in behind her and she turned around pressing her back to the door. Her wild red hair almost seemed to glow in the torchlight as she stared at the mob wide eyed. One particular man started up to the steps towards her seething, “The only sanctuary you’ll find is one of Hell fire!” “What is this?” The high priest Macarey asked while opening the door causing Senora to fall back against him before gathering her footing to stand again. The crowd fell into a silent hush as he opened the door further stepping out onto the stone platform next to the girl. “I….I..come for Sanctuary, My Lord.” Senora stammered before the crowd erupted in refutes. “She’s a WITCH!” “She should be BURNED!” The high priest Macarey raised his hands to quiet the roar. “What has the child done to make you think she is a witch?” He asked. A local farmer man stepped forward removing his hat from his head respectfully before the priest. “M’lord, she knew it ‘twas Bennerton who stole them horses from my place. She read his mind!” The priest looked at Senora. “Is this true, child?” Senora straightened her spine confidently. “I knew it was Bennerton because he was the only one full of guilt and terror when Sheriff Donley came to question the farm hands.” She replied matter of factly. “She LIES!” Shouted a woman as she came forward. “She bewitched me with a love spell!” Senora couldn’t believe the audacity of the woman. “Claire! You know that’s a lie! You’ve been in love with Timothy Allen since last years summer festival. I can’t help it if you had to call off your wedding to Sam! You were going to marry a man you didn’t love for the wrong reasons and would never have been happy if I hadn’t helped you decide to follow your heart!” “She LIES!” The woman spat back again. “Because of her love spell I have been ostracized from my family!” “ENOUGH!” Priest Macarey hollered. “Miss Senora. Do you actively participate in Witch Craft?” “Nay, My Lord.” She replied. “How is it that you seem to know the things the people of the town have suggested.” He asked again. “It’s a gift, M’lord. I can nay read minds like they claim, but sometimes, I can….feel how people are feeling.” She finished certain that a holy man would understand her gift. The High Priest stood silent for some moments weighing his decision. “Well, I cannot judge her, nor can I offer her sanctuary.” “By the laws it must be decided by FIRE!” Screamed a man in the crowd. “Yes, let the gods decide!” Senora could not believe what she was hearing. In a mad effort she turned to jump off the steps to run again but was caught about the waist by the Priest. She kicked trying to get away, but it was only a moment before the crowd was upon them cheering and ripping her from his grasp. “Go in peace, my child. The gods will decide your fate.” He said as she was torn from the church steps by two men and drug to a stake that had been constructed with a mound of wood and hay surrounding its base. The two men hoisted her up and held her firmly in place while two other men bound her to the stake at the feet, hands and waist. A soft chant had started among the crowd “Burn the witch! Burn the Witch!” A roar of cheers rose up as a man that Senora recognized as a local merchant came forward and placed his torch to the wood and hay mound causing it to abrupt into flames. Senora watched in horror as the smoke began to billow up around her. She could feel the heat from the flames upon her body, although the flames had not yet reached her flesh. She held her breath trying to breathe in the rancid smoke, but realized this only made her suck it in deeper when finally she was forced to breathe. The smoke burned as it filled her lungs causing her to cough. The crackle and dull roar of the fire soon began to drown out the sounds of the cheering and jeering crowd. She watched the black billows swirl up past her as drops of salty sweat dripped down her forehead into her stinging eyes. She blinked to try to clear her vision but instead only succeeded in warping it further. She knew by the way her head was swimming that she was probably about to lose consciousness. Oh well, better to burn in my sleep, then while awake. She thought to herself. However, instead she was hit with a wave of emotion so strong that it pulled her mind away from its attempted slumber. Suddenly she was filled with a multitude of dark emotion. Hate, blood lust, envy, fear. She blinked her eyes trying to see the crowd through the haze of smoke and heat. Such hate, such darkness. The feelings she was now full of were so horrid, she almost wished for the fire to bite her flesh in order to escape it. All that she could manage to mumble was, “Sanctuary” before her head dropped forward sending her into blissful darkness.
I like it Wren! Very sad, but I like it! ~Salinye
Salinye sighed before motioning to the table. “Perhaps we should have a seat.” She said pulling out a chair and sitting down. Gyrfalcon sat across from her while Daryl jumped up on the table and curled up in front of her where he could easily be pet while every once in a while looking up to stare at Salinye’s “odd” appearance inquisitively. She instinctively scratched the werefox behind the ears before looking up to meet Gyrfalcon’s eyes and explain. “The tattoo is real. It has to be. If the markings were magical, they would be too easy to detect. However, I can remove them with magic.” As she said that she whispered an incantation while bringing the flat of her hand over her tattooed eye. When she removed her hand it was gone. “Simple really.” Gyrfalcon nodded understanding the basic mechanics of magic. “I admit, the use of a facial tattoo is an intelligent addition to disguise. People tend to remember the tattoo more than the specific features. But, why the elaborate disguise in the first place?” He asked. “Well, in this disguise people know me as “Dove”. I use it for situations that require it. This time I used it to pose as a bounty hunter.” Daryl raised his head to look at her as she said this and Gyrfalcon almost laughed. Salinye raised an indignant eyebrow. “I am not all sweet and sugar, GyrE! I can be quite rough and rugged when I need to be. I just prefer the softer side of life when I can choose it!” Now Gyrfalcon did laugh. “I never thought you wouldn’t be capable of being a bounty hunter Miss “Rough and Rugged”. I just can’t see that as your preferred line of work.” He replied humored. “Well, you’re right.” She said with a quick smile. “However, when you’re attending a call for bounty hunters, you need to look the part.” “Why would you answer a call for bounty hunters?” Gyrfalcon asked again with a bit of concern. Bounty hunters were in a dark business, he wasn’t quite sure he liked the idea of his friend running around in it. “I was originally there for my own reasons, however, that doesn’t matter now. I was very shocked to find you listed as the bounty.” A low soft growl escaped from Daryl, but Gyrfalcon didn’t seem surprised. It almost seemed as if perhaps this wasn’t the first time he had been in this situation. Salinye then went on to explain the events of that days meeting. She described both men with precise details remembered by her keen elven mind. “They never said their names.” She then went on to give details about the other bounty hunters in attendance. “The one that called himself Tayne was given a map and left claiming you and your bodyguard would be dead before the rest reached you.” The worry etched in the wizardess’ features was now very apparent. Gyrfalcon raised an eyebrow. “My bodyguard?” “Yes.” She replied. “Daryl.” “Daryl is my bodyguard?” Gyrfalcon asked with a grin. Daryl then stood up pacing around the table growling and bearing his teeth with much macho bravado before Salinye grabbed him and pulled him back to her. The ranger could only roll his eyes. “I know he’s not really your bodyguard, but I could tell that the man employing us was very confident that his meat shield could take care of you in quick order. I wanted to make him doubt his plan a bit. I can’t tell you if it worked, because I have no idea the connections he truly has. But sometimes you have to talk the talk.” The ranger nodded his face sobering again as he listened to her finish informing him of the details of that day. “I’m supposed to be meeting him in Tel Reth in 10 days so that he can prove he has the money to back up his promise. So, unless some of those bodyguards are really determined to find you without knowing for sure he has the geld to pay them despite the warnings that were given, and then I think you “might” have a ten-day lag. For now, it’s really important that my cover is not blown. I don’t know how many people he has placed inside The Pen Castle, if any. That’s why I didn’t want to be seen with you dressed like Dove. It’s important they think you know me only as Salinye and that I’m truly double crossing you.” Salinye stood up and began pacing the room. “I’m open to hearing your thoughts and suggested plan of action. The one thing I do know is that we could have already been observed. It’s good that the three of us are naturally together a lot as it is. It will make it easier for my “bounty hunter bravado” to seem real.” The leather-clad mage turned to face both of them a light blush heating her cheeks. “So, if anyone asks, Daryl is your sidekick, and uh…well…in an effort to gain his trust and to think of me as his ace in the hole….I…..told him we were….intimate.” She said with red cheeks and a sheepish smile.
The Message Behind Lord of the Rings
Salinye replied to Jareena Faye's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
I agree with Nyark on this one. Also, The story of Golem was first a short story before it was a book. (The Hobbit.) Wasn't that short story started while he was in the trenches during WWI? I thought that was the case. Was it actually WWII? I'm not clear. Also, I've heard that Tokein has said that he didn't write the book for War or religious purposes, but I agree that pieces of the author will come out in stories here and there. Also, wasn't the trilogy actually written, because his true passion was behind the world and Mythology of the books? I wish I could remember the things I learned about him!!! Most of you probably know far more than me on the subject. ~Salinye -
The quick beast moved unseen amongst the light of the outside world and finally through the maze of tunnels that led through the dark of the Drow underworld until he at last resided before his creator and master. The necromancer glanced up from his scrying mirror to offer a rare moment of praise. “You’ve done well.” The creature shook his head violently snorting as the rough calloused skin that covered his unnatural body rippled. “Yes, I know. You wanted a taste of live flesh. Your self control will not go unrewarded.” The necromancer promised before turning a humored eye back to his scrying mirror. “It appears our lady has drawn quite the crowd. Very good. All the more pale rot for you to eat.” The beast stopped it’s frustrated dance and lowered himself submissively.
"Lady Celestialgrace?” Salinye stopped her purposeful stride down the hallway as her name was called by an unfamiliar voice. Turning to address the woman who had called her she tried very hard to keep the frustration of the moment out of her features. Hesitantly the woman continued speaking. “My name is Adrynna Shathward. I am currently traveling, and I was hoping to get some food and board here. Have I come at the wrong time? And I do offer my services if you should need anything or anyone eliminated." Salinye looked around the room, the usual soft kindness that was her usual countenance replaced by stern and rare frustration. However, her words were gentle. “You are welcome here at Custos Manor, commonly called Salinye’s Hostel. As for your offer, we’ve had more than enough elimination for today. Please make yourself at home; the staff will be able to help you get situated. I’d be happy to speak with you in a bit. For now,” here she glanced around at the members from The Pen who had “coincidently” found their way to her hostel, “I have other matters to attend to.” With that she briskly turned continuing her descent down a hallway hearing at least one set of shuffled feet hurrying to follow her. She led them expertly through the many corridors of the Hostel until they arrived at a rather large conference room. The room was sparsely yet elegantly decorated. The large oval table in the center of the room was Cherry. The legs were intricately carved in a fashion that was very common among the High Elves. There were a dozen matching chairs surrounding the table. Each chair was cushioned with a mossy green velvety material that had an ornate pattern swirled through it. The far wall housed a magnificent window that curved around at the top giving a beautiful view of the front courtyard and accompanying fountain. To the right side of the window in the corner stood a small bureau, again, a matching piece. Atop the bureau was a silver tray with a pitcher of water and serving goblets. On the other side of the window stood a small bookcase full of various leather bound books. If one were to inspect them they might be surprised to find that each volume was a history of a particular race varying from the goodly races to the most heinous. The only other thing in the room was a painting hung on the same wall the door was hinged upon. Painted upon the canvas was a symbol few to none would understand. Salinye paused for a moment as she opened the door. She forgot how much she liked this room. Pulling herself out of her moment of observation she strode into the room standing behind the chair at the far end of the table in front of the window watching to see who would be joining her.
I don't care! it's new to me, and I like Lumpen! Ofcourse, I only really know him from the room... But still!!! COME BACK! *stomps foot* ~Salinye