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Everything posted by Salinye
....wait...undead don't get votes. *mischievious grin* ~Salinye
*seconds the straight jacket suggestion* All in favor? ~Salinye
This is very fun and very exciting, Ayeshela! I've been pestering people to have a big social ball for a while now and it's SO GREAT TO SEE IT HAPPEN! *hugs* ~Salinye
Did someone mention bite? *pokes her head in the door and notices LBR* OH! Hello! Yes, uhh..we don't generally bite. *grins* Welcome!! ~Salinye
*hurries in* "Ack! If I'd keep my nose out of books once in a while maybe I wouldn't miss all the parties!!!" Salinye sighs and places a homemade card among the pile of gifts. She didn't know Jonathon very well, but had admired his work and talent. OOC: Happy birthday!!! ~Salinye
Happy happy birthday!! ~Salinye
Salinye turned her gaze from Tamaranis to Gyrfalcon as he spoke. Her eyes lingered on him for a moment as the things she had read from “Gyrfalcon the Mad” swirled in her mind. Finally she in turn looked to Annael and Daryl. “Is this true. Did you two also share this nightmare?” Annael nodded and Daryl smiled regretfully indicating he too had been plagued by the dream. “Very well. I’ll have to think on that. And for the rest of you?” She asked still very uncharacteristically cold and business like. Ayshela was the first to speak up. “I didn’t have the same dream the others speak of, as you all seem to remember it quite clearly. However, I did have very unrestful sleep and the only thing that settled in my mind from the whirlwind of confusion was that perhaps you were in danger, Salinye. I’m a very intuitive creature, and seeing how we’re both new around Pen Castle, we have established a new friendship. I’m not sure what’s going on, and I’m a bit boggled to find such crazy events taking place. I only came here to pay a visit and see for myself that you were indeed alright.” The wizardess smiled softly at Ayshela. She was telling the truth, she was sure of it. They were both new at The Pen and had been hanging out together trying to learn the ropes. However, this still left the unnerving occurrence of last nights dream. Somehow some of the feelings of danger had passed over to Ayshela. “Well, tampered dreams seem to be a common theme here.” Salinye turned to look at the founder of The Pen, Ozymandias. “I didn’t dream of you, Salinye. However, my sleep has been disturbed by violence for a few nights here. It was through a sparring match with Gyrfalcon that I learned of this situation. As leader, I am responsible for and concerned about the happenings around The Pen. I came here in a sincere desire to help the situation. I’m sorry to find you distrusting and angry. I’ve never known anyone in this room to be anything short of trustworthy and loyal, m’lady.” Staring at the Elder of the Pen she gathered her thoughts together. Sure, so you’re implying one of three things. Either you’re a poor leader and naïve enough not to know the history of your own people or you do know and are in cahoots with them. The only other possibility is that I’m wrong and none of you have ill intents. Salinye rubbed her forehead trying to calm her now throbbing headache before looking up and finally speaking in a softer more defeated tone. “I think I’m going to need some time to think about this and sort it out. I also need to figure out why I have a huge hole burnt into the side of my hostel and one man lying in my infirmary. I don’t exactly know what is going on, but I know SOMETHING is going on and it reeks of danger. Would you all do me the kindness of remaining here at the hostel for the night and meeting with me again in the morning?” She was answered with some nods and even some sympathetic looks. It was obvious more was churning within her mind and heart than met the eye. “Since I see no objections, please help yourself to the hospitalities of my hostel.” Where I can keep a close eye on you. She silently added. "Actually, Lady Salinye," Tamaranis said with controlled politeness. "I actually have some business I need to attend to. However, I am confident I can be back by nightfall." Salinye stared at him for a long moment before responding. "Very well." I’ll have my staff show the rest of you some rooms you can choose from. Ayshela, Gyrfalcon, Daryl and Annael, I think you might want to consider the garden rooms. Our more woodsy types tend to prefer them. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have….things…to attend to.” With that the mage swept from the room in turmoil and haste.
Salinye started to take the glass of sparkling water from Gyrfalcon then paused smiling. “You know, I think one glass of elven wine would be alright on such a wonderful occasion.” Gyrfalcon raised an eyebrow at her. “Just one, though.” She said to answer his questioning look. He chuckled placing the sparkling water back upon the table and handed her the glass of elven wine. “Whatever you wish, M’lady.” He said with a slight smirk. He and Daryl on various occasions had offered her wine and she had always declined. She had never had a high alcohol tolerance, however, she didn’t think one glass of wine would cause any embarrassment. She turned to run an eye over his attire once more. When she first bumped into him she was glad she had that awkward moment to cover the shock she felt at seeing him in those clothing. She had made them long ago for her betrothed, the cloth was elven spun and enchanted in ways Gyrfalcon didn’t realize. If he was to be observant he might notice the material of her dress was not too unlike it. The gift had not been given lightly. It was given after a bout of heroics saved her life. “You do clean up well, Ranger.” She said before taking a casual sip of her wine and Gyrfalcon just laughed. “Whoa.” Came a familiar sarcastic voice from behind her. “Aren’t you breaking some sacred prude high elven rule or something?” Daryl asked accompanied by Jehane who smacked his shoulder. Salinye and Gyrfalcon turned as the wizardess asked, “What are you two? The alcohol patrol? I AM 128 years old!” Daryl laughed and bowed deeply his voice turning to mock seriousness. “Oh, my apologies, my lady. I assumed Gyrfalcon was with our wizardess friend, not an Elven princess!” Jehane giggled and Salinye rolled her eyes, for this was the nature of their relationship. Her close bond of friendship with the werefox had developed quite unexpectedly, however, it was rare that she saw him in human form. “Well,” she replied. “I knew I’d be next to Jehane all night, so I had to at least TRY to measure up!” Salinye smiled to Jehane whom she had quickly become very fond of, not only because she was a wonderful person, but also because she saw how happy she made Daryl. “Seriously Sal, you look beautiful.” Daryl said in a more sincere tone. “Thank you, Daryl. At least someone noticed.” She replied playfully elbowing Gyrfalcon in the ribs. “You both of course are the perfect example of a beautiful couple in love and I will spend the night basking in your happiness! (or gagging, one of the two.)” She added just for fun. The music shifted from the upbeat medley it had been playing to that of a waltz. Jehane let go of Daryl’s arm and took his hand. “I believe you owe me a dance, handsome.” Daryl swept her into his arms and spun her around a few times before dipping her dramatically backwards so that they were both once again looking at Gyrfalcon and Salinye. “Are you going to join us?” Daryl asked challengingly more to the ranger than her. Salinye looked longingly at the dance floor. Dancing was one of her passions, she once long ago taught elven children the basics in her home city. However, she remembered Gyrfalcon once saying he didn’t know how to dance or didn’t like to dance or something along those lines. The last thing she wanted was to make her friend uncomfortable. She stumbled over her words. “Oh…I’m not sure…perhaps later?”
Salinye mimics Peredhil's thoughts and sits down next to him stealing a handful of his popcorn.
A weary knight seeks peace.
Salinye replied to Cylia d’Listrale's topic in Recruitment Applications Archive
Wow...Cylia, welcome! That was very well written!! :0) ~Salinye -
Ohhhhh Wow! Now I HAVE to join that contest! Well done, Annael!!! ~Salinye
Salinye stood in front of a standing full length mirror in her newly acquired and decorated quarters two floors below Gyrfalcon and Daryl in their tower. She examined her reflection from head to toe with a critic’s eye looking for anything in disarray or to her displeasing. Her blonde locks were curled into loose flowing ringlets that flowed down her back stopping just above her waistline. The sides were held back with ornate silver clips in the shapes of delicate dragonflies bejeweled with small clear sparkling stones. All except the one strand that since child hood never seemed to be able to be pinned back for long. Somehow it always escaped to frame her face. Her High elven features were accentuated with soft makeup not commonly worn by the wizardess and her creamy skin seemed to shimmer a bit from the powder she had applied. The gown she wore was very sentimental and special to Salinye. Her father had had it made for her. It was to be a gift when she was of age to begin courting, however he passed away before that time. Shortly after his death the Celestialgrace seamstress brought it to her explaining her father’s desires and why he had had it made. She had only ever worn it once before, and even now it took her breath away. The material was made of the finest white silk. The weave was so fine it appeared as if the material might be sheer enough to see through, although it was not. The neckline was decorated in an intricate pattern of spun gold thread and plunged into a revealing, yet modest V showing the design of a caring father. The same ornate gold trimming lined the cuffs of the dress which extended into points onto the back of the wizardess’ hands as well as along the bottom rim of the full skirt. The back of the dress laced up bodice style and tied into a simple bow behind her. The dress hung upon her accentuating her figure in an alluring and yet modest fashion. To the experienced eye, one would recognize the gown as a royal garment. The shoes she wore caressed her feet in a delicate pattern of straps. They were open toed revealing well-manicured toenails. However, her feet were lost within the floor length gown. She wore a simple pair of jeweled earrings, necklace, bracelet and anklet that matched the stones in her hair clips. Although Salinye never mentioned her royal roots, nor her banishment from them, she couldn’t have looked more like royalty than she did at this very moment, even if she had tried, and normally, she did everything possible to hide this side of herself. This fact was not lost upon her and it unnerved her as much as it pleased her. Father, I hope you can see this. She thought to herself with a soft smile tinged with a hint of longing and sadness. Adding just a touch of lipstick she finally stepped away from her mirror and left her quarters to head to the ball. ***** The wizardess stood within the protective shadows just around the corner from the open ballroom doors. Although butterflies danced within the pit of her stomach the entire walk to the ballroom, she was suddenly panicked with a bout of extreme shyness as she neared the doors and had to stop to regroup herself. I love dancing! Why am I so nervous? This is silly! I used to attend socials all the time! She thought trying to convince herself to let go of her fears and walk into the room. The truth of the matter was, it had been a long time since Salinye had been to any sort of grand social event. The last time she had, she had been engaged and walked on the air of bliss. Since then many shadows had fallen upon her life and a part of her was buried as she learned to step back into the light of life again. Finally after taking a deep breath she turned the corner as the light from the ballroom warmly embraced her. Just inside the doors she came upon Merelas and Ayshela. She curtsied formerly to them with a soft smile then moved on not wanting to interrupt as it appeared they may be about to leave the entryway for a spin on the dance floor. She disguised her shyness by circling the room admiring the splendid decorations.
Reverie! That's so awesome! Congratulations! ~Salinye
Explanation and invitation(please read and join!)
Salinye replied to Salinye's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Okay, it has been brought to my attention that Quincunx/Rydia/Minta is off the net for a little while. Here is the next few people in order as it stands: Rydia Salinye Gyrfalcon Minta Daryl Orlan Valdar Annael So, I think what I'll do is skip Rydia and Minta for a while since she's off net for a bit and I'll do her when she's back. In the meantime I"m changing the order around as so: Gyrfalcon Salinye Orlan Valdar Daryl Annael I tried to seperate GyrE's two characters a bit too. :0) So, in case you're an avid Madame Q follower, that's the lineup for the next couple of weeks at least. :0) Enjoy!!! I'm having so much fun! BTW, it's never too late to sign up as long as you have patience and know it may be a bit before I get to your character. :0) I'll keep Madame Q around as long as there is interest!! ~Salinye -
Take any of your EQ/AM/Pen characters and put them in the modern world. No swords, no wizards, no laser guns, time machines or portals...Modern day real world. Who would they be? What would their interests be? Where would they live, what would their job be? Only, don't write it in the form of Sal would be a blah blah in blah blah city etc. Write it in story form. Pick a day of their life and somehow portray their lifestyles through that day. Whether it be through thought reflection or however you wish to portray it. :0) No rules accept that it has to be in story form and in modern day. (Been a long time since I've posted one of these!!) ~Salinye
Explanation and invitation(please read and join!)
Salinye replied to Salinye's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
FALCON! You've been so patient, and finally I have your prediction up! For some reason I had a hard time doing you justice!! I hope the prediction sits well with you. :0) PM me if you have any concerns!!! BTW...*cough* Zool *cough* Justin *cough* Also, according to my list, Miss Rydia is next.... SHIIIINNNYYYYYYY! ~Salinye -
OHHHHHH I LOVE Thanksgiving! I wish I had known! I'd celebrate it as many times a year as I could get away with!! Well, we are indeed thankful for our Canadian neighbors!! Enjoy your Thanksgiving!!! *gobble gobble* ~Salinye
Lady Chey!!! Happy Birthday! Welcome to wonderful dirty thirty!!! (I'm not too far behind you!!!) I hope your day is filled with memories that will be special to you for a long time! ~Salinye
Happy birthday to two wonderful and talented people!! ~Salinye
Awww, Wyvie! *gives the almost dragon an almost BIG hug* I'm so happy for you. What a well deserved promotion!!! ~Salinye
Yes, now I understand perfectly. Thank you, Alaeha! What a fabulous idea! ~Salinye
Okay, for those of us who are a little slow. *grins* Can I just put myself out there and say, "I don't understand!" Maybe you could elaborate on exactly what it is we're supposed to do. Maybe I just need to read it again!! I want to participate so I just need to make sure I get it. *grins* Sorry, am I making your life difficult? You know, in life you have to deal with us slow people. ~Salinye
But...Tzim....How embarrassing to show up in the same outfit!! http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif ~Salinye
What are your thoughts on fortune tellers? Do you believe in them? If not do you still believe in the gift of psychic abilities? Do you believe in them, yet have moral feelings that steer you away from them? Do you believe in them and allow them to influence you in any way? Do you view them as cheap entertainment? Tell me what you believe!!! (Or I'll look into my crystal ball and tell you what you believe! ) To take the question a step further. If a "seer" gave you a reading would it influence you in any way? Food for thought... ~Salinye
You just never know when it comes to Salinye!! *winks* Thanks for the clarity, however. Now I fully understand what you mean. :0) ~Salinye