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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Salinye

  1. Miranda looked up into the gentle old man's face and smiled scooting over on the hearth. "Of course, please do." The old chap appeared to be the first person she thought she might feel comfortable talking with. OOC: BTW, OZY this is going on the end of the second night and there have been no deaths of the first night yet!! *coughs and snaps her fingers* GET WITH IT THREADMASTER! *sits idly by and waits to be killed for mentioning the lack of death.* Woman, you should be thankful I made a solemn vow to use my Admin powers for good, not evil! --T.M.
  2. *sings a special song for the birthday boy* Happy Happy Birthday Deggy Dear! May HAPPY things come to you all Year!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ~Salinye
  3. YAY! Finnius!! I miss you and just can't stand it when I see you've messaged me and I wasn't here. *pouts* COME BACK COME BACK!! *hugs* ~Salinye
  4. A woman dressed in ordinary peasants clothing enters smiling warmly. It wasn't usual that she was invited to such amazing fancy parties. She hoped her attire was okay. Miranda knew it paled in comparison to the other guests, but it was the best she had. Sitting down next to the fire she sat and waited for people to finish arriving taking in teh grand and luxurious atmosphere. OOC: Sorry to be brief, I have to run out the door, taking the kids to microsoft to trick or treat, but I'll be back by early evening! I hope I don't miss anything too good!! ~Salinye
  5. Ozy and I talked about this last night, and your assumption is exactly correct, P. :0) The werewolves (if there are multiple) will need to decide on their victim together. Consequently, the Wolfbanes (again, if there are multiple) also need to decide on their individual guesses together. :0) Very astute, Mr. P! *hugs* ~Salinye
  6. *bump* Because there are some newer (and older) people I"m still unsure of! ~Salinye
  7. OH OH! *jumps up and down waving her hand around wildly* PICK ME PICK ME! I LOVE this game. We play it called Maffia! GREAT party game! Good call oh wise and wonderful Ozzy! ~Salinye
  8. *throws her arms around Ayshela in a monstrous hug* YAY! ~Salinye
  9. Absolutely.....If you can keep up!!! ~Salinye
  10. Pshaw... You don't have to read it first! Just like when you really walk through doors into a ball. You have no clue what has happened for the first hour before you got there! Just read the ooc thread so you get what it's about. Come to the ball! I'm betting most any lady here can get bribed onto the dance floor for a spin or two! Welcome back! ~Salinye
  11. You know, I thought abou this, and truly it just defies every natural instinct and characteristic that is me. I think I see my weaknesses and failures of every day life (and past) clear enough that I have no desire to commit any sort of horrible act. Even if all chances of risk and punishment were removed, I just can't summon the desire to do anything ill intented. I think maybe the only thing might be, like Savanah said. "The wealth of a princess" might be nice. But frankly, even that thought doesn't sound appealing enough to me to come across it dishonestly. *shrugs* Sorry not to give a better answer, the entire thought process goes against my very nature. :0) ~Salinye
  12. I'm going to do it!!! Don't give up on me!!! *gets back to the grindstone* ~Salinye
  13. You all okay? I'm really sorry about the fires. I hope everyone is alright and not affected. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers! ~Salinye
  14. X, this poem truly moved me because it felt like it was written from the heart. I'm not sure if that's the case, but it gave me that impression. I also thought the flow and rhyme scheme was subtle and smooth. Thank you for sharing and I hope you feel better. :0) ~Salinye
  15. Salinye spun around in surprise at hearing Tamaranis’ voice half expecting to find him once again glaring at her menacingly. The sight before her, however was enough to make her stutter and lose her train of thought-Something that didn’t happen often. “T…But I thought…” Running her eyes over him she could hardly believe what she was seeing. Folding her arms across her chest she looked him in the eyes. “I thought you were angry with me.” “I don’t get angry, Salinye.” He stated rather impassively. “That was cruel, Tam.” “But fitting.” “I only wanted you to come.” “So, I’m here.” “True. I really meant it when I said I was sorry. I had no idea you didn’t know about the Ball. I mean it was advertised all over The Pen, Tam.” She said still surprised by his cold attitude. Salinye was wise in many things, but vampires were not one of them. Until meeting Tamaranis, she had not believed they existed. She was quickly learning that this was as nice as he got and the acts earlier that she considered cruel were no more or less an example of his impassionate sense of humor. “Salinye, I sometimes go many months without frequenting Pen Castle. Next time you want me to come to something, just ask.” “Would you have come?” “Not likely.” Salinye raised a brow looking at him curiously. “Well, I’m glad you did.” She smiled warmly realizing that this was his way of letting her know nothing had changed between them. The surprise came in the realization that although she considered the vampire her friend, he did not feel so about her, or anyone for that matter. Having her image of him shattered, she looked around and noticed she had lost her dance partner. Raising an eyebrow she asked with low expectations, “Well, I don’t suppose you dance?”
  16. Blackness…. Agonizing pain…. A virtual psionic tug of war… If Salinye’s elven mind could be displayed as a large field shown from a bird’s eye view one would see a battle enraged between two sides. One consisting of many goodly races, knights on white horses, warriors in gold plate, holy magic swirling. The other consisting of things stolen from nightmares. Hellish steeds carrying black armored warriors surrounded by vicious damned creatures with the darkness of evil swirling about them. Although the light side was holding their own, their weakness was in numbers. They had brought forth all their defenses. Every able body they had to fight for their cause was present on the field while hosts of reinforcements kept arriving on the enemies’ side slowly tipping the battle in their favor. This was the battle for control and possession. A light sweat began beading up upon the high elf’s forehead as she murmured whispered chants in an archaic tongue.
  17. Her heart only minutes before seeming to float within her dropped to her stomach like a rock sinking in the sea. She blinked a few times in stunned silence as her eyes adjusted to the lights. “I really thought he’d know.” She muttered more to herself than Gyrfalcon before turning around and walking down the stairs. Wading through the crowd she headed towards the tables away from the mass trying to regroup her thoughts. It had started to be such a lovely evening…
  18. Ohh! tiptoes in as silent as can be sitting down next to GyrE and stealing a few kernals of his previously stolen popcorn. "This will be sooo good to hear!" She whispered. ~Salinye
  19. Salinye swirled, dipped and flowed with the music her steps led expertly by Gyrfalcon. She found herself pleasantly surprised that the ranger could dance and began adding a bit of fancy footwork here and there to test his knowledge. Smirking the ranger not only kept up with her but also threw in some moves of his own for her to follow. The true surprise, however, came when he kept her on the dance floor for a third song. This one was much slower song with a simple and sweet tempo allowing them the opportunity to talk. Glancing up at him she smiled with a slight laugh. He looked down at her quizzically. “What was that laugh for?” He asked returning her smile. “Because you’ve been LYING to me.” She accused playfully. “LYING to you? How so?” He asked. “By telling me you couldn’t dance.” “I never said I couldn’t dance.” He smirked. “Okay, you said you didn’t like to dance, and I think it’s quite apparent you’re enjoying yourself, ranger.” “I never said I didn’t like to dance, either.” Salinye narrowed her eyes. “You did so!” She almost stopped their sway with her playfully defiant statement. “No,” he started with a chuckle at her reaction. “I said I “don’t” dance, and I usually don’t.” “Then why are you tonight?” She asked sincerely curious. He shrugged adding, “Seems like the appropriate thing to do at a Ball, doesn’t it?” Salinye shook her head still smiling. “I’ll never figure you out, GyrE.” “Well, if on the off chance you do. Send me a memo, will you?” Salinye rolled her eyes at his response and was about to add a retort when she eyed Tamaranis standing at the entrance. She was about to catch his eye and wink at him letting him know she was glad he came when upon closer inspection she noticed his expression was one of withheld irritation. He scanned the crowd and as his eyes neared their direction Salinye pulled Gyrfalcon to her and turned so they were more deeply buried within the dance floor. The half elf looked down at her mildly amused. “You’re not starting some more fancy footwork to see if I can keep up, are you?” The mage shook her head no as she stood upon her tiptoes to peek over his shoulder again and noticed the vampire was no longer standing upon the threshold. She nervously glanced around her. “Sal, what’s wrong?” He asked the cheer in his face fading into light seriousness. Looking up into his face and seeing his sincere worry caused Salinye to suddenly feel a bit guilty. “Don’t look at me like that, ranger. Nothing is wrong…per say.” She continued standing upon her tip toes to peek over his shoulder now and then looking around slightly paranoid. “Salinye.” He gently placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back to look her in the face. “What’s wrong?” Salinye sighed then took a deep breath looking up into his eyes suddenly feeling much like school child caught stealing the teachers apple. In one long breath she quietly rambled off an explanation. “Well, I really wanted Tam to come. You know, he says he has no emotions, but I’m sure that’s wrong and it just wouldn’t be the same here without him, so I sort of….intercepted his invitation with a note of my own.” Gyrfalcon stared at her raising an eyebrow “…which said…” In one more complete breath Salinye nervously continued on, “Something to the degree of needing his help to stop a fate worse than death please meet me in the ball room….But I really thought he would KNOW about the ball and see my antics for the joke it was. I mean he WOULD consider a ball a fate worse than death. I wanted to offer encouragement with humor hoping he would be put at ease and know he was wanted here and…” Stopping she sucked breath back in not sure what to say. Gyrfalcon didn’t say a thing for a long moment, then just shook his head and sighed before chuckling. "You... are you sure Daryl isn't rubbing off on you? What possessed you to do that?" “I just really wanted him here.” She replied sincerely looking completely disappointed that she had perhaps ruined what was the start of a wonderful evening. Gyrfalcon chuckled "Ah, how boring my life would be, without friends like you and Daryl. Once this dance is done, lets go collect Tamaranis and apologize, shall we?" Salinye’s eyes widened. “Find Tamaranis? Are you crazy! From the look on his face, he clearly did not know about the ball. He’ll be furious with me.” Gyrfalcon couldn’t help but laugh as he pulled Salinye back into the appropriate embrace to continue their dance. “Are you sure I have to apologize now?” She asked swaying stiffly to the music. “Yes, Salinye. I’m sure.” “How about after the ball?” “No, it definitely needs to be right away.” He couldn’t keep the humor out of his voice as the song ended. “Oh, you’re just having a grand time with this, aren’t you?” She whispered nervously as he stepped away from her. “Of course.” He winked before turning to wade through the crowd only to realize Salinye hadn’t followed but remained firmly planted where he left her. Walking back he looked at her nervous face and laughed once again as a new melody sprang to life. “Oh, look.” Salinye said half-heartedly. “Another song, shouldn’t we dance?” Gyrfalcon smiled. “Plenty of time for that later, now let’s get this overwith.” “I think I’ll stay here, thanks.” She said as couples began swirling around them. “Now, princess…” He started making fun of her defiant pose quickly winning a narrow eyed glare, which caused him to burst out into more than a light laughter. “Let’s go. It won’t be so bad. He wouldn’t harm a hair on your head.” Taking her hand he began leading the reluctant wizardess through the crowd to look for Tamaranis.
  20. Welcome back, Elwen. :0) ~Salinye
  21. Welcome, welcome! I hope you enjoy the site! ~Salinye
  22. *trembles as she knows she's in big big trouble despite her good intentions* ~Salinye
  23. Tamaranis paused next to the hostel extending his vampiric senses outwards hoping to hone onto the source of the necromancy he could feel permeating throughout the area. He knew by instinct that it was strongest next to the North wood. Within mere seconds the vampire was surrounded by an immense darkness and disappeared only to arrive at the tree line of the forest in reverse fashion. The first thing he noticed when the unnatural darkness cleared was a scurrying stream of rats pouring from the woods. His keen senses were not fooled, he knew without close investigations that the rats were not naturally formed. They were undead, risen from their slumber to do their master’s bidding. Their mindless intent focused only on the task at hand. Tamaranis watched as the pathetic creatures streamed out of the woods completely ignoring his existence. He too was undead. They thought nothing of him. The situation only got more curious to the vampire as the rats were soon followed by small hosts of skeletons and zombies. Knowing he had but a precious few minutes before they crossed the field to engage the hostel he wanted to try to extend his senses beyond the undead to the one who controlled them before beginning to annihilate them. This would also likely be the source of magic that had penetrated his tower with the shared dream. This may be his best chance at discovering who he is. **** Jirah stalked around the hostel walls trying to decide how best to handle the situation. He didn’t have much time to think on the subject when the sight before him stopped the thief cold in his tracks. Through the light fog that was rolling over the field between the hostel and tree line of the forest the grass rustled with what he knew had to be more of those abominable rats. What disturbed him more still was that taller more humanoid forms were also beginning to form within the shadows of the fog approaching with an uneven lumber. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. He was about to scale the wall to climb back into the Hostel when another figure caught his eye. Along the edge of the forest stood a dark figure. His hands waved within the air before him giving off the tell tale sign of a dark mage. Jirah knew it was rare to catch the master of such creatures unaware and couldn’t pass up the opportunity. Running along the length of the wall crouched he traveled until he was well out of the way of the coming onslought. He then sped with amazing agility across the field nearly as quietly as an elf. Tamaranis surely would have detected he was coming had his concentration not been completely extended into his magical probe. *** The thoughts of Tamaranis’s mind swirled fighting the obvious veiling magics that had been put in place. Despite the strong guarded necromancy magics that were in place, the vampire was well matched against it. Just as he was feeling as if he had broken through most of the mental barriers he was knocked forward from behind a shooting pain ripping through the right side of his back. The pain was more annoying that painful and Tamaranis felt himself more shocked at having been knocked down than anything. Whoever it was got lucky to find his senses so concentrated elsewhere. He flipped from his stomach to his feet with inhuman speed landing in a crouch facing his opponent, Jirah, fully prepared to make quick work of him. Jirah, although exhibiting an act of bravery in that moment as he came face to face with an opponent who controlled an undead army and seemed virtually unaffected by being stabbed with a dagger felt more like a moment of stupidity. Yet still determined, he held his ground. “You might want to rethink this.” Tamaranis stated coolly giving the human male one chance to save himself. Normally Tamaranis might not have hesitated in counter attacking, however, it was entirely possible his attacker was part of Salinye’s hostel. His leaving the hostel to arrive back just as it’s about to be overrun is going to look bad enough without him killing one of her guests or worse, staff. In response Jirah’s eyes suddenly grew wide as his face visibly paled. Only his fear was not from the vampire, instead he was looking beyond and above Tamaranis. The thief with lighting speed turned and fled as fast as he could back towards the hostel without taking time to move silently while Tamaranis for the second time in one night was pummled from behind into the dew-drenched grass. *** Salinye called Lethia back into her study immediately upon Yui’s departure. The loyal servant arrived to find her mistress pacing back and forth distressed. “You called for me, Lady Celestialgrace?” She asked politely. “Something is wrong.” Salinye stated stopping her pacing calling forth arcane symbols to her mind attempting to connect herself with the magical defenses she had gone to great lengths placing within and around her hostel. Within moments she realized why things hadn’t felt right. At that very moment there were no magical defenses in or around Custos Manor. Salinye gasped her face draining of color as she said barely above a whisper, “how long?…Lethia! Sound the alarm!” No sooner were the words out of her mouth before the wizardess grabbed the sides of her head and dropped to the floor writhing in agonizing pain while Lethia was simultaneously thrown against the wall by an unseen force and knocked unconscious. *** Annael had just reached that point where consciousness finally fades into the blissful slumber of unconsciousness when her entire body jerked her awake causing her to nearly fall from the tree she sat in. The fallen angel shook her head slightly annoyed and glanced up at the moon which appeared muted and hazy from the fog. I hate it when that happens. She thought to herself readjusting into a more comfortable position upon the branch. As she did so commotion in the field below caught her eye. She was just high enough in the tree to see over the wall and notice the many figures of varying sizes methodically approaching the hostel. “Gyrfalcon.” She called out in as loud a whisper as she dared. She worried the half elf wouldn’t hear her, however, his ranger senses were ever alert that night. He ducked his head outside of his garden room as did Daryl. He tilted his head questioningly not liking the concern written upon her face. She didn’t speak again, merely motioned for him to come up the tree as she gazed over her shoulder beyond the wall the tree grew next to. The ranger reached the tree in two strides his muscular body maneuvering himself up its branches to reach Annael’s side within a few moments. The fallen angel didn’t have to say a word to him. He simply followed her gaze out into the field his eyes widening in mild surprise. “What is it?” Daryl whispered up from the base of the tree. Gyrfalcon and Annael looked down to answer when somehting black flicked through the night, and Gyrfalcon felt a tug at the edge of his cloak a split second before the limb shifted dangerously. The two clutched for support, then screamed as the entire top of the tree began to fall, straight down onto Daryl. Two lich’s floated over the wall in a vicious attack. Undead of varying types and degrees of strength surged upon the outer walls of the hostel having only its physical structure as a barrier. Meanwhile from his tower deep within the drow underworld a necromancer sat staring intently within his scrying mirror chanting in a dark tongue.
  24. Salinye looked up from the book she was reading, or more realistically was staring at for the past hour while her mind tumbled in turmoil, as a rather flustered servant knocked twice before entering her chambers. The wizardess was not usually interrupted in the evening unless it was something important. “What is it, Lethia?” She asked the girl with a tinge of worry upon her brow. “My lady Celestialgrace,” the girl began bringing a smile upon her lips. She couldn’t count all the times she had asked the girl to freely call her Salinye. She thought there was no need for such formalities. However, the girl was quite dutiful to her job and was young into her studies of magic. Addressing her more formerly was her way of showing respect to the mistress she admired. “I’m sorry to disturb you. A woman has arrived and she feels it is urgent that she sees you. She insisted.” Salinye nodded wearily. What next? She silently asked herself. “Very well, show her in. She then signaled to Lethia in a code that was taught to all the hostel staff. The code was created as a series of hand gestures. Made so slight that a conversation could take place between two people undetected by an unobservant audience. Place the staff on alert. I don’t like the feeling of this visit or this night. Lethia nodded her understanding before walking back out of the study only to return shortly with Yui following her. “Thank you, Lethia.” Salinye said kindly dismissing the girl. Once the girl had left and the door was once again shut the wizardess turned her attention to the huntress. “Please sit down, Yui. It’s very late, so I would appreciate it if you could speak directly on the issues that have brought you here at this hour, as I assume this isn’t a social call.” The mage’s words were matter of fact, but not unkind. It was late and neither women cared to mince words. Yui nodded her agreement before speaking. “I’ve come here, Salinye, because I’m concerned about your visit to the Ward room. I know that I promised to give you privacy, and I followed through with that problem. However, I can’t let go of the feeling that your shaken state when you left there was not soley from your research.” Here she paused as if perhaps her words were enough to draw an explanation out of the wizardess. After letting the silence sit between them for a few long moments Salinye finally spoke. “What is it you’re implying, Yui? I thought we agreed to get directly to the point of this visit.” Again her words were direct, but not rude. The huntress stared at her for a long moment before leaning forward looking intently into Salinye’s eyes and clasping her hands together resting upon her knees. “Alright, Salinye. I think you touched the Armoire. I think it affected you, and I’m worried it may influence you in unfortunate ways if it hasn’t already.” Salinye nodded. “I’m not being affected by anything from that room other than what I have read while doing research. I was true to my word. I avoided the armoire.” “Then you are saying you did not touch it at all while in that room?” She asked pushing the issue. “Yui, I am an experienced mage. Not only did I recognize that as the most powerful object in the room the moment I walked in the door, but I also recognized that whatever it contained was not something I ever wanted to reckon with. My intelligence rules over my natural mage inspired curiosity.” “So…” Yui began again. “You are saying you did not touch it at all while in that room?” She repeated the question again not allowing Salinye to dance around the issue. When she got no response she added, “Look, Salinye. The Baelin Seal is not only extremely powerful, but also extremely evil.” Finally Salinye decided to level with the mage. “Okay, Yui. I was honestly disturbed by some of my findings and accidentally brushed the leg of the armoire with my hip. That also startled me, however, I don’t feel any impressions within my mind as of yet, and if that is to change, I assure you I will take measures to contact you.” Yui looked at her with a mixture of skepticism and worry. “Salinye, for all I know you’re already under its influence. I think we need to get you back to The Pen to be checked over by a series of mages and clerics as well as keep you under observation for a few days.” Salinye rolled her eyes and groaned inwardly. “Look, Yui. I know you’re just doing what you think is best, and I understand the reasoning behind it, however, I can’t submit to such observation right now. If you haven’t noticed, I have a hole in the side of my hostel. Not only do I have to get to the bottom of that, but there are….other issues at hand that need, no that demand my attention.” The huntress’ voice turned more firm than it had been before. “Salinye, if you refuse to submit yourself to being checked over and observed then frankly, you’ll have to be marked as not trust worthy at The Pen. We may even have to go so far as to suspend your membership and restrict your access to the castle, it would be a safety precaution.” “You know,” Salinye began. “Why don’t you go ahead and do that. Infact, I’ll GIVE you my membership back. After the things I’ve learned I don’t trust you anymore than you trust me, especially with some of the people you harbor there. I’m not so sure The Pen Castle is even a good place to be! So, if you want to make threats, make good on them. If you want to “observe” me, then I suggest you stick around the hostel with all the rest of your crew from The Pen.” Yui was about to retort until the wizardess’ last statements. “There are others here?” “Oh yes, the entire welcome wagon arrived today. Tamaranis, Gyrfalcon, Daryl, Ozymandias, Annael and Ayeshela. Not to mention a few “coincidental” strangers. Simultaneously it just so happens that my hostel gets a hole blown through the side of it. So, you can see, I’m a bit skeptical at this point.” She replied not mentioning her dream on purpose. Yui responded her voice not rising in stress like Salinye’s. “I think I will stay here after all. Could I be taken to Ozymandias?” “Of course. Lethia can show you to his room.” She replied. Rising from her seat the huntress headed for the door. “I really am sorry things have to be this way, Salinye. It really is a necessary precaution, you do understand?” “Of course I do.” Salinye replied. “You also must understand that I equally need to take safety precautions.” Yui wasn’t sure why Salinye didn’t feel safe at The Pen Castle, however, she was highly suspicious that the mage had been affected by her contact with the Baelin Seal. She was not acting like herself at all. Opening the door she turned back to address the mistress of Custos Manor one more time. “Salinye, I nearly forgot. As I was coming here I noticed something very odd. In the woods North of here I stumbled upon a rather large gathering of undead rats.” She watched the wizardess’ reaction very carefully trying to read as to whether Salinye was behind them or not. Looking up in surprise and genuine shock Salinye stood up and looked out her window. “Undead rats in the Northern woods? That is not at all common. I’m going to send some guards out to investigate. Thank you for the warning.” Salinye’s sincere desire to keep her hostel and guests well protected was more than evident. Either that, or she’s a good actress , Yui thought to herself as she walked out the door to find Ozymandias.
  25. Annael! The wonderful fallen angel! I too LOVED your quill quest and very much enjoyed reading it and look forward to seeing it appear in future stories! Congratulations!! *hugs gently as to not disturb any more feathers* ~Salinye
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