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Everything posted by Salinye
I'm raising four children and running a side business from my home!!! :0) CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!!! *smiles pleased*
I actually tend to find many anarchists and their arguments inconsistent. It's not that I don't see some of the same problems with the world that they do, but I think many times their ways of solving them or where they place the blame is sensationally misplaced. ~Salinye
I've seen someone die. It was beautiful, and peaceful, and nothing can attest to me the fact that we are more than flesh and blood than watching life come into the world and life leaving the world. There wasn't a sadistic moment to the entire thing. I frankly find the sadistic and torture comments quite disturbing, but that's just me. ~Salinye
The warm rays of first morning light shone through the sheer gold curtains of Salinye’s bedroom chambers giving it a warm golden glow. The elf loved to be slowly summoned from her slumber by the warmth of dawn. Opening her eyes she stretched the bottom of her foot touching the wet nose of Daryl who was curled up at the foot of her bed. In response to being nudged he simply rolled over and continued to snore softly. The werefox, it would appear, was not as fond of the first morning light. Climbing out of bed Salinye was careful not to disturb the fox any more and gently covered him up with her thick comforter. Prancing across the cold polished floor she reached her standing armoire slipping on a cream silk bathrobe and some slippers. She had barely done so when there was a soft knock at her door. She wasn’t usually contacted this early in the morning. Opening the door she smiled at a still sleepy-eyed Lethia. The girl insisted on being her personal assistant even if it meant being pulled out of bed at the crack of dawn. “I’m sorry to disturb you, Lady Celestialgrace, but you received this missive early this morning bearing the Celestialgrace crest in its wax seal. I remembered you always said..” Her explanation was cut off as Salinye reached out grabbing the scroll from her inspecting the seal closely in surprise. “…to bring anything that arrived from Fe’Thwyn right to you immediately.” She finished. Looking up from the scroll she met the girl’s eager-to-please eyes. “Thank you, Lethia. Anything from Fe’Thwyn is very important to me. I appreciate your loyal attention to this matter.” Smiling she curtsied to the serving girl in humble appreciation winning a wide smile as the girl curtsied back and skipped down the hall. Salinye couldn’t help but laugh. She remembered being such a bright eyed adoring girl once too. Walking to her desk she settled down within the soft moss green chair that sat before it. She rolled the scroll in her hands thinking. No one from Fe’Thwyn, besides Gabriel, had contacted her in all the years she had been gone. Especially no one from Celestialgrace estates. Her mother certainly wouldn’t contact her…or would she? Had something happened to her mother and one of the staff was writing to inform her? The mage felt a slight panic tightening in her chest and had to regroup herself mentally. The scroll is right in your hands, open it and find out what it’s about rather than work yourself into a frenzy of speculation. She chastised herself inwardly. Taking a deep breath she broke the deep emerald green seal and unrolled the scroll to read: Daughter~ I have made arrangements so that you can pay me a visit. I request you do so post haste. ~Mother
Oh, and I just realized, since this is a weekly newsletter, the mystery person could be in the first issue of every month or some such. Maybe people could even write in with questions as they are trying to figure out who it is? Just brainstorming here. :0) ~Salinye
I have an idea for a regular column, I'd even be happy to submit it to you each month if you're interested, Zariah. :0) I think it would be neat to have a "mystery person" column. (for lack of a better name) Basically I would get with someone at The Pen each month and get to know them, interview them etc. Then write up a little blurb about them. (Sending it to them for approval first, of course.) Then that could be posted in the newsletter and people can try to figure out who it is. The name of the mystery person can be revealed in the following months newsletter along with a new mystery person blurb. :0) I thought this might be a neat idea because we could get to know people. :0) Since the person has to agree to be "interviewed" (again, lack of a better word) and has final approval on the blurb, I think it could be a neat attribute. :0) So, if you're looking for people who are volunteering to do a monthly column, then here you go! I'm volunteering. *grins* Great idea. :0) OH, and for whatever it's worth, I agree, I think email is the way to go. :0) ~Salinye
Salinye walked through the gates of her Hostel, smiling tiredly and breathing deeply of the flower-scented air as she glanced around out of habit, noting that everything was in place. As she approached the doors to the Hostel, they opened before her and one of the many staff members of the Hostel stepped out. "M'lady Salinye, it is good you are back. You have a visitor waiting for you." “A visitor? What a lovely way to end a lovely day.” She responded wistfully. “Who is it, and where are they waiting?” “M’lord No’Dessu, M’lady. He was out in the gardens, but I believe he is currently taking dinner by the fire.” “Wonderful, I think I’ll join him. I’m famished.” She said hanging her cloak upon an elegantly carved coat tree next to the front door before winding her way through the hostel in search of Gyrfalcon. Not finding him in the dining hall she checked the various rooms containing a fireplace. She might have walked past the casual sitting room not seeing him. However, she recognized the quiver she had made him for his birthday resting against the side of the high backed overstuffed chair that he sat in. Only the back of his head was visible from where she peeked into the room. With a sly smile she slowly made her way into the room intending to sneak up on the ranger to surprise him. Something she had never yet been successful at. It was a subtle thing, and Salinye barely noticed it. Her elven tread, so light that it barely stirred a whisper, happened to land on the edge of a board. There was the faintest of creaks, but Gyrfalcon looked over his shoulder. He smiled faintly. "Salinye, good to see you." The elven woman couldn’t help but laugh as she placed her hands gently upon his shoulders giving them a squeeze before settling down into another overstuffed chair. Propping her sandal-clad feet upon the marble hearth of the fireplace she leaned her head against the back of the intricately designed burgundy chair turning her face to look sideways at him with a sweet smile. “Your ranger skills are quite honed, GyrE.” Gyrfalcon nodded his thoughts elsewhere, his eyes absent. The mere look he gave her caused the smile to slowly fade from her lips. Something is wrong. Nodding again, he took a deep breath. "Speaking of ranger skills, Salinye, I happened to be patrolling the forests near the Hostel this day." His eyes alternated between what was left of the meal in front of him and Salinye's face as he spoke. The wizardess sat forward bringing her feet back down to the floor not expecting his abrupt nature. Nervously twisting the material of her silky red gown she looked down to her hands for a moment before raising her eyes to meet his once again. “Oh?” Gyrfalcon smiled faintly. "In fact, I was sneaking up on you to surprise you, much as you tried to do so with me." Salinye felt her face start to heat up in a familiar blush, however the laughter that usually danced in her eyes to accompany it was not present. Without realizing it she held her breath, her mind and heart racing. His eyes growing grave, he struggled with himself not to take her reactions the wrong way. "I noticed you meet with a cloaked gentleman who you seemed to be quite… familiar with." Gyrfalcon said, his voice carefully neutral. Did you see his face?" She asked bluntly with deep concern and fear clearly entwined within her features "No. Would I have known him if I had?” He asked narrowing his eyes surprised at her response. “No. Did you hear me say his name?” She leaned forward resting her elbows upon her knees staring into his eyes intently. “What’s going on, Salinye?” He asked countering with his own questions. “Please, Gyre. Did you hear me say his name?” "No, I didn't, but I do expect an answer to my question, Salinye. What's going on that you should meet this man in such secrecy?" With an evident sigh of relief she closed her eyes against the new issues at hand. After long moments of silent contemplation passed she finally opened her eyes meeting Gyrfalcon’s gaze and answered softly her eyes searching for understanding. "I can't explain to you." Gyrfalcon’s eyes narrowed again. “Why?” Standing up she paced wrapping her arms around her middle to calm the butterflies that upset her stomach. "It's not what you think, or what I think you are thinking. I…just…need you to trust me." Gyrfalcon growled softly. "Salinye, you have my trust, always. But I'd appreciate at least some reason why you were meeting this man out in the forest, where you almost never venture!" Hesitating for a few moments the wizardess was torn between feeling pleasantly surprised that he was “concerned” about this situation and feeling horrified at having her secret meeting discovered by him. Kneeling in front of where he sat she looked up at him her eyes pleading for understanding and hoping to speak the right words. "I know....it looks bad, Gyre. He *IS* someone very important and very special to me. I do love him, but not in the sense of romance." He nodded to her willing to listen, his voice still carrying a very reserved neutral tone. “A family member, then?” “No, a friend. A very close friend.” “Why the secrecy?” He waited patiently while she pondered how to answer. Clearly painted with fear of saying too much she chose her words very carefully. “Gyre, my reputation is....less than desirable in certain circles within my home city. There are many… secrets in politics.” The games of politics were not new to the ranger. “A friend… but one who's own reputation might suffer if it be known that he met with you?" Confirming his statement with a nod she muttered, “I shouldn’t have been so careless as to meet with him so close to the Hostel.” Gyrfalcon crinkled his brow. “Why? Do you suspect spies here?” “No. It's just dangerous for anyone to know that we regularly spend time together. It is my fondest desire to protect him.” A slight hint of annoyance crept into his voice. "You can trust me to keep my mouth closed though, Salinye. You can trust Daryl, too." “I know.” She spoke quickly wanting to reassure him that trust wasn’t the issue. “ I do trust you both immensely. I have kept this secret out of a promise to him, just as he keeps it secret as a promise to me.” Nodding with a slow resigned sigh he stood helping Salinye back to her feet. "I suspect that there is quite a bit that you aren't telling me, but I understand why you are not, so I will not pry." Taking his hand causing some of the gentleness to return to his eyes as he looked at her she spoke sincerely her tone laced with lingering concern. "Gyre..I don't like to keep anything from you. I'm sorry I have to keep this one secret. Does the situation still worry you? Running his free hand along the back of his neck a bit uncomfortably he considered her question. "That you've cast me aside for an old flame. Maybe a little, but not much. I'd like to meet this friend of yours at some point, though." Salinye couldn’t help but smile. “You are worried I’d cast you aside, ranger?” The thought that he worried about such things was so new and foreign to her that she couldn’t keep the surprise from her face. Gyrfalcon chuckled at her reaction. “Well, you do have to admit. I am a bit old for you.” “Oh yes, but I could also flip the coin and worry I’m too young for you.” She teased back still taken off guard by these brief, revealing statements. She couldn’t always read the half elf, and although their friendship was quite close, she never quite knew how he viewed her. “On a more serious note, if the situation was reversed, you know I’d be crazy jealous and not nearly as calm as you.” Her thoughts wandered back to a particular incident involving Signe. “Way to make me look bad.” She grinned sheepishly. Gyrfalcon chuckled "Oh, I took out my frustrations on a poor, unsuspecting tree out in the forest and then decided to not pass judgment. After all, you did ask me to trust you, and no relationship can survive without trust." Trying to lighten the moment Salinye folded her arms across her chest doing her best to look scolding and horrified. “You injured one of MY trees?” “No, actually, I injured one of MY trees.” He replied with a wink. “Well, we’ll just have to add that to our shared custody list along with Daryl.” Smiling he motioned to a food tray and her chair, the deep burgundy hues of which nearly matched the red of her dress. “Have you eaten yet?” Smiling she settled back down into her chair. “No, actually, we didn’t have any time to eat today.” She cringed inwardly and bit her lower lip at the implications her statement could give. The half elf smiled deciding to take the statement at face value settling back down in his chair as well. “Understandable, when one has to meet in secrecy, you can’t go out for lunch.” “Yes, exactly.” She sighed relieved. Gyrfalcon couldn't help but tease. "But I do have to ask... what were you two doing that would make you forget food?" Salinye blushed fiercely the twinkle returning to her eyes. "Not the things you and Signe did behind her enfolded wings, I assure you." She teased back "Ah good, for having a soul-draining succubus go for the neck is a bit disconcerting." He chuckled. Salinye narrowed her eyes at the succubus given collar around his neck frowning with disdain. “We really must do something about that.” “Someday.” He returned her smile as pleasant silence fell between them. Her blue-eyed gaze returned to watch the flames perform their dance within the hearth and concern slowly crept up to taint her elven features. Leaning over the arm of his chair Gyrfalcon reached out to brush a stray lock of hair off her face. He couldn’t help but notice the contrast of his well tanned and weathered hand against the creamy more delicate color of her cheek. Just one of many signs that showed the two very different worlds they each came from. “You shouldn’t worry so much, Salinye.” He said as she turned to look at him. Hiding the worry behind a soft smile she replied. "I'll try. I just...you don't need to worry, either." “…And I won’t.” “I’m going to hold you to that.” “You do that.” He winked with a smile.
Elsewhere... The high elf looked around the crude gloomy “conference” room. Shadows dance as an unknown wind whistles through the cave. Orange hued rings checked with cold shadows flicker upon the rough rock walls. The table’s unrefined wood surface forming a lopsided circle. The circular top sat upon what looked to be a piece of an entire tree trunk. The chairs that were strewn around the table were far too oversized for the elven men who preferred to stand. The room was distastefully littered with the bones and other remnants of different creatures ranging from humanoid to forest animals. The largest orc in the room sat in a lavish chair clearly stolen from an elegant thrown room, across from the group of elven men. The beast hardly fit into its worn velvet structure, however, he insisted in doing so as a show of his rank and power within the orc society. Filling the cavern behind him stood an array of armed orc warriors all wearing the smug look that captors give to a rather elusive captive. The leader spoke in a series of grunts and growls waiting while a blonde elf rolled his eyes with forced tolerance and translated to his leader. “The beast says, if you can call the words that fall from his muzzle language, that we are brave to enter his home so boldly.” The elven leader looked humored. “I suppose we might as well get the unpleasantries out of the way. You see these whistles that hang from the necks of all my men?” He raised up the deceivingly delicate looking rod that hung from a silver chain around his own neck pausing as his words were translated into the orc’s vulgar language. “If but one of us blows one of these whistles, the alarm will be raised in Fe’Thwyn and you’ll be overrun within minutes. Not only are these whistles upon the men you see, but also upon those you don’t.” The orc leader growled slamming his fist upon the table causing it to momentarily tip in his direction as the words were translated to him. He wasn’t happy about having his advantage taken from him or the insinuation that more elves were present than they could see. He hated elves and especially their magic. The translator looked to his leader with a smirk. “He says, “What do you want ____” followed by an orcish swear word that I’m sure is quite filthy and insulting.” “Tell him that now that the hostilities can be put to side, we bring him a gift.” Snapping his fingers a few of the elven men brought forward a human hunter while pulling the cloth bag off his head. The human’s eyes grew wide in terror at finding himself in the midst of lumbering orcs and elves alike. He didn’t speak orc or elvish, however, he knew with a grave clarity that the situation was in no way good for him. “This pathetic human chose the wrong day for observation. We’ll release him to you at the end of our meeting.” The orcs stared at the human greedily as they were told he would be their prize. “Now,” the elven lord continued. “Shall we get on with the negotiations?”
The Ceremonial Whipping of the Dead Horse
Salinye replied to Finnius's topic in Banquet Room Archives
*applauds and hugs Finnius* Soooooo glad you've returned! :0) ~Salinye -
Happy Happy HAPPY Birthday you two! May the day be merry leaving you with fond memories! ~Salinye
If you could have a secret camera in any one room in the world, what room would you put it in? *cough* Peeping Toms! ~Salinye
Gwai, doesn't the approval for quill quests get decided upon by all the elders? I know mine did. :0) Just curious, ~Salinye
"AYSHELA!!! AYSHELA!" Salinye called excitedly as she burst through the doors into the cabaret room only to sweep her friend up into a warm hug. "Happy Happy Birthday!" Pulling a handful of presents from seemingly nowhere she placed them on the table with some others. :0) It's just a few things I've made. Once you open them, I'll explain their uses!! Hugging her friend again she stepped out of the way so that others could giver her Birthday wishes as well. ~Salinye You are AWESOME, and I can't wait for us to meet up! Why have we waited so long? PM me, let's make it happen soon, yes?
Miranda blinks frustration rimming her brow. "Actually, I did not blame Nathaniel. Perhaps if you concentrated more on the matters at hand and less on women and booze you might have noticed that." With that she withdraws back to the place she only a short time ago sat fondly next to Nathaniel.
Sign me up with anyone!! Great idea, Vlad!! :0) ~Salinye
Miranda blinked perplexed then stood from where she knelt at Nathaniel’s side tears welled up within her eyes. Looking at Jim she responded with a hurt tone. “Look, I’m not sure who you are, or who this Jim guy is, but I had nothing to do with this entire affair. This kind sweet man that you have killed was working very hard to end this string of murders. He was a protector, not a killer.” Looking back down to the fallen gent a soft sob escaped her lips as she raised a kerchief from his pocket to her mouth muffling the sound. “I agree with Gwaihir. Kill Jim if he’s a murderer. However, if I should be killed tonight for my boldness, I must have you look at Mr. Barclay here. He’s quick to lump me together with this Jim person, which makes me think perhaps he’s playing mind games. Perhaps Jim’s not the wolf, and we’ll see he was wrong. However, perhaps he IS the wolf and he’s sacrificing his partner in order to remain victorious. Honor among murderers? We can only hope.”
OOC: Ummm...Didn't we have to kill someone during the day round before another wolf killed someone? I'm really confused. :0( ~Salinye
Miranda's eyes widened horrified as accusations began to fly from the mouths of the wise and paranoid alike. Standing she stepped between Nathaniel and Jim trying to be a soft spoken word of reason. "Gentlemen, I know this is a frightening time, but we must try to stick together." "Stick together? I don't know if you've noticed, lady, but people are dying, and someone in here is responsible!" Jim retorted a bit heated. Miranda bit her lip looking between the three of them. "Well, if I had to pick between the lady and Nathaniel, I suppose I'd suspect the lady, but shouldn't we just call in some authorities or something? Is it really necessary to lynch her? Besides, what about the butler. It seems he would know the manor better than anyone, yes?" OOC tossed some more confusion into the pot lol
Miranda looks around the room and subtly asks..."Who else lef thier room last night?"
Miranda sat wide eyed and horrified a chill of goosebumps rising on her arms despite the warmth of the fire she sat next to. Scooting close to the older man next to her she shuddered as her eyes teared up from fear or horror, or perhaps both.
This will be a bit of a small saga. It will also most likely be at the very least partially multi-authored. I have it in the Assembly hall rather than the Conservator because it's not an rp. I have the storyline completel mapped out, I just won't be writing it entirely by myself. I feel like some of the characters involved would write their thoughts and actions better than I could. :0) I hope you enjoy the read! ~Salinye Gyrfalcon walked through the dense forest scanning the area with his keen jade colored eyes for any signs of danger or inconsistency. He crouched to observe the underbrush now and then looking for any indication that the far away (yet too close for comfort) colony of orcs hadn’t gotten brave enough to start entering the woods again. This patch of land, to the East of Pen Castle was among the areas he commonly patrolled helping to ensure the safety of The Pen as well as stay abreast of the recent nearby activity. Since Salinye had found her way to The Pen, he found himself patrolling the areas near the hostel more frequently than before. He had of course been aware of the building, could even remember when it was built. However, the obvious high elven architecture had been enough to keep him from ever making a neighborly visit. Meeting Salinye and learning she was the mistress of Custos Manor had been a pleasant surprise, for she turned out to be one high elf that he could respect. His growing friendship with the mage, combined with past attacks on the hostel made him extra careful in his patrols. If there was a threat within the lands he wanted to know about it BEFORE an attack. Next time if anyone was going to have the element of surprise it would be his allies. As if the ranger’s thoughts were pulled from his mind to reality he sensed a presence within the woods. Crouching about ten feet from the path he blended in well with the foliage watching and waiting. Whoever was approaching was taking care to do so as silently as possible. However, he was one with the forests. They whispered to him, and he felt the gentle shift in the atmosphere indicating he had stumbled into an area that was occupied by more than just he and the wild life. Not having to wait long, the ranger’s instincts proved truthful as a cloaked figure walked purposefully along the beaten dirt path. Although the figure was cloaked he could tell by her gait that she was a woman. No man walked with such a feminine sway. Stopping, the woman looked from side to side as if she might also sense another presence besides her own. As she turned her face in Gyrfalcon’s direction he couldn’t help but smile. Although her cloak kept her face well shaded, he’d know that blonde lock that dropped next to her face and out of the hood anywhere. Salinye. He thought. He knew her well enough to know that she feared this forest, although she had never talked about why. He knew it couldn’t be related to the onslaught of undead that poured from the shelter of the trees to overrun the hostel long ago when she first arrived, for her fear was already in place before that. To see her traveling through here alone told the ranger one of two things. Either she was trying to overcome her fear, or she had a purpose for being there. Not wanting to disturb her yet, he followed her from a close distance. Even though he was only half elven, being a ranger he was able to travel through the underbrush with an unrivaled stealth. As his body passed through the foliage of the forest floor he carefully picked a handful of wild flowers while keeping a protective eye on the wizardess and surrounding area. It was as she stopped that the ranger froze too, sensing whatever it was that caused her to pause as well. Another presence, we are not alone. Even as this realization was forming in his mind another cloaked figure stepped out onto the path from behind some trees. Although cloaked, the figure was much larger and broad shouldered, obviously a man who carried himself like that of a warrior. The ranger dropped the flowers raising his hand above his shoulder sliding his bow down into his hands. Reaching up to pull down an arrow he stopped mid reach surprised at what took place next. Salinye paused as the figure stepped out from the tree line. It only took a moment for her to know it was him. She would know him anywhere, cloaked or otherwise. Her love for him stemmed back to her early childhood. She quickly ran to him, the breeze of doing so throwing back the hood of her cloak. The stranger wrapped his arms around her in a loving embrace and she clung to him kissing him adoringly upon the cheek. “It’s been too long.” She muttered. “Aye, it has, my dear, but we should really go somewhere….more safe.” He replied scanning the grounds uneasy with the feeling that they were being watched. The wizardess nodded pulling her hood back up to shadow her head and face. Holding his hand and calling arcane symbols to her mind she summoned a simple transport spell and the two disappeared in a gust of wind and twinkling light.
Explanation and invitation(please read and join!)
Salinye replied to Salinye's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
BAH! I've given up on posting in order! I'm finding I need to write on whichever character I have the muse strongest for at that moment. I have tid bits written and saved on many people as ideas come to me. I find that when I have one character's idea spinning in my head it's very hard to fight that to write another's. SO, I'm just going to start writing them as they come to me. :0) I hope that's alright with everyone! I think I'll ultimately get them done quicker this way!! BTW, you people who have had readings! *cough* Get writing! lol *hugs* ~Salinye -
Salinye closed her eyes against the blinding pain that suddenly radiated within her mind. It seemed to have dropped upon the room and her like a veil floating and twisting in the wind descending upon the guests. As it's stabbing magical assault began to fade she opened her eyes and was struck horror struck by the things she was seeing. The first noticeable difference was that the brilliant colorful room was now a hazy form of grayscale. She saw no true detail or definition. Some objects in the room contrasted brightly against the multi-hued grey objects within the room. Objects….The objects are moving…The objects are people… Consumed by confusion as to why her vision was so different it took a few moments before the wizardess realized that she was looking down onto the dance floor from above. At the same time that this realization was surfacing she noticed how different she felt. She was comfortably stretched and twisted. A sinking feeling suddenly began to develop within her stomach as she raised her head off of the beam of the rafter to look down at her white sleek python body coiled around the wooden structure. Meanwhile…. Tamaranis the Insurance Salesman raised an inquisitive eyebrow at Salinye after she hissed at him. Being a salesman, he was used to being met by hostilities. He didn’t mind. It just gave him a chance to work his charm and warm up the sale. “I’m sorry, I didn’t properly introduce myself. The name’s Thomas, Thomas Windigo.” Giving a charming smile he stuck his hand out to the elf offering a trust gathering handshake. Salinye responded by leaning forward and clenching her jaws down tightly upon the vampires hand. The serpent not being used to standing on elven legs clumsily fell to the floor as it did so. However it did not relent it’s grip upon his hand causing the insurance agent to be jerked down unexpectedly. The woman glared at him menacingly as she held his hand between her teeth as small trickles of blood dripped onto the marble floor.
Don't give up on us, Alaeha!! *smiles* I think I *MIGHT* finally have the song narrowed down. ~Salinye